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Everything posted by Swordsaint
I'm happy to say I do know about weapons! Martial arts and the history channel are great! Don't worry, I don't kill people for the living. I prefer to think of it as facilitating a persons desire to witness the "Living impaired" Phenomena... :D anyways...realisticly...I'd go with my own body as a weapon. Not as messy and less to deal with and explain to the police in the aftermath, wether I lost or won. Fantasy? I'd say my favorite is a Katana, but I favor versatility and practicality as well as stylish grace so I'd throw in 357. when someone decided it'd be funny to shoot an AK-47 one handed *chuckles* It'd be difficult to explain to the police why I decided I need the Katana and magnum for a fight with people that jumped me, but it'd make for a crazy internet video if they didn't run!
[SIZE=1]I'm going to have to say I'm for it being legalized/tolerated ect. For a lot of the same reasons as r2vq, along with a few more added thoughts. I live in Montana and, at least to my knowledge, it isn't tolerated at all up here. But it still happens every day. So obviously it's a service in demand, but it is not normally provided for through legal avenues even in the larger cities. When there is a service desired, but not provided, the opportunistic will move in and try to create the service for the customers and in this case of it being illegal, the type of people that will create the service are not likely to be the kinds of people who will be concerened for the wellfare of their employees and would likely treat said employees in ways that are in and of themselves illeagal. This is why many prostitutes end up addicted to drugs or dead here in america and why slave trade flourishes with this business. Having it universally legalized acrossed the nation (again to my knowledge it's legal in some places but not everywhere here in the states) and have it become a legal job can have a significant positive impact on all the crimes associated with prostitution: Since it would become a legal job, basic workers rights would have to be enforced/protected. Given the nature of the work and the risk of STD's it would not be entirely unthinkable for healthcare/constant check-ups to be provided for the workers and they would be recieving a fair wage for their work and wouldn't have to worry about some pimp getting them hooked into drugs or beating them at random just to prove a point. That said, I don't necessarily think prostitution is right from a christian perspective, however I think it's better that people have the option of wether or not they be in this line of work instead of being forced and that they are accorded every opportunity to be able to live safely like anyone else. It is a persons right to be able to chose and who am I to say they're condemn them?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Sounds like fun, let me know if I've made any mistakes... Name: Issic Dennings Age: 32. Mentally 24 Nationality: Seattle Washington, United states. Enhancements: Issic has had extensive cybernetic replacements throughout his entire body, namely his muscles and central nervous system , which were both being rapidly deteriorated by a new biological agent used as an anti-infantry measure. As a result, over 75% of his body is now cybernetic, leaving only the epidermal layers and a majority of his organs intact. As a result of these replacements, his reflexes, strength and endurance have increased far beyond the human norm. Issic requires consistence maintanence check ups and repairs as well as the ingestion of organic compounds to keep himself operational. Primary (Military) Occupation:Iinfiltration, Close combat specialist Secondary Occupation: Chef Appearance: Issic stand at a full 6ft, and weighs 210 lbs due to the density of the materials used in replacing his muscle tissues. He is commonly seen wearing loose, casual clothing when not on duty and at the Italian restaraunt, Colacurcios, he wears the standard white uniform with his thick brunnette hair pulled back in a short ponytail. His blue eyes carry a light of intelligence and exude a sense of relaxation. With an eye for detail, his clothes are always clean and his appearance is well kept, despite his laid back personality Personality: Largely laid back, but since his military training, he carries a deeply ingrained sense of neatness and thus, keeps himself organized. Issic Enjoys both his military and civilian occupations and when not enjoying himself, is constantly applying himself to improving these areas of his life. History: Born and raised in the Seattle washington areas, Issic Joined the marine corps after graduating from highschool. He excelled in most areas of training and qualified for the Marine corps special forces training, excelling at close quarters combat. By twenty, he was in the field, undertaking covert operations for the U.S. in nuetralizing the leaders of terror cells, Rebellious organizations and opposing military officials. Issics primary job throughout all these missions was scouting out the perimiter and either evading or nuetralizing patrols and enemy personel. At twenty-four, on his last mission for the U.S., information was leaked to Chinese intelligence and they laid a trap for Issics' unit. All eight squad members were hit with a new biological agent that rendered them unconcious and began attacking the muscle tissues and the central nervous system. The mission was aborted and later denied by the U.S. government, leaving Issic and his dying team in the hands That's were AWDOG stepped in and paid off chinese military officals in order to acquire the last surviving squad member as a new recruit. after a year of constant surgery, Issic was awoken out of his comatose state and given a rundown of what had happened. His service record was reviewed and was told he'd be assinged to a similair squad like his, and he'd even have largely the same role due to his new cybernetic upgrades. Seeing how he had been declared non-existent by the U.S. government, he saw few other options and agreed to the new assignment.[/SIZE] [I]I took out the demolitions and espionage. A little too much specializing I felt[/I]
[SIZE=1] Aj wretched, leaning heavily against the porceline bowl of his toilet. It was all over the news: People afflicted by...something, Disease, chemical warfare, drugs, brainwashing...no one knew anything other than that dozens of the creatres had been sighted and reported, and a few hundred more had been attacked. At first it had been regarded as a new wave of brutal hate crimes in the low income districts of the city, not really investigated all that much. Then the attacks spread, escalting in number, targets and scope. The mourges where the bodies were interred had been attacked, then they spread like wildfire from their. The police responded going at the...afflicted with their riot gear, only to meet disasterous results. as the afflicted people seem to have taken some pain numbing chemicals. Several policemen were slain in the skirmish, with the afflicted cannabalizing many, and dozens more policemen were injured, reciveing bite and claw injuries. Aj sighed, his stomach seemed to finally be calming down. As far as he could tell, the situation, while horrific, wasn't impossible. The images showed that the creatures for the most part stumbled about, a few even locked as though they were necrotic, falling apart as if they had been dead for some time. He looked to the mostly finished magnum he had on his coffea table near the couch, he planned on putting the last few parts together sooner than he had orgionally though. It almost seemed to him as if the guns parts were telling him it needed finishing for the urgent matters coming to hand. He wiped his mouth as he got to his feet, his workboots clomping hard on the tiled bathroom floor. He sat on the couch, taking the gun and it's few remaining pieces in hand with his tools. He relaxed even more as the machine took on it's final form, smiling back Aj's face to him off the cool, soothing metal. He checked it over, letting the wheel spin before snapping it shut, cocking the hammer back and squeezing the trigger to hear the satisfying click as the parts moved in conjunction. He picked up the six bullets his dad had sent to him from home. Aj found himself almost wishing his dad had sent a box, instead of going for the "Last stand" type of nostalgia, the soldier staring down his enemies as the closed, the last rounds loaded in the gun. Thankfully, he had his toolbelt affixed with hammers and screw drivers. He even picked up his big black and decker drill and buzz saw. A bit heavy to carry around, but he figured his car could be put to good use. He loaded up the beautifull vehicle before going back into his apartment to rumage through, taking his time. Finding nothing else he started back down the stairs, almost relaxed despite the events circling around him. He didn't have much, but the machines comforted him and he was sure a few heavy hammer swings could do some good, it would save him on bullets that's for sure.[/SIZE]
[QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1] Personally I really do enjoy it when martial artists get into your face about how they've got a high belt in Karate/Judo/Tae Kwon Do/whatever as the cocky little roosters always end up regretting it in the first thirty or so seconds. I'm just over six feet tall and weigh nearly 80 kilos, most of it pure muscle, so when the fight starts I just grapple and put a hurting on them. I rarely go for face shots, I just see them and belt shots as being the sign of someone who can't fight properly, I don't kick much either, mostly because I broke a guys ribs once with a roundhouse, and it's something I'd prefer not to repeat. Regardless of how angry I am with someone else, I never fight to really badly injure someone, just to put them down. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]This brings up a few points for me that I agree and disagree with, to a point anyways. I said before that there really havn't been to many actual fights that I've been in or that I've witnessed. However, yeah Gavins right, it is funny when somebody that's gotten their higher belts in a martial arts class start acting like they've gone a few rounds in a UFC cage. To me that says whoever is teaching these people isn't really so much concerend about teaching their students discipline and restraint, the instructors are concerened with churning out tournament machines and nothing else, big egos and martial arts tend to not mix well in a fight. Mainly because no one style is superior or inferior, it is the person themselves that is superior or inferior to another fighter. With that said, I can't say I agree with not going for face shots in a fight, though I do applaud you Gavin for being able to do so and win it says a lot towards your character and ability. I was taught that a fight is a fight and the only time there are rules is if you have enough friends to match the other guys. Especialy since theres always the offhand chance that someone has a knife or brass knuckles on em. I live in western Montana and just about all the people out here go hunting or live on/near a ranch and knives are common and usefull tools, so the possiblity is very real. If someone wants to start a fight and wont listen to reason, then they will know they've been in a fight. But then again, there are so many possibilities out there that can determine just how much you hold back or not. For example: I wouldn't go full out on my brother if he were drunk and starting a tussle with me, I'd want to go as far as simply restraining him. But again, you wouldn't want to go so easy on some dude that jumped out of an aleyway at you with a knife wanting your wallet, if you wanted to go rounds with them at all. In all though Gavin, I have to say I can appreciate and see the validity of what it is your saying and again, I applaud you for being able to put a person down more gently than I can, it is a reflection of your abilities.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] AJ stood hunched over the engine of a black ford ranger, busily tightening the parts in place after replacing them. He chuckled slightly as he mused how easily a machine could tell him what was wrong with it as he worked, his eyes focusing on every detail of the engine. His tools clinked together as he reached for different wrenches, clattering about noisily in the oil covered tool box. The shop, normally well organized, was a chaotic mess since AJ had been working for the last ten hours, flying from one job to the next, quicker than most of the other mechanics on shift could believe. He loved this garage, it was a custom shop called simply "Petes' custom wheels". Normally to get a job here the owner, Pete, looked for people who went to tech schools with a focus on mechanics and engineering. AJ had gotten the job after outdoing one of petes best mechanics at a local mechanics competition of sorts. AJ smiled whistfully as he closed the hood of the Ranger and reached for his water bottle with a grease covered hand. He may love machines, but one drawback to them was that they couldn't give him good food and drink. He glanced to his left as the door opened, most of the employees were gone now, and Erin out front usually locked the doors by about now, so he raised his eyebrows seeing a casually dressed brunette shuffle through the door. "Sorry ma'am but it's about..." he glanced at the clock on the wall, it was 9 p.m. " 9 o'clock now, we're not servicing any vehicles now." the lady kept shuffling towards him, her head downcast. Leaning against the truck AJ sighed. "Look lady, I don't have the keys to open the garage back up...I'll tell you what, if Erin out there says it's okay and opens the shop up, I'll do what I can and call you a cab and you can pick up your vehichle tomorrow, Okay?" The woman leaned against the tool counter as she walked, slowly closing the distance. Billy's eyes narrowed slightly, woudln't Erin have seen this lady? why wasn't she answering him? Finally as she stepped closer, the neon lighting revealed dark splotches around the neck of her shirt, he could even make out dark red crusted in her hair. "Oh my God ma'am are you okay? Did something happen out there?" crap where was erin? Aj rushed to the phone in the shop, he called the front counter where erin should have been. He got nothing but a few rings. He flipped back towards the woman. "Ma'am wait here, I'm gonna go find the manager and call for help ok---" The woman had raised her head to gaze on him now, her eyes dead white and crimson blood, crusting and fresh, ringed her gaping mouth. A pained wailing moan filled the silence as a creeping sense of dread wormed it's way to AJ's gut. "Look lady...you stay right there, I'm calling the cops." The woman opened her mouth to moan back at him, her shuffling steps quickening. "Stay there!" AJ circled around the truck and darted for the door, noting the woman slowly turned to give chase. He was through the swinging door in an instant, using his only key to lock the door. He took a few deep breaths as he walked through the break room into the front. Aj snatched up the phone and dialed 911. Immeadiately a voice came on the other end of the line. "Hello 911 what is your emergancy?" "There's a woman here at the shop I work at, I don't know what's wrong with her she might be in shock or something, but she has blood all around her mouth and in her hair and..." He stopped as he saw blood start to pool at his foot from under the counter. He gulped, vaugely noting that the operator was asking him for the address. "I think she attacked one of my co-workers," rounding the desk, AJ found Erins' sprawled form under her the counter, bleeding from several bite wounds, most of which had taken large chunks from her neck, arm and stomach. "Oh Christ! Send an ambulance! Trace the call or something!" He dropped the phone, digging frantically for a first aid kit, anything that could help, even though a small voice whispered to him that she was already dead. AJ tensed as soon as he heard the footsteps behind him. He looked slowly over his shoulder to find his boss walking towards him, that bite wound he'd gotten bandaged a day ago had fallen off, revealing the rotting flesh beneath, his eyes dead white like the other woman, though his skin was grayer. Aj took off going through the door, running for his blue 63 Chevy Super Sport, He slammed the door, twisting the keys making the engine roar to life. He took off for his apartment a few blocks away, never feeling more terrified in his life. How little he know, how much worse things were going to get.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Same for me as the boss and Panda...I'm in a mixed martial arts class oriented towards self defense, so I've been in several regulated matches that get stopped at a decisive strike or after 3 seconds and someone can't get out of an armbar ect. For actual fights I've only been in one that didn't involve my younger brother. The first one was in 3d grade, the PE teachers son and his friend were making fun of me for wearing glasses. I tried to keep going and ignore them, but one of them ran by my and yanked my glasses off my face. I tried to get them back for minutes, until finally they tossed them on the ground and said "Take em." when I reached down, the PE teachers son smashed them with a rock. I was so absolutely furious that I tackled him to the ground and let him have it until one of the neighbors ran out and pulled me off of him and that was that. As for me and my younger brother, we did things weird...We would wrestle around until one of us got a better hold, then we would slam the others head into a tree until we got loose then let the other have it. When we got to tired we'd sulk for a while then help each other home and play on the nintendo or something. that's about it for me.[/SIZE]
Oh jeese, there are so many things to list...I guess my favorites would be Martial arts, burying myself in a good book, enjoying intellectual conversations about the im/morality of hijacking cruise ships at spoon point and re-crewi ng em with midgets hopped up on caffeine till I reck into what was known as the ivory coast of africa to declare myself an emperor... I ocasionally doodle and tell jokes with obscure, odd-ball references...
