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Kinoko Shima

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Everything posted by Kinoko Shima

  1. Oh my gosh! I love Queer Eye! I just found it not too long ago, maybe a month or so. It is so funny. It's cool how the Fab 5 take a not so pleasant looking guy and turn him and his home into something cool. My favorite episode would have to be the one when they made over that stand up comedian. The guy was totally strange looking when they started out and by the end of the show, he was.....well, still strange looking, but not as trashy. I probably liked the episode because at the end of the show, the guy proposed to his girlfriend. My favorite guy of the Fab 5 would have to be either Jai or Kyan. Jai is so hot, though I don't have a chance. :( And Kyan is just cool. He's sexy also. ;)
  2. I just finished watching the whole Gravitation series. It was awesome! Shuichi definatly is more mature in the manga than in the anime, but that's ok. It's still very very sweet and totally hillarious! I cried during the last few episodes (i'm an emotional person). The part that really got me was at the end of the last episode. It was just too sweet! At least to me anyway. Those who have seen the series know what I'm talking about. :D
  3. Aw! No fair! You guys are so lucky! I've tried to use anime for projects and reports. But unfortunately, the people around here doesn't like anime. At all. A recent example is I made a powerpoint presentation on the origins of anime. The teacher had told us to make a presentation on the origins of something, so I did. When I showed it to the class, the students told me to "Grow up" and the teacher told me to put more thought into it and to do the presentation on something worthwhile. I got a C+. I spent three weeks making that thing! Even my mom, who doesn't care for anime, said that my presentation was at least B+ material. So therefore, I don't use anime for anything school related much anymore. *sigh* Life is so unfair..... :flaming:
  4. I saw this show today. It came on around dinner time on MTV2. It was really really good. I was surprised that MTV would put this on, but I'm glad they did. I love it! I've seen it around in a store before, but never gave it a second look. Now I have to go buy it! ^_^
  5. Ah....*laughs* I really didn't see that topic. I was just scanning it quickly though, not looking hard. (I was at school) Oh well. ^_^ And to answer your question about my favorite songs Sasuke, it's probably Dybbuk, Last Song, White Eyes, Vanilla or U+K. U+K is such a cute song, Dybbuk is awesome, it's like a mix (i think) with Rap and Rock. Vanilla is fun to listen to, and Last Song's really good. (He's good with the accoustic guitar.) Anywho. I'm rambling. I agree I like him better after he went solo, but he was really cool when he was with Malice Mizer too. ^_^ Oh well, I'm rambling, so I'll shut up. Which are your favorite songs?
  6. Kinoko Shima


