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Everything posted by NeoNabishen
I just had an AISA (accident that involved stitches after) I put a post up, if you want more details. I hadn?t been skating in two years so today I thought I would go down to the skate park and I?d be good as new. Well let?s say I was a little rusty. I love skating though. :)
Less then 2 hours ago I had a skateboarding misshape. What this means is that I face-planted onto my beaded necklace after flying of the half-pipe. Total freak accident. It left a crater-sized hole in my lower chin (about as big as a penny and as deep as a nickel) and I had to get 8 stitches. It really wasn?t all that bad. There was a lot of blood, but my friends told me they couldn't see any bone and it didn?t hurt that much (ok that?s a lie it hurt like hell, still does for that matter). I just wish I could have gotten a picture. Well on to the point of this thread. Have you or one of your friends had a skateboard, BMX, skydiving, ext accident that left a lot of people going ouch, gross, or OMG how is he still walking. If so, now is the time to explain in vivid detail the gruesome scene? P.S. it did make my best-friends girlfriend almost pass out and she couldn?t drive after. :laugh:
You?re only 13. You don?t need a boyfriend. Now, I now your little hormones or whatever are probably making you guy crazy. But that?s normal at your age. I?m not calling you young or anything. It's just that at your age girls tend to go guy crazy, and real crazy mostly for attention. Don?t fall into that stat. Get a hobby. If you are really a Goth I would recommend D&D. But if you really do want a boyfriend really, really bad, with all your little Gothic heart. (I love Goth?s by the way, Sooooo sexy) then my suggestion is to find the right kind of boy. That means another Goth. Don?t go for the slit wrist, kind. Stay away from them, there nothing but crazy. I mean trouble. Well. I hope that I?ve helped. :)
:p Age 12. 1998. Escaflowne. Need I say more. :D Escaflowne is in my opinion one of the greatest animes of all time. Ever since that first episode I have been hooked.
Anime Samurai Champloo [from the creator of Cowboy Bebop]
NeoNabishen replied to Dagger's topic in Otaku Central
I love Cowboy Bebop so I think I’m going to love this one to. I can’t wait to see it. I wish I know Japanese. If this is anything like Cowboy Bebop I'm going to die a happy man, and from what you have said its better. CAN’T WAIT! I must see it. it sounds like an absolute good, cherry fizzwizz. I neeeeeeed it. I’m so overdramatic, but this is something to get overdramatic about. That’s it I’m moving to Japan. Ill talk to you all latter. I don’t speak Japanese, but I don’t care. Anime homeland hear I come. :laugh: -
I like to watch breakdancing. But Im white. One time I tryed to breakdance at a school dance, I can still hear them laughing. :confused:
You know you're easily amused when. . .
NeoNabishen replied to kenshinsbabe's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=3]You know you are easily amused when. 1.you can watch a fly for hours. 2.find doorknobs funny 3.find the clicking of a new pen not just enjoyable but fascinating 4.can play the first level of myth2 over and over just so you can blow up your own units. 5.hackysack there are probably more but I just spotted a fly on a doorknob with a hackysack. ;) [/FONT][/SIZE] -
All you can do is love her man. let her know that you will always be there.