Native American Culture & Some History
Swordsaint replied to Swordsaint's topic in General Discussion
I can understand that. There are a lot of Drunk indians here on the reservation that don't try, they skip school and get money from the government as well. However, that stigma doesn't apply to all native americans and to lable all as such is more than a little short sighted. I live on a reservation and have gotten to know the history depicted by both the federal government and the local resevation officials, who did try in school so they could reclaim their culture, and have gotten to see different view points. A problem I see, besides the fact that many native americans do take advantage of the handicaps the government gives, is the fact that many of the young native people here have grown up listening to their grandparents stories as to what the Native boarding schools were like and how horribly they were treated there, by people hired by the government to "civilize" the "savage" Indians. Unfortunately, yes there are many out there who use this as an excuse for their behaviour. But they are seen most often because they make the biggest mess. The ones that actually try to better themselves aren't really likely to make the news like the ones who beat your friend. I am actually quite sorry to hear that because of this one event, you beleive the native peoples to be cowardly, hopless people when there actually are many out there that take hope and stand firm despite the ill actions of other people. These are exactly the kind of misleading stigmas and steretypes that I hope I can lay to rest, or at least alleviate by answering peoples questions. As I said be for, I am not the be all that ends all fountain of information on native peoples, I simply have been able to look at both versions of the history and have found differing view points and historical accounts. -
Alrighty thanks for clearing that up for me. I was sort of close to understanding you last night...now that I'm fully comprehending your previous post I can form a better opinion. I agree with the methods you described and am more than happy to hear that a fetus doesn't have to be aborted in order to provide a cure for someone. So with that in mind, I do agree with stem cell research. I don't really humanize sperm or eggs really, however I am of the opinion that once an egg is fertalized that it is a living, growing human being. From there my previous issues with stem cell research should be clear, however again thank you for clearing that up. Also, I don't know that you should laugh at everyone who opposes stem cell research. Mainly due in part to politicians/news media hype that people get swept up in. yeah it's sad that people always beleive what they're told on the t.v. by people who have no expertise whatsoever in any scientific field, even more so that they themselves don't take the time to research or discuss the issue like we are now. However I think it would be better to do like you've done now: help clear the issue up and inform people as best you can and leave God/buddah/allah/fate/nature to take care of the rest. But then again, who am I to say what's better...they say laughter is the best medecine...
[SIZE=1][SIZE=1]I didn't realize it till I got to college and the professors pointed it out, but I've found there's really a lot left out from the history books about Native Americans (Indians) I've even begun to notice that a good number of people are under the impression that the Native American Tribes are extinct. Seriously, Not making that one up. I've met a few people who were surprised to find I'm nearly half native American (About a 1/3 all together). Heck, even I'm willing to admit I was largely ignorant about that part of my ethnical background, now then...to the point of this discussion: I'm curious to see what everyone here knows/beleives about native american tribes and history, and I 'd like to try to help enlighten people about the tribe in my area and help put to rest some stereotypes. This is not to say I am Indian Knowledge God, I've just been able to see another version of the historical acocunts, ones not commonly seen in the history books. For example, The battle at wounded knee: I don't really remember this being talked about much in the history books I had in High school only a few years ago. I thad maybe a brief sentence or two, not really describing it at all. When I got into college, we ended up discussing Wounded Knee at length in a Native American History class. According to historical accounts gathered/passed from elders (long dead by now) It wasn't really much of a Battle at all. The indian people in the camp were performing a sort of prayer called the "Ghost Dance." The native people were praying for their ancestors/the creator to make the land well again and to bring back the buffalo so they could survive. The U.S. soldiers "mistook" it to be a war dance and opened fire with their cannons, shelling a native american camp of a few hundred people made up mainly of Elders, women and children. Very few young men were in the camp and all of them had already been disarmed by the U.S. soldiers. The unit in charge of this camp was the 7th calvalry. The 7th calvary suffered a major defeat at the battle of the Little Big Horn, Armstrong Custers famous "Last stand". I can't recall the exact figures, but nearly all of the refugees at the camp were killed and the U.S. government awarded 15-17 Congressional Medals of Honor, the single largest number of medals awarded for any battle. your thoughts, beleifs, opinions, questions about tribes?[/SIZE]
This one has been touch and go for me for a long while, mainly because it was my understanding that the main source of stem cells came from fetuses that were being/going to be aborted and from a personal standpoint (not even religious, just personal) I find aborrtion to be abhorrent in most cases. This isn't to say that I don't sympathize with people who could benefit from the cure's/rehabilitative procedures that could be made from utilizing stem cells, I just wanted a different alternative than, in my opinion, denying life to a new human being. Now, upon learning that there are alternative sources of stem cells that wouldn't require fetuses to be aborted, I feel that stem cell research is a great idea and should be greatly looked into and worked with. I will say that I do beleive harvesting stem cells from embryos/fetuses is murder because I beleive each to be human from the moment of inception and I beleived that even before I found faith. [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] Answer: Yes, actually. We are now able to take your somatic cell's nucleus, and modify it genetically so that if it were to become undifferentiated, it would not be able to develop into a viable human being. The genes that allow the embryo to coordinate which body parts go where is removed, so if the cluster of cells were allowed to develop, it would have zero potential to develop into a human being. If implanted into a uterus, it would be aborted without fail. [I]Quote from Adahn[/I] [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] It's about 3 a.m. where I'm at and I'm about to crash (hence why I couldn't remember the regular quote thingumy) Could you perhaps Explain this for me in laymans (SP?) terms? I think I know what your saying, I'd just rather comprehend it before my tired mind tries to discuss it.
[SIZE=1]Looks like fun, though I think I'll make someone a little more "ordinary." Name: AJ Erickson Age: 25 Appearance: AJ never was the largest person, by no means small at his height of 6ft. and 165lbs., but the coaches never really gave him a second glance for any of the sports teams. His dusky dishwater blonde hair flies about as it pleases through the days, and despite his laid back apperance, his dark blue eyes never loose that look of intelligence up to mischeif. His clothes are always scored by numerous burns and layered with grease from the machines and engines he builds and works on and becacuse of his work, his clothes are very plain, leaving him largely unnoticed by society at large. Status in Society: Civilian Occupation: Mechanic Skills: His greatest talent and greatest love in life, is piecing together the machines that talk to him. They tell him whats wrong and he fixes it, even making the machines run better than before. Whatever it is, if it has a motor and moving parts, he can figure out how to build it and fix it with time. He took a few Jeet Kun Do classes as well during high school, but like so many other things in life, he couldn't keep his focus on it Weapons before arming yourself: nothing other than his bare hands and the assorted tools in his toolbox (screw driver, hammer ect.) Weapons after arming yourself: .357 magnum with only the six shots loaded in it and his tools Personality: Laid back, easy going and for the most part, likeable if you can show enough interest in the machines he builds and repairs. Otherwise he keeps to himself, more than happy enough to let others be. He's easy going with most folks, if seeming a bit distracted from whatever conversation is being held. People that that try to get a rise out of him usually only get a blank stare, and those that press him further only get him to leave. The few stubborn enought to get physical ended up getting a good view of Aj's knuckles and backside as he turned to leave Bio: AJ grew up in a small suburban town. He never really did well in school. In fact he did so horribly they tested him to see if he needed to be placed in special Ed. The school faculty was astonished to find that not only did he not need to be placed in special ed, he probably should've been placed ahead about 8 grades. But no matter what the teachers did, nothing could hold his attention for long and he even began to stop doing the I.Q. tests to him. Until one day he wandered into the shop class when by chance the Shop teacher had been re-assembling one of the skill saws. As the machine roared to life, AJ stood transfixed, marveling at the chugging sound of life that drove the saw blade to cut through chunk after chunk of wood. He was hooked, immersing himself in every kind of mechanical instruction manual he could find. Cars, saws, four wheelers, even learning to put together a few guns for his dad when he became old enough to order the parts. there really wasn't enough room in Aj's life for a love interest. He's thought about it, but the woman would have to like mechanic's work to even get him to open up.[/SIZE]
