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Everything posted by Swordsaint
Korbin shook his head as Olivia rattled off the information, then sniffed. He smelled something funny in the shop. He turned back to see the odd 'Shaman' midget laying in the doorway, his pet weasel's tail could be seen flailing beneath him "What do you want me to do with him?" Olivia shook her head, her face strained with worry. "Oh...just leave him there, I'll toss him out in a minute if he's okay. You better go get yourself in order for what's coming." Korbin chuckled, Olivia really was one of the last good people around. He was glad to have her on his side, she was the one he went to see for tune ups on his cybernetics, he just had trouble remembering her name sometimes, he wasn't always around. Korbin stepped carefully over the fallen, filth ridden midget with some care, tapping him on the side of the head with his shirisaya. He stepped out doors, cars drove by, drunkards yelled curses at the drivers. Gunfire popped off somewhere in the distance. Korbin turned north, walking along the road, he needed to requesition(SP?) a few things. He needed someone good with computers too, he needed to find out if Caladbolg had anyone nearby for that. His brown eyes caught the faintest fluttering of movement in the alleyway to his left. His eyes narrowed, but he kept walking foreward, ignoring the five thugs that stepped out from the alleyways corner, three more ran up behind him blocking him in. The wore leather coats, arms cut off to reveal the kevlar lining within, and their cybernetic arms. A few brandished bats, a few drew daggers and chains. "Hey now...we got ourselves a rich man here." They chuckled as their leader paced around korbin. "Nice clothes, fancy cane." He stopped in front of him, snarling his words "Hand it all over, rich man!" Korbin sighed, letting his body settle on the balls of his feet. "I don't have any money, and this cane has sentimental value I-" The leader moved to bring his knife to bear on Korbin, then stopped suddenly, doubling over, gaspin for air as Korbin drew his knee from the man's groin. The rest of the gang gasped, then rushed him, trying to overpoewer the man before he had a chance to swing. "Your dead you dumb fu-!" Korbin drew the shirisaya from it's case, taking a knee, he swung twice above his head, and resheathed the blade all in the same motion. The gang stopped moving, quivering as they held their ground. A sound of metal sliding against metal, then their cyber arms slid away from their bodies, leaving the thinest slip of metal blocking the blood vessels. Korbin slowly stood, drew Zephyr from it's holster. The pistol barked once, the bullet tearing through the back of their leader's head, splattering blood and brain matter acrossed the pavement. His eyes narrowed dangerously as he gazed upon the group. "Go home" Korbin's voice lowered to a harsh whisper "Before I end you here." The thugs took off, scattering in different directions. Korbin Holstered his pistol and kept walking.
Korbin, or Drake as most people called him for his temperment, groaned after Vic left the bar "clockworks". He didn't like the sound of things, and the card he left for him seemed to have a great wieght around it. "Hey!" The barkeep, Jones, slammed a glass on the card "Is that a payment her owed ya?" Korbin sighed, he knew what was coming. "Cause you still owe me 500 credits, you low-life scumbag!" He swept his beefy arms about, and indicated with sausage like fingers to the crowd around them "They all have to pay, they keep up and pay me back for their tabs!" Korbin kept calm and slid his widebrimmed hat over his head, it fit snuggly while his headband was on, and he like the mysterious wanderer look it gave him, it fit well with his Shirasaya. "I havn't had a job in weeks Jones." He slipped the data card from under the glass "And no, it's not money. It's my next job." the barkeeper simmered "Alright then," He growled viciously "But when ya get paid, 500 of that's mine!" "Yeah Yeah." He turned, sliding his way in between chairs, and stumbling customer alike. It wasn't even past noon yet and people were passed out! "Christ, these people are pathetic. The outside world reeked of garbage, though no one noticed anymore. the only ones that did were the upper class, which were almost never seen anymore, they were all off to Mars, or the moon colony. Most of the earths populace were the poor now. He stepped off onto the pavement, the thunking of his boots was pleasent to Korbin. a few blocks away was a repair shop run by some woman. Oh what's her name...Olivia...yeah Olivia. She was Caladbolg. as was he, for the moment. He didn't get paid often by them, and when he was, it wasn't very well. but her did get free repairs from them, and parts when they could be spared. he sighed wistfully. by the tone of vic's voice, it was going to be a long day, and he was probably going to need help. Besides, Korbin wanted to find out if she knew anything about what was going on. He stepped into her shop, the bell made it's jingle... ------------------- Dr. ross's background is up on the Underground
Dr. Kathrin Ross Steadied herself against the wall of the coffea shop bathroom stall. She'd found the location of the Aros personel I.D. chip that was planted standard issue in every employee working there. It kept track of where she was at, and her vital signs, and relayed them to an Aros monitoring station, kept track of by their elite agents. Today would be the day she openly switched sides. The time for half measures and minor supply drops was over, with Aros stepping up the pace of their plans further than she had predicted, the time to act was now. Her gray eyes flitted to her brown leather purse, set haphazardly on the filth ridden toilet. Her white coat shook with the movements of her trembling body as she drew a large syringe from a pocket inside her coat. Her Caladbolg contact had assured her that the extraction would happen here, through the Coffea shop's sewer system. The plans for it had been made long ago, for this very event, nobody had known it would happen this soon though. She was to remove the chip as soon as the explosives went off, making it appear as if she had died, then another explosion would happen as soon as she dropped into the tunnels. It would destroy the building, making it appear as if her body had been incinerated. She shook lengths of her long brown hair from her eyes, in the dim lighting, this would be hard enough. A single bead of sweat ran down the length of her smooth pale skin. A thunderous bell rang, dust and debris swarmed through the womens ba throom. The needle thrust into her skin, she gasped as she drew the plunger back, pulling the chip along with a spurt of blood. She coughed, the dust was thick and filled her nose and mouth. Out of the stall Dr. Kathrine stumbled, she found the gaping maw leading to the swere's. She dropped down, helping hands caught her roughly, setting her on her feet. "Let's move, Aros'll be swarming over this place soon." said a gruff voice. she counted three in all, all male, all with cyber enhancments, some of which she had provided. The trundled off throught the winding system, water sloshing through their boots. Kathrine soon removed her high heels, they'd be useless now. when she looked up, only two Caladbolg people remained. They were still runnin, but the third was nowhere to be seen. "Where'd?..." began the doctor when she heard a distinctive mechanical whine. She froze, fear flooding her veins, turning her to ice. whirling metallic blades sliced through the air, humming their deadly song. the clove through the two soldiers like hot knives through butter. they turned back, returning to the hands of their owner. An Aros tracking unit, type Z-3801. A model from the 'Bladedancer' series Aros had put out for the army. it had a black, humanoid frame, though it's true nature was painfully obvious in it's mechanical features. The red glow of it's infrared eyes gave it a demonic appearance in the tunnels, the shadows around it accentuating its 7 ft. frame. She could see through small slits in the shell of it's armor. "Dr. Katherin Ross..."It's mechanical voice droned like dozens of worker bees "You are to be eliminated for disturbing the peace, for aiding known criminals..."It rattled off a list of other crimes as Dr. Ross stumbled away, drawing her DataPad from her coat, she'd feared that this'd happen. It was time for the back up plan, the Z-3801 unit was begging to ready it's curved double blade. She moved a small brick from the wall, finding a small boatshaped droid, she set the DataPad in a protective slot, and powered up the droid. it splashed in the water, speeding off it's programmed route. "I only pray it reaches them..." She turned as the droid let fly it's blade. The water ran red with blood... [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] In a dark chamber, secreted away from the rest of the world, twelve figures from around the world gathered. Each sat at their familiar, and well respected places at a long black table. Each was reathed in shadow, no light touched upon their bodies here, their identities were secret, even from each other. A gentle voice broke the silence: "This...is a catastrophy." He said simply "Our finest research and development head went turncoat, and had been working with Caladbolg for who know how long!" "Sir, please calm down. Even with her help, they can't touch us, our control is absolute." a third voice broke in: "Not so. She had access to virtually every main frame we have, every bunker, every lab. Even locations not on the mainframe!" She took a deep breath to calm herself "Dr. Ross even had the security passwords to these places for the next month!" everyone at the table gasped, save the head of the table. the silence was profound as they all considered the implications. a raspy, almost diseased sounding voice broke through the oppressing barrier. "She was eliminated before she reached them? "Yes" Said another, younger woman "Along with three Caladbolg agents, they know nothing." "That may not be the case." Though they couldn't see each other, all heads swiveled towards the table head. "She always carried a DataPad with her, where she kept her notes always. It wasn't found on her body." "But it was badly mutilated, it could have simply fallen into the water, where it would be destroyed, along with whatever information it could have contained." Claimed the gentle voiced man. "No" the table head said flatly "it was not on her person, nor in the water, she sent it away, probably as a back up." "We need to find that datapad before it falls into the hands of our enemies. It could prove to be our undoing..." The elder woman pressed a switch in front of her she spoke with authority into the speaker: "Get me the FLARE unit..." [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] Isendholdt punched throught the brick wall in a fury. Dr. Ross and he had been lovers for a long time, the destruction of Aros Inc. had been both their dreams. With out her, he felt broken, useless. Half of his body was missing again. One of his liuetenents touched his shoulder. His Hazel eyes regarded the young man with severity. "What..." he choked out "What is it?" "s-sir?" the man shook visible, his purple hair a rumpled mess. Even the fatigues he wore were out of place "We've confirmed that the back up unit was activated as planned, but it's locating device has been damaged." Isenholdt ran a mechanized hand over his bald head, his brown skin contrasting sharply with the gleaming metal. He sighed, holding back his sorrow. If he failed as Caladbolgs standing leader now, they would all falter and fail their mission. "Alert every agent we have to whats happened, and have them look for Junkshop Hammett, he'll know where the back up unit is." "Yes sir, where can they find Hammett?" Isen sighed, he looked about the brick walls, his "office" as it were. It was bare, sparsly filled with a bookshelf, that held only one book "Tsun Tzu: The art Of War" "That'll be the hard part. We're racing against Aros now, and it ain't gonna be easy." ------------------------------- OOC: That's the beggining, now get out their and do your Job! :D A background and the particulars of Dr. Ross will be up in the undeground soon
