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Everything posted by NeoNabishen

  1. OK here's my situation. I’m a junior and I was going out with this really hot senior for about seven months and things were good, I’d even say they wear great. Then about a month ago she kind of called things off, we didn’t brake up we just weren’t physical anymore "witch really sucked." then a week ago we decided to call it quits. We are still really good friends and we call each other all the time and we still hang out. Then last Saturday "two days ago" we went to prom together. We had a great time and it Wasn’t weird at all. After prom we went to an all night party at a good friend’s house. Now this is wear things get complicated. Without being pacific, I'll just say that we did something’s that I thought we would never do again. It was very romantic. Sounds great right, a real dream come true? Wrong. I had gotten used to us not being us anymore. It really hurt when she called things off last time and I dont want to get hurt again.Now I don’t know what to think. Does she still like me, but she is just too afraid of getting hurt when she leaves for collage, or was it just the proem one night only king of thing. I’m really confused and I have now idea what to do. Can anybody give my some advice? What should I do? has this ever happond to you? what did you do? :(
  2. I have tried the long distance thing before. It kind of sucks, I know, but if you really like here then it should not matter. By the way you wrote your letter though I think you are more wearied about hurting her feelings than anything else. That?s really nice and all but if you don?t think it is working you should end it now before she gets any more attached. Make shore to do it nice and let her know that you still like her but you think you should just be friends. And don?t be afraid to call her "as a friend" after the brake-up. You never know, one day you might want to start the relationship again. It does not help to burn bridges that you might want to crass back over. ;)
  3. I made the Varsity basketball team while i was in the 10 grade. One of only two underclassman to make the cut. I quit after the first week on the team though, to be in the school play. why did I do this you might ask?" in the dressing room with the hotes half naked girls in all the grades V. the boys lockerroom, I chouse was easyer then you might think." well making the team at a young age got me in with all the upper classman guys. being in the play got me in with all the upper classman girls. I was a very populer 10 grader.now i am in the 11 grade and about to be a 12 grader. everybody knows and likes me." I think its mastly my british accent." I also have a really hot girlfriend. Hear is her pic. [color=darkred] Improve your spelling now. I'm beginning to doubt that you even [i]attend[/i] the school from which you draw your above claims. ~Drix [/color]
  4. Smile. Trust me. all you have to do is smile. People that smile make other people feel good. act happy, and people will think you are a happy person and thay will want to be around you. As to your hight, everybody has been right. you will get taller with age, and if you dont I just have one thing to say. Point guard, or soccer forward. shourt guys make good Point guards on the basketball court and a low point of gravity is good for a soccer player. and if you go into the Theater your hight wont make a differance. be an acter my friend. that is the path I have taken and it has been grate. theater people stike together and you will never find closer friends. But all this is a long way away for you. High school. what I'm trying to say is find something you love to do and do it, if you are happy, whether or not people like you or notice you will become moot. But for right now SMILE, SMILE, SMILE. :) Well thats not all the advice I have to give but it will set you on the right path. good luck. ;)
  5. I have a afro Nabishen off of Excal saga has one too. thats about it.
  6. Find a Party right now before it is too late. Just show up, talk to people"listen to peaple to". there is a party somewere. go find it. NOW.
  7. a girl fell out of the rafters in our theater and broke her arms and a leg."ouch". this was the day before April Fool's day. well I told everone that she fell on me and that she left two huge heel marks on my chest. I even put make-up on my chest to prove that she fell on me. :devil:
  8. Today one of my friends made the comment that the characters in witch hunter robin are to cool. He meant it in a bad way. To cool, how can anything be to cool. Well they all wear black, have cool powers and they hunt witches. Its kind off to cool don’t you think it hard to relate to any of them. Who wants to relate. It’s a great anime, I told him. So hear is my question otakus. What do you like better, a character that you can relate to, or a character that kicks butt, or both for that mater. So in short, what is your favorite anime character type? “Type: Believable, unbelievable, relatable, or does it mater to you one way or the other.” :smirk:
  9. [FONT=Arial]Well let me see. I was Colonel Malcet ?the daddy? in Black comedy. I was a cowboy and the messenger in Annie get your gun. I was Allan Swan ?the bad father? in my favorite year. And right now I am Robert ?the crazy dad? in Proof. Closing night for Proof was last week but we cut the script down to 30:00 minutes and we are taking it to districts for speech teem. I seem to play a lot of dad rolls. Well that?s about it. Ta Ta for now. [/FONT]
  10. I was dumped at proem. Not the night of, but During. It was horrible. I even got a limo, a limo for Godspells sake. And I found out after that she was seeing one of my best friends behind my back. Well I was heart broken to say the least. I didn’t talk to her for a year after. But as time passed, and after I got a new girlfriend, a much better one that I love more and more daily. I found it easier to forgive. We are now good friends. Don’t worry It hurts now but this to will pass. Now stop moping and get back in the game, there are more fish in the sea than the one that got away.
  11. Male. That’s my story and I'm sticking to it.
  12. I act older around people I don’t know well. But if you get to know me, you will see into my not so mature nature.
  13. Transtic Nerve is right there is no definition of friend. But what the heck, Ill tell you of my experience anyway.” so I can ask the next question, ha ha ha." Last year I went to a party after seeing Godspell. ”That’s a play" at the local college. It was OK "not really, they ruined it. The details are just to painful to go into right now." so me and my friends were kind of bummed. So I asked a friend "We had been in two or three plays together, what would you call us?" if she wanted a massage. She said yes. We went into the basement and one thing led to another, use your imagination. And yes there was tongue. So that’s my story. Now for my question. Have you ever gone drag in a public place just for the fun of it? WOW! cant wait to see this reply.