This short story centers around a character I had come up with some time ago, and is involved in another, larger story I'm working on. I would like for those that respond to please tell me if I need to flesh the character out more, change my writing, and how ect, ect. other than that, I hope you all enjoy it! *ahem* [SIZE=1] [SIZE=4]Devis leaned back in his wooden chair, propping his booted feet up on the well used oaken table. His inquisitive Blue eyes took in the sights of the crowded tavern as best they could. The lighting was poor, and provided by only a roaring fire, and a few scattered candles. The sounds filtered into his keenly trained ears which picked up on the choicest bits of conversation from the local townsfolk, mostly talk of the encroaching army of the cruel lord Ragvauck. His lips split into an amused grin as he shifted his large frame, the dulled breasplate he wore scraped against the chair. In his expierience, one lord seemed as cruel as another. Many were just trying to do the best they knew how to make their lands prosperous and powerfull. Downing the last of his ale, Devis loomed to his full height, stretching his toned arms before grabbing up his sword. Digging down into his bag, he turned up a few coppers, slapping them in front of the barkeep as he passed. The rotund man looked up from polishing a filth covered mug, taking in the dulled coins with his piggish eyes. "Back on duty again eh?" the mans voice always seeped from his mouth like oil, leaving Devis feeling revolted, like he'd somehow stepped in a large pile of dogshit and need to scrape it off his feet. "Yep!" he mustered as much politness as he couldin his deep voice, the barkeep also owned the room he was staying at, "Gotta make sure the city stays safe enough fer you and yer daughters to walk aboutin safety!" the barkeep glowered at devis for that. It amazed Devis the number of ugly men that seemed to make such pretty young girls. Not so surprising to Devis was how protective the fathers ended up. The grin took on a mischeivious smirk as he remembered his night with the said daughter. Sighing as he stepped outside, he lookd over the city Krevek. Settled in the hills near the Urug'Gor Mountain range, it came under attack from all the creatures that dwelt there that saw the landmark of civilization as a blemish on their territory. It also was sitting nearly on top of one of the largest gem mines in Azelia, which attracted merchants, and warlords like flies to a corpse. Which in turn brought many months of work and good pay for a hired sword like devis. He chuckled at the irony of the thought, the very thing that made Krevek prosper was also the source of constant irritation. The clouds bespoke their displeasure by starting their downpour while Devis strode along the cobbled street. Miners began quickening their strides to get indoors, while merchants hastened their servents to carry their wares under cover. The young mercenary smiled, spreading his lightly armored arms wide in warm welcome of the rain. Finally reaching his post at the north corner tower, Devis leaned against the door listening to the guard captains ire: "That hell blasted merc's late again!?...that down trodden son of a flea bitten whore's gonna get latrine duty fer a week straight..." Devis couldn't help but laugh, he was always laughing at the poor man, he never remembered his name either. Shrugging, he slid the heavy door open to see the graying man in plate armor swing about to look at him, redness coloring his otherwise pale cheeks. "You!" the man seemed to have trouble keeping his hands from the halbered near the wall. Seeing a chance to push his luck further, Devis enthusiastically shouted back "Me!" "watch yourself now you rotten bastard...this be the ninth time ye've shown up late here." the captains eyes glowered with his hatred for the young mercenary 'If it happens again, yer digging the shit out from under Krevek for a week!" Devis grinned through it all, nodding at the enraged little man. Stepping around the cot set uo for the gaurds, he reached the rack where he'd stashed his extra gear, a simple wooden shield, reinforced with bands of iron, and a brace of small throwing axes. He grabbed the items, bounding up the nearby stairwell to the top of the tower. As he came up through the hatchway, Devis spied the gaurdsman he was supposed to releive, leaning over the side. A gurgling sound and heavy breathing soon followed. "Carefull not to fall over the side there mate," He cleared the hatch and shut it agin, the tower was covered providing some cover from the rain and a large iron gong sat nearby with it's hammer resting next to it, "it's a long way dow.." Devis's voice caught in his throat as the gaurd slipped over the side. He almost darted for the side, until he spied a large grappling hook grasping to the ledge. Wasting no time, Devis sprang for the gong. Taking up the hammer he struck the gong three times to alert the other towers. No sounds came from the tower to the right, or from the one behind him. People near the tower were rushing about now, but it would take longer for word to spread. Devis blanched as heard the sound of someone heaving themselves over the wall. Glancing over his shoulder, he spied a large hulking, horned figure, wearing light armor cobbled together from bits of leather and chain, bearing the birght yellow half moon half skull symbol of Ragvauk. It had the body of a large man, but it's semblance of humanity ended with the bull like head. The Minotaur grinned, or at least it looked to Devis like it did, as it reached for the black mace slung on it's back. The beast took to long, thinking the young human to be shaking in his boots. Devis spun about, drawing his curved blade in the same motion. Blood spurted from a wound that flared open along the surprised minotaurs belly. It grabbed at the opening, trying to stem the tide of it's lifeblood. Devis moved passed the dying creature, arcing his bloodied blade at the next horned head that began peering over the edge. The sharp blade bit deep into flesh and bone, meeting the Beast-mans brains. The body jerked about before falling thirty feet to the ground, the rope and grappling hook soon followed. Shaking his head, Devis looked at the gaurd that had fallen. It was Ishmael. A young fellow that had seen one less year of life than devis's 21. Even more a pity, Devis had come to like the brash young man. A sigh escaped from devis as he tilted his head up. He wished he hadn't, for a large seething and roiling mass was moving swiftly out of the mountains towards the city. "That'd be Ragvauk's army now I'd wager." Devis Jumped, he hadn't heard the hatch open. Looking behind him, he saw that the gaurd captain had joined him. He also saw into on of the nearby streets that no reinforcements had arrived. "Captain?" Devis let the tourble he fekt be plain in his voice, "why hasn't at least the militia arrive here?" Sighing the old man drew a small crossbow from behind his back. "that'd be because I announced the gong as a false alarm." the troubled feeling turned into an ocean of weight on Devis' shoulders while the captains face took on a grim look. "yer handy with a blade I'll give ye that..." the gloved hand tightened about the trigger "Hell, yer handy with most any weapon...But I'll be damned if some snot nosed kid like you gets in the way." The weapon leveled with Devis's heart...[/SIZE][SIZE] To be Continued
Nothing against Boba, But I think it's pretty sad when guys avoid forming relatioships based on personality. Don't get me wrong, looks do play a part, but like mr. Rodney Carington says: "I'd rather be with a big woman who had a sense of humor than a B*$#$ that looked good." Not the exact quote, but you get the point, now to actually answer the origional question: If I see someone attractive, yes I do take notice that they look good/ dang sexy. I can't help it I'm human. However, I wouldn't immeadiately say that "I'd hit that". for a number of reasons. 1) I was brought up to have a healthy respect for woman, and wanting to hump a girl just cause she looks good ain't even close to being respectful. Granted, if both parties understood that it was going to be a one night stand/ relationship based on having relations, I can't say that it's wrong because both people know exactly what they're getting. 2) I already have a girlfriend with good looks, and a personality that makes her good looks glow golden! (She like anime and video games, nuff said) 3) Because of witnessing certain actions my father took, my beliefs regarding this have been reinforced further. I hope that answered your question at least a little bit. if nothing else ye got a peek in my mind.
