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Name: Shadow Age: Unknown Species: Hedgehog Color: Black and red with a tuft of white hair on his chest. Mood: Confused and hot tempered. Appearence: [IMG]http://www.gamebgs.com/files/images/wallpaper_shadow_the_hedgehog_02_1600.preview.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Shadow is known as the ultimate life form. He was created by Prof. Gerald Robotnik, the grandfather of Dr. Ivo Robotnik (aka Dr. Eggman) aboard the space colony ARK. He developed a fast friendship with the Professor's niece, Maria Robotnik, and often looked down to Earth, wondering what the purpose to his life was. When the military attacked ARK, hoping to shut down the Ultimate Life Form project, Maria sacrificed herself in order to let Shadow escape to Earth in an escape pod. On Earth, Shadow was captured by the military and placed in suspended animation until Dr. Robotnik attacked the complex looking for "his grandfather's legacy" and freed him. As a reward for freeing him, Shadow granted the doctor one wish, which was the domination of Earth. Shadow also has an alternative motive- to fulfill Maria's last wish, which was revenge on Earth for causing her death. Powers: Super Shadow (only with all the chaos emeralds) The same as sonic basically, but uses guns not so much speed ball.
hi im a grommet (begginer) at skating but i really love it (im 13 by the way). :p So far after the half year i have been doing it i can do an ollie. :animedepr The best rick i have ever done was a kickflip and it was a fluke, i dont know how i did it. My favourite skater is jamie thomas he is a real insparation. I live in Melbourne VIC Australia and went to the globe world cup recently it was ausome.
Name: Zhou Tai Age: 18 Country: America (Background: Japanese) Description:[URL=http://www.wapers.com/games/dynastywarriors4/dynastywarriors441280.jpg]~Click~[/URL] Bio: Weapon of Choice: Machette Occupation: Student Gender: Male Special Traits: Lock Picking (I'm really sorry but I can't finish now I have to go. I will finish it later) If there is anything wrong with it please PM me
Seth was really pissed off at the fact that he didn't get a new board but that was no reason to feel sorry for himself. He was at a party with pro skaters! What more could he ask for? Seth wandered over to a group of people they were getting ready to skate he thought there was no point in going with them because he didn't have a board so he just watched. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around it was some guy, he was 2x the size of Seth and he looked angry. Before Seth had a chance to react he was on the ground in pain, so Seth got up and flew a side kick right into the man's ribs. "Now who's on the ground?" Seth said. Seth thought the 4 years of karate training had just paid of, untill the man got up. He got Seth in the stomach and the head, then Seth blacked out.
Seth got to the party and he heard everyone muttering, he wondered if he missed all the pro's. He walked past some people that were saying a girl fell down the half pipe and broke her arm, soome were saying that she popped her shoulder. The most intruiging part was they said she tryed her own trick, on the pipe! Now Seth was a crazy skater but he wouldn't do his own tricks on the pipe, what and she was skating WITH Bam! Man I should have gotten here earlier. Now to find a board. There right infront of him was his favourite skater, Chad Muska. If he could impress him then it wouldn't matter if he got a board or not. Seth casually walked up to Chad. "Hey Chad, I need a new board, so how's about a little comp. bettween you and me?" "Ok man lets see what you got." [I]Chad threw him an old beaten up board.[/I] Chad and Seth made their way to the vert. "Ok dude see who does the best ricks in 1 min?" Chad said. "Fine with me" Seth said casually trying not to be intimidated by him. Chad sped down the vert leaving Seth still up on the top. Now that was embarassing, Seth kicked off and skated down, when he got to the top he didn't have enough air to do anything spectacular so he did a double kickflip. He was catching up to Chad and he knew what he was going to Seht was going to try and pull off a 540 rocket air, Seth got to the top and he shifted his weight grabbed the top of the board and pulled it off. The crowd was cheering he was so happy, but it turns out they were cheering for Chad who had just done a 'McTwist'. Seth knew he couldn't beat that so he just did the normal kind of stuff that any skater could do while chad was doing things that Seth could only imagine. It went from the best day of Seths life to the worst in 1 min. Chad won the contest and Seth didn't get a board so he just went over to the bar got a Coke and went to sit in the sand.