alright! Another Aros Inc. sign up! and a good one at that! everyone is in so far, except Holy Gunman. Please work on your characters background etc., and your in. I'll be posting up the rpg very soon in the square, maybe as soon as later today or tommorrow, but the sign up postings will still be open for a [B]FEW[/B] days so they will close soon after it starts up. also, I've posted up a Q&A sort of thing in the underground, it has a few other tidbits about the world of Aros Inc. you can also openly discuss the direction of the story, give me your opinions, etc. oh yes, and Zhara, finishup your character and your in as well. take care! Have Fun! and good Luck! :D swordsaint -------------------------------------------------------- Alright, I'm certain that now there aren't going to be any more posts, so... the sign up thread is now officially closed, thank you all who are currently participating. I hope you all enjoy the story. Swordsaint
Alright this thread will be mainly for discussing the rpg thread in all it's happenings, and to explain a few extra things on the side that didn't make the "Timeline" in the story. Polution from vehicles is almost null and void, the world having switched over to Hydrogen powered vehicles. This is not to say that pollution doesn't exist, fires rage, garbage piles up to the skies, though they have new disposal techniques that are taking the edge off of these problems, they are only just in the beggining stages of development, and only time will tell if they go into full producivity. Both of these projects are funded by Aros Inc., surprising to some yes. why would a tyrannical power want to clean things up like that? The Aros Inc. executives feel what's the point of controlling a ruined, uninhabitable world? Instead of having a dead planet, they want a vibrant, thriving world in which to play their deadly games. also, any factions that you would like to come up with for your character can be posted here. Please describe what their goal is, general strength in numbers, and their methods of fighting. only four new factions will be allowed. You can also pm your ideas to me if you like If any of you have ideas or suggestions, please feel free to post them on this thread. I will give serious consideration to your ideas, as long as none of the rules laid down are violated. This thread of course, is also to discuss the story itself. Enjoy! Swordsaint These are the particulars of Dr. Katherin Ross, sorry it took me a while to put this up... [SIZE=1]Name: Katharine Ross Classification: Cyber replacement Nickname/Codename: Sleeper Age: 33 Sex: female Physical Description: Dr. Ross stands at 5'5, and weighs 123 lbs. Her grey eyes are almost always shielded with black specks, and her silky, waist length brown hair dances with her every step. Her bookish nature is revealed by her pale skin, she's always studying, and is never without her datapad, or trusted pen. Her favored attire is her white Lab coat, though outside of the office, for the sake of social graces, she dones a white fur coat that hangs to the back of her ankles. Mental stability: Focused to a fault. to most people, this presents her as the Ice Queen, of Ice queens, when in actuality, it's her passion to study, research, create, and Bring Down Aros Inc. that compells her to focus every aspect of her being Personallity: Always the bookish girl, even at a young age. She's rarely seen without a datapad, research notes, and a wireless link to Aros research facilities. Nobody suspects the fiery passion that the woman has for science and for the total Annihilation of the Aros company. for those that can get this woman away from her work, she's the light in the darkness, the greatest joy that one can know and have .The kindest women one can ever know in their lifetime. Occupation: In charge of one of Aros Inc.'s many experimental researrch departmants, and by far, one of the most succesfull. she had access to nearly all of Aros's facilities. cybernetics: Memory enhancements, though processing enhancments, Nerve dampner (steadie's her hands while she works) and a nureual link with her facilities mainframe Faction: Aros Inc./Caladbolg weapons: ... weapons? how crude... Background: Dr. Katherin Ross was born in Berlin. Her parents were one of the few that were able to struggle their way up the financial ladder past the other poor of the world. And as such, they wanted the best for their little newborn girl. They began paying for a tutor for her almost immeadiately after her third birthday, pushing her to excel far better than the other children her age. At seven years old, she was attending one of the finest, and most priveliged private schools, on the Moon. She looked around, seeing all the good that the mighty and just Aros Inc. Had done for the human race. She excelled at her studies, testing at a genius level in science and mathematics that was beyond most senior highschoolers. she graduated at thirteen years old, and returned to earth, to finish her studies in advanced cybernetics design. She was aghast at the state of the world she returned to: piles of garbage as tall as buildings, some even in between buildings. Reports of murder, rape and open revolution in some areas. She witnessed a different side of the Aros company as they violently put down a riot right in front of her. A young man, two years younger than her actually, slumped in front of her, his right arm was missing, she dragged him off into an alleyway, her terrified eyes never able to leave the growing blank stare in his. He whispered only one thing to her: "I...I'm Isen-Isendholdt" she ran the rest of the way home, tears streaming down her face. Her studies resumed for another seven years, she achieved her masters degree, and was going for her doctorate when a young man with a cybernetic limb showed up at her doorstep, she gasped when he spoke: "I was never able to thank you, you actually saved me ma'am. I'm Isendholdt." They talked for hours inbetween her school work, and she learned everything she could about isendholdt, and eventually swore to help the young man in his families quest to destroy the Company Aros Inc., from within. She continued her studies, and made her graduating project, a prototype, strength enhancing cyberarm, more advanced than anything that Aros had put on the market. She was hired on almost immeadiately.[/SIZE]
wow...five posts in one day, this is new for me. I'm happy with all the character postings so far. Though I think I'm going to ask that each new character join a faction, rather than being a merc now. I would like to see a few people sign up as Aros Inc. employees, though this isn't mandatory. Keep em coming I'll start this after a few more days!
alright so far so good with the posts. It's time for my character now... Name: Korbin Classification: Clone/Cyber replacement Nickname/Codename: "drake" Age: 21 Sex: male Physical Description: Korbin stands at an even 6'ft. His muscled frame covered by a black longsleeve shirt, and a green utility vest worn from use. His black cargo pants are held up by a leather belt, modified with an extra strap that hangs mid thigh on his left.His sharp brown eyes are always narrowed, searching for any sign of danger. His features are handsome, yet still marked with a hint of boyishness that refuses to leave him. A dark brown headband covers his forehead, to keep his spikey black hair from getting to his eyes, and his combat boots have been adorned with protective steel platting, as have his fingerless black kevlar gloves. anyone that happens to see him with his shirt removed see's his toned body has been decorated with surgical scars, gifts received from the different experiments that were performed upon him by Aros Inc. Mental stability: He's stable. Mostly, the stresses in his life have led Korbin to sometimes having a short fuse. Making him dangerously explosive at times. Personallity: More often than not, he keeps to himself, letting few get around the social walls he's built to protect himself. But those that do know him, know that there is no one else that they'd rather have at their side in a fight. The most loyal of companions anyone can have. Those that know him also know to give him his space when problems loom up to nag at him. He can fly into violent fits of rage, berrating those around him harshly. On rare occasions he physically assaults the nearest person Occupation: Mercenary for hire. He's done work for the various corporations out there, along with the police forces. Including the E.S.C.T.S. He knows his way around weaponry, and as a result, as earned himself a spot on Aros's watch list cybernetics: His arms and legs have been cybernetically augmented for greater strength and speed, though some feats are still beyond him due to the physical limitations in his back and shoulders. Faction: Currently Korbin is acting as an agent for The Caladbolg resistance movement, though Aros Inc. isn't yet aware of this. weapons: "Zephyr" a Modified ACP 45. Pistol, Navy blue flames run down the length of the black barrel. The Rubber grip has the name Zephyre etched into it's side. the extended clip carries 14 rounds, packed with explosive heads. "Talon" A black shirisaya (basically a cane Katana) with jade coloring spider webbing out on it's casing. It's been equiped with a electronics baffler, that can confuse most electronic detection systems. he's commonly seen carrying this slung lazily over his shoulder. Background: at the tender age of 7, Korbin was orphaned by a psylabs hit squad. His family had never done anything to attract attention, they had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was placed by the state in an Aros Inc. funded orphanage. He was secreted away from there by Aros agents and taken to a testing facility were he remained for eight long, torturous years. No insignia's were to be seen anywhere in the facility, so he never learned which people had done this to him, but he knew why they had. They needed guinea pigs to test out new "products" for the military. He'd eventually become so damaged that they finally tested out new cloning processes on him. They hooked wires deep into his brain to retreive his memories, drew blood samples, took all manner of fluids from his body through various tubes, depositing them gently inside of a large machine attached to a vat, full of translucent green liquid. Upon the retreival of his memories, his broken body finally gave way to the rigors of his life. It took the Aros scientists a matter of days to clone, and grow him back to his previous age. He had full memory of what they had done to him, even his last thoughts when his original body had died. They took his arms and legs, noteing that they had developed much further than an average human of his age could have. He was found by police 3 days later in a dumpster, labled as a victim of parts & organ theft. his limbs were replaced with basic cyberware, and he was sent on his way out into the uncaring world, where he determined to better himself, acting as an mercenary to sell his developing skills to the highest bidder, and to find out who had done this to him, and exact his revenge, second, by excruitiating second. that ought to do er, hopefully the posts will continue to come in. I'll post when this will start once we get a few more.
