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Everything posted by Swordsaint
Sorry for the late sign up, here's something a little different... Name: Mike D. Jameston Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: Mike's once handsome feature's have been scarred by the unimaginable horrors of being trapped within Silent Hill for over two weeks. His wide, sunken blue eyse have seen many terrors. His wavy brown hair, once cleaned and groomed now frays out in all directions, clumped together in places by crusted blood. His black leather jacket bears many tears, reavealing scabby tears and slashes running through his lean build. His thin lips quiver in terror, his dilusional mind creating sounds and terrors where there are none. Strengths: before coming to Silent Hill in search of his best friend, Terrance. Mike worked as a private investigator. He's seen his share of fights, and is no stranger to using a gun, but by no means is he an expert shooter. His real talent is finding things, or people that don't want to be found, this time he might have found something that should have stayed lost... Short Biography: [RIGHT[I]]June 17th[/I][/RIGHT] I've always had this knack for finding people, people that don't want to be found. Or have been lost. No not really a knack...a drive. I've always liked finding things that others didn't want found. God I never thought it owuld lead me to this. Heh...funny our world...my greatest strength's turned out to be my downfall. I came here, to this ...******* hell-hole...to find a friend of mine, a friend that was proven to be dead. Terrance...good ol' Terrance, always there when you needed a friend. Damn good friend to. They scraped what was left of him of the ... *Page is smudged with a thick, dark, crusty substance* I saw him two months later, Same grin...same wave. Left a note that said "Follow me if you want. Follow the crumbs to find me" He left clue's as he went along, leading up to a note that said "Meet me at Silent Hill for a little chat. God damn right I wanted to chat. I wanted to find out who the sick **** was playing this Joke! I watched them ******* bury His *** 6 feet in the ground! I have to go...I have to see If I can't find my way out of this place. It hasn't even been a full day, and it feels like it's been a year. What the hell is going on here? [I][RIGHT]June 23[/RIGHT] [/I] Saw the first sign of [I]human[/I] life today. ****** up...just a little girl, left alone in this place, I'll have to keep an eye on her. Keep her safe. My god how'd she survive this long... * Several pages are torn, blood smears the next page , scribbled writing appears below the page* Why did this have to happen to me...******* kid....Head went pop when I shot it... She looked like one of those... ... ... *Scribbled out* sliced me with a ****** scalpel... my god I'm trapped here, I'm not getting out...******* puzzle's every where...hell spawned creatures everywhere, I know I'm going to die here...can't trust anyone I see...Kill anything I see...or run. ... ... Maybe I can end it myself, god knows I don't want to die slow. aww **** it, I'm dead either way... *Next page the writing seems a bit more collected...* Saw terrance again...dropped me the key...opened the police station...it's as ****** up there. He's still a good friend...helpin a buddy out...even here...where nightmare's take form, then slash out your throat and run cackling in the night. Maybe this Journal can save others. Terrance made me see that...I have to help other people stay away from this place.can't trust anyone.. every one changes once they come here...saw a lady the other day...asking me for help...stupid monsters...the same trick wont work twice!!! she's hanging from the second story window of the hotel. I put a bullet between the eyes to be sure... I know I can't leave this place...ever, even death won't separate me from this place. How long have I been here? any one who finds this Journal...don't come into Silent Hill...Only madness and Death wait here *The writting stops, the rest of the pages are blank .* hope that works, if it needs changing just say so...