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=4][B][CENTER]THE CHIBI LABRATORY[/CENTER] [/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] [SIZE=1]Standing behind a short, dark wooden podium, Dr. Kurzektamein, or "Tim" if you will, inventor of the legendary "Gizmometer, adjusts his spiral lens glasses, making his white lab coat rustle on the floor. Putting his quivering hand to his black bearded mouth he loudly cleard his throat. His piercing eyes gazed out over the massive assembly of fellow chibis. He leaned foreward to reach the microphone with his deep voice. "Hello, and thank you all for coming." a cough sounded in the crowd, the offender was shot with tazers and dragged from the building, "As you all know, I am Dr. Kurzektamein, and you all have been invited here for a specific reason." Grinning, he nodded towards the man controlling the lights. They light sputtered and died, enveloping the room in darkness for but a moment, as the hum of a projector roaring to life filled the air. Images of a massive, domed building came to life on the wall behind the doctor. "I have opened my new laboratory, and am looking to staff the building with each of you that recieved an invatation here, excluding your families of course." A murmer of shock and excitement rippled through the mass of bodies. Kurzektamein held up a hand for silence. "A full range of benefits and good pay will be offered at all levels of employment and several opportunities for promotion for a succesfull outside the box thinking chibi. Are there any questions concerning this matter?" A few hands were raised, the doctor picked one at random." "You there! Yes you, the jittery one! You have a question?" the shaky fellow stood, eyeing the security carefull, ready to run. "Um, y-yeah...you s-s-s-said there wou-wou-would be benefits? what kk-k-k-k-k-kind of benefits would there be?" The doctor's eyes brightened behind his glasses: "I'm glad you asked!" He waved his hand motioning for the projector to move the slides. "You would have a full range of medical benefits!" The slide showed a picture of two chibis, one tied down to a chair with a full-body lead bib, with a doctor standing behind a reinforced concrete/steel bunker, the words many of them experimental and totally beneficial under the sign saying Medical Benefits. "You would have access to a 24/7 gym!" The slide shifted to show a chibi in a hamster wheel being whipped by a hulking dungeon master. In the corner the words you'll be here all year long, flashed briefly. "And you would enjoy your own workspace and be able to persue many of your own projects!" The next slide showed Kurzektamein holding a hapless chibis invention, the patent and a huge roll of cash. Letters saying "We'll claim all profits made by them." Sped by too fast to read. The assembled crowd of chibis were so enthraled by the incredible offer they hardly noticed, and those that did were immeadiately shot with 50 cc's of horse tranquilizers. "But the best is yet to come!" The chibis turned their attention back to the legendary professor "There is roughly 500,000 dollars left in grant money, and that will be allowed to go to the chibbie that creates the most succesfull invention." Another excited murmer of anticipation escaped the hushed crowd. "However you will not be allowed to leave the labs until someone actually wins money." All eyes bulged at the news and brains boggled at what they'd heard. "Wait! Why should we- GAH! OH LORD!" the outspoken chibi was set upon by a small horde of trained squirrels, and later dragged out of the gymnasium where the meeting was being held. "Well," Kurzektamein played with his thought for a moment "It has been approved of, and will be enforced, by the U.N. You all are the best in your fields, and the world feels that under my guidance, you all can work together and make the world better." He clapped his hands together. "So, be sure to enjoy the dinner, and show up to work next week for screening, urine testing, brain examination, interviews, polygraph testing..." The chibi crowd sweat-dropped as the list went on for five minutes more. "Enjoy your last meal in freedom employees!"[/SIZE] [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] a[SIZE=1]lright then, that's the backstory for you. Now to go over a few simple and important rules: 1) NO GOD-MODDING! This is crucial for an RPG like this (or any RPG for that matter) Your chibbie is the best in his/her/it's scientific field, but I'd rather not see any super perfect, all powerfull inventions blasting half the lab into oblivion. 2) Quality posting is expected! I would like to see at minimum one full paragraph of actual english words nothing like: Lol, My invention would waste yours any day u dumb NOOB-e! 3) with regards to inventions. They can be nifty, or meant to do some amazing things, but try to put in defects, or have them work in an entirely unforseen way (by your characters that is) an example will be pending in my sign up 4) I would prefer you all avoid the curse versions of these words: Poo, fornication, and female dog. all others I think would be okay. 5) This should be the last rule. Have fun with this! I've noticed that most of the RPG's posted lately are all based around drama/violence and tragedy. This was made to have a bit of crazed caffeine induced fun. Now HAVE FUN *Loads gun*[/SIZE] [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] [COLOR=Navy][CENTER][B][SIZE=4]Important places in the lab[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] -Kurzektameins office: A large and spacious round room sitting at the top of the domed lab. Elaborate as it is efficient, the whole west wall is dedicated to Kurzektameins own personal security camera network. It allowes him to tap into any of the cameras scattered throughout the entire facility. -The kitchen: Sugary food and highly caffinated beverages are served here to keep the chibbie scientists energized and ready to go. it's large enough to serve over 500 people at a time. It sits at ground level along with the lobby -The labs: There are a number of laboratories dedicated to each field of science. whole floors are covered by a single lab with the elevator passing through each(For the sake of making this easier, there will be at minimum one floor for each field the characters come up iwth. I may add one or two more later.) -The elevator: The elevator is the only in the whole building. Though it's large enough to move two u-hauls, it's sometimes inconveinient for the chibbie workers. -The Testing Grounds: Although it's outside, it's fenced in with 20ft. high walls made from stoptryingtobreakitum alloys. The testing grounds are all encompassing for all fields of science, and Dr. Kurzektamein purchases the required materials for the chibbies. Squads of automated gaurd mechs over round the perimiter of the fence to ensure none of the scientists escape. - The "barracks": A floor dedicated to the rooms and recreation for all the chibbie scientists. this is where you will likely spend off time. [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=3][B][U]Sign Ups[/U] [/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] Okay, this is what you need to have for your character. I would like to see, quality, well thought out sign ups. Those who post crap will be shot, survivors shot again. Name: can be most anything name like Age: 8-80 (Child genius, crazed elder!) Gender:male, femal, wierd machine/chibi creature mix apperance: a good description or pic Personality: cover things like behaviour, mental problems (paranoia), habits, etc. Scientific field: almost whatever you can imagine. just describe what it covers and what its meant to do. can be real or made up, or an oddball take on something real. Bio: Come up with a well written background for your character Now, for my sign up Name: Fueren Gothammer Age: 32 Gender: Male Apperance: Pic Pending Personality: Deeply religious and intellectually curious to a fault, Fueren is obssesed with the idea the soul could indeed be observable and therefor, measurable, thereby proving the existence of the afterlife. Willing to go head to head with anyone that challenges his beleif's. The slightest remark could set the normally patient man off. Scientific Field: Physics, Biology and religious mix (Buhdihst) He draws upon his knowledge of the worlds physical nature/rules and how to break them, with his knowledge of the souls container (human body) in biology, and applies his "outside the box" thinking of his religion in order to create a machine that can physically measure the existence of the soul! Bio: As a young man at the prestigious, Ivy-League university of Harvard, German born Fueren became exposed to the Buhdihst religion one day while traveling through the nearby china town with a few friends from his Biology class. Fueren and his friends presented one of the local monks with a number of questions, and cited dozens of works done by famous scientists world wide. And the monk answered them all with a strength and sense of finality that swayed the young College students heart and mind towards a new path. His professors mocked him, his former friends belittled him, and he pushed onwards with his studies, which actually led to a number of astounding discoveries that shocked the scientific community: -The laws of gravity/nature and such, only apply if you allow them too. this has allowed a number of other gifted physicists to create new technologies, that performed the exact same tasks as older ones, the only real difference being that they looked cooler and had fancier names. -To achieve true balance, one must be at peace in mind heart, body, and workload. If scientists try to answer too many things at once, nothing gets done, and repetition of the same old crap begins in order to keep from being arrested for fraudulant use of grant money. These, among other things have helped scientists around the world begin research into new and exciting technologies. Currently, Fueren is working on a project which should create a machine to detect the existence of the Human soul. So far he's made the machine, but the most he's accomplished with it so far is detecting the existence of squirrels, alien life, and making popcorn. He's listed each as blundering failures, chased off the squirrels, shooed the aliens off, and ate the popcorn. [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] This is basically everything you need to know sign ups will now be accepted. I havn't quite decided how many people will be needed for this, so the best sign up's will be taken. The story begins in two weeks time. (Note, I realize I have spelled Chibi wrong several times, sorry about that -_-;;)
