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Everything posted by Swordsaint
Sorry snakemarcato13, but i have to agree with chibihorsewoman on several things: 1st-your grammer really did suck till they got on you about it. 2nd-Your way to angry about the whole thing trying to make it sound like love is a bad thing. IT'S NOT I TELL YOU! unless you were being a complete ****tard about it and took things lightly. Love is hell? love is pain? Love can be pain, but pain goes, and heals, it's supposed to make you stronger, not the crazed, angry mess you sound like. Love is only hell if you make it that way. 3d-Your a Mercenary? Must not be very good if you have so much time on your hands to be wasting valuable work time posting things here, instead of doing your job. 4th- Love can be a confusing thing, that has to be carefully interpreted, otherwise like Chibi said, it can leave you cold. If you get it right though, then things turn out much better. So, if your such an angry, deluded, hateful mess of a person, then either you misinterpreted your feelings, or the other person's feelings. Oh by the way, I think love can be a beautiful thing, when not taken lightly. Play with fire and you get burned, respect it, and it'll keep you warm.
My dad is currently without a job, due to the fact that he's in prison for drug possesion/use, spousal/child abuse, assault, robbery, adultury, possesion of an unliscensed, deadly weapon, kidnapping, and resisting arrest. My step dad remoldels rooms for people. His pay depends upon what the people want done to which rooms. I like the second one lots better.
hmmm...My first kiss was when i was 12 with my first girlfriend, i was pretty nervous, but I ended up enjoying it. Especially after compered to my recent 2nd girlfriend (i'm 16 now, yes the numbers are pathetic, but who cares.) it was like she wanted tear my face off while ripping out my voice box with her tongue.
Right a "FEW" questions. What is your name: Jordan Michal Espinosa Spell your name backwards: asonipsE lahciM nadroJ Date of birth: 8/26/87 Male or female: Male Astrological sign: Virgo Nicknames: Jordy, Gumby Occupation: High School Height: 6' Weight: 153 lbs. Hair color: Brown Eye color: Brown Where were you born: Seattle, Washington Where do you reside now: A little town called ronan Age: 16 Screen names: Swordsaint E-mail addy: [email]swordsaint6@hotmail.com[/email] What does your screen name stand for: Name comic book character I came up with What is your gangsta name: don't have one What does your diary name stand for: Nadda Pets: 2 cats Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake: 16 Piercings: left ear Tattoos: not yet Shoe size: 10 Righty or lefty: righty Wearing right now: Blue shirt with a dragon pic, baggy cargo pants Hearing: 2 guys cussing each other out Feeling: content Eating/drinking: Pizza and pepsi ~Guys/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff~ Have you ever been in love: yes How many people have you told "I love you": 2 How many people have you been in love with: 2 How many people have you kissed: 2 Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex: heck no! How many people have you dated: 2 What do you look for in a guy/girl: Nice personality, decent looks likes playstation games and anime What's the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex: Their eyes What type of guy/girl do you usually go for: outspoken, open minded, and nice. Do you have a bf/gf: not right now If so where did you meet them? What do you like most about your bf/gf? Do you have a crush right now: nope If so who is it? Do you believe in love at first sight: I guess it happens, so yes. Do you remember your first love: yes i certanly do Who is the first person you kissed: Robin Brooks Do you believe in fate: yes, if god knows what's going to happen then it's predetermined, right? Do you believe in soul mates: Yes, it's just hard to find them If so do you believe you'll ever find yours: Eventually ~Family Stuff~ How many siblings do you have: 3 What are your parents names: Stacy and Rick (Step-dad) What are your siblings names: Tylar, Westyn, and hannah. How many siblings does your mother have: 5 How many siblings does your father have: 6 Where are your parents from: Washington Is your family close: To me? yes Does your family get together for holidays: heck yeah Do you have a drunk uncle: A few Any medical problems run through your family: yes indeedy Does someone in your family wear a toupee: not that i know. Hmmm Do you have any nieces or nephews: yup Are your parents divorced: Unfortunately yes Do you have step parents: yup Has your family ever disowned another member of your family: Yup me and my immeadeate family. If so for what: My mom loved my step dad, but the rest of the family (uncles, aunts etc.) didn't Did some of your family come to America from another country: yup ~Music Stuff~ What song do you swear was written about you or your life: haven't heard one What's the most embarrasing cd you own: none, i avoid that What's the best CD you own: Dope: of life What song do you absolutely hate: most anything rap Do you sing in the shower: nope What song reminds you of that special someone: oddly, that song from the church in ff7 where you first meet Areis.