Okay then, here be me... [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Name[/B]:[/COLOR] Diune Kaiden [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Age[/B]:[/COLOR] 26 [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Organization[/B]:[/COLOR] N/A Freelance soldier [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Class[/B]:[/COLOR] Mercenary [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Description[/B]:[/COLOR] Diune's life has been less then kind to him, all acrossed his body, long pink scars stripe his tall muscled frame. His cold grey eyes, that had at one time sparkled with an innocent, boyish light, now show little more than an icy stare that many recognize from the eyes of a person who's seen great hardship and horrible travesty's, much like the rest of the war torn world. His thin lips never part in anything but a cold remark or a bone chilling warcry promising death to all who stand before the whirlwind of fury that is Diune. His hair, once long black locks, has been kept cut short, so as to give his adversaries fewer handholds when locked in fierce combat with human and demon foes alike. Few people ever see him without his long, heavy Poncho, draped around his body, or with his wide brimmed hat. With his every booted step, his chain armor and the cobbled plates of various other armor's clink together, following his steps rythmically Everything in Diune's life has shaped him into what he is now... [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Background[/B]:[/COLOR] Diune was one of the few born on Madred that was able to grow knowing his parent's love, and live to see it violently torn from this world. His father, Gregor Kaiden, was a former Captain in the Seed Army, before the tryannical reigne of Blaketh. When Blaketh recieved control of the army and began his blood-thirsty rampage acrossed Madred, Gregor retired from the once noble army, settling into the life as Captain of the gaurd in the growing city of Yrtannia, where he met, and eventually married, Diune's mother, Sandra wolfsbane. They lived happily together, more happily than most on Madred, living a simple life. They had little money, a house that was little more than a makeshift shelter, but they had each other, and Diune. They lived this way for fourteen years, Diune learning to protect himself and others from his father, learning how to use sword and spear, dagger and fist, and learning to fend for himself from his loving mother, who taught him how to forage for food, which plants were poisonous, and which would heal wounds. They lived this way for fourteen years... Until the Seed Army made a swing to the south, seeing the growing city become more and more prosperous with each passing day. The horde of Blaketh seethed forward seeking the blood soaked spoils of their Conquest. Diune's father lead the defense of Yrtannia's great walls, ordering a young Diune to protect his mother if anything should happen to him. The Yrtannian people defended their city as well as they could, but all for naught, the army of blaketh swarmed over the walls, bashing down the gates, washing all that stood before them like a flood. Diune stood at the door of his families house, listening to the cries of war turn to the screams of the damned as the Seed army raped, murdered, and plundered the city. His mothered sobbed quietly behind him, he tried to hold back the tears, to hide his own overwhelming fear, kowing surely that he would die. He jumped back as the door exploded off it's hinges, three black armored figures followed the shower of splinters. Diune heard his mother scream as he rushed forward, locking blades with the leading soldier, beggining a deadly dance of death. Diune stared into the eyes of his foe, they burned with an unholy light, a chaotic bloodlust. He could see his future in his enemies eyes, a future that depicted his long slow end. Diune screamed back denying the fate his opponent foresaw. The other two soldiers chuckled, muttering about how the boy would die slow. Diune spun, whipping his sword about in a deadly whirlwind as his father had taught him, striking seemingly everywhere at once. He feinted with a strike to the head as he stopped suddenly; his opponent went for it. To the surprise of all, Diune drove his blade home, slicing neatly through the black, skull adorned armor, into his side. The figure before him shudderedas he lifted his gauntleted fist, bringing it crashing down into Diune's soft face. The other two soldiers rushed by him, grabbing his screaming mother, pinning her to the table. Diune was hardly aware of the world around him as his blood pooled around his head. His opponent stepped over to stand above him as he drew Diune's sword from his side. "A little more deeper..." the grating voice sounded from the armored figure before Diune's blurring vision, "and this might've been something serious." With a single mighty yank, he hauled Diune from the floor, forcing him to watch as the other two raped his mother. The man chuckled as he picked up a length of strong rope, tying Diune by his hands and haning him from the Ceiling. "A fine blade..." the soldier said, never removing his helmet, running his hand down the shining