" Oh S**T! " Seth yelled as he bolted out of bed, he was late and he needed to get to the airport in an hour. His parents had allowed Seth to go to Miamii they gave him the money for the flight and accommodation but he had to pay for his food and anything else he wanted. But Seth wouldn't be going if he couldnt get to the airport in an hour, so Seth grabbed his bags and got a cab he said he would pay extra if the driver could get there in half an hour. Unfortunatly he got the in 45 mins so Seth had to sprint to get to the terminal before the plane left. He bumped into an old man and had to help him up and get his bags for him which knocked off 5 mins, He got there with 3 mins to spare so he bought himself a pack of gum and got on the plane. Seth was really pissed off becuase the flight attendants were treating him like an eight year old, " would you like a power rangers colouring book and some colourful pencils?" one of them asked with a big cheesy smile on their face. "No I'm 15. I will be ok thank you" Seth replied forcefully. He took out some gum and turned his headphones up as loud as they would go. He just closed his eyes and fell to sleep. When he awoke they had landed and the captain had just turned off the seatbelt light so Seth got off the plane and there was som one holding up a cardboard sign with his name on it. Seth went over and the man drove him to the hotel Seth would be staying at for the time he would be in Miamii. He got into his room and started unpacking his bags when he realised that he left his board at home. He was so tired he couldn't be bothered doing anything about it so he turned on the radio and lay back on his bed. "Hello Florida this is Tyler Johanson, and im calling all you skaters out there to join me and my pal Tony Hawk at Miami Beach at 8PM.. Thats right everyone Tony Hawk, and you can expect to see plenty off other pros there to... There will be cold drinks and hot pizza for everyone, and guess what... ITS ALL ABSOLUTLY FREE!!! So come on down and PARTY!!!!!" So Seth got an idea, he would go to the party and he would buy a board or show off some moves to try and get one for free. So it was final Seth would PARTY DOWN TONIGHT!
Name: Leit Race: Kokiri Apperance: Leit is a bit smaller than the other kokiri and always wanted to get out of the forest and explore. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/images/avatars/ChibiLink01_SaiyanPrincessX.jpg]Clikerz[/URL] Weapons: Leit has a deku shield that he saved up for when he was samller, deku sticks and deku seeds. History: Leit was playing sword fighting with his deku sticks when he got whaked on the head by one which made him wonder, if he got hit in the head by a REAL sword then he would be dead. So the game he thought was fun just became unrealistic and boring. So Leit went exploring untill he came across a little shrub. He took a step and it twitched, Leit got a little scared. Then it popped up and spat out a seed, Leit's first reaction was to hide under his shield untill it went away, but then he thought a bit more. He hid behind his shield and the seed bounced back. As soon as he felt the seed hit his shield he ran up to the seed spity thing and hit the crap out of it with his little deku stick. The seed thing yelled "STOP!" so Leit obeyed. The seed thing said" I'm terribly sorry little kokiri I thought you were an 'Iron Fist'. " Leit looked puzzled, so the seed thing explained. After a long chat Leit went home and thought about those iron fist things. In the morning he decided it was time to go and find out more!