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]... ... ... Welcome Citizen...access approved for veiwer I.D. #1156387 Class-D[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][B] Document[/B]: [I]Timeline[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][B][I]Year 2035:[/I][/B] -Cybernetic technology reaches new heights in bodily replacements. Arms and legs can now be fashioned that appear similar to a human arm, and have all of the same functions. Some are even upgraded with extra devices, for further enhancement of the subject. A massive boom occured in funding for cybernetics research and development, coming from several militaries acrossed the globe, as well as major pharmecutical companies keen on expanding their markets. This advance in Cybernetics is mainly credited to the Modern Day Aros Inc. [B][I] Year 2061:[/I][/B] -Corporate entity known as Aros Inc. has outcompeted, or merged with all of it's major competitors, absorbing into it's already considerable powerbase Microsoft, IBM, and several other massive computer technology business. Cybernetics continues to progress by leaps and bounds. Mankind has also begun to colonize the moon, and terraforming projects are in the works for Mars. Provided the moon can be colonized. [I][B] Year 2065:[/B][/I] -Several reports are made that Aros Inc. performs human tests while developing their products. The testing is said to range from Military applicability, to medical purposes. This coupled with a higher kidnapping and murder rate stirs the public into action, bringing Aros Inc. into a full investigation. All charges were dropped, with several federal investigators stating that nothing incriminating was found, and that the reports made were indeed false. Upon hearing this the public calmed and continued about as they always had. [I][B]Year 2070:[/B][/I] -The moon is succesfully colonized, with over 3000 people now living on it's surface. Plans to begin colonizing the Mars surface are in full swing, with Aros Inc. funding the operation. The murder rate had also sky rocketed at this time, with police and gang warfare reaching new heights as Aros Inc. military products hit the black market. Several Brain implants are also looked into for the possibility of being the cause of mental instability. [I] [B]Year 2099:[/B][/I] -Aros Inc. now fully controls the Moon Colonies, and has Colonies developing on the now terraformed Martian surface. Several thousand people now live on the moon, releiving the burgeoning masses of earth. Several of Aros Inc.'s products have been proven to be unsafe without regular matinence, and/or medication, a majority of them being the brain implants, causing several defects to occur such as: -Hallucination -Paranioa -euphoria -schizophrenia along with several other mental instabilities. This happens due to the fact that the electicral impules in the brain are disrupted by the electrical drain caused by the implant. This can create several chemical imbalances in a subject, producin several of the above mental deficencies. These chemical imbalances of also lead to the emergance of telepathic abilities. Once secretely researched by the government, it has now become publicly spread with it's massive outbreak. This has lead to new waves of crime, and anti-criminal programs. [I][B] Year 2115, present day:[/B][/I] -Aros Inc. now no longer has to answer to any government. The corporate entity now controls all of mars and a majority of the planet. Plans are being made for an eventually colonizing of Alpha Centauri, the closest star to the planet earth. The question of weather or not it's inhabitable has long since been confirmed, and space travel technology now stands to be able to travel there in at least 5 years. Total human population of this space sector now stands at roughly 58 billion people, and 3.5 billion full cyborgs. Cloning technology has long been perfected, and fully legalized, in order to provide food for the teeming masses, and to create sufficient resources for those that do not wish for cybernetic replacements in times of need. Aros controls the courts, the police, the military, and has it's own army of cybernetich gaurds, in these days of lawlessness. reports of rapes, murders, robberies and drug abuse all pour in litterally by the tens of thousands, and only 1% of these are ever seen in a courtroom, were it's thro...error... ...error... restricted file... access denied. thank you for veiwing, but this file has been cencored in the best interests of the public. Brought to you by Aros Inc. ... ... ... [/COLOR] [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkGreen][U] The Factions:[/U] Aros Inc.: The most powerfull comercial entity to have ever come into existence. They run the business gamut from childrens toys to military cyberware. They are the government, law, Judge, Jury, and executioner. with the amount of control they have, and their own army to back them, Aros Inc. is a force to be reckoned with. The 12 board member that make up Aros Inc. have [I]Never[/I] been seen in public. The Symbol of Aros Inc. is that of a globe with a red curved Triangle in front of it, the words Aros Inc. acrossed it in white E.S.C.T.S. (Earth Special Cybernetics Tactics Squad)- Made up of the best Earth has to offer, this world wide Cyber police force tracks down only the most dangerous of cyber criminals. Headed up by Director Sims Zygon, few are the Criminal masterminds that can outwit these police bloodhounds. The patch carrying the E.S.C.T.S. banner is simply their Acronym. PsyLabs- One of the very few Corporations "outside" of Aros Inc.'s control, they have since gone into business with Aros in order to further meld telepathic abilities with cybertechnologies. They exist outside of Aros Inc. only because Aros realizes the PsyLabs is the most advanced in it's field because it has remained outside of their "limited" scope of the human mind. The corporation is run by Joseph R. Finley. PsyLabs Symbol is that of a human mind with telepathic energies swirling around it. Caladbolg- Named after Excalibur, the legendary sword who's name literally means "cut steel", for their ability to strike back at what used to be the "invincible" Aros Inc., no one knows their true numbers. where their headquarters would be, but flyers with their symbol are posted around the world, where people can see the crumbling aros symbol being pulled to peices by the hands of the many. several other factions exist, but their number, and the constant rise and fall make it impossible to list them all. Where you come in: Alright chop shop rejects, where do you come in at? are you a damned Aros Inc. Thug? Are you just an everyday person trying to get by in a tough world of steel muscles and enhanced cyberbrains? or are you one of the more rebellious types? out there fighting agaisnt the tyrannical powerhouse that Aros Inc. has become? Or ...has your mind been fried and your now a raving, murderous psychopath out on a run and gun bloodbath? It's all up to you cutter, and frankly...I don't care which team you bat for, just so long as yer ugly mug doesn't try an stick me... Sign up sheet & general guidelines of what I'd like to see: It's been a long time since I've posted anything here, and for those of you that do know me, and my limited work, please bear with this little story of mine. Violence will definetely be occuring as you struggle through your lot in life, and being graphic is okay with me, so those easily offended, please don't sign up and complain later. Language is a likely occurance in this upside down world gone mad, so again, if your easily offended by such things, please don't sign up. Sexual content/refrences are okay to a point. do not be blatantly describing it in every sort of demeaning manner simply for a laugh. if it's going to be there, please be mature about it. Descriptions are okay, but any derrogatory material will earn you a quick boot from this story. If it involves forced sexual activity, try to alude to it's occurance rather than describing it in full detail, as this is extremely touchy and makes me uncomfortable, and it will only be allowed if it is a depiction more of how screwed up your character is, rather than some sick pornographic story. again, if there is anything derrogatory about it, you get the boot. if I feel you may have accidently crossed the line, You will be asked to edit the post, and refrain from going to far again. another transgression, and your booted. My apologies to the admins if I've in anyway violated standing rules. I'll make any changes to these rules as soon as it's made known to me. Name: pretty simple Classification: human, Cyber replacement, Cyborg, full body replica, and clone Nickname/Codename: Depends on if your the average shmoe, or undercover agent. Age: pick a number between 13 and 80 (80 only if your full cyborg Sex: male, female, or sexless Physical Description: can either be a pic, or a two paragraph+ description Mental stability: If unstable, describe what afflicts your poor mind Personallity: affected by stability Occupation: describe for us what you do for a living cybernetics: Can be determined by your occupation. (a store clerk normally wouldn't have a machine gun arm replacement!) Faction: which side do you belong to? if any... weapons: what do you like using? Background: tell us a bit about your history that should do it, please feel free to creat all sorts of technology, your only limited by your imagination, and the fact that there will be no GOD weapons. (i.e. I can destroy a city in one shot!) also creating a faction is also acceptable, though I will limit this to only four other factions. PM with faction descriptions, and cybertech descriptions. I'll also get the story running more in depth as we go. I will post my character after a few sign ups.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
RPG Resident Evil: Raccoon's Requiem [M-VL]
Swordsaint replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in Theater
OOC: alright...this is gettin irritating. Some of these recent postings (the poster shall remain un-named) Are crap...and only lead to the demise of this thread. Sorry guys but bobby's goin bye-bye... Bobby couldn't stand it anymore, this place was hell on earth! He darted off, dropping his handgun, lighting his last few molotoves and hucking all but one, lighting the zoo ablaze, burning mutants and zombies alike. "DIE!!!" he screamed "DIE, YOU MOTHER FUCKING HELL SPAWN!!! DIE!!!" He never saw the hunter that dropped from the burning tree above his head. It landed sqaure on his shoulders, crumpling him to the ground as his spine, ribs, and legs. The molotove fell and shattered, engulfing both man and monster in the flames. OOC: have fun! :) -
RPG Resident Evil: Raccoon's Requiem [M-VL]
Swordsaint replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in Theater