The hardest thing I've done in my life was writing to my Dad in prison, telling him not to write to me any more, that if he couldn't clean himself up like he kept promising, that i didn't want to have anything to do with him. I had to grow up, never knowing my dad for what he was beyond an alcoholic/drug addict and abusive father. Sorry if it's a little sappy, but I had to get that off my chest, ya know.
OOC: nothing against you guys, but are we playing or what? where's Inuyasha Fandom? has'nt posted in a while...hmm. Jordan and John, fired into the oncoming fiendish dogs. Blood and boon splattered agains the walls as the dogs whimpered and died. Both of them sprinted out the door, doging the vicious when they lept at them. "I thought I saw someone at the building across the street when we came here!" Yelled John. The pattering of the dogs feet could be heard growing closer, the door seemed miles away. They both slammed it open and kept running, weaving and doging the zombies stumbling through the parking lot. Jordan and John reached the building acrossed the street, bolted inside, and slammed the door. Both men were breathing heavily, the sound of a bullet being chambered made them both look up. P.S. Hope this livens this up for you guys, this things kinda dying out. I also have to agree with Storm, Take the post bake Zhang_He, I think you were "the guy John saw in the building acrossed the street."
Sign Up Kurookami High School: Where Sanity Is Rare ((AGAIN!))
Swordsaint replied to erinzyger's topic in Theater
OOC: Thanks for letting me join Shanghai. Name: Jordan Espinosa Year: 3 Team: Senketsu Blurr Label: Class clown/friendly guy Description: stands at about 6 ft. he has short cut brown hair. his eyes are brown and sparkle with a charismatic, and mischeivious light. weighs 152 lbs. (slim built, in other words.). He wears baggy cargo pants, and shirts of dragons curving around swords. Bio: Jordan grew up in the U.S. before moving to Japan (That's where the school is right?) He earned his blackbelt in Ninjitsu before coming to japan, and loved anime. He's only gone to the school for a few days (subject to change, depends on how close to the tournament we start.) He met Meis while he was training at the local shrine, and later during school was accepted (or initiated into the Senketsu Blurr club. He loves anime, and drawing anime, cooking, and Playstation games of all kinds. -
I'm Currently studying Ninjitsu, tae Kwon Do, Karate, and Judo at my self defense class. Our teacher wanted us to learn more than just one style of martial arts, so that we could be able to fight in most situations. Personally, I love it! Bruce Lee was my insparation for it when I was about 3 (Yes i was speaking and discovering the value of movies by then) and i'd wanted to learn ever since. And since I've been in the class, i've gotten stronger, and my reflexes are faster. The best part about it though, I'm acually GOOD at it.
I haven't seen all the series yet, might need a few pointers here and there... Name: McNeal Ries Age: 25 Description: 6'1, 175 lbs, has Dark Blue eyes, Short Black hair. Caucasian descent, Well muscled from his Martial arts/ fencing classes. Wears a light brown tunic and baggy breeches over chain armor. Bio: McNeal was born in the U.S. where he grew up as a street fighter, till his dad got a Job in Japan. They moved there and Mcneal got his butt kicked left and right. Learning Humility the hard way he took Martial arts and Fencing classes, and now is a professional martial arts instructor. Started playing The World as soon as it came out to test his skills against other people, and the creatures there. In Game Name: Tenchi Ryuken Description: Seems Stern at first but, he's friendly and helpfull guy, especially for newbies, trying to find their way around. He has eyes of shimmering pools of molten silver, and short Silver hair. Stands at 6'1, and looks to weigh about 175 lbs. Weapon: A Long Sword with intricate runes carved down the blade, giving it a little extra 'bite'. Class: Blade master If having a Magic weapon be to much, tell me and i'll change it. Thanks! :)
"We've got to find a way out of this city, and help any other people we find along they way. Jordan said. Zell shook her head in agreement, but john groaned. Jordan looked sharply at him, saying "You got a problem?" "Yeah, I don't like the thought of going back out there into a mindless horde of zombies, or running into any of those...those dogs!" "So you'd rather sit here and wait for them to come inside?" asked zell John gave a heavy sigh "No, it's just not risk i want to take, but i'm gonna have to." Jordan gave a slight nide, then said "Alright, before we leave we're checking the weapons lockers around here. They're probably cleaned out with all officers called out to the blockades, but we might get lucky." Zell looked up "Wouldn't they be locked or something?" "I have the Keys to one of them, the S.W.A.T. lockers have a different key. You 2 stay here, watch each others backs." said Jordan, tossing John his shotgun. With that Jordan ran through the doors to the police weapons lockers, screams coming through the walls from outside. He saw the bullet proof gaurd booth, empty. Ignoring it he unlocked the door to the weapons store, finding another 9mm berreta. "Great, that's just great." He hurried back to zell and john, tossing the gun to john "Happy birthday." John caught the gun, looking it over with disdain "guess there's no other choice Huh?" zell started to say something, but before she fineshed, shrill Howls of dogs on the hunt echoed througout the station "oh crap...the drug dogs!" Yelled Jordan. The windows shattered as the hellish hounds burst through.