Finally a skating rpg! Thank you so much! Name: Seth Lakes Age: 15 Hometown: Montana Bio: Seth Lakes is the kinda guy who doesnt really care about school or his grades, all he wants to do is skate. He doesn't care what other people think of him but he likes attention and almost always has to have it. Seth was busy showing off at the skate park Doing the simple kickflips and and 50-50 grinds when he stacked, he fell onto the gravel and grazed his arm and chest badly. His white school shirt (his favourite shirt) was now red. He ran over to his friend and they skated back to his friends place. When they got there the bleeding had stopped but he had to change his shirt. His friend told him to use one of his brothers shirts. So Seth went up to change and when he pulled down one of the shirts (birdhouse) a flyer fell out. It read "Skating comp Miami. All skaters welcome" thats when his dream unfolded. Description:[URL=http://www.sylviepoggio.com/Jo%20Taylor/Skateboarders.jpg]Seth is the guy on the Right. (The guy on the Left is his best friend) [/URL] Board: [URL=http://store1.yimg.com/I/freestyleshop_1810_4183485]This was his first board that his parents gave to him on his 13th birthday. He has used it since.[/URL]
:ball: :ball: :ball: :ball: :ball: Name: Takushi Mirriama Age: 14 Appearance: [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/364-20030811205304.jpg]{Click Here}[/url] Personality: He's serious about almost everything and doesn't have that good a sense of humor, he isn't that great at battling but has the potential to learn. He comes comes up with good ideas to improve his battling stratagy. He reads when ever he can and loves his Absol. He's calm most of the time and only gets angry in battles, or if someone insults someone he cares about. He's kinda shy and isnt that popular, but the freinds he has will stick by his side no matter what happens.When it comes to battling he cares about nothing but winning. He wants to be a pokemon breeder and studies wild pokemon. If he hasn't seen a certain type of pokemon before, he will catch it. Overall he is a likeable guy but you must get to know him before you judge him. Pokemon: Absol (Nickname:Lash) [IMG]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs152.gif[/IMG] Home Town: Fortree City Profile: Being born and rasied in Fortree City Takushi was used to the fresh air and he never wanted to leave, but he had a wild imagination and he had to explore the world for all different sorts of pokemon. He had a different side to him though, he had a strange liking to dark pokemon. One morning he was walking down to the old rickety bridge over the lake when a Kecleon appeared and wrapped him up in its tounge. He was crying for help when he saw two small twisters, and he knew imediatley what it was. It was an Absol using Razorwind. It hit the Kecleon right in the back, and it fainted. The Absol decided to come with him on his adventure to see and study all the pokemon. Takushi's parents were very happy that he was going on an adventure because he spent too much of his life just in Fortree. So the very next day, he and his Absol set off on their adventure... [B]NOTE: They later find out what is happening and decide to stop wandering and stop MR.V but studying pokemon along the way.[/B]
Name: Takeuchi Mirriama Age: 21 Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Brown Gender: Male Personality: He's serious about almost everything and doesn't have that good a sense of humor, he ins't the leader of "Point Blanc" but comes up with good ideas to improve the gang so he is highly respected.He's calm most of the time and only gets angry in races, or if someone insults someone he cares about.He's kinda shy and isnt that popular, but the freinds he has will stick by his side no matter what happens.When it comes to racing he cares about nothing but winning. He specialises in drifting. Overall he is a likeable guy but you must get to know him before you judge him. Appearance: [IMG]http://membres.lycos.fr/animagess/imagens/initial%20d%20-%2001.jpg[/IMG] Gang your in: Point Blanc Car Make: Subaru Car Model: Subaru Impreza WRX-STI Car Color: View attatched Thumbnail (scroll down) Horse Power: 550 HP (620 with NOS) Modifications: NOS, Lime Neon, Dark Green Window Tint, Twin Turbo, Sports Suspension, Weight Reduction, Body Kit, Street Performance Engine. Picture of car when stock: [IMG]http://images.google.com.au/images?q=tbn:OcwrVXrjsmAJ:www.subiegal.com/images/events[/IMG] [NOTE : Sorry about the big pictures]
Name: Banjo ( Sidekick: Kazooie ) Apperance: [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~l_evans/banjoandkazooie.jpg[/IMG] Games: Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge and Banjo Pilot.
Name: Carnage Age: probably 18-20 What Comic your character is from: Amazing Spiderman #361 Powers: Carnage possesses the ability to adhere to most surfaces with his hands and feet and project a web-like substance from any part of his costume. He can also seperate parts of his costume from himself and use them as weapons. Symbiotic relationship with his alien costume, ability to block Venom's capability of sensing the spawn of his costume. Basic streetfighting techniques, ruthless hand-to-hand combatant. Costume specifications: Alien material made of tough, flexible fibers of organic polymers which have the ability to mimic any type of clothing whatsoever; The costume in as yet unexplained manner dampens Spider-Man's spider-sense.Portions of his costume separated from him for more than approximately 10 seconds lose their molecular integrity and disintegrate into dust. Bio: Cletus was sent to prison to serve life sentences for murder...His cellmate turned out to be none other than Eddie Brock/ Venom...While helping Brock get out of prison, Venom's symbiote body spawned off a part of itself & bonded with Kasady creating a killing machine! Description: [url=http://www.alaph.com/spiderman/pictures/enemies/carnage/carnage03.jpg]Carnage {click here}[/url] Secret Identity/Real Name: Cletus Kasady
soz for the short post but i aint got much time this might be a little slow cause im graduating from year 6 to year 7 im going to high school soz this thing might take a while to get moving!!