[SIZE=1]ooc: gah! I need a break from life, to many whirlwinds, sorry bout the lack of posts...again... A lonely, dark shape flitted from alley to alley, ducking into and behind the mountainous piles of garbage to hide himself from searching eyes. Korbin breathed deeply, trying not to gag on the stench emanating from the refuse. He wasn't to much farther from the old 'fair grounds'. How ironic...the fair grounds were once a place of joy and relaxation for all. Now they were used in ghost stories and threats by mothers to keep their out of hand children in line. The apc rolled by, the large Aros symbol gleamin almost proudly on it's side, rolled by, along with a compliment of cyber units. Now was as good a time as any to get his ass in gear. Out of the alleyway he darted, shooting behind the trops as they continued their patrol un-aware of the Caladbolg agent. His boots clunked heavily on the pavement as he sprinted, turning through the maze like set up between the buildings. He skid to a halt, nearly running over a bandaged Olivia. "You almost got yourself killed doing that!" Turning about at the harsh whisper, Korbin spied Trey seemingly blend within the shadows. A small rock flew from the dark corner, pegging Korbin's forehead. Reeling with pain, his hands clasped his bruised head. "What the hell was that for!" "That was for sending me with oogie and his crazed apprentice!" Ending it there she gently scooped up Olivia. "She should be waking up soon. How far to the Grounds?" Still holding his head He turned to look the direction they needed to go. "Not much farther, but we shouldn't go in with Olivia unconcious, we'd be hamburger long before hammett came about." "Where to then." they both kept looking around, hearing the sirens and voices barking out order over megaphones as they went. "there's a safe house we can wait in for at least an hour or too, it's not occupied as far as I know. And it's on the way." Nodding their agreements to the idea, both ran down the alley, trading Olivia between the two of them when the load became to heavy. When the rounded a particular bend, Korbin stopped at a pile of garbage, one of the black bags had a tattered slip of paper stuck to it with what they both hoped was just melted cheese. The paper had a picture of an ancient sword on it. Trey grinned, happy for a short break. They both pulled a number of bags aside, carefully enough so as to not bring the whole mountain down on them. Trey was the first to spy the red door with a black caladbolg symbol burned into it. Climbing over, she swung the door open, it's hinges complaining of old age. Korbin slid Liv over as best as he could. "Hurry! there's a potrol coming down the alley. A sense of fear overcame them both. Korbin dove over the pile, grabbing as many bags as possible to restack in front of the door. Trey closed the door as soon as he stepped back. The both of them prayed, sweating in the dark, that the soldiers hadn't heard.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Korbin was walking hastilly away from Noir's place. He wasn't going to lie, he enjoyed himself thoroughly, and was planning on visiting once this mess was resolved. He spun the disk inside his coat pocket, his shirisaya clicking on the ground every other step. He'd have to have ruya look at it when he met up with her again. The site might be secure like she said, but he would trust it more if he met her in person about it. Her report said that she, Trey, and Olivia were on Hammets trail, and word was trey was going to kill him for sticking her with nature freaks 1 & 2, Berky and Vincent. Korbin chuckled as he remembered the way Ruya 'dropped' in on him and Noir. She was probably hard at work auctioning her work. He strode past a store selling the latest in Holovid technology. Their little rampage was still on the news and...! "Oh...shit." Shit summed up the situation Korbin saw in front of him perfectly well: Judy Banks with a special live broadcast news break! "In response to the recent outbreak of terrorist activities acrossed the Globe, all aimed at the benevolent Aros Inc., the Board of the corporate conglomorate has responded by bestowing emergency powers over to their cheif of FLARE special security division Johs Rok Tull." the display cut to Johs's imposing figure, standing tall in front of the podium. "People of Earth!" his eyes seemed to look deep within one's soul, seeing every truth and lie about a person "As of this day, I have received temporary command over the entire Aros company, a state of worldwide emergency is now in effect!" people gathered around korbin, speaking in low hushed tones. "As we speak, police forces, S.T.A.R.S., Military, Aros Inc. Security units, are all being deployed nation wide, to combat the increasing threat from the Caladbolg terrorist group!" As Johs spoke, aircraft looed up over the buildings, seeming foreboding birds of prey. Long lines snaked out from their bellies, and troops began descending rapidly onto the rooftops to set up equipment. "This is all for the safety of the public. A 12:00 p.m. curefew will be put into effect for all persons legally considered to be an adult. A 10:00 p.m. curefew will be set for all those not considered adults." Armored Personel carriers screached to a halt, tearing the pavement to shreds as they slid to a halt. Soldiers in full combat gear rushed out setting check points, full cyborgs stepped out to reinforce them, Bladedancers, duelists, Even the heavy machine gun toting hailstorm units. Korbins teeth ground together, this just kept getting better and better... "Air travel will be restricted. Travel to the moon, and Mars will be monitered, and in some cases restricted." He seemed the imperious leader now, he seemed to be enjoying himself in this little game of his. "Until the Caladbolg members are hunted down, this will all be in effect from here after! Furthermore!" his gaze seemed to spike in intensity. "There will be a 300,000 credit reward for information that leads to the capture of any caladbolg agent, or sympathiser. Any information leading to the annihilation of Caladbolg will be rewarded with a 1,000,000 credit bounty!" the crowd hushed at the sudden announcment. A whole million? Caladbolg had few friends now. Korbin turned and strode down the street, avoiding the checkpoints while he could this wasn't good at all. "Oh fucking great!" He didn't notice that the alley carried his voice well. "We havn't even found Hammet yet, and now this!" he whirled in frustration, his good mood spoiled. This mission was going to be hell. And if he survived, he was going to make sure he was paid well, in Aros top military parts. "Carefull." Korbin spun upon hearing that familiar voice "Your temper can get you in a lot of trouble." it was Vick, Caladbolgs 'mailman' "What is it?" Korbins voice carried no friendship "A friendly tip, others'll be gettin the same message later on." He turned, already ready to leave "Hammet was seen skulking near the old fair grounds." "That old graveyard?" Vick stopped to peer at Korbin. "Not afraid of what's there are you? Hammet isn't. it's where he gets most of his ...how do I say this...'products'." "I ain't afraid...it's just this is messy enough, don't need those old skeletons rearin up to tear my cyberware out of me." Vick just laughed, his shoes tromping the cement as he walked away. Graveyard huh? Korbin headed for the nearest terminal, the others needed to know about this. [CENTER] * * *[/CENTER] attention to all psylab agents...report back to 'Heaven' immeadiatly for mission updates and briefing...attention to all... that was the message. Aros sure as hell hadn't consulted them on this, and this was one of those things that really could fuck with someone's business. And the people of Psylabs always meant business. Tylar Richards took everything seriously, even from a small age when he first learned to kill with a thought, he took the matter seriously, deciding on how to best work his mothers murder to his advantage. Framing his father was the best solution, as it rendered him, and his dear sister blameless. It was a simple thing to control the drunkards mind, almost pleasurable... That was irrelevant, back to the matter at hand. The room was dark right now, illuminated only by the light coming from the various screens on current events, and the spy units trained on each of their agents. Had the overhead lights been on, they would have reavealed the room to be sterile white, with gleaming metallic desks and chairs for the operators to sit in. Tylar Richards lithe frame sat in the control chair, planning the companies best move. He came to one conclusion, screw Aros. If they wanted their Disk back that badly, they can continue on their own. Sure as hell had the man power and resources to do it. But could their be an advantage if...? One of their agents had breif contact with agents from Caladbolg. Not one of Psylabs favorite groups, but respected for their daring. Could the information be enought to eliminate the greatest global entity? Probably not, but it could certainly divide it