Bobby looked about, the zoo was trashed all to hell. The bars were bent and busted out of place, blood smattered every where. Corpses were sprawled on the ground here and there, making everyone else all the more nervous. The fact that the bodies were ripped to shreds and half eaten didn't help much either... Bobby hugged a molotov and his lighter a bit closer as the group moved in silence. This whole thing was confusing to him: Umbrella responsible for the mess they were in, a cure, mass murders, freaks mutants and zombies; it was getting to be too much. The fact that they didn't really find ammo at the station, though he'd expected it, didn't help much. the only thing that did raise his spirits was the fact that they had found others alive there. They passed by the monkey cages when boby heard the first chittering noise. Spooked he looked all about nervously. Seeing nothing he continued on wards. Something darted in the shadow's off to his left, his head whipped about to catch a better view. It was gone. [I]Just the lighting, this whole things gotten you freaked out of your mind, don't worry it's nothing.[/I] Somehow that did little to ease his growing fear. the sight of mangled bodies supported that fear. He lit his molotov, and the chitering picked up. bobby turned and hurled the molotov the direction the noise came from; and nailed a half rotted chimp sqaure in the chest. The bomb exploded over, catching two more, their frenzied shreiks making everyone turn to look in horror. Vahns only words were: "SHIT!!! RUN!!!" -
OOC: let's see if I can get this going again. Cyrus had watched the battle from afar, studying the "young ones below". They had potential yes, a great deal of potential if the rumors that spread like dragon fire were true. [I]But potential is like a lump of clay. The possibility is their, but it needs to be focused on with great care, and shaped skillfully to realize it's potential[/I] Cyrus nodded, looking back at his massive Earth Dragon, StoneTalon. He and StoneTalon had been through a lot, especially these last couple of week with the dragon Kinds return to the mortal realms. "very true Talon." Hi voice came out gruff, yet softened by his age. " Should we see if these youngsters could use our help?" The dragon stared quizically, as if the answer were obvious. [I]Ultimately that's up to you...[/I] "not what I had asked my friend." His kindly smile widened. Stonetalon breathed in long and deep, mulling it over, as most earth dragons tended to do. [I]I think we should help them, seeif they can live up t othe rumor's. If not, we go out and search for the true hero's.[/I] Cyrus nodded. The answer came as he thought it would. It settled it. "They may be a bit jumpy. let's test to see how well they handle an unexpected guest while they're seperated and injured from fighting." Both friends grinned , happy to have some excitement. Moving the massive blade about on his back, Cyrus straddled the back of Talons neck. He breathed in, this part always shook him, no matter how many times he expeirienced it. "ready." Both man and dragon melded with the earth and became one, traveling swiftly through the bedrock, yet making not a whisper of sound. they came to where the two left behind were talking, and poised themselves to strike. OOC: whoever wants to post next can. Remember: I am a sagely old man, not a dimented murderer! :D
[SIZE=1]Sounds like fun, I'm game! Character Profile Name: Cyrus Irithnul Age: 55 Gender: male Personality: A cheerfull, kind sagely man that remembers, and yearns for the times when the dragon tamers were at the hieght of their power. Appearance: Most would never guess that this tower of powerfull muscle and sinew was fifty five years of age, were it not for his gray hair and beard, and wethered features. His gray ayes sparkle with the wisdom of his years, and his body carries the scars of a dozen feirce battles. The studded leather armor, once elegant, has become worn with the passing of time, looking as old as it's owner, but still retaining it's effictiveness. City: Corinth Weapon: Zeitsander- A massive razor sharp two handed blade. The handgarud was fashioned after that of a dragon breathing it's deadly breath of flames, the eyes sparkling red rubies. The blade itself is the color of granite, and the guard is folded steel overlaid with bronze Bio: Cyrus had been a young tamer at the height of the tamers power. his Dragon StoneTalon, had bonded with him early on, recognizing a common spirit within the young human. He constantly trained with Stonetalon, one pushing the othre to their limit, then forcing themselves to break that barrier. Cyrus, having spent so much time around Talon, began to take on traits of the earth as well, his skin taking on a more earthen color, his eyes went from blue to gold, and his muscles became almost as rock themselves.They reached the highest ranks of renown in the dragon arena's with the effort that they made. Then came the tamers downfall, the dragons, sick of their missuse left humanity for their on world. Feeling the call of his bretheren, Stonetalon left cyrus to wander the world lost for many long, arduous years. after almost 40 years of waiting came their return, cutting a burning swath through the humans that had once manipulated them. StoneTalon returned also, Cyrus beleived Talon meant to slay him, like the rest of the dragon kin. but it was not to be, stoneTalon placed himself back under Cyrus's control, and together, they set out to strike back. Dragon Profile Name: StoneTalon Gender: Male Type: Earth Appearance: Sleek and powerfully built, the power of the mountains, and the earth flows through stonetalon as blood flows through us. His Sandstone colored scales can shrug off most human made weapons, and his claws are each as large as horseplows, and his mouth is filled with teeth sharp as scimitars. His long, snaking tail flicks about like a whip, ending in a long hook of bone. His massive, leathery batlike wings fill the sky, and his roar plows through the stone, seemingly shanking the world at it's core. Hope that's good enough[/SIZE]
RPG Resident Evil: Raccoon's Requiem [M-VL]
Swordsaint replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in Theater
OOC: wow... Bobby stared at the swarming creature's waiting for them to clump together a little more. He was glad he'd made those molotoves, now they wouldn't need to waste bullets needlessly, who knows what else wandered in this god forsaken hell hole.There were a number of cars around too, no one would miss any of those, and he still had a few moments, the zombies shuffled along ploddingly. Gado stared incredulously a bobby ran towards the beat up car. "Where are you going?!" Bobby yanked the door wide, jumping into the seat, he'd done a few joy rides when he was younger. He tore into the car, opening the section with the ignition wire's. His eyes and hands flew acrossed the tangled mess quickly, pulling wires apart, and touching the two together. The engine roared to life, and Gado fired once. Tire's squealing, bobby pulled in Gado's way, the zombies were much closer now. "Don't waste bullets! Think!" He jumped out, pulling one of the rags from the molotoves he'd made, thank god for that. Gado'd rushed to rip the gas cap off the car, bobby stuffed the rag in hurridly, lighting it. He and Gado sprinted away, as the Zombies came round the car. "Don't stop running!" bobby, pushed his legs hard, they began to burn. "No shit!" Gado's muscled girth started to pull ahead. They felt before they heard the explosion. The massive thump hit straightto their hearts, the heat washed over them in massive waves, the tumbled to the pavement in a shaken heap. Both raised their heads to see blasted, charred chunks of human flesh scattered acrossed the road, a number of Burning zombies stumbled around the burning wreck. Black smoke poured into the night sky. Bobby chuckled to himself, now the problem was a lot smaller. Gado reached his massive hand down to help him up. "Not a bad idea," He glanced around hearing the frenzied moans of thousands more zombies "But we'd better keep moving, the police station ain't far now." Bobby stood, slowly. His head kinda hurt from that. Gado was right, the Police station wasn't far... -
RPG Resident Evil: Raccoon's Requiem [M-VL]
Swordsaint replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1]Bobby stared at Gado incredulously a few moments before speaking. "what do you mean 'wha's going on?' This has been happening over the last week!" He shuffled through the papers scattered around the floor. Finding what he was looking for, he held an eight day old newspaper up for Gado, the bloodstains helped illustrate Bobby's point really well. "Jesus...I don't really watch the news or listen to the gossip mills. I just did the best I could to live my life." Gado looked like he wsa going to be sick, Bobby felt bad about being a little harsh, it was just the past few days had really gotten to him? How did you miss something like that till after it had happened? Oh, well didn't matter, he knew about it now. He dropped the newspaper and retreived the pistol. "okay look." He checked his gun, fully loaded. " We don't exactly have all the ammo in the world here, and we don't know how bad it really is, we should try to use the guns as little as possible." He picked up the molotoves he'd made to answer Gado's question before he could say it. Nodding, Gado stood, striding over to the pool tables on the far side of the room. He took the heaver ends of two pool sticks, sturdy enough to do some damage in his powerfull arms. "alright so where do we go? The police station? they should have some guns and ammo there." Bobby thought about it, for a moment his face growing darker the more he thought. "Wouldn't hurt to check I guess. If there are police alive, then they holed up there, if it's as bad outside as you said it was." Gado shook his head, ready to move on, bobby stopped him. "But, I think we should consider that most of them are already dead. If that's the case, then most of the guns will already be gone, or the bullets all used up by now. so don't get your hopes up." "yeah, I won't, just hope it's not that bad." Bobby nodded in agreement, he prayed it wasn't that bad. He took a deep breath as he and Gado stepped out the door.[/SIZE] -
RPG Resident Evil: Raccoon's Requiem [M-VL]
Swordsaint replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1]Bobby shivered as he munched on half frozen fries. He didn't shiver cause it was cold, no the freezer had been turned down quite a bit from freezing. He shivered from the fear he felt, remembering the screams of the dancers and the customers as the...well, the zombies came crashing through the door and windows. He stopped that train of thought real quick, he needed to eat, he'd been having trouble stomaching the food with those thoughts floating through his terrified mind. He pulled the coat a little tighter around him, the parka kept him warm enough, and he could always use the cardboard as cushioning, why not stay here? Deep down he knew why. He hadn't heard anythin but the sounds of moaning, the sound of flesh being torn from lifeless limbs. They echoed through the entire building, god damn the vents. It was driving him crazy, he'd been there for a few days now listening to the awful cacophony of pained wailing. He needed to get out, he needed to leave the city, one way or another. He needed to see if any one else lived. Hell he had, he definetly wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, he wasn't even trained to fight. He had maybe about a half hour max of learning to shoot a gun, boss thought it'd be best since bobby did lock up at one in the morning. Heh, he'd taken the pistol instead of the shotgun, that was stupid. It'd still be out there though, he was pretty sure they couldn't use guns. Hell, they hadn't learned to open the door yet. Plenty of liqour out there too, lot's of stuff above forty proof. Didn't that burn well? Boss said it was good for business: "the drunker they get, the more money they'll spend!" made sense. He made up his mind, he grabbed the gun, stuffed the pockets with food, if all else failed, he could run back here. He walked to the door, his boots echoing painfully against the silence. He grabbed hold of the emergeny release handle, he prayed hoping they weren't just being quiet. He pressed the handle in, the door swung open, it creaked, god he hoped they had left, or died off...that make him feel great about leaving. The minute he stepped out, a wave fetid air washed over him. The sickly sweet smell of it made him think of rotting fruit. He could feel the fries coming back up. His blood turned to ice when he heard footsteps, they were above him, going up the stairs to the second story, they didn't shuffel like a zombies. He decided against taking chances, he went straight to the bar. He wished he hadn't. Mutilated corpses were sprawled acrossed the floor, their blood painting the walls strange, vivid colors under the light show, heh it was still running, Dj hadn't had time to shut it off. Bobby spotted his decapitaded corpse at the back door, bloody pulp puddled where his head should have been. He glanced around, not seeing any of the bodies getting up, he slid around behind the bar, and froze: The shotgun was gone. That meant that someone was, or had been still alive. Maybe those footsteps he'd heard a moment ago. Could be, but first things first. He grabbed the bottles of the rack, trying out each one on the tables with his lighter to see which burned easier. He didn't have a lot of bullets, molotoves would really help. Hell, in this place, anything would work...[/SIZE] -