Name: Gattsu Age:17 Apperance: uncombed, blue hair, frost eyes, 6 ft., steel, right gauntlet, an open red robe (shirtless otherwise? baggy, grey cargo pants, Steel boots and greavs. Bio: Gattsu knew what he wanted to be since a young age, a warrior. His only desire, besides learning to fight, was to become the greatest warrior ever in history. at 7, he became a squire to goofy's second in comand of the knights, (Goof doesn't use weapons) he's been trained in the use of several weapons, but his fave was the sword. after achieving the full rank of knight at 17 he went to the coliseum for further training, there he met Kairi, and joined in her quest. Weapon: Twin sword (Splits into 2, if there's a prob with that PM me plz.) side:Good, for now (again if there's a prob with switching sides in the future plz pm me)
Jordan shudders at the nightmare playing over and over in his head as he arrives at the police station, few cars still parked there. He runs inside, jogging over to his cramped , cluttered office, grabbing the last box of shells out of his desk. Jordan sprints for the dispatch radio. "All units attention all units, pull back to the station, A.S.A.P., I repeat all units fall ba..." "This is blockade alpha on the southern end of mainstreet! we are overrun! They aren't human! They Aren't dying! No! No, stay away AGHH!" Jordan stares at the radio in horror as the officers voice dies out in the thralls of death. slowly he sits in the chair. "Good god...what's happening?"
Jordan slams on the brakes, unable to believe the horrific sight before him. The blockade set up on mainstreet was being overrun by a ravenous horde of blood soaked people. Officers peppered bodies with bullets, only to see them still standing. "What's going on! They aren't dyi..AGHH!" a roting hand smashed through the window, and a decayed face pushed through, biting and tearing out ryan's throat. Jordan drew his pistol and fired 3 times into the creatures face. Turned the car around, and barrled down the empty road, the screams of pain and terror fading behind.
The distress call came through, a mob had gathered and was mauling and destroying everyone, and everything in sight. All officeres were to report in and head out to the front line, in full gear. For me, unfortunately, that meant i only had a kevlar vest, my 9mm and a 12-gauge. I jumped into my car with my partner Ryan, and sped off towards the blockade set up on mainstreet.
If there's still a spot open i'll join. Name: Jordan Frame age: 27 Job: HMPD Detective Blood Type: O Appearance: 6 foot, 180 lbs., shoulder cut black hair, frost blue eyes, gunshot scars on his right shoulder. Caucasian Bio: Jordan led a happy life, solving cases, saving peoples lives to, it gave him a sense of fullfilment, till he was approached by an umbrella exec. that wanted him to call off a particular case, were 11 people had disapered. He refused and pushed on, no matter what the exec. offered. Then his wife happened to "slip" and break her skull open on a concrete wall, and a drive by was done at his house( Where he got his gunshot scars) and his life and career spiraled downwards from their. Now he's one of the coldest people at the PD. If the Bio doesn't work (Umbrella exec. and all..) post and let me know. thanks.
My fav. american cartoon. hmm...I'd have to say Futurama, although i prefere Cowboy Bebop and hellsing over it.