and knock down their power a peg or two. then psylabs wouldn't have to play yes man to the ironfisted boardmembers. Hell they could even locate those people for Caladbolg... He stopped that train right there, to many people playing for different teams. Sure he may be the most powerfull psychic in the building, but that doesn't stop the clever ones from catching a glimpse or two. When their agents gathered, it'd be time to dispatch the new orders: learn why Aros wants that disk so bad. Find possible leverage. If it turned out to be crucial, they could have options open up to them. Many options. [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] "Have word spread that other than our team hunting for hammet, all others are to go underground!" Idendholdt was holding his head, the stress was mounting. they knew the general are hammet was in, the potential for a real retaliation was at nearly at hand! But it kept slipping through their fingers. His lueitenents saluted briefly, hustling to give thier orders. He sat breathing deeply in the sparsly decorated brick room. "Nothing has gone rigt since you died. has our spirit died out as well?" He drew one more breath. it all was resting with those few. They couldn't risk having multiple cells active now. One team would have a shot going unoticed, provided they could cordinate themselves moving seperately. "Once we get the layouts and passwords, we attack here." he pointed to a map, talking to himself. The shimmering metal finger rested on the building of an Aros weapons Storage facility. When your enemy has what you need, take it from them. ooc: Sorry for not being on. our internet was down for a while, we re arranged the house.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]His Brown eyes lingered on the inner entryway to her inner sanctum. This was the address, and korbin didn't think that Noir had lied to him about it. He could hear a voice repeating on and on about him being a sinner, and how the 'serephim' was going to mete out his punishment. The screen on the voice scan access panel light up with blue lights asking for his password. His hands flew to his weapons as the door slid open, he thought he could her Noir's laughter somewhere from within. He stood tense, letting his conciousness fall into his instinctive self. He felt no fear, no hesitation as he strode in to Noir's inner sanctum. "The Serephim has granted you entrance." the voice was spooky, would have been creepy to Korbin had he not been mentally prepared. The weapons linning the wall gave him insight to his opponent, and gave him back up plan after back up plan. Her laughter filled his ears, seeming to echo from all acrossed the darkened room he entered, in the dim lighting he could make out a number of support pillars near to him. He drew his shirisaya in time. Sparks flew from their blades as they connected. White, reflective steel sliding against The purest, light absorbing black. Noir's eyes blazed with firey pasion as they danced their deadly dance of blades together. Their swords hummed their deadly song as they went round and round. Korbin spun, blade twirling above his head, while Noir went for the opening, thinking herself quicker. Korbin spotted the movement, and brought his blade to bear wtih the full force of his momentem behind it. She barely blocked his attack, sparks sprining to life from their blades again. Her leg snaked out to sweep his from under him. He jumped up and back away from her, and she followed, her face split in a wide grin of pleasure. She kept up her rapid assault battering away at Korbin's impecable defenses. They finally both met, swinging full force, and their blades went flying from each other to rest in opposite pillars. Lights flickered on, illuminating the room as they launched at each other, fists flying, and feet leaping from the ground to strike the other. Noir blocked a series of attacks from korbin, feeling each one sending waves of pain through her. She backflipped, her feet catching Korbin under the chin. He rolled with the blow as much as he could, flipping himself with it. They both landed near their weapons. Drawing them with a distinctive metallic ringing sound, they launched at each other colliding in mid-air. They slipped on each other's bodies, glistening with sweat. Noir ended up on top, her blade lowering towards Korbins throat. "You lose." She was still grinning but a hint of disapointment tainted her lovely voice. She was warm, her breathing deep and quick. Korbin couldn't resist, his hands snapped on her wrists, he pulled and pushed with his knees simeltaneously, flipping her onto her back, with him straddling. Struggling to push her own sword down towards her throat, he grinned wolfishly. "Don't be so quick to judge that it's over." She let go of her sword, her face darted foreward to meet his. Their lips touched, parting instantly to let their tounges meet. The sword was flung away from them as they, hastily stripped themselves, and let their wild, frenzied pasions overwhelm all thought and reason. The lights flickered and dimmed again.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Korbin shook his head, trying to re-orient himself. Gun fire was rattleing off behind them, bullets whistled by their heads. The 6 of them split to either side of the alley way, diving behind trash piles and dumpsters. Vincent took his Z-66 sub-machine gun to his shoulder, sighting instantly down the barrel . He squeezed the trigger firing three rounds on it's burst setting. The Aros soldiers answered with a hail of bullets. "This isn't gonna work, we'll be caught in a cross fire!" She threw six shurikan at another soldier. The first sliced the earpiece's wire. The second and third took the poor soldiers eyes through his goggles. the last two caught the man in the throat. "SHIT!" she ducked as a 12-gauge slug tore into the trash pile beside her. "Their sending air units!" shouted Ruya "Six Humming birds!" Korbin drew Zephyr and fired three rounds. He smiled as he was rewarded with a lightening in the bullet storm. "Here! In here!" the looked to berkey, he was pulling with all his might on a sewer cover. Olivia dove next to him and began pulling. It side with a metallic scrapeing noise as it came free. Berkey charged his staff then threw it down into the sewers. A sharp crack could be heard, along with surprised shouts. Berky giggled maniacally as he dropped down Olivia slid down the grimey ladder after him, Trey soon followed not even bothering with the ladder. She splashed down, looking about to see Berkey and Olivia delivering Cu Degra's to the stunned Aros Cyber troops. Ruya climbed down, her laptop resting in her backpack Vincent tossed Korbin a small satchel, drawing one of his own. They pulled the rip cords and tossed. Korbin flew back, taking two rounds. One tore through his shoulder, sending a small gout of blood flying. The other bounced off of his left cyber arm with a resounding ring of metal striking metal. Korbin squirmed slightly, clutcing the shoulder as blood oozed forth, clawing his way to the man-hole as explosions tore the air from his lungs. Vincent pulled him again, and jumped into the sewer. Korbin winced as Oliva and trey did a patch up repair to stop the bleeding. "We need to split up." Ruya was panting, paranoid. They all were. Korbin nodded in agreement. "Right *gasp* we split up into two groups." Korbin was having a little trouble thinking straight, between electrocution, being shot and explosions. "Berkey, Vincent you two go with Trey. Olivia, Ruya come with me." He leaned back taking in a great gush of air."Once we get past their squads, we split up again. Run individually." Everyone put in their agreement towards the plan. Smoke began to filter down, the trash had caught fire. Ruya stepped foreward her breathing coming in quick gasps. This was the closest call any of them have had in a while. "I'll set up...ahh...I'll set up a secure page for us to communicate on. The mission's still a go right?" They all nodded again, then took off in seperate directions. [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] Korbin ran down the dank, slime covered sewer tunnels, Ruya was close behind. Their steps created splashes, disturbing the human waste floating in the system. Korbin spotted movement in the shadow's ahead, the dim lighting. He sped foreward with inhuman speed, springing between the third generation [I]BladeDancers[/I], dubbed "duelists. Much more lithe in construction, they fought close range with a variety of blades, prefering Rapier or Katana styled weapons. They swung, missing their mark by mere inches. In a flash, His Shirisaya was drawn, beheading the two cyborg units in a clean stroke. He landed sheathing his sword in the same motion. Korbin turned to see Ruya lowering a FLARE soldier, yanking her knife from his throat. The blood spurted from the wound in time with his dying heartbeat. She met his eyes with her's, she was shaken but still together. "What? I've had to defend myself before. Korbin shook his head, pushing his humor to the back of his mind. They continued down the tunnels. Minutes later they past into safety, splitting up to go seperate directions. "Where are you going?" Korbin looked back to Ruya. "I'm getting help! we're going to need it!" they parted ways. They needed to find Hammet now. If anyone discovered him with the back up unit, they would know about it through the Caladbolg networks. Then they would be ready to strike. They would need more help for when they struck, and Korbin already had someone in mind. He was going for her address as soon as he escaped the sewers and got cleaned up.: Noir...