Sign Up Resident Evil: Raccoon's Requiem (m for violence and language)
Swordsaint replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in Theater
Sounds like fun, been a while since the last RE thread... Name: Bobby Atkins Age: 29 Occupation: Bartender Starting point: Racoon Blue Night Club Infection status: - Bio: Bobby isn't origionally from Racoon City, he moved here only 6 months ago from Seattle washington lookin to start his life over from being a small time criminal. He thought it was all going so well, he moved to a quiet little town, found a decent apartment for good rent, and hey, even got a good job at a popular club. Yeah wouldn't ya know it, seemed like life was going good for bobby. Few months roll on by he gets himself settled in, gets familiar with the place, gets to know a number of the locals, then bam! **** hits the fan. Murder's all over the city, sprawling acrossed paper headlines, some kinda freak cannible attacks. **** just keeps gettin worse too...cops couldn't stop it from happening, spread from the woods into the outskirts of the city. Before you know it, city's in an uproar, people running, rioting, killing, pillaging. **** just got turned upside down. Bobby went to work during before the worst of it hit, boss wanted to keep things running business as usual best as he could, everyone did, wanted to take their minds off of what was going on, try to mak eit go away. Bad move. Large numbers of people drew large number of...well, of the zombies. killed most everyone, bobby got out it by hidin in the freezer for a while, even rememered to the gun hidden under the counter, and the freezer jacket. He hid in there for three days, only opening the door a bit every now and then to let the air change out, had plenty off food to eat, even if it was frozen, and the jacket kept him warm enough since the freezer was on a low temp. anyways. -
[SIZE=1]OOC: sorry I havn't posted in a while, been busy with School...^.^; Izzic's senses came rushing back as a pike pierced his chest. Looking down at the offending weapon, he snarled, tearing it free with one solid yank. His black blood spurt acrossed the ground. Hefting the pike and his axe in the air he bellowed to the cowering demons. "Rally to me! His voice echoed throughout the city. The demons that remained studied Izzic, considering his statement, though their weapons still aimed at his burning heart. Seeing their pause Izzic continued on. "Rally to me! To me and I will bring you Victory!" a number of demons were seriously considereing his words, a number even started to lower their weapons. "Think about it! We would already have one city under our control!" his voice rang clear into their ears, with a subtle weaving of magic ingraining the words into their minds. "We could scatter agents into the next city over, a hundred strong! Then when the main army advances and begins the siege, our agents would strike from within! They could sow dissention within the ranks of their armies!" Several demons, caught in Izzic's thrall, began to cheer, when a massive flail whipped into an imps head, obliterating it completely. Striding confidently foreward, the cheering stopped. The fiend was fully nine feet tall, covered head to toe with heavy, black plate armor, adorned with writhing, screaming souls. The helm was covered with spikes and blades, the demons eyes shown red with hatred. The heads of his flail were in the shape of human skulls, with nails driven through, the creatures very breath reminded all the sounds of a rockslide. "Who are you to call these creatures to your side?" the flail whiped into the ground. Izzic knew this one very well, he had been his rival here in hell, as much a hated enemy then as he was know. "Malakai...I though I sensed something weak and wretched in this dismall place." "Impudence!" The flail shot up from the ground to rest on his shoulder."I am the lord marshal, second only to the high priest of slaughter." "Second only to me know." "I challange you to your claim! I place you under arrest and demand you immeadiate execution." Both demons readied themselves for the inevitable charge. "I gues I'll give you another lesson Malakai!" Izzic and Malakai bull rushed each other, each demon a blur of blades, and enraged flesh. Izzic drove the spear head into the ground, using it to spin around with a vicious strike from his axe. The axe bit deep into the armor, lodged to deep for Izzic to recover. "Hah!" Cried Malakai "No more weapons!" he spun, sending the flail to collide with Izzics chest. The nails tore deep, bringing rivulets of black blood to run down Izzic's chest. Flying back from the blow, Izzic gathered burning hate into his hands, forming a fireball, screaming his rage he hurled it catching malakai full in the head. Izzic skid across the ground, rolling to his feet and drawing his Tanto in the same motion. Malaki, lumbered foreward gaining momentm to throw his great girth into his next swing. Issic ducked under the whistling flail, slipping his dirk in between the plates of his heavy armor. The blade sprouted, severing organs, peircing Malakia's heart. He slammed his plated elbow into Izzic's back wildly, trying to dislodge his foe. Izzic twisted the blade as he pulled it free, sheering through the rest of the armor. Choking on his own blood, Malakai fell to his knees. Izzic spun once, and both warriors were still. The sound of metal scraping on bone was heard as Malakai's head slid free. Smirking he removed the helm, staring into his little brother's dying eye's "You should have rallied to my banner." He spat once and dropped the head. Slowly he turned to walk back to the stunned demons, aware only of the fight that transpired, not fo the centuries of hatred between the two. "Now...who will rally to me!" One by one, the demons kneeled. Izzic couldn't help but smile when he though of the bodies that would pile high.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Greetings Warrior, My name is Nova. I am a program designed specifically for ensuring you understand the world that exists today, and to recount the events that shaped it so. For your benefit, we shall start with the beggining: Year 2002 A.D.- Several members of the U.N. met in secret to discuss a radical, and unexpected developement. A scientist in the U.S. had discovered an anomoly with his subjects brain wave pattern, and upon further investigation, had found that the subjects mind had either mutated due to some unkown factor, or had infact evolved further. The discovery was reported immeadietly, and was followed by NSA's immeadiate seizure of the experiment, along with all of the scientists test data, etc. Similair events had occured in a number of other countries as well, thus the resulting meeting of the U.N members who's countries faced the same problem. The purpose of the meeting was to decide what to do with the subject. Should further research be enacted? Or should it be ignored and be buried forever. It was agreed that further research was needed, and that it would be held to the highest levels of secrecy. The test subjects were gathered, and sent to a research facility hidden withing the Antarctict continent. After several months of research, it was discovered that the subjects had developed psychic abilities. This explained all the anomolies found with each of the subjects, and it was speculated that the human race was beggining to evolve further. With consent from the cooperating Nations, more people were screened and tested for similair anomolies with their brain wave patterns. Those that were found to have similair anomolies were taken for resarch at the facility designeted 'Orion'. None were ever seen again. Year 2007- The U.S., tired of waiting for consent from their fellow nations, started it's own psychic research program: "Psychic Weapons Development" P.W.D. The main facility was located in the northern-most reaches of the Rocky Mountains, in Montana. There, the scientist's began working to create ways of enhancing their subjects psychic gifts, and how to harness them for use as weapons. They also began developing techniques and countermeasure's to combat these power's and leave the non-psychic personal a significant edge should an incident occure. It was found that illusions created by psychic energies could fool a human eye easily, but could not fool a machine's eyes. It was also discovered that while many of the methods used to enhance subjects abilities were ultimatly succesfull,serious side effects were found. Many subjects had been driven insane by the druugs, and surgeries they had undergone. With the precious control of their mind gone, so to was their control over their powers. Other subjects became homicidal, attempting to murder any they encountered. Various other discoveries were made, and the project overall continued to be successfull. Year 2009- This is the date of the incident that blew the discovery of latent psychic abilities open to the entire world. The P.W.D facility in Montana had no end to the succes of their continuing research of their subjects abilities and countermeasures. Several of the test subjects had even begun to serve as trustee gaurds, causing the personnel to relax their watch on the more unstable subjects. This had proven to be a fatal error. Test subject 1056, had been declared mentally unstable, and diagnosed as homicidal, and demented, with delusions of grandure and the over throw of the human race. He had at one point been the highlight of the weapons development program, proving to be the most powerfull psychic in the facility. Upon his degeneration to madness, he was gaurded by no fewer than six of the trustee psychics, and at least twelve non-psychic gaurds at all times. Then the day came when he was to be put into a druginduced coma, to leave his volatile mind in a vegetable like state. 