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Everything posted by Verykawaiineko

  1. s'okay kinoko....if they said that japan bombed america then say that america dropped two nuclear bombs on residential cities in japan....
  2. um yeah it does start where she finds the house but it CONTINUES.... i read it in a mag for manga and ive read raw mangas tho i cant understand the hirigana...i know that fruba wasnt suppose to end like the anime but the author didnt make a dead line or something and the show just ended like that...kinda like kenshin
  3. My fave anime guys...........that i would date that is mebbe is hould say why ehh? 1. Hiroshi nakano(gravitation) about the only cast member thats NOT gay.... hes really sweet and dedicatd to both his friends and girl friend hes smart and dedicated 2. Tsuzuki from YnM-the happy go lucky guy is also a SHINIGAMI with a dark past....im a sucker for those 3. Heero yuy-quiet tough , seccy and has a GUN 4. Trowa barton-same as above but even quietr....really nice to others 5. Kenshin from Ruroken-hes cute. nice, funny, cooks, does the laundry, and can salughter hundreds of men during a revolution...what more do you want?*and those oh so kawaii OROS* 6. Gawk from Generator Gawl-again cute slacker with a dark past.... 7. Hisoka from YnM sensitive shinigami and nice also with a dark past *im i developing a pattern here?* 8. Duo maxwell-slacker , funny a SHINIGAMI!!!! and with a dark past 9. Enishi from Ruroken-evil WHITE hair pukking cool sunglasses and dark past 10. Akito from Fruba-seccy lisp, sohma head, cool. BISHOUNEN!!!! Whaaaaatttt.....i like then cute and disturbed
  4. i have the opposite prob the people who goes to my school are sometimes like most americans...anime=sailormoon or porn....seriously and im also un happy casue they people in the so called anime club watch only things on TV like inuyasha and dot/hack i mean they are GOOD but they think that shounen and action is the only genre...it makes me sad..most of them done even know waht shoujou is
  5. My fave anime guys...........that i would date that is 1. Hiroshi nakano(gravitation) about the only cast member thats NOT gay.... 2. Tsuzuki from YnM 3. Heero yuy 4. Trowa barton 5. Kenshin from Ruroken 6. Gawk from Generator Gawl 7. Hisoka from YnM 8. Duo maxwell 9. Enishi from Ruroken 10. Akito from Fruba Whaaaaatttt.....i like then cute and disturbed
  6. OH would White reflection count as an OP cause its in GW Endless Waltz and i LOVE it i mean Love all the GW songs were good cept for the closinf...also i really like 1/3 from Rk and a few inuyasha songs...tho Change the world is getting on my nerves...anbd the opening to Generator Gawl and Orphen are the Best!!!! Noir also has good music..anyway i saw someone said something about the Fruists Basket song are you singing it in ???English or the japanese version cause I HATE the english one witha PASSION the original one is soo much better oh i also like the Gravitation ending Glaring dream
  7. yayy FMP ....the nicer funnier more romantic version of Gundam wing..ive only read the manga but i must say this poor sousuke is SO henpecked!!!!!!
  8. awww i know how that feels me live near a library that for some reason buys more anime than most video store...so me got to see all of them for free....this was one of THE best anime ive ever seen and i cant wait for the manga cause it continues where the anime left off....WHICH ONE WILL SHE CHOSE!!!!! anyway i just love akito...and i love his seiyuu he has a seccy lisp and i just love it*hugs akito*
  9. i hate dubs for two reasons....one the actresses and actors are mostly REALLY BAd and also they BUTCHER the script...i know that to re-dub something you need to change the script but some companies *cough* ADV*cough* COMPLETELY change the script...like in Orphen and that just bugs me to no end....
  10. fave anime couple...hn ok even tho im a yaoi fan-girl at heart i love Heero/relena*seriously* also Ryichi and Tatsuha form Gravi they are SO CUTE also Tsuzuki and hisoka from Yami no Matsuei...i would like to say i have a fave couple for Fruba but the anime just stops!!!!>.< also Arima and Miyazawa from Kare kano are soo dysfunctional that i can relate..... if anyone has heard of it the anime Generator Gawl is really good... gawl and masami are kawaiiii
  11. OMG the Rurouni Kenshin OVA/movie dubs.....EWWWWWWWWWW ANd they re named it Samurai X...it sounded like porn to me seriously
  12. AHHHHHHHH i finally found people who like SC i love them a friend of mine got me intrested and i went to their concert when they opened for GCthey were pukking awsome....i was pissed that i didnt catch them to sign me shirt....oh welll... now i gotta go but the CD
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