    I haven't seen any topics on JRock, so I'm making one....kinda. It's, as the title says, about Gackt, my favorite JRock singer. Not only is he totally good looking, he can sing awesome! If anyone else likes him, post, so I know that I'm not alone out here! If you like any other JRock or JPop, PM me and we can talk about it there. ^_^
  7. Oooo! Myth Busters! I love that show! My fav episode would have to be.....(Agreeing with Katana) "Escape From Alacatraz". ^_^ It was a really good episode. When Jamie and Adam were crawling through the wall, I was sure one of them would get stuck. I also liked the duck myth too on that episode....Don't know why. I just like ducks. My fav. would have to be Adam. He's really funny. I like him! Jamie's cool too. And yes! I'd definatly tell my friends about this show! I already have in fact! :D
  8. I've only read the 1st three manga, and I saw the Christmas movie. Love Hina is a great series! The person who thought it up is a genius! (I forget the author's name..... :sweat: )
  9. Cowboy Bebop is awesome! I love it! I haven't seen all the episodes, yet, but I'm only missing a few, maybe three. My favorite is Behemian Rapsody, Mushroom Samba and Toys in the Attic. I love all the characters, except for maybe Julia. I don't know why, she just bothers me for some reason. My all time fav. character is Spike and Ed. ^_^
  10. The answer's that the scientists find what they think is Noah's ark. Question: In Full Metal Panic, what did Sousuke call himself before joining Mithril?
  11. Oh yay! A Petshop of Horrrors thread! I love Petshop! I've read three of the manga and I own the DVD. I got the anime before I got the manga, and I think the anime's awesome, but it's not as good as the manga. But I think that it's only because there's only four episodes and the episodes they did animate weren't the best ones. Oh well, that's only my opinion. (D's awesome!)
  12. Lets see....I got a bunch of pets.... 7 cats. 4 dogs 6 horses 1 pig (My baby Porkchops!) 10 chickens 1 dwarf hamster more cows than I can count I used to have about 15 fish, but they all died when my bro. turned up their heater too much and fried them all. *cries* poor fish....
  13. My school isn't really all that strict. Nobody cares what you do as long as you're on time for class. ^_^ We're supposed to have a dress code, and we're supposed to wear ID tags, but nobody pays any attention to that. If people get in fights, which isn't much, they mostly just get a few days of ISS. Public schools are good.....
  14. I think, if I'm right, that NO. 41 is named Kyoko. She can see glimpses of the future in her dreams, or something like that.
  15. The most things that burn at my house is french fries. The worst time is when Mama worked late and Daddy decided to cook french fries. Me and my brother were watching a movie in my bedroom (We were little, I was like, 7 and my bro. was 4). Daddy left the fries and went to watch TV in the living room, and fell asleep. (It was around 9 or 10 PM) The next thing I know, all the fire alarms were going off in the house and Daddy had run in the bedroom and grabbed us both and ran outside. We had to go through the kitchen to get out and the whole kitchen was on fire. Daddy put us in the truck and ran back inside. I could see him through the window. He used up two fire extinguishers, then ran out the back door and brought in the water hose. He put out the kitchen with that. After making sure everything was safe, he brought us back inside. ............He didn't cook anything for a while after that. I also caught cookies on fire in the microwave.
  16. Aaa! Spriggan! One of my favorite anime! The animation is great. The plot's is deep. My favorite part of the movie was after Yu finished fighting the man with the sword in Turkey and he threw the piece of sword he broke off, and it took out the camera. I wonder if there's going to be a sequel to Spriggan, since it kind of left you hanging. (In my opinion anyway.) You know? Since Col. McDougal said at the very end [spoiler]"The fight's not over yet, Spriggan! It's only begun!"[/spoiler] Or something to that effect.
  17. I'm totally against abortion 100%. It's killing. No way around it. Ok, I know some of you people here say that fetuses aren't alive, they just eat and grow. Right? Well, if something's not alive, WHY would they need to eat, and HOW would they be able to grow? And again, think of the baby. How would you feel if your parents found out they were going to have you, and decided they didn't want you? It's like giving the death sentence to an innocent person. The baby didn't do anything wrong to be robbed of it's life. It didn't kill anybody or do anything to deserve it. If a parent doesn't want their baby, then they could put it up for adoption. Simple as that. .....Another thing to do if you don't want kids, don't have sex.
  18. Being born and raised a Southern Baptist, I believe that there's not a Purgatory. Once you die, you'll be judged by God. If your name's not in His "Lamb's Book of Life" then you'll go to Hell. You can only get your name in this book by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. You'll also "go over" your whole life in front of God. That'll determine how well you are rewarded in Heaven, if your name's in His book. If not, you'll go to Hell. Even if you beg for forgiveness, God will just say to you, "depart from me, for I have never known you" or something to that effect. I'm probably not exact in all my telling, but it's close enough. I would use quotes from the Bible, but I'm not able to get to one right now. Another reaason I don't think Purgatory exists is because, as I've seen other people post here, it's not mentioned in the Bible. Sorry my post's short and not in much detail, but as I said, I can't get to my Bible to get details.
  19. Name: Ashley Nicknames: Kinoko, Kat, Cadilac (sp?), Kitty and any other names my Daddy comes up with ^_^ Age: 15 Hair: Blonde Eyes: Green Height: 5'7" or somewhere close to that. Personality: Shy and quiet when I'm around people at school, but around friends and family, I'm crazy. In a good way. ^_^ Hair Style: Long and wavy down my back. Fav. Music: Country. ^_^ And J-Pop Fav. Song: Aaa! I can't pick. Anything having to do with Kenny Chesney or Toby Keith Hobbies: Drawing, writing, talking on the phone, playing on the internet, or just watching anime. ^_^
  20. My Daddy's job's nothin' special, really. It's just kinda unusual, I guess....He's a rock quarry (sp?) worker. He operates a crusher and get granite from the quarry. He gets paid good though, but he has to be at work by 6 AM, so he gets up around 5 in the morning, and doesn't come home till 7 or so. My Mama works at the hospital in the Materials Management Department. It's a cool job. You have access to most of the hospital. ^_^
  21. I just got done with the video. ...OK, actually I didn't finish it. Because I didn't see anything really inhumane mostly. Sure, you have to KILL the animal to get it's meat, and sometimes, if the animal resists, you have to use more force than it's usually necessary, but still, it has to be done to get the meat to feed the country. That's just my opinion anyway.
  22. I just got my Shonen Jump yesterday. ^_^ Yay! I read Hikaru No Go and it was awesome! I love it! The plot is good and it's totally funny. I think this manga will be a really good one. :D
  23. I don't think that Akira will come back out in theaters. As Queen Asuka said, it's old and has been out for a while. I wouldn't mind if it did though. I love Akira. I've heard somewhere about there being a live action movie. But I think they said that Tetsuo won't be Kaneda's friend or something, but his little brother. I could be wrong though.
  24. I love your banner and your avatar. ^_^ They're better than I could do. (I totally stink at them) :sweat: Keep up the good work. ^_^
  25. Dagger, your drawings of the clothes are AWESOME! I can't do anything like that with clothes! Believe me, I've tried many many times...You're a great drawer, keep it up! :)
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