metal. He whipped it about teasingly at Diune at first, then suddenly the blade became a blur, a blur that sliced into Diune's flesh. Diune screamed in pain, he felt his warm blood flow freely down his ribs. The soldier circled around, slicing into Diune's back, time after time. He left Diune hanging there, diced to bloody ribbons.He turned to regard Diune's mother, she still struggled against the other two that pinned her. The man with Diune's sword started a low growl, lifting the weapon above his head, he swung. To Diune, eternity seemd to pass in that stroke, the blade seemed to take forever to fall. A sudden, resounding thud coursed through the house as Sandra Kaiden's screams sounded no more. Diune Screamed out in such rage, pain and hate the likes of wich he never would've ever beleived possible. The soldier truned from his mother's decapitated corpse, his eyes brightening in appreciation. "That's right..." he hissed "Hate me, fear me. Let it flow through your entire being and when it comes time use it!" He hefted the blade again "That is...should you survive." He swung once, neatly cutting the ropes, dropping Diune to the floor. The three Seed soldiers left, leaving the bloody mess of what was once, a happy family. ever since that fatefull event, Diune has existed as a mercenary, selling his sword arm to the highest bidder, all except the Seed Army. He's survived for twelve years in a proffesion that doesn't forgive the slightest error, and he's not about to go soft for anyone...but can a man's heart truely keep itself closed forever? [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Weapon[/B]:[/COLOR] Although Diune's life has dictated his mastery of various weapons out of necessity, his battle powress shines like the brightest star when he wields His Sword. [COLOR=Navy][B]What was Lost-[/B] [/COLOR] The very sword used to spill Diune's blood, and to murder his mother, has been engraved with his mother and father's names, and the name of the city were Diune was born and raised. A constant reminder to diune of why he avoids emotional contact with others. The finely crafted blade had once sparkled with a brilliance as great as the love Diune had once felt for his parent's, but since there murder at the hands of the seed army, it's luster has dimmed considerably. It's edge remains as sharp as Diune's Keen hatred for Blaketh's army, and the tassels that stream from the hilt of the fine weapon were once white like fresh fallen snow, are now stained red, red with the blood of those unfortunate enough to be the target of Diune's rath. [COLOR=Navy][B]Pistol "Charon "[/B] :[/COLOR] Though Diune prefers to charge through the fray, his sword whipping about in deadly arcs, he quickly came to realize the value of a fire arm. Life ain't fair, and neither is this bloody, on going war... This black pistol, has had several mdifications made to it, most notably the blade that runs underneath the gun, extending 3 inches past the barrel. The fifteen round magazine of the heavy pistol carries special rounds. Rounds that explode on impact, something Diune's found usefull for his more heavily armored opponents. Carved into the side of the gun is the Word "Charon" one of the many names for the Angel of death, on the other side of th pistol is the phrase: "Death comes for all, You just happened to be next..." I had to add more...I couldn't resist...
ooc: Sorry i havn't posted in a while, the schools server's full of bugs, any how here goes. ------------------------------------------------------------- Kit had long since given up on his surprise, he lost track of where the mile a minute girls had scattered to under Katana's crazed directions. He slept peacefully until here heard a sudden tearing noise and a high pitched sqeal of "CHRISTMAS!" He jolted forward, hearing a clinking noise as a few objects fell from his chest. Startled he looked down, a small bag of coins had been left on his blanket from someone. He glanced around, seeing no one near, he mumbled a silent "thank you" to who ever had left them. "KITY! GET YOUR ASS UP! IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Kit chuckled climbing out from under the blanket, dressing himself and retrieving his long unused sword and nunchaku from the closet. He slid the door open, running face to face into a fuming miss kourou. "Um...somehting wrong?" he could almost hear the last nerve break. "WHAT have you done to my dojo's courtyard!" they went to the window, outside there were snowmen and trees, raised from the earth and shaped by Kit's unique power's. His smile widened, and he giggled uncharacteristically. "He he...I decorated! It's Christmas!" Seeing her cold stare he added "Don't worry! I'll fix it all later, for now PARTY!" He bolted out the door to where the presents were all stacked, the girls had started there mad wrapping paper slaughter. Yuki spotted kit through the storm of paper. "Kit! Get in here and open your presents or I'll take em!" Get laughed diving in, shredding the paper that stood in the way of his presents. ----------------------------------------------------- ooc: I figured we should finish the christmas party. Hope all your christmas's were good, and that you all had a happy new year!
