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Everything posted by Verykawaiineko

  1. OK i watched orphen...watched it with the subtitles and the dub..the dub changed the whole story..this also happend with Generator Gawl the dub gave away the story...i dont mind minor changes to fit the mouth flaps but changing the script bugs me..also the voices are...rather corny as in the FY dub and the SM dub
  2. I love the Opening to Escaflowne the movie's verions Yubiwa is great and the Tv versions..whos name im too lazy to remember was also good... they were both sang my sakamoto mayyo tho..they are very good beacuse well..they were composed by yoko kanno- sama...'nuff said
  3. ohh this is a BIG can of worms...basically i say this with only a few minor exceptions...*i hate dubs* that is to say American ones....I usally adore the japanese voice cause you know that annoying as Chubiusa's voice in the original SM .. the American one was ten times worse....and since i watch ALOT of anime i ONLY watch it in subs or just watch it raw...but im getting lazy now if i can watch it in sub i try to so i can focus on other things...i think the main differnce between the two things..dubs and subs is the experience and quality of the actors..animation is only one part of the show the Seiyuu makes up a important part too...American ones tend to only work as VA and japanese ones are very multitalented...the seiyuu is also treated differently in the two cultures...my favorite seiyuus are probably Seki tomo...who did Van from Esca, Shuichi from Gravi, Chichiri from FY and a boat load of others..*did i mention he sings very well?* and Okiayu Ryoutarou who did K in Gravi and Shigure in Fruba..he is one of the funniest..he and his mangled Engrish just cracks me up!! Hikaru midorakawa comes in a close third..he did Heero in Gw and Tamahome in FY hehe..wow i typed alot....
  4. ive heard of Deamon diary never knew it was shounen-ai..now i MUST get it...hehe..i agree.. Kinoko-kun your avatar is too kawaii..yummy tohma with his PIMP HAT!!!!!!!! :squeal:
  5. [quote]Fake is a slightly more darker, more witty relative of Gravitation, at least to my mind, and the extra depth it gleans from its sarcasm and shadows is what I love best about it. I'd love to know what the Gravitation fans have to say on the subject.[/quote] well the thing with murakami-sensei's art is that it really improves as you read along..in about Vol seven the manga is soo well drawn it like watching screen shots..Gravitation does start out pretty shallow but picks up more and more angst along the way [spoiler]most about eiri's past..[/spoiler] i felt that the tv series was too shallow becasue it was so short...but yes i love it all the same not becasue it is shounen-ai but because its such a sweet story and VERY funny...
  6. i jsut have a new fave song..its the song sung by nittle grasper in the Gravitation anime..called sleepless beauty..not to mention when ryuichi sings it hes in that YUMMY frilly shirt...
  7. YAYYYYY EXCELLLLL hail ILLPALLAZZO-SAMAAAAA....oh..sorry but i love that show...Excel is soo halarious and the beginning song is soo cool not to mention that KAWAII MENCHI!!!!!!..what was really suprising was that it had a PLOT!!
  8. Shuichi i thought was alot more mature in the Manga even tho the author admits to having fun lolita-izing him..yay..i like happy endings....
  9. The manga version of the new-ish show Full Metal Panic is quite funny...the art is like watching the anime and the story is like the anime halarious
  10. my fave character of all time.. yummy..toya and yukito [spoiler] i love my gay boys[/spoiler] we'd go shopping of course!!! Tsuzuki and hisoka from YnM they are freaking SHINIGAMIS they can do whatt ever they want!!!..they can teach me to fly!!! least favorite Manhou shoujou main characters...ill put them in a room full of vampire bats...