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Korbin 'hmmmd' to himself as he leaned against the stucco white walls. The coolness sent chills along his spine, it relaxed him. The only sounds were Ruya's fingers clacking away on the keyboard, and the fan twirling lazily in the air. "Well...First we need to find the back up unit. It'll have all the information that was supposed to be on the datapad." the others around him nodded their agreement. He hated this, he was ending up to be the so called 'leader'...crap "It should be in the hands of 'Junkshop Hammet'." The others blinked quizically. "junkshop Hammet?" piped up Olivia "Why would he have it?" "Who is junkshop hammet?" asked Trey. Korbin stood fully, his arms still crossed. "He's a wandering peddler, and one of our agents, I guess. He's never in one spot for too long, and he's found ways of still moving while he's asleep." "I take it he's called junkshop hammet because he carries his merchandise with him?" "Exactly." Put in Ruya, taking a break from her typing."No Arian, knock it off." she tried whispering it, but the others gave her odd looks "Thanks Pallav." the young woman looked back up, eyeing them in return. "what?" "are you okay?" asked Olivia. "yeah just fine!" replied Ruya cheerily "It's just...well..." "Well what?" Trey blinked as if looking at the strangest thing was walking the earth. "Well..." Ruya cleared her throat." I have voices in my head from a brain implant, two voices to be exact." Korbin chuckled at the thought, he always found things like that to be humorus. "You know...we could get rid of them for you." Olivia motioned to her tools "I've fixed things like that before. "Aww no...I've gotten used to em. Besides the only one that's ever a pain is Arian." Ruya grinned as she began typing on her cumpeter again, her fingers creating a storm of click-clacks. The other three just shrugged...then a midget piggy-back ridding a S.T.A.R.S. Captain burst in through the front door. "Haha! I've been provided with an apprentice!" [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] The twelve convened again, each was clearly distressed. The shadow's themselves seemed to move as the board members flitted about, twidling their thumbs with worry. "Are you sure your plan will work?" questioned the raspy voice "He's never seen us before, but that wont stop him from tracking us down like dogs if this fails." "I concure," put in the younger woman "This should, and will, be performed with the utmost care." "Subtlety never works with a man like Johs...he's too clever for it." stated the table head "a brutal foreward assault will be our only option. "The spies will work! the assassin's will not fail us!" shouted the older woman "They are close to our creation. Maybe not as close as we would like, but close enough to strike that fatal blow. the timing will need to be percise, when he's weakest." the young voice broke the silence that settled on the darkened room "Are you sure it's wise? Letting Caladbolg get at him? are you even sure they're up to the task?" "he hasn't destroyed them yet." Put in another male voice "They've got to have some margin of skill." "Besides, "said the voice of a frail old woman "We have our cover story in case they fail." "They had found a copy of Dr. Ross's datapad, and were able to gain access to all facilities. There was no way we could have changed all our passwords in time, without losing trillions of dollars worth of research that we have to deliver on time, if we are to maintain Aros Inc.'s position and credibility." Recited the young woman. "Besides we can't lose military support now, can we?" The voices all rang with laughter at the mocking tone of her voice, it set them all at ease. "Very well then! the plan willl begin as soon as possible!" the table head had a tone of command emanating from him now "Give it time and it will be done." The board concluded their meeting, each leaving from a seperate doorway, save the table head. A screen flickered behind him, giving way to static. "Is it done? is everything in order my love?" The table head turned his chair towards the screen, his thin red lips curling into a cruel smirk of satisfaction. Satisfaction at seeing his 'allies' demise approaching fast. "It is done..."[/SIZE]
"Imperious leader?" Korbin stared blankly at her "Look, we've got a mission, I was just trying to get things together." He indicated towards Ruya "I just know that were going to need a computer expert with us. Other than knowing what we need, planning and coordinating's not my thing." He slumped back against the wall. This was going to be a troubling day. Trey just chuckled at him. Olivia shared in her mirth. Drake just grumbled, letting himself smolder out his annoyance. "Like I said Drake, just teasing." Olivia scooted closer "that Noir woman seemed to take an interest in Drake now that I think about it, maybe she was jealous?" Trey chuckled, enjoying Korbin's sudden discomfort as he sweatdropped. "Yeah, she was looking him up and down, threatening us! hehehe...she's really jealous!" they dug through boxes as they worked, finding the things they needed to fix up Trey's customer. Korbin harumphed and turned towards Ruya. "so, want to hear more about what I have in mind?" She looked up, giving him a wry grin, that suddenly broke into a face of shear delight. "Sure thing...lover-man." Drake sighed in frustration "I take it you need dating advice?" Drake let his head drop giving up against the onslaught of the three women. they laughed at his hepless predicament -------------------------- ooc: sorry, just felt light hearted at the moment. Feel free to continue the humor if you like, it may be serious, but hey, nothing says you can't have humor with it. also Holy gunman has retired from the RPG.
[SIZE=1] Korbin stood blinking. [I]bodygaurds? they're just people I know by reputation, for the most part...[/I] He let his hand drop away from Zephyr, didn't need it now. His eyes cast themselves onto olivia and trey...and he young woman typing away at a computer? [I]How in the bloody hell did I miss that![/I] the more he looked at her, the more he understood. She was unasuming, she did nothing to draw attention to herself in this crazed violent world. Korbin relaxed, thinking maybe he'd found the help they'd need to get the datapad. "You, with the computer." he took a few steps toward her, Olivia and trey whispered to one another "What's your name?" Her eyes never left the screen when she answered him flatly: "Ruya." "I take it your good with computers?" Her eyes finally unglued themselves from the screen, pointing to the computer putting that sarcastic look on her face that said: 'god your stupid' Korbin chuckled, he'd walked into that one. And this girl had guts, exactly what he needed, what they all needed, to go against Aros Inc. "Interested in a job?" Trey's face tightened with concern. "Do you think it's a good idea Drake? How much do we know about her?" korbin shrugged, indicating he knew jack about this person. "I'm just wondering if she wants a job." "what's the job..." everyone turned back to the computer woman, her face contorting in surprise with what she found. "We shouldn't talk about it here." the woman gave a quick laugh. "[I]That[/I] kind of job." She turned her intelligent eyes on the trio. "Who do you work for, may I ask?" Korbin held his hands up, sighing. "Again something we can't discuss in public." His eyes darted about, most everyone was giving htem their space but they couldn't be too carefull. Trey tugged on Korbins arm. "Come on. We can go back to my shop and talk about it" her eyes fell on Olivia "once we take care of that customer, he needs a tune up let's go!" As they hurried along, Korbin found himself thinking about that woman, Noir. Something about the way she carried herself, and looked at had him made him wonder. The smile she gave him was a dead give away to what she was thinking of. He smiled, almost wolfishly, could be fun. he did like the kind of woman that could kick his ass. none of them noticed the eyes that watched them from above...[/SIZE]
Korbin looked about, two different people had just shown up, trevaylen chastising him for going off and finishing things without her, and now a woman was eyeing him down the sights of her twin guns. today was turning out to be a bad day... Trey went to the defensive immeadiately, her snapping behind behind her back where she kept her shurikan pouches. She bent her legs at the knees, ready to move in an instant. The mystey woman was clothed in a full body black leather outfit that hugged her snuggly. Her peircing Ice Blue eyes caught trey's movement. She turned the gun in her left hand to train on the woman. "No swift movements now," Her voice flowed smoothly, it even seemed to [I]feel[/I] smooth. "I want an answer, who are you?" her eyes narrowed dangerously on Korbin. Korbin settled back, letting his body relaxe, readying itself to move swiftly, he'd need it at this range, those magnums she was wielding packed a good punch, he'd seen similar guns turn a person into a canoe... "I'm Korbin," He slid his wide brimmed hat back on, then let his hand settle back next to his pistol, Zephyr. "I'm also known as Drake." A spark of recognition flashed acrossed the woman's face "Now that I've given you my name, what's yours?" The woman shook her head slightly, surprise at the question, but her trained eyes never leaving her quarry. "I'm Noir...that should suffice for now. Olivia trotted out of her shop, stepping over the fallen midget. "Come on now, both of you.." She stopped seeing the akward situation before them. "Wow...this must not be one of our better days..."
Discuss Aros Inc. Underground (Mature rpg: VL, possible s)
Swordsaint replied to Swordsaint's topic in Theater
Another question that had come up and a good one at that: What is the current form of currency in these days? the answer is Credits! not origional I know, but it's the best I ccould come up with and it works, it's quick, simple and there's no hassle over something this little. any more questions to send them to me, and you'll have your answer here.