OOC: I'm feelin festive!!! Merry CHRISTMAS TO ONE AND ALL!!!!!!!! ---------------------------------------------------- Kit hobbled happily, his leg wasn't completely healed yet. He dug up the christmas decorations and begun to string them up happily. Katana had stolen the squeaky hammer, and began to nail some of the decorations to the wall. The girls where a whirlwind of cheerfulness as they started to get ready to go shopping. "All right! I'm cheif of operations here! Lets get a move on people!" everyone sweatdropped as Katana struck a gallant pose on the table, the hammer hefted on her shoulder. "YOU STOLE MY HAMMER! YAAARG!" Yuka tackled Katana, knocking her off the table. After a quick tussle, Yuka walked away, hugging her hammer close. "I'm sorry, I'll never let you get lost like that again." Katana dusted herself off, standing on the table again. "Alright! Kit! Kenshin! You two stay here and decorate! Kouru, Kurumi! You to get to cook." "Oh god no!" Yahiko mumbled "Where all gonna be poisoned this year." Whack! WHACK! Kouru and kurumi pummeled Kaz mercilessly. "Now then! Everyone else..." Katana grinned devilishly "Were goin shopping!" howling in delight the girls dashed off leaving a stammmering sano, and weeping yahiko in the dust. "Why do we have to go shopping with them?" * * * Kit hummed happily, the ancestors had gone after the girls, following the trail of trampled people. Kit began using his power over earth to mold 6 foot snowmen, and to make an 8 foot statue of Santa clause. Kenshin sweatdropped when he looked to see what the rumbling was. "Uh, kit?" Kit turned, his maniacal grin spread wide acrossed his face "Um...I don't think miss Kouru would like these statues in her courtyard, that I don't" Kit chuckled. "I can always crumble em afterwards. Now I need some...PAINT! Red white, green and black!" Kenshin scratched his head. "We don't have any paint, that we don't. And you can't walk to the store with your leg injured." Kit thought for a second. "No problem, I'll just use my new trick!" enshin had started to ask what Kit's new trick was, but a hole had formed at kit's feet, and slowly he sank in, grinning. Kit shot underground, speeding towards where the girls had gone to do their shopping, he'd be there very soon. His entrance might be a bit messy though... ------------------------------------------------------ NEXT!!!
hehehe...my god ye all be as insane as a pack of rabid of rabid monekys with machete's. This is gonna be a lot of fun :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kit tuned his thougths out from the other's, things were turning upside down at beef place, what ever it was called. He couldn't remember, didn't want to remember either. He looked over at the bowl of soup that had been left next to his bed. His stomach growled ferociously, soup had been all he had eaten since getting back to the dojo. He closed his eyes, feeling the cool darkness of the "room of torture" wash over him. The salve that had been put on his wounds had been burning like hell, but it had since subsided. His thoughts swirled back into their normal pattern, he needed, no, wanted to be out with his friends. [COLOR=Navy] [I]Dammit. I wish this hadn't happened...I wish Amaya were still here, I wish that Kaz hadn't lost it and gone berserk like that.[/I] [/COLOR] He could feel Kaz's presence in the back of his head, just like the rest of his friends, but kaz had grown...distant, the thoughts he gave of wrenched his insides, made his stomach turn into a pit of ice, it reminded him of the time he first met... [COLOR=Navy] [I]stop thinking that now dumbshit. Kaz may be evil, but he's not going to try and kill you. Just relax.[/I] [/COLOR] Kit honestly couldn't tell if he could convince himself, he felt that Kaz would b willing to turn his hells be damned blades on him if it suited his purpose. He sighed, slowly sitting up. "I need to get out of here, holding down the fort is no fun." He winced as a number of his wounds split open. Gently he laid back down. "Gah...no more of that then. Damn this sucks." A high pithced voice peirced his mind [I]aww...poor kitty kat hurt all over. Mean ol' Sicarius[/I] Kit wasn't sure which of the girls had said that, but what he was more concerend about baffled him like no other: "Kitty Kat?" ------------------------------------------------------- That's actually a good teaser nickname to throw at hiim. Soon as Kit's healed up, he can join the craziness. XD