  14. For those of you that have access to more anime than what is seen on Adult swim “not to rage on Adult swim or anything, its what got me started” hear is a question for you. What’s better the original Japanese with sub titles, or the American dubs? I’m not saying that one is better then the other I just want your opinion.
  15. I know you all know this one undefined "life is but a dream" this is sead by [spoiler]Julia from Cowboy Bebop to Spike right after she gets shot in the back. you dont hear it until the next sesson when Spike is remembering her death.[/spoiler] I like this Q because it is so deep. and the scene that its sead in is very good. I may be a big dope, but its still a good Q. Hope I dident ruin the last episode for anybody. [COLOR=Navy]I added spoiler tags so that you wouldn't. ^_~ To create them yourself, type [*spoiler]text[/spoiler], but without the asterisk. ~Dagger~[/COLOR]
  16. I love anime and manga, but this is the first time I have ever tried to draw any. So what do you think? If you have any advise please Im all ears.
  17. This thread is for Magic the gathering players.. So Know that we have all had time try them out, who likes the new artifacts that came out in the new M decks. I personally think they go better with none artifact deck. What do you think. [FONT=Arial]undefined[/FONT][COLOR=DarkOrange]undefined[/COLOR][SIZE=1]undefined[/SIZE]
  18. Everybody has had a snow-day right. Well if you haven?t than your missing out. No school, Parents still have to go to work, sounds great right. Well what happens when you have a week of snow-days. A WEEK. And you can?t get out of the house because everything is ice. Ill tell you what happens. You go insane. You beat every videogame you ever owned, realize that there inset anything on TV and there never has been, and that that fantasy you always had that if you just had more time, you really could get really good at your guitar, IF FLUSHED DOWN THE F^$% DRAIN. But hay I?m not complaining. I?m putting this maddening experience to good use. So what would you do if you wear locked indoor four more then a week?
  19. Censorship My school just blocked the words Anime and Otaku so I cant get on any site that has ether word in its address from the school computers... How could they do this? Now I can understand them blocking a word like Henti, but what the Hell do they think their doing. I talked to the guy who made the disicion to block them and all I got back for my efferts was a speach about how I should find something better to do with my time. the basterd!:mad: he dident just block my site he insulted me. if only I could crack the school computers. :devil: But no... I will not let my hacking skills drift to the dark site. I hate crackers, not to be construde with hackers."hackers write code, crackers brake it" I digres... back to the point. Do you think the schools right for blocking the words anime and otaku? you don't! well please send in some advice on how I might fix this. I never had to fight the school board before. I dont even now were to start.
  20. Songs and comics are used, in a way, to escape life. Putting Political, whatever into them is like braking character in and on-line RPG, It just isn?t cool. So yes I think you have every right to not want that kind of stuff in your music and comics. But don?t make a big deal about it. The artists have the right to put that stuff into their music and what not just like you have the right not to like it.
  21. I?m in a relationship with this really hot extremely talented girl that I think I?m falling in love with "but don?t tell her that" Anyway Were FB?s "Friends with benefits" I?m going to ask her to be my girlfriend next week. Don?t see the problem well hear it is She had to leave school because something happened to a family friend and since I?m not really her Boyfriend I don?t know what to do. So far we have both just been using each other for our own physical needs. So what do I do know that something emotional has come up. "Help"
  22. There should be big changes when you tern 18. I?m planning on going to Europe, without telling anybody, this summer which I can do legally after I tern 18 in FEB. So save up you money and do something that you can tell you kids about 50 years down the line. Well that?s my thought on the matter. "Peace and Love"
  23. Talking behind someone back is wrong! If you have something to say about somebody than you should at least have the guts to say it to their face. I think it?s really cool that you don?t talk about people like that. You should be proud. As to what or what not to say that?s for you to decide. But think about this ?Is saying nothing the same thing as if you had said it your self" real friend?s stand up for each other and good people stand up for everybody. So keep at it and don?t be afraid to stand up for others. You will admired for it more then likely
  24. Everybody has made great points. I dont know if I can add anything that hasent been sead. If you love somebody you should be able to what for them "get hiched" before you have sex. Its harder being in Highschool Just becouse If you really do love your B/G friend you cant just go out and get married. I think the church I go to has a good philosophy on premarital sex when it comes to teens. Dont get into a relationship that can get you into a hole you cant get out of when your in school. that means NO "dating before 16, Making-out for long periods of time, and touching parts of the body that make you want to have sex" ya I know that seems extrem and it probably takes all the fun out of dating but it seems to work. "I wouldent know from experiance, I do all the things that my church says not to with my FB (friend with benefits) but we have agreed that we wont have sex unless we get married. I gess we would have to start going out first to get to the marriag thing. HA, Ha, ha... I also agree with Queen Asuka . love is a progression not a stoping point and Marriage is for time and all eternity. the love is a progression thing is all mine by the whay. Well thats all I have to say on the matter.
  25. If anybody askes, I Live in a van down by the river.But... I really live in MO. Thats Missour. and yes there is nothing to do her. If it wasent for my girlfriend I think I'd drive my van into the river.
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