1056 sprang into action, using his mental domination to control three of the gaurds. He controlled the gaurds long enough to kill 4 of the trustee's that held his powers back. With out the other four, the remaining two psychic's proved no match for the raw power of 1056, from here on known as Deacon. Their minds literally melted from the psychic trauma he manifested. The remaining gaurds forced the cell door open and began fireing. The bullets hovered inches from Deacon's laughing face. He killed the gaurds and let loose the psychics willing to join him, those that would not were killed on the spot. Any one not psychic never left the facility in anything but a body bag. In response to the incident, several containment teams were sent to try and calm the situation, they were trained and equiped with the countermeasure that were developed at the facility. These only bought the teams a few seconds more lease on life. Deacon and his followers escaped, and announced to the world, their existence. Year 2010- An uproar had followed Deacons announcment. Several human rights activists, and outraged citizens took to the streets and began rioting all acrossed the world. Police and military forces were calle dupon in an attempt to maintain control. Then the world came to a brief standstill. Deacon had spread his agents to every nation in the world, and using their abilities, anihilated every member of each government. At the end of the slaughter, the only surving government was the U.S. and that was only due to the fact that, they had a small number of psychics trained for mental combat. Left leaderless, and without control beyond force of arms, the world fell into panic and chaos. More and more people discovered they had psychic talent and powers, more flocked to the banners of either what remained of the U.S., or Deacons ever growing army. Deacon, seeing his plans come to fruition, led an assault on the remaining opposing forces. Year 2014- What remained of the U.S. government had now become a ragtag resistance, comprised of precious few psychics, Military personel, and a large number of civilians that refused slavery. The rebellion had not gone well, they were cornered in Russia, not outnumbered, but outmatched against the psychic firepower launched relentlessly at them. They sat back in the bunkers, waiting for the inevitable assault. It finally came, lead by Deacon himself. The battle raged, and quickly had swung in favor of Deacon's army. And in the midst of the battle, it is not known how, or who had done it. But Deacon fell, his mind burst from within. It is speculated that the strain from his own power had been to much for his tortured mind. At the shock of losing their leader, word spread like wildfire that the Rebellion had come into an alliance with a psychic even more powerfull than Deacon. The army soon fell apart from the mass dissention within their ranks. The Remnants of the rebellion were quick to take action, they assaulted those that appeared to still be loyal to their leader's cause. Many psychics switched sides, fearing death, others fell in despair and were easily rounded up. Others had fled, fearing for their lives. The remainder were Deacon's most loyal follower's, they were killed to the last man. Year 2038- The world had been, for the most part, rebuilt to accomodate the survivors of the tragic war. Deacons body had been burned, in an attempt to ensure that He could not return through cloning. A small number of those that had fled clung to their leaders ideals and profesed their belief that he would one day return to finish what he had started and overthrow the human race. Year 2045- To help ensure that such an event would never again occure, a new world government had been founded: League Of United Earth. The first act of the League had been to found a police force to patrol not only the Earths people, but to contain incidents where psychics are found to be involved: The Psychic Defense Force. The next hundred years would see continuing peace and prosperity und the watchfull eye of the new Government and their Defense forces. Technologies and programs abandoned during the war were revitalized: Space travel, planetary colonization, cybernetics, Etc. Year 2105- Mars is colonized, terraforming begins on a planetary scale. Deacon loyalists resurface for the first time in a century. Year 2275- Mars becomes a food producing planet for the population of Earth. Alpha Centauri is colonized, Terraforming begins there on a Planetary scale. Psychic warrior tournaments are legalized, and quickly becomes a major, and succesfull form of entertainment. Deacon Loyalists prohpecise Deacon's return on the Year 3000. The Year is now 2999 rumors of a man Claiming to be the one known as Deacon are criculating. Although Unlikely, this cannot be ignored. If Deacon has returned he is likely to be a clone, however, do not underestimate him. He is the most powerfull Psychic to have ever existed on record. If you meet anyone claiming to be Deacon, Immeadiatly alert Psychic defense forces. If you meet anyone claiming to be a member of the Deacon Loyalists, Immeadiatly contact the Psychic defnese forces. [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] That's basically the story so far. Here's the sign ups. Name: (pretty easy, it doens't have to be futuristc) Sex: ( nuff said) Age: (Between 17 and 60) Job: (Tournament warrior, police, gov., etc.) Psychic: (yes or no) Powers: ( this is for psychics, and cyborgs) Weapons/equipment: (self explanetory, use your immagination) Physical descritpion: (a pic or very well detailed writing) History: (A little bit on your background/ personality) If you have any questions pm me. If I see that certain powers, upgrades, or weapons are too powerfull, I'll pm you and ask you to change it up a bit. I'll post my character after a few people sign up.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Izzic bellowed triumphantly as another fell to his axe. His roar shook the very foundations of the tower! The armies of would feel this, the loss of a full tower's disciples. The bretheren of slaughter ranked among hells greatest soldiers, the elite shock troops, and Izzic had slain a full tower. His eyes gazed almost euphorically on the slaughter around him, dismemberd, cloven bodies lay strewn about haphazardly, many in pieces. Blood ran thick and in great waves, like a river, cascading down the ebony steps like a waterfall. Izzic sank to his knees, grabbing handfulls of demon flesh, and feast, letting the warm blood run down his chin and drip on his bared chest. He was in his demon form still, his excitement raging, his powers nearly running full. The fear, the terror, the mayhem! It fed him, sated his voracious appetite. Another troop of demons came bounding up the stairs, hooting, calling for Izzics blood. He drew his dirk, the demons laughed at the pitifull weapon, not understanding it's true deadliness. Izzic waited for them to close the distance before he uttered a single word to himself. He swung, the blade extending a full three feet. The elegant, deadly blade sliced through armor and flesh alike, like a hot knife through butter. The front ranks fell , blood spraying like rain from the wounds, drenching Izzic even further. He launched into the scattering figures, giggling like a madman, no longer truly seeing. His insanity had fully gripped him. He whirled about, becoming a living whirlwing of of bladed, firey death. When he stopped he took no notice of the corpses around him, his tounge hung out of his mouth like a rabid dogs. He burst forward, going full out for the base of the tower, slaughter the few that remained. The great bronze doors stood before him, drawing close almost instantly. Izzic crashed headlong into them. The doors shuddered from the weight of the impact, but moved no more. Izzic charged again and again, the dent becoming wider and deeper with each hit. Outside, demons and damned souls alike scrambled to reinfofrce the failing doors, fearing the wrath that would come with the crazed demons realese. Izzic hit the doors harder, smelling his prey, catching the scent of their fear. They finaly broke upon from his relentless assault. He met a volley of arrows, the swung his sword about cutting several fromt he air, but many still won through. Several demons cried out, seeing their threat become a living pincushion before their eyes. Izzic paid the arrows no head, to the horror of all around him, He rushed ahead sword arcing around him, taking life and limb from those unfortunate to be on the front line. Izzic truly was enjoying himself...There was no keeping of any radar now...[/SIZE]
ooc: sorry that I havn't posted in a while, my uncle passed away recently... Izzic had been in the city for some time now, and the defenders could do little to stop them. His axe scythed through their ranks like ripe wheat, he feasted on their screams of agony, reveling in the slaughter around him. Soon the square was deserted, empty of demons. Issic had never forgotten how good it felt! It had been so long since he could truly reap the benefits of wholesale slaughter, and he relished every blood soaked moment. Half his human face was spattered with red blood, a rare thing for a demon to have red blood, but it was the richest kind. It had the sharpest taste, and it burned hot with battle lust. Izzics blood was red, it had been long since any of that had spilled either. a long cut ran along the ribs of his left side, the red staining his white shirt. His grey eyes turned towards the gigantic black tower of slaughter, a place where the disciples of slaughter could train and worship. The hellfire burst in his eyes, his shape contorting back to it's demon form. Here he had almost limitless energies. He flapped his massive bat-like wings speeding off to the highest reaches of the tower, he could see demons scrambling around on the ground beneath him. The fear! The power fear brought with it! He landed on a balcony at the top of the tower, peeirng into the doorway, his eyes took in the ornately decorated room, saw the high priest pinning succubus down on the massive bed. Izzic grinned wickedly, he knew the high priest, Carthax, Carthax was loathsome, and vile creature, finding new ways to sate his unholy appetites beyond slaughter. Few would question this because of Carthax's rank, but Izzic al;ways came to head to head against the fiend. Izzic understood other pleasures true, but Carthax had always spent to much time on it to Izzics thinking. He hefted his axe striding confidently into the room. The succubus hissed when he walked in, strugglin to move from beneath Carthax. Carthaxes horned head shot up, his green eyes widening in shock when he saw Izzic. "YOU!" he scramble off the bed "You were banished to Limbo! How?!" Izzic swung his axe taking the Succubu's head off at the neck, her black blood splashed acrossed the floor. Carthax grabbed for his skull capped mace. Izzic hurled his heavy axe and sprinted after, the axe sheered through the high priests arm. He howled, his pained cries bringing in a pair of hellhounds. Both breathed gouts of flame on izzic. Izzic laughed as the fires bathed over him. "My turn!" he summoned his own fire, swirling the chaotic energies around in his hands, he flung the fire at the hounds, the sheer intensity of the heat melted the meat off their bones, leaving only charred skeletons standing in the middle of the now burning room. Izzic turned to let his eyes take in Carthax's pitiful form. The hedonistic pig huddled in the corner whimpering and clutching his severed arm. Izzic picked up the large mace, turning it in his hands, his eyes showing true appreciation for the craftsmanship. he swung it once over his head. "this is a good weapon..." he pulled it back, remembering how baseball players on earth swung. "To good for the likes of you!" he Carthax started to plead pitifully before Izzic swung, and cried out as the mace struck is face, smashing it beyond recognition. he dropped the bloodied mace, retrieved his axe, and set to finish the rest of the temple...