ooc: Sorry I'm late! I was trying to catch up on the posts so I don't screw anything up. This is the one to get kit back in the game! Kit is back, but where's amaya? ----------------------------------------------------------------- Kit stumbled along the road to the dojo, to kenshin, katana, yahiko and the others. He didn't have any idea how long he'd been trapped there, how long had it been since he'd seen the light of day? 3 weeks? A month? It didn't matter, all he wanted was to be back with his friends, and Amaya. He could feel there thoughts grow stronger and more clear in his mind as he traveled along. Most of them were together, except for Kaz. He could feel Kaz's presence, but something in him had changed. HIs thoughts swirled violently, they had become dark twisted and malevolent. He shook his head to stop thinking about it, it was probably just his imagination. His whole body ached from numerous wounds and days of travel. He shuddered as he remembered what went on: Sicarius: "You kids were able to defeat my student aconite...there's something odd about you, and I'm sure it's the same for your friends. Kids your age don't develop power's like these in one night." he turned, his hands banded with metal. "let's see just how much punishment you can take." [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] The torture had lasted for what seemed like forever, constent physical endurance and strength tests. Sicarius had kept him in a near death state so he couldn't use his power over earth. One day he had awoken, and Sicarius was gone, what ever had happened he must've learned what he wanted, kit recovered enough to break loose from the chains that bound him. Kit stopped walking, his eyes brightening with releif. The dojo stood not more than 60 yards from him, he could almost hear his friends voices with his ears, instead of his mind. He no longer felt the ache of his terrible wounds, all he felt was joy. [I][COLOR=Navy]"I'm back! I don't care if kouru cooked again! I'm back![/COLOR][/I] his excited thoughts reached his friends in the dojo Katana: [I]What the...! Kit![/I] The girls that could all got up, running for the dojo's main gate, they opened it to see a bruised,battered, yet smiling kit. He was the first to break the awkward silence with a quivering voice... "You guys look like something a cyote ate and crapped off a cliff...seriously." ------------------------------------------------------------------ I hope that didn't screw up anything you guys had planned, needed to get kit back with the group. Damn you kaz! :laugh:
[SIZE=2]Keagan stepped slowly outside of the teeming throng of nobles, sipping his from his nearly spent glass of brandy. It was of fine stock, strong, and just thick enough to leave a slight burning sensation in his belly. He closed his eyes as he listened to the music the machine churned out, letting the gentle waves of sound carry him to the sweet thoughts of... A sudden chill sped down his spine, a feeling he had grown accustomed and had more than once savedd his life. Something that had earned him a few snide comments of paranoia(sp?) He turned still smiling, his left hand holding his glass, while his right slid down to his swords hilt. A femenin voice broke his suspicions, but not his gaurd. "There's no need for that, Lord Desslanoch." A woman stepped out from behind the pillar closest to the crowd, her radiant beauty illuminating the shadow's around her, while her grey dress accentuated it and seemed to keep her hidden at the same time. Keagan's smile widened, showing the glistening white of his teeth as he bowed to her in respect. "To whom do I be greeting, surely this rare rose amongst mere lilies has a name." It was her turn to smile as she bowed in turn, a smile that was predatory, not unlike Keagan's at times. Her Ivory skin was flawless, well toned, it looked smooth, even a few feet away. And her eyes, pink with shades of a...almost blood red color setting into them. Her exotic beauty brought up passions in him, passions that few women could arouse in him, he had to have her. "My name is Lady Snayu Zhenyu, of the house Zhenyu." Snayu, Keagan knew that name, he had heard somehting of her reputation in the arena. She was rumored to have a brutal cunning knack for fighting that could possibly match his own, another thing that he'd have to conquer in her. "It is a rare pleasure to meet you Lady Snayu." she waved her hand slightly, her face