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Kinoko Shima

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Everything posted by Kinoko Shima

  1. Ah yes. I've heard that cliche many many times. Well anyway, thanks for clearing that up for me. :) I've finally got some money and I'm getting the second volume tonight. ^_^ (Yay me!) :sweat:
  2. Hm... the only advice I have, knowing from my experiences from cons, is that it'll be crowded, and expensive. Oh well. You'll most likely have fun though. ^_^ Are you gonna cosplay? (sp?) Oh yeah! LOVE your avatar!!!
  3. :D You know who my chibi (avatar) is! *happy* I've heard that in the second volume, Eclipse and Raenef gets seperated from each other. Is that true or just a big lie/mistake I heard? I hope it is. :)
  4. [quote]What aggrivates me to no end is that they say Menchi is a dog, but I swear that is a CAT! There is no denying that it's a cat! Just look at it! Tell me, when have you EVER seen a dog like that?[/quote] It took me forever to figure out that Menchi was a dog. She seriously DOES look like a cat. ....She's a strange dog..... In the manga, Menchi's name is Mence. I don't know why they changed it, but I like the name Menchi better. Don't ask why. ^_^
  5. Aww! You really like my avatar? Thanks! I looked forever for it! Yeah, I also think that Raenef and Eclipse's relationship will get more intense. Or at least I hope so. I like shonen-ai stories that are more intense than just hinting around the subject. ....Am I even making sense? Oh well.
  6. My fav. dvd is the 1st one. Probably my fav episodes are the 1st and the fourth. I also love Nabeshin's song at the end of the 5th episode. His afro song. ^_^
  7. I love Demon Diary! I only have the 1st volume, but I'm hooked! I want to get the rest! How many volumes are there anyway? Oh well. My friend is Korean so she's also telling me the sound effects and things for me. I think Eclipse and Raenef make a cute couple. ^_^
  8. Has anybody seen Excel Saga? It's kinda new, but kinda not. I'm wondering because it seems like no one I talk to has ever seen it. In my opinion it's awesome. I want to know what other people think of the show.
  9. I've only read the 1st manga, but so far so good! I really wanna get the series and the rest of the manga. ^_^ I seriously hope that Shuichi can get with Yuki. I'm pretty much sure they will since I keep seeing pictures with the two together. :D
  10. The most emotional moments I've ever seen? Hmm... I didn't cry when [spoiler] Julia died. [/spoiler] But I bawled when [spoiler] Spike did. After he killed Vicious he came out of the building and stood on the steps all bloodied up. He made a pretend gun with his fingers and said "Bang" then fell down dead. [/spoiler] I used up plenty of tissue. And when [spoiler] Gill put that thing in Jiro (Kikaider) to counteract the Gemini system and Kikaider killed all his siblings to get to Gill then killed him saying that he was now fully human and that it was both his blessing and his curse. [/spoiler] I cried a good five minutes into Trigun. On Trigun, when [spoiler] Wolfwood died [/spoiler] I bawled. I totally love him! No fair! I was so sure that [spoiler] Millie (sp?) would get with Wolfwood, but Nooo! He had to go and die! It was so touching how he died in a church asking for forgiveness. Oooh! Tears! [/spoiler]
  11. An underrated series I think needs more credit is Cyber City Oedo 808 and Grappler Baki. They're old, but good. Cyber City's about these 3 criminals who have to serve many many life sentences, but get a chance to get out of jail if they help the cyber police. They also have these collars around their necks that explode if they do something wrong. Grappler Baki's about a guy who's a white belt (karate) but fights like a black belt. He gets invited to fight for an underground org. and has to fight a guy who can paralyze you by ripping out your nerves. I think both shows need alot more credit. But it seems like nobody but me's seen them. (seriously...) :sweat:
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kenshinsbabe [/i] [B]Alot of my friends don't watch anime. Only two of them do. We have different lunch times so we can't talk about anime until after school. I'm stuck with the ones who don't watch anime, so whenever I start saying something (I almost always talk about anime), they barely understand a word I'm saying. Does any one have experiences like that? [/B][/QUOTE] I totally understand how that feels. Only me and like 3 other people in my school likes anime. (Well, probably more, but it seems like it.) If you so much as mention anime loud enough for the surrounding masses to hear (masses is a cool word), they'll either look at you in total confusion, make fun of you for watching those "stupid cartoons for kids", or give you a weird look. I wish the masses would just shut up with their half brained insults and either leave me alone or just try and see what's so great. I can bet that if most anyone would just give anime a chance, they'd be hooked. But NOOOOO! America has deemed anything animated is a "cartoon" for kids! :therock: HAH! That's a load of bull. Most of my friends at school, when I first got into anime, they'd make fun of me, now they'll either ignore me or just sit there and smile blankly and nod randomly. That's worse than being ignored. Also if I mention that I love Japan or say that I'm going there one day, they'll glare and call me a "**** traitor" What's up with that? They tell me that it's because Japan bombed America. My God! That was a LONG time ago! I think they should just get over it! :mad: *sighs and takes calming breaths* Oh well. I'm ranting. I'll shut up. *runs away*