[SIZE=1]Izzic shivered with excitement as his body was flooded with Heavens holy energies. It hurt! It pained him to be i this place and he relished the sensation. It was his first true sign that he'd left limbo. He turned when Aelio's hand touched onto his shoulder. "What!?" Izzics eyes grew wide, Aelio looked like a perfect target to him right there. "Where do you want to go?" Izzic new the answer withou thinking. "The deepest burning pit of hell you can send me to!" [I]that way, I can rampage and keep off of Heaven's radar...[/I] his feature's contorted until his hysterical laughter broke out, drawing sideways glances from the others in the group. He felt rather than saw the flash of light. He felt the divine presence of heaven leave his body, and felt a burning malevolent hatred, one that comforted his black soul. "I'm back." Izzic opened his eyes, pits of lava, filled with writhing souls of the damned, were scattered acrossed the wasteland paved with the flesh of sinners. Mountains of bones rose to reach the clouds above. Gouts of fire and brimstone shot into the air, incinerating those that strayed to close. Izzic was home. Eagerly, he hefted his giant axe, sniffing through the smells to find prey. Two Imps shuffled around a pile of skeletons, both jumped, squeking with fright when they saw Izzic. Before they had a chance to speak a word, Izzic set upon them, cleaving them both in twain with a single stroke of his mighty axe. He devoured their essence as it darted their crumbling bodies, it tasted so god damned good! He wanted, no, [I]needed[/I] more! e rushed towards the direction the came, his form shifting to that of his true form. He spied a patrol, probably the squad the imps had come from. His laughter sounded like a hollow death knell. "Muahahaha! Tremble and know your doom! IZZIC! Disciple of slaughter has returned!" he spun, taking life and limb from three hapless demons. "And I've come home [I]hungry![/I] " [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] Izzic licked the blood from his axe, the mutilated forms of his victims were strewn about the brimstone road, and far in the distance he saw one of the many cities of the damned. The place was rife with the smells of despair, hatred, and malice. And none knew he was here! His uncontrollable gigling came about when he spied the tower of slaughter, not the one his former master resided, but still...it brought back memories...sweet memories of pain and battle lust! It was good to be home... ------------------------------ There's Izzics start.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Name: Izzic Daiment Affiliation: Demon Age: 670 (Appears to be 29 in human form) Appearence: In his human form, Izzic appears to be a lithe,pale, attractive young man. His violet eyes sparkle with wit, and his movements are gracefull and fluid. His light brown hair sway's and dances in the light breeze of limbo, and his melodious voice can charm the birds from their nests. Few are the humans that guessed the maniacal thoughts ofa murderer lay behind those shining eyes. At a whim his from shifts into his true form. His cream colored skin darkens into dark, blood red hue, his lithe body contorts as bands of muscle spring through his arms. flesh rips and bones break as black bat-like wings tear free in a shower of blood, and his violet eyes shine with the hate and malice of hell fire his musical voice deepens to a likeness of a rockslide. Izzic Daiment, Disciple to the demon of Slaughter appears thus. Personality: From being trapped in limbo for a few hundred years, Izzic's personality has taken on a bit of Dementia. He's grown bored with his current surroundings and yearns for change. If he cannot find a change he makes one, by stalking and slaughtering the other inhabitants of limbo. After feeding his mind and soul the excitement they crave, he calms considerably; almost to the point of being rashional(sp?). He has a liking for the finer things in life and his "lair" is decorated with the many furnishings he's acquired over the years. Being a former disciple of slaughter, he relishes the fast paced excitement of armed combat and will go for the strongest looking opponent above all others, he disdains fighting weaker opponents, and if he's already had his fill of another's terror, will leave the weak unbothered. Should the opportunity ever arise however, that his escape from limbo ever present itself he would take the chance, no matter what it cost to him, or to others. Weapons: When Izzic existed in hell as a disciple of slaughter, he learned to kill with a variety of weapons. To suit his personal taste, and his eagerness to spill huge amounts of blood, he carries with him a large axe, and a magic Tanto. Both weapons were forged in the great pit, where the hellfire burned hottest by Izzic himself. The axe is razor sharp, and over the years of service to Izzic, the axe seems to share in it's masters lust for blood, leaving wounds that run deeper than the strike should've carried, and though blood lays thick on the blade, it never rusts. The Tanto, is as elegant and beautiful as it is deadly, holds a deadly secret that many a demon, angel, and human fell prey to. At a word from Izzic, it grows into a Katana. The blade loses none of it's sharppness, and retains the wieght of it's dagger shape Izzic actually fights better with this weapon, but he prefers his axe for the amount blood it can spill, and it's terror inspiring look. Reason for being thrown into limbo: To put it simply, Izzic failed to murder a saint that posed a great threat to hells forces on one of the worlds in the myriad of existence. This saint was granted the ability to rally the mortal forces and bring them en masse back to the path of righteousness. Hell, obviously did not want this. Izzic was to murder the Saint on the day he was to announce to the world that god still existed, that humanity could leave the demons behind and find eternal happiness within the light. Izzic stood before the saint, and the saint's bodygaurd, a paladin of renown on the forsaken world, one of the few able to survive constant threat from the demonic forces. Issic, feeling his lust for battle rising, bull rushed the bodygaurd. The fight was short, but the damage had been done. Issic slew the Paladin, but was injured from cross burns and a prayer meant to banish him back to the pits of hell, and by the time Izzic had killed the warrior, severl other gaurds rushed to the seen, the holy light burning feverishly in their hearts and eyes. Seeing final doom, Izzic fought his way free, being snagged by hells agents outside of the building. He was dragged across the planes of existence into hell, and was tortured for fifty years without repreive. Finally, His mentor, the demon of slaugter himself, ripped open a dimensional gateway, and hurled Izzic into Limbo. The Meet: Izzic met Dain on one of his "hungry" days. He spotted the black winged angel walking through the fields a few miles from his home, just coming out of one of limbo's many lush forests. "Half-breed...been a while since I've seen one of those wandering the plane of Limbo..." he chuckled maniacally to himself. " Poor little half breed...to wander by when I ache for the tormented screams of another being." He licked the razor edge of his axe, drawing a long stream of sizzleing black blood from his tounge. "oh!" he cried, "I CAN"T WAIT ANY LONGER!!!" he charged from the brush, his form quickly changing to his true self, the Half-breed whipped his head around, but instead of seeing terror, he saw a confident grin set on his face. "A confident whelp!" his mad dash continued, his slobbering jaws barely getting the words from his fanged mouth. "That'll soon change!" He closed the distance in seconds, hefting the large axe for a powerful downward stroke. The Black wing spun drawing his sword, and drug it acrossed Izzic's belly. Blood sprayed and burned through the ground as the axe bit deep into the earth. Going with his momentum, Issic flipped over the axe, keeping his grip on the handle. He landed, ripping the axe free, spun and hurled it, chunks of sod and earth flying free. The Black wing ducked under the deadly missile, and was bowled over as the crazed demon sprinted for him, a jeweled dagger in his clawed hand. The angel kept rolling, trying to keep the foul beast underneath him. The hell spawn Izzic became pinned to the ground, furious, his legs found their way to Dain's chest and kicked like twin pistons, launching the hapless angel from him. At a word the dagger grew longer, curving shap into a Katana, and to Izzics Delight the half breed charged in. "Oh! How long has it been?! How long since my prey had the courage to fight back!" They both became a dancing whirlind ofsparks and blade's, neither gaining ground nor losing ground. Dain pulled a small object out from his shirt, an object minor in size, but brought great fear to Izzic as it was thrown at him. Izzic flinched as the cross touched his skin, forgetting that the angel had been exiled from heaven, and that his...god's touch wouldn't find him here. It was all the opening Dain needed, his sword was brought to Izzic's throat in an instant. Izzic kneeled seeing his end, seeing his freedom from this cursed place. He waited, feeling the sword drive no deeper he looked to the half breed quizically. "You caught me off gaurd...kill me, the laws of combat require it!" The angel frowned at the statement, and the demon smiled knowingly. "I am a student of slaughter, combat falls in slaughter. Even in hell, some have a sense of honor." The angel's frown deepened, he stepped back keeping his sword level. "I need help...help escaping this place." the demon roared with laughter, his blade shrank back to it's origional size as he retrieved his axe. "There is no escape from here, non that I know of." He turned, changing back to his human form, the hellfire lingered in his eyes. "And I've existed here for three hundred years." he began giggling at the statement. Three hundred years and he couldn't find an escape, this angel...this half-breed...wanted help to try and escape, his demented giggling grew to hysterical laughter. The angel sniffed disdainfully. "You can help or you can stay. Honestly, I'd rather do something than nothing. This place get's old fast." Izzic quieted his laughter, considering the bold words. He looked back at the direction of his lair. "Come, we'll go back to my home." the angel began to protest, and Issic turned on him the hellfire springing back. "I have things to gather and energies to replenish. I'd rather be at full strength while I'm trapesing around with you. You are half angel." "And your a full demon." Izzic chuckled and nodded in agreement. He might have a sense of honor, but the black wing was right. He was after all, still a demon. Sorry, I got creative...[/SIZE]