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I think that by doing the things that get you elected, Bribes, slander, lies, and anything else that they can do to get a vote, makes politicians unworthy to hold the office of President. Now most of you probably don’t believe that presidential candidates do these things. And some of you may know that they do, lie, cheat, ext, ext, but that it’s just something that has to happen and there isn’t anything you can do about it so you don’t care. Now this is all just my opinion, so don’t hate me for it but I think that our government has gone to hell. Don’t get me wrong; I still think that our government is the best on the planet. But we have allowed too much corruption to go on and we have done nothing. We gave the government power that it was never meant to have and we have given up rights that never should have been taken away. But this is all just my opinion. Fight the MAN! [/COLOR]
Summer is here, and school is out. So what are your plans for the summer? I’m going to get a job, make as much money as humanly possible before school starts again and then I’m going to my best friends house (in another state) to stay for one or two weeks. :p
There are quit a lot of rabbits in my back yard. They try to get in to my garden. Silly rabbits. Bunnies are the cutest life form on the planet. lol
My Drama Teacher! She just got married and she wont is back next year, but she has been the best teacher I have ever had. She made me see that acting is an art form, and that I can be an artist. I will miss her very much next year. :(
I just got my Eagle Scout last night. :laugh: I haven’t had the big ceremony yet, but its on paper now. 16 years of lots of really hard work have paid off. I still can’t believe that it’s over. What a relief. My mom was a nervure wreck during my final board of review. So how many of you are eagle scouts. If you are what did you do for your project. I put up a flagpole in front of the local hospital. Has being an eagle scout helped you out in your life after high school? Peace man. :D
Christmas morning, me and my brother and sisters all get up and sit around waiting for my dad to get up. After he gets up we have to wait for him to get out the video camera. By this time the suspense is killing use. Then we each take turns opening one gift at a time (all on camera). It takes a while. Then we have to clean everything up before we can play with anything. My dad seed this is how he did it when he was a boy (my granddad used to be in the army) Well that’s one of my traditions. (I don't like it though)
I don’t get embarrassed, but if I did then it would have to be the time I lit my finger on fire right before going onstage for black comedy. I put it out fast but it happened to be my first time onstage and I had a hard time recovering. Must have dropped half of my lines. But I came back for the second act and didn’t make any more mistakes. (Still have the scare on my thumb though.) :laugh:
Everything is political man. We have this (we have to help everybody thing that really sucks) we should look out for number one. Witch is what we were doing come to think of it. OIL baby, yah. But countries and civilizations have been doing this forever. I don’t think it is going to change. So I try to live my life the way I want, and give the finger to the man. The world sucks. Peace out man. :cool:
Vash the Stamped man! LOVE AND PEACE, but carry a big gun. he might be a sissy most of the time, but wouldn’t the world be a better place if we all Loved love, and peace more then the other crap.(power :demon: , killing :modrod: , world :devil: domination.) Peace out. :flasher:
[FONT=Fixedsys][SIZE=2][COLOR=Blue]Number one, you can love more then one person at any given time. Trust me it happens to guys all the time. If he is in love with you and her then the only thing you can hope for is that he will chose one of you and then stick by his decision. But since he cheated on you one, I would not trust him. Number two, all guys are not all bad, but given the chance most guys will do something stupid. Does that make sense? You should trust the man that you are going to marry. I don’t think you can trust this guy, if he did it once he WILL do it again. So my advice Dump the guy, cry once and then move on.Or hit him with a hammer :bash: Or end your relationship with a bang :blowup: Ok maybe the authorities wouldn’t like that one. But know matter what happens don't let him give you the idea that all men are cheating losers. Some of us are good guys. If you really love him don’t give up, but sometimes you have to cut your loses.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=SlateGray]I am 18 and I just ended my longest relationship. It’s was with this girl that I thought I loved, but looking at it now I don’t think it was really love after all. We wear going out for about 8 months. They were not wasted. She is still my best friend and I would not trade the time we had together for anything. I hope your relationship works out. :D [/COLOR][/FONT]
I don?t know if this counts but I have been discriminated against for having blue hair. why is everyone a hater? I like my hair and if others cant handle that then its their loss I don?t know if this counts but I have been discriminated against for having blue hair. Why is everyone a hater? I like my hair and if others can?t handle that then it?s their loss. Imp a really nice person, but some people are not willing to see that through my choice of hair color, and maybe the clothes I were, but the point is. Don?t be a hater my brothers.
I believe that reality is nothing more then the flawed perception that humans have of them selves and their environment. There is no true reality; just many conflicting perceptions baste on many incorrect assumptions. In a sense I am saying that everyone is ignorant. Ignorant of what you might ask? Of themselves. We all play a key role in our surroundings whether we admit it or not we are still aware of this ?connection? to the world that we have. It?s what gives us purpose and meaning. Everyone needs purpose. Without purpose we have no reason to go through this difficult and hateful world. The flawed perceptions that people have is what causes them to kill themselves and others. They don?t see that every life is immensely important. Maybe their child that they haven?t had yet or the child of somebody they killed will cure cancer. But that?s kind of getting out there and into predestines and stuff. Well I cant remember where I was going with this so tha tha that all folks :D PS: the posts before this are very interesting and very long. My eyes hurt. And I have something to think about. What a nice day. :)
I try to brake dance. Is that so wrong? I also like to sing really loud. thats about it.
I think every day should be lived like it is your last. That way you won?t have any regrets when you kick the bucket. :cool:
Nip. its the best rat name ever. Just Nip. :p
I agree with Sir Kyle. How well would you do if the situation was reversed? :smirk: And the comics were fanny, in a weird kind of way. :laugh: