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Everything posted by Verykawaiineko
Wish is a very different manga than usal CLAMP because the main artist was..Miki Nekoi (i think) her art is cuter..and softer lines....well it WAS a great story until Tokyopop changed the Angels to the female gender(the original story was a shounen-ai one)..I thought the story could ahve used alittle more developing but its still very cute...[spoiler] wait till you meet Koryu and his kitties...kawaiiii!!!!![/spoiler]
Anime Gundam Wing and Relena*asking for trouble*
Verykawaiineko replied to Verykawaiineko's topic in Otaku Central
Wow..i totally forgot about this topic...now that i think about it so many misconceptions on characters are based on fan fiction...which "inspires" others who have never watched the show to say that they hate a particular character...really most of the fangirls i know probably have not seen most of Gundam Wing..(it gets tedious for a while in the middle) but they simply based thier opinions off of 1x2 craxed fans....so in the end..DONT SAY YOUR A FAN IF YOUVE NEVER WATCHED THE SHOW... -
VIZ has earned my approval!! Earlier on in their series , Ranma and Inuyasha, disliked their filipping of the art and the translation of the effects that were rather large and glaring. tT took away the wonderful art. But when i read the Kenshin manga from Viz it was very good. The new policy of keeping the book right to left is good because kenshin is not left handed and making him so would cause a few probs w/ his techniques..also the manga's art is quite different from the Anime its darker somehow and has a more energetic feel to it. For some parts of the anime the art was rather boring and bland...so support Keshin and buy the manga PS its way cheap too!! only 7 dollers
Anime What Anime has the best opening theme?
Verykawaiineko replied to Lone Bebop's topic in Otaku Central
LOL Ai chuseshin may be weird but its soo funny the lyrics are really evil and the animation is halarious..the opening song that i love (as of now) is I want Out from Generator Gawl but i have no idea who sang it...it really fits the mood of the show(one of the best EVER) ohh and i recently got the RK vocal collection..ahh happyness with L'arc en ciel and HYDE-sama!! ... -
Well it really depends on if you at least can tolerate the said person it also depends on the circumstances..like this if Chibiusa were to die..few fans of sailor moon would weep cuz..she's annoying but sometimes when the least liked person dies in an anime you feel sad becasue when ever people die its a shame..unless they are just really annoyng..also what Stephanie said was right when one of the most annoying characters in X dies i cried a rive not becasue she died but becasue one of the other characters felt sad and HOW she died was really depressing...so i guess i agree with the whole game thing
[quote] just purchased the Samurai X reflection DVD, and was moved, literally, the the strongest river of tears I have ever encountered in my entire life. Sometimes you have more feelings for "characters" than you know. [/quote] ahh i love that movie even though it was too squished together the second part had me sobbing for days. after watching it i had a new respect for kaoru shes so awsome...i wish that they would actually animate the whole Jinchuu arc instead of that lil bit in the second half of Seisouhen(samurai X reflection) where Enishi fights with Kenshin
Dearie if im right and you purchased Tales of the Meiji that occured after the Kyoto arc ...well youve are now offically a victim of big company moneymaking crap..what happend was everything up till then was following the manga...but then the manga lagged a bit and the anime couldnt follow it as well what they shouldve done was wait for the manga a bit, but no..since kenshin was so popular at that time they continued it making up new "tales" to stall for time..it kinda backfired on them considering the new "tales" were so bad that they show was cancelled and the best arc of the whol RK story the Jinchuu-arc never made it to television..sad ne?? but also if you see Samurai X ,the ovas that is, BUY THEM they are AWSOME the art the story..the everthing..they contain some of the jinchuu story..the one calle dTrust and Betrayal is the story of Kenshin's past and REflection is of his future..they are REALLy wonderful
[quote] does anyone have ideas of stores where i can get it also do you know any places that carry anime besides dbz and db[/quote] The anime OSt i get from Cons and stuff and there are alot of anime stores in bigger cities..or order them online from places like ANime NAtion...you have trouble finding anime? im really suprised in the recent ears anime is EVERYWHERE!! i mean go to target and theres a whole shelf..and Best buy...lordy its everywhere..or for the REALLY cheap people check out the library they have some really good stuff there..i mean i found Fruits Baskets and The whole CB collection at mine..
Anime What Anime has the best opening theme?
Verykawaiineko replied to Lone Bebop's topic in Otaku Central
YES I love that song...sore wa ai jenai....anyway does anyone know who sang it..i remeber an episode of ES which the people who did it came to sing? anyone know? -
ohh Gundam X i wouldnt recommend it its about as interesting as dish-water..proven by the fact that it got cancelled before the show was even through...i do like 08th MS team becasue of its great story and wonderful art..gundam wing..is sadly a mostly fangil loved show but il still love it anyway...Endless Waltz is truly awsome!! thea rt the story...everything..i highly recommend it.^__^
I prefer subs..cause most of the times the actors are better than the english..you get the "real" feel of the show..and just because translating things in to dubs will leave out a lot...also the japanese seiyuu's are awsome and more experienced ..like K's voice from Gravitation..no one can randomlu sprout off english like him!!!
I do truly love the Endless Waltz movie...yes there was a movie as well as an OVA which were basically the same but the movie had some extra stuff. I mean the Gundam design were sooo much better.. even i could tell and im pretty mecha-challenged...I thought the story tied up the confusing ending of the series..even tho i wished for more.I didnt like "happily ever after" ending of EW Becasue think about it ,how can 5 young boys who grew up in a war filled time and trained to be killers suddenly revert back to normal teens and fit in society? Also the moive changed relena and made her see the real meaning of peace and the courage to fight for it...also i was wondering wouldnt Dekim be Mariemaia's grandfather...if he was Leia's father and Mariemaia was Leia's daughter?
After recently re-watching the whole Shin Kido seki Gundam Wing series i became very confused..Why do people hate relena soo much. I wonder is it becasue she is so strong.she is certainly NOT the typical anime heroine. She worked for peace and truly loves Heero..really i dont think she was that strange or annoying... It eas true she was very spoiled at the beginning.but she certainly changed quite a bit through out the whole seried after witnessing so many tragedies. SHe grew up very quickly. She changed all of the Gundam Wing characters because of her Pacifisim and her determination. Im not saying that she was a perfect character but i think she is very misundertood. If you are talking about relationships*something that GW is sorely lacking * i would go with the Relena and Heero paring rather than 1x2 or 3x1..i dont know why...its not that i dislike yaoi...*i love it to death* but it does not seem appropraite. The person who changed Heero the most was Relena. HE does not seeem too compatible with Duo and trowa..theres Quatre...I do not think that Heero would ever kill Relena, which is proven by the numerous amount of times he has saved her...so any comments? arguements ? love to hear them^__^
The dubing does add to the cost of the DVD but really its not that significant. I wish that ANime dvds can be alot cheaper..personally i wish theyd leave out the extras and just sell the discs with the two language tracks and mebbe a few trailer...thats about all i want to see. THey can make special editions for the extra features..it would make things a lot easier not to metion cheaper..
Anime which cartoon do you prefer out of..
Verykawaiineko replied to Anime`babe's topic in Otaku Central
AHH Ruouni Kenshin i love that show..i prefer the manga tho for the Jinchuu arc..ENISHI is just YUMMYYY..tho you can catch a bit of him in the OVA seisohen..*warning prepare to bawl..yes even the guys...*but not muchT_T the show is great and the chracters well developed..and the fight scences..OMG they are amazing [spoiler]aoshi's fight with kenshin ..YUMMY[/spoiler] i laso love GW for the hot bishies and i am now currenly obsessed with Gravitation and Yami no Mastuei(descendents of Darkness) both are very beautifully done and halarious..ive also seen some Noir its awsome ecspecially the music..inu yasha's okay but its dragging a bit..ive never seen YYH but people keep on telling me how good it is..then again they also say taht DBZ had a plot..so >.> -
Villians all the way..they are just more complex..a villian from any good show has a deeper motivation than the hero..such as Muraki form YnM..i also like the anti-heroes..you know that kind that are not really the villian but dont get along well with the hero..such as Kyo or Seguchi Tohma
Well i think it was done on purpose that Quatre sounded like a girl its cool tho casue his seiyuu is one of my faves..*she does tohma seguchi *gravitation*who looks awfully familiar^__^* the japanese voices do use a lot of female seiyuus as voices for feminine or young boys..there was one i thought that wasnt donr too well was the Japnese voice of Kenshin from RK i dunno i alwasy thoguht that he needed a deeper voice and this was before i saw the dub too. yes the GW dub is really ...interesting...15yr olds do not sound like any of the VAs
IM SOO HAPPY..i finally got to read DD..it was great and Eclipse was just yummy.......^__^ also the lil omakes at the end of each vol were halarious..[spoiler]eclipse as house wife*snickers* and erutis..as a bondage queen..LOL[/spoiler]
[quote] Gravi's ending song, "Glaring Dream," always manages to calm me down--which is a good thing, especially since most of its episodes end on huge cliffhangers.[/quote] i started to watch Gravi for the music and the bishies...and Glaring dream..OMG everytime i hear it i want to sob..its soo sad...i prefer the NG songs to the Badluck ones in Gravi exspecially Sleepless Beauty and Shining Collection...the funniest song would be the ending to Generator Gawl* one of my faves.* the animation is soo kawaii and TOMATO JUICE!!!
a con is a anime convention sweetie...and since you dont know what a con is youll probably dont know what a 'layer is ..*cosplayer*...cosplayers are people who dress up like their fave character...i wanted to go to Sugoi con..me have NO moneyT_T 500 bucks..WHOOO!...im so jealous..Cons are fun..cosplayers are fun..people who jack up the prices arent...
..ORO..I must ask you where did you get these VHS Double-san??? hehe roxanne i love WK...todou is the *evil* man..not to mention ALL my fave seiyuus are in that show....
ohh nope they are all 15 in Gw but o one really knows...but theya re 16 in EW...actually read The gundam wing manga Episode Zero it was suppose to be part of the story but instead was made in to a manga..published in english by Viz and now sells only for the low price of 9.99...i sound like an ad ne? im the lil GW junkie girl... [spoiler] wufe'is also 15...i read it in the offical Gundam art book and anyway he calles his MS Nataku is beacsue his wife vcalle dher self nataku..she died trying to save him and the gundam so he names it after her...like i said read Episode zero its great..and the art is to DIE for...^__^[/spoiler]
[quote] Koyasu Takehito! He is so good. Expecially his singing voice. He does Millarido in GW! [/quote] ahhh how could i forget about him! he did seccy zechs-sama and hotohori from FY..yes FY is the famous seiyuu wonderland..and weiss kreuz..those seccy fleuriste boys..-__-'..im such a shallow squealing fangirl.. [quote] As for Sasuke, I'm thinking Heero Yuy's actor. Any comments?[/quote] really didnt any one think that the guy who didi heero's voice in the NA version had a voice that was a bit oo mature..some on they are supposs to be 15..and in the original Quatre's voice was done by a women......
I ve recently watched some of a OVA called Dragon Half its along the lines of Excel Saga with the crazy humour but the jokes arent so anime specific like Excel saga and all those Nadesico jokes ..anyway its really funny and really unknown
NGE is one of the first anime ive ever seen....i ve seen it twice both the movies the tv sereid and death and rebirth...i dont understand it at all...>.> i think its a bit overated...>.> before you all shoot me..i do think this is a GREAT anime..its just that the characters are too..static...they dont change that much...i mean shinji is ALWAYS whining...and asuka..tho she may be kick-*** she's always soo biyatchy...i do like teh show particularly the movie End of Evangelion...it explained alot more and the art work was superior to the show* you cant ell they had some budget probs in the tv series*..anyway this is just my opinion