Name: Xavier Enders Age: 29 Gender: Male Place of Origin: Seattle Washington, U.S. Personality: Although Xavier enjoys life's pleasure's as much as anyone else, he tends to keep his true self closed off from the rest off the world. On the outside he appears to be an average guy, deep within him hides the heart and thoughts of a sociopath. He always has a plan to kill everyone he meets should the need arise, and he always knows the way out of building. Many's the victim that's been offset by his cheery exterior, realizing thier mistake as a knife plunges into their throat. Appearance: Body- at 6 foot tall and wieghing 198 lbs of lean muscle, Xavier makes for an imposing figure. Naturally athletic, his time spent conditioning, and stretching his body has paid off and shows. Xavier's blue eye's sparkle with an intelligent light, and his thin lips part in a smile when he's found something he can use to his advantage. Hair: Xavier's black hair has always been kept short cut, naver once has it been long enough to go past his ears Clothes: As Xavier acts like the average guy, so does he understand that the costume is every bit as important as the performance. He wears a variety of clothes, perfering baggy clothes over things that fit more tightly to keep his movements from being hindered. On the night he goes to complete a job, he dons his kevlar lined jacket, and slides on his leather gloves. Bio: At the age of 18, not wanting the college life as was typical for most graduating high schooler's, Xavier joined the marines, planning on going to college afterwards. During boot camp, the Drill sargeant announced the beggining of hand to hand combat training, the sargeant picked Xavier out from the crowd to be the training dummy. The sargeant grinned cruelly at the young recruit as he obeyed the command. "Go on, give me your best shot." Xavier, snapped his body into a 3/4 stance, flaring his punches at the sargeant. The Drill instructer, takenaback with the recruit, snagged hold of Xaviers wrist, intending to use his momentum against Xavier. Reacting by instinct, Xavier twisted out of the stunned instructors iron grasp, and planted a side kick into his chest, throwing him back. From there Xavier entered into the Marine Recon Special forces. Xavier like the things he learned, he understood that this was what he was meant to be: A killer. A stone cold, iron hearted killer. He served for six long years, undertaking deadly missions, fighting in perilous terrain. When he left, he found work as a hitman, his work sending shockwaves in the local syndicates of L.A. After two years of his life as an assassin, Xavier recieved a phone call from a person claiming to work for an underground organization so elite, Xavier believed it to be another urban legend. Seeing an opportunity before him, Albeit a risky one, Enders agreed to meet with the mysterious caller... Hope that's good Enough.
Sign Up Judgement Day- Black Earth (M-L,V, possible S)
Swordsaint replied to Drake06's topic in Theater
Sounds interesting I'm in...hopefully. Name: Kyth "Mind Reaver" Syndal Age: 28 Sex: male Job: Smuggler Powers: A number of psychic powers are the gifts Kyth recieved from his parents. All are susceptible to them, although- Telepathy- Kyth can shift through a persons thoughts, reading their minds like an open book. This subtle power has proven invaluable in Kyth's chosen "profession", helping him to discern friend from foe. Unlike his other powers, he can use this on multiple people. Mind Wreck- A focused version of Telepathy, by concentrating his telepathic powers on a person's mind, Kyth is able to cause severe headaches that can quickly have several devestating effects such as amnesia, temporary/permanent brain damage, internal hemorhaging, and death. This power earned him the nickname "mind Reaver". confusion- Kyth's last power, with this he's able to muddle the thoughts of anyone he's aware of by sending his own directly to his targets mind. Physical Description: Though his psychic abilities hint at an over developed intellect, Kyth is not a pasty face bookworm. He learned and understood that early on physical strength was improtant, so he worked long and hard in gym's to strengthen his muscles, and lengthen his wind for long distance running. His steel grey eyes sparkle with a humoured, intelligent light, and his lean face always carry a mischeivious grin as if he knows the thoughts of the person he speaks with His rugged spacer's vest is lined with utility pockets of all kinds, and his clothes are in line with both comfort and protection in mind. He rarely goes any where without his pistol "grim" A modified laser pistol, that carries a heavy blade along the bottom side Personality: Playfull like a middle schooler, and never without a sarcastic comment, Kyth loves life and lives it to the fullest. Though his sense of adventure and playfull demeanor have gotten him through some tough spots life, it's also brought some of those tough spots down on him. He has a love of women, and with his psychic talents giving him insight, they love him back, and he's never really paid attention to the minor things concerning women, like their marital status, and weather or not thier fathers would be appreciative of the young rogue. His endless stream of one liners pisses customs agents and crimelords thugs off to no end, and Kyth loves it all to no end. Bio: Kyth was born on the Nalfar space station, growing up with a myriad of people around. His parents passed their psychic abilities on to him and he, much to the dismay of his parents, used them to get into no end of trouble. Making bets with people that he could guess their ages for money was only the beggining with Kyth. He went on to be a pick pocket using his abilitities to confuse his targets and and rob them blind. Cops werent a problem, usually, and every now and then a customer with an attitude problem would come knocking, looking to ring the scrawny youths neck. Yearning for something more, kyth saved his "earnings" to by his own starship, only to be rejected when his record was pulled up. Unrelenting, Kyth went to other sources, signing on to work for the crimelord Org Malthon, who "provided" Kyth with a ship.Knowing he had to leave quickly,at least before Org realized what had just happened and sent his boys after, Kyth gathered a few of his trusted, like minded friends and ditched the Nalfar station, making their way in the worlds beyond. Yeah it's not my best work, but I hope it's good enough. -
[SIZE=1]Mike darted acrossed the deserted, fog choked streets of Silent Hill. He'd heard a thunderous crashing noise coming from the gate. He clutched his filth encrusted journal against the shreded remains of his clothes, he had planned to leave it at the gate to warn people off. He didn't want to have to kill other people, but the very nature of this hellish pit of a town left him with little choice. He ducked into a shadowy alley way, searching thouroghly for any of the...the things that stalked this nightmairsh place, before turning to spy the van. A young man was pulling bodies from the van all unconcious. "Fuck! there's to many too many, no telling which will turn first! Are they dead or do they live? Better that they stay asleep never to wake!." he looked down at the journal, he could hear Terrance's voice echoing through his shattered mind. Mike closed his eyes, nodding "Yes, that's true, better to leave the journal and warn them of the dangers, get them to leave her much sooner so they don't turn, can't trust them though. He heard the shambling footsteps and pitiful moans, giving away the foul creature that approached from behind. Mike whirled to face the lumbering, human shaped mass of bloody flesh that cried sorrowfully for contact with living skin...so that it may rend the life from it. Mike stepped back, his hand running acrossed the loose bricks of the crumbling building. He pulled one loose, hurling it at the deranged creature shuffling towards him. The stone smacked into it's head with a sickening thud, and the sucking sound of wet skin tearing free. He jumped at the creature, smashing it's head in the rest of the way with the crowbar he had hidden in his tattered clothes. He battered it continually, smashing the distorted remains of the thing with inhuman madness and fury. He snapped back to reality, looking around as if nothing unusual had happened. He picked his journal up from the dusty ground, he gave it one last look before hucking it at the van and it's emerging occupants. he whispered, more to himself than to the new arrivals "Leave before it's to late, leave before it's to late." He turned running into the demonic shadow's of Silent Hill... OOC: Hope that's a good enough start. Btw, the journal is basically the same as what I used for my characters Bio.[/SIZE]