  13. That woman pisses me off! :evil3: 1st off, why would a one year old watch tv? They'd be more happy chewing on the remote than watching it. That's just stupid! Then 2nd, if she don't like what her kids are watching, turn it off! Duh! Then lastly, she's an idiot because there's nothing wrong with Poke'mon, DBZ, Yu-Gi-Oh, or Shaman King! :evil3: It's not pointless violence really. When they fight, it's for a good cause like to save the universe or their grandpa or little brother, and stuff like that. Besides, I think it's pretty tame compared to the violence on the news and other tv shows nowdays. Like, a plane ramming the twin towers and you can see people jumping out the windows, or a horrible car crash, or a bombing, or a mass murder scene on Law and Order....Nobody complains about THAT being too violent! I know I'm probably not making any sense at all, but God! :flaming: I wonder what cartoons that woman watched when she was a kid. I mean Elmer Fudd holds a shotgun in Bugs Bunny's face and Bugs Bunny sticks his finger in the barrell and Elmer Fudd blows up....Uh, does anyone else see violence??? This woman needs to get a grip on reality and understand that this world is violent. She can't keep her kids sheltered from the world! It's not right. They'll grow up to be oversensitive and cry about everything. And when they could be permanently damaged when someone they love dies if they don't ever see death. Ya know? ......This just makes me so mad. She should just keep her trivial little complaints to herself and get a grip. :demon: *sighs and steps away from the keyboard* there I'm done with my rant now.
  14. The best manga in my opinion is gotta be Petshop of Horrors, MARS, Demon Diary, Love Hina, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Inuyasha, Excel Saga, Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto, One Piece and Shaman King. :D
  15. Has anime changed me? Oh yeah. In both good and bad ways. Mostly good though. Before anime, I'd just sit around all day reading books or being depressed, or hanging with my (ex) friends doing somethings that could get us into trouble. (nothing too bad though) I used to think that the "cartoons" my little brother watched was pointless and stupid. But then I met my best friend and I learned that anime wasn't 'stupid little kids shows.' I love any and all anime whatsoever now. It's taught me to try my hardest no matter what happens. To be happy. ^_^ To try to treat people better, unless they start something first (then show no mercy). It's also made me very poor. ;) I have alot more (and better) friends than I did. I'm not as self concious (sp?) as I was. I have more faith in myself, and I'm not scared to try new things. It's greatly increased my creativity and artistic abilities. I wanna learn about Japan and other cultures. I'm learning Japanese now. And there's alot of other good stuff. Anime's opened my mind too. Before, I though that being gay was totally wrong and disgusting. Now I don't have a problem with it at all. Love is love, right? The only thing bad that anime's brought me is that I have no money, I don't get enough sleep, and my grades aren't that great. Otherwise it's the best thing that happened to me. ^_^ Man, that's a long post.... *looks around and sweatdrops* Ja!
  16. Oh yeah! My fav. was when Sousuke was pretending to be that girl's boyfriend on the second dvd. I forget the girl's name though. It was hilarious though.
  17. I liked G Gundam, but it's not my favorite one. (Gundam Wing) But I agree with ya'll on that it's not the best looking or interesting one out there. That's true, but I like it. I can't really tell ya why, though. I don't know myself.
  18. My fav. pilot HAS to be Wufei! He's not the most popular G-Boy, but who cares! He's mine! (J/K) He's smart, strong, focused, stubborn, finds something to believe in and sticks to it (justice), and he's honorable, and he's just so darn sexy! ^_^; Anywho, my fav. gundam would have to be Deathscythe. It's black and it's gotta scythe, gotta love it!
  19. I love FMP. It's one of my favorites. I've only seen it in Japanese, though, but that doesn't really change how good a show it is, right? It's really funny too. My favorite character is Sousuke. He's like a mix between Heero from Gundam Wing, Kamui from X, and Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin. (the X shaped scar) I like the art, and everyone's well drawn. All in all it's an awesome show. BLAH! I'm babbling....
  20. I'm not exactly sure, and until now, I haven't really thought about it. I think it could be a really tough cloak. (?) Since it was fluttering around in the wind while D and Meier was ontop of that carriage.
  21. I borrowed Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust from a friend and watched it. It was awesome! I totally love D, but Meier's gotta be my fav. ^_^ he's the coolest! Anyway, it has all the qualifications that a good anime should have, a good plot, lotsa action, just enough humor, and a good romance story. ^_^ Anyway, this may be a stupid question, but at the end, did Charlotte die or did she just pass out? I think she's dead, but I'm not totally sure. I hope not! Someone please help me out!
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