----- ok i have a new rule we can do in this NO COMMERS AND FULL STOPS u can if u want but u dont have to------ Liagan was terrified at what just happrned but excited in a way he pulled out his sword and swung it around amazed at what he could do, so were the others like tommy he was jumping in and about with amazing speed, ella looked at the others in amazement and because she had cut heself on the way into the forest looking for ligan she put her hand out towards the cut and it was healing she could see the skin repairing it self!! Sora was on the ground in pain, she could hear the trees screaming and she looked at the forest 2 men were choping down a tree. She put her hand out and cast a spell on the men, They were SCREAMING in pain and a branch came out of 1 of there stomach and they both turned into tree saplings she walked over and said " how do you like it" and took an axe the men were using and in 1 smack they were both chopped in 2. And the scaryest part is blood was trickling out of them.:demon:
Now if thereis any one that wants to be a creature like a cyclops, drake this is ur recruitment form! Drake lvl. (only 10-18) weapons: (claws, fire ) appearance: bio: magic: (lvl.2 magic or lvl.1)
sorry about the bad post. my brother didnt log out last time. -.-* as I said before, great replies, I will start the rpg soon.
Tommy the thief Age: 18 weapon: slingshot magic: call animal and take control of it only 3 animals and young ones description: ragy clothes, no protective gear, heaps of gold, more of a crawl than a walk( like golem from L.O.T.R ) thanks doukeshi03 thats wat im takin BOUT hehehe sign ups like that are good! now if possible everyone that comes to this adventure if u dont join tell ur buddies thanx :D
Real Name: James Anderson (Hes not related to Neo at all) Code Name: Gunner Apperance: White hair, Black Pants, Black Polo Shirt Bio: Born in England (still has accent) adopted, smokes, found by Spark who told him about the matrix and brought him along to the Logos. Sparks taught him all he knew about hacking and downloaded all the hacking disks he had (plus more) Apperance in the matrix: Like the twins but in black (still white hair) Weapons: 2 semi-automatic hand guns :smoke:
Name: Death Pulse Allegiance: Neo-empowered Weapon: 2 automatic hand-guns Position: Hacker Bio: One of the best hackers around. Can easally hack into any computer file. Even though he has a short temper he can download anything!
In the old times there was a war between the elves and orcs. It was the [i][b]Battle of Allundra,[/b][/i] no one knows who won. [b]1 millennium after the war was over.[/b] Little do Tommy the Thief, Ligan the swordsman, Ella the elf and Sora the spell caster know, they have the powers to do or make anything. Their adventure starts in a small village called Borentor, when one day they decide to have a little journey of their own in the Forest of Lost Souls. Ligan being the cocky and brave one says, ?I?ll go ahead and go scout the area!? after 5 minutes he hasn?t given the secret call, so Ella decides to go in and look for him. ?If Ella is going so am I? says Sora ?Ok, ok I?ll go too? Tommy complained. They eventually find Ligan asking a man what this place is. The man casts a weird look on Ligan and his friends. ?You mean you... don?t no what this place is, you just walked into the most dangerous place in all of Borentor!!? says the man. ?Well? Lets go then!? Ella suggested. Then the adventure began, the man cast a spell on all of them and they were teleported to Allundra with weapons and great skills. ......................................................................................................... (recruiting form) You can choose from the three below, I am Tommy. Ligan the Human Swordsman Age: (15-25) Weapon: Magic: (limit it to simple magic) Description: (2-5 lines) *** Sora the SpellCaster Age: (14-23) Weapon: Magic: (limit it to simple magic) Description: (2-5 lines) *** Ella the Elf Warrior Age: (16-30) Weapon: Magic: (limit it to simple magic) Description: (2-5 lines) **************** After the first sign-up, I will post my character.