  11. The president tohma is one of my fave characters...[spoiler]so nice and helpful but if you lay a finger on his eiri-san hell push you into traffic....[/spoiler] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]I've only seen up until Episode 6..... *sobs* neko, is Gravitation really only twelve volumes long? I heard that it's still running in Japan, but that Maki Murakami decided to take a break (of undetermined length) from drawing it. ~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE] *tears* yes Murakami-sensei said that she was taking a break from it...i want it to continue but she is concentrating on other projects...if you dont have enough Gravi..there are always the remixes drawn by Murakami-sensei her self...*evil grin* ps yes yuki is soo kawaii in the manga [spoiler]like when he started to smoke the WHOLE pack of cigarettes and set the bed on fire...*laughs*[/spoiler] PPS SD is super deformed or big heads with lil bodies, or chibies or just REALLY KAWAIII
  12. i practically worship TWO-MIX ive loved almost everyone of their songs...its kinda sad ...but even tho i never really liked techno i just loved TWO-MIX...Another favorite song of mine is the NG song from Gravitation" Sleepless beauty"....its just awsome and The Excel Saga song Aichuseisshen...its halarious and the mechi song at the end..its genius
  13. Gravitation is one of m fave series of all times....not just becasue its sh-ai but the story is crazy halarious. THe anime cut out some of the funniest part of the manga ..the manga has 12 vol.and the anime is only 13 epi. there was alot more character developement in the manga. Ive read up to vol 7 of the manga nd see epi's 1-9 so i dont know how either one ends but i do know its a happy one. The series was quite populare in Japan considering there was a anime version and the manga ran 12 vol.
  14. [url]www.animescores.com[/url] has some god ones or you can try Google..i really love the White Reflection they ahve for Piano
  15. COTS is a pretty good series but it can be a bit boring...the beginning narration almost put me to sleep and there is a Banner of the Stars AND a Banner of the Stars II so i want to watch both BOTS cause i only saw the 13 epis of COTS and the ending was kinda sucky
  16. [QUOTE] I love these songs; sometimes I even try playing them on my piano. oh i do that too there is this great site with anime sheet music i just love it...The inuyasha song Dearest is very good...tho the singer is a bit..um creepy...right up there with mana and GACKT
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1] All anime that centers around gay relationships. No, really. Other shows that are underrated now are Dragonball Z and Yugioh. Not many people who insult them a lot have really seen the Japanese versions.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] actually there is quite a big craze for yaoi and shonene ai now...Gravitaion is quite a well known manga and so is YnM and both are released in the US the most Unknown series i have ever watched would be FAKE.
  18. I ve recently started reading FAKE its very good...not the sterotypical shouneen ai manga...characters are halarious
  19. uh-huh..when does Rei watch buffy? anyway..i wouldnt want Muraki form YnM to be my roomie..hed probably kill me then bring me back to life as a vampire O.o...i agree Chibiusa..she would be in my blender the moment she walks in...i swear that child is the spawn of satan*red eyes i tell you RED eyes*
  20. Trowa from Gundam wing "..............." i know its stupid.... or mebbe a Heero quote "touch my spandx and ill kill you"
  21. i know someone who made a pair of vash glasses and wore them...he wanted to make a gun but i convinced him out of it...but yeah it would be cool to have something from anime shows in stores...sucha s persocomes or Angels
  22. ohhh sailor moon....fond memories..i grew up on it...okay before you say wait how old is she????....i saw the un dubbed version in CHina...it was great !! then i came to the US and saw their dubbed version...made me cry...i dont really like the anime that much becasue i think the manga is much better...the story is less monster of the week and the characters actually mature...
  23. One show you HAVE to watch is Fruits Basket...it is soo good even tho there isnt much action its so incredibly funny...also Kare kano is very funny too...if you like something with humor, bishounen and mystery get Descendents of Darkness its only about 13 epi. so its cheap and also for fruits basket it has 6-7 epis per dvd its one of THE best deals out there
  24. *GRAVITAION* is soo cool the art gets better and better check out vol 7 the art is soo pretty.....shuichi is becoming more and more of a bishie Yami no Matsuei is also really good, the art is beautiful and muraki is just soo cool!!! Rurouni kenshin the manga is also really good...i love the Jinchuu arc enishi is soo cool!!! Anything done by clamp is really good with both the art and *most of the time* the story as well.... I loved inu yasha but its just DRAGGING...somebody tell takahashi-sensei to put down her pen The funniest manga ive read would be either Excel saga or Kare kano...both are crazy halarious
  25. I have heard of SP but i never got around to watch it...the most underrated anime i thought would be Generator Gawl its really good but not alot of people have heard of it...it deserves more credit that people gives it for...
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