crinkling somewhat. "Please, do skip the formalities. Call me Snayu for now, it is a party after all." Keagan bowed slightly again. A familiar tune played from the machine, one he had practiced a dance for some years ago, and he did desire to step out there and enjoy himself. Why not? "As you wish, Miss Snayu." He held out his gloved hand, grinning warmly at her, ideas forming in his head, plans whirling about. "May I have this dance?" Her hand, gloved in grey, reached out, gingerly grasping his. She looked at him. almost as if she could hear what he was thinking, his grin grew wolfishly wider. She nodded her head. "You may." They both stepped onto the dance floor, twirling gracefully amongst the nobles, all ignorant of the subtle, yet grandiose plans forming around them.[/SIZE]
ooc: sorry I'm late! Lets get this party started! Keagan had arrived at the elegant party some time ago and, to say the least, he was enjoying himself. This Belial had spared no expense on this party, and he had all the delights in line just the right way. It almost reminded him of himself. He stepped lightly acrossed the marble floor's, his attention caught by a sudden, unexpected bellow, his cape lightly brushed acrossed themarble as he turnedr, his retainer shuffled hurridly, his bald head bowed behind. "Tarquil?" the servants head snapped to attention, focusing on his lords capped back. "Yes my lord?" Keagan peered intently on the dueling figures, the silver haired man danced around the big man gracefully. "Who is that dueling?" Tarquil fumbled through his gold inlaid coat pockets for his spectacles. He slid over his failing eyes in triumph. "the large man is Goran.." "keir, I know" Keagan had cut him off sharply "Who is the silver haired noble?" Tarquil gulped "He is Lord Xaivier of the house Melebranche." Keagan turned his cold saphire eyes back the duel, Goran was already dead, and the crowd disperesd, going about the party almost as if nothing had happened. Xaivier wiped his blade clean of the blood, his face turning into a mask of disgust, as if his blade had been somehow tainted by Goran's blood. Keagan ran his fingers over his own blade gently, in wonder. Tarquil piped up meekly, his feeble old voice quivering. "my lord? i-is there anything you require?" Keagan sighed, wishing to challenge Xavier, but he didn't want to spoil the party, blood was hard to clean from the floor, the servents already scrambled to heave Goran's corpse to the door. "Some brandy and..." Keagan turned to Tarquil, smiling slightly " You may enjoy yourself this evening. I feel like having a dance afterwards." Tarquil bowed low to his lord, then hurried off to fetch his master's desire. Alone Keagan looked around, his eyes looking for any sign of danger, be it the assasin's dagger, or a listening ear. seeing none he looked down at his rich clothes. They were his formal attire from the academy, dark navy blue with pure silver running down the edges of the uniform, and cape. His black leather shoes struck the marble sharply as he stepped to snatch his glass from Tarquil. This party would prove most interesting...
Hey sounds like fun! It's a nice change from the norm. Name: Keagan Desslanoch (des-lan-auk) age: 29 Description: Everything about Keagan glitteres with a deadly beauty. His auburn hair curls down his forehead a half inch His round, saphire eyes sparkle with a cold, intelligent light. When his pink colored lips part in a smile, people wonder, does he smile to be kind, or does he see something he can use? His lithe, yet well muscled 6 ft. frame lies hidden beneath the finest silks and leathers from acrossed the land. Drapped round his shoulders is always a cape of navy blue, dangling from his neck is a platinum necklace, stamped with his name and his family crest. Rarely is he found not richley dressed for any occasion, and rarer still is he found without his Flambert, a type of dueling sword, with five blue diamonds embedded into its silver hilt. And riding elagently from his right hip, carried in a silver lined black leather holster is his families Ivory dueling pistol. Personality: Smart, talented, educated and rich, Keagan is aware of these things and never hesitates to flaunt any. His parties are known to attract the cream of the crop for their hedonistic pleasures. His sharp mind and cunning wit have made his tongue as sharp as his sword, and nearly as deadly. More than a few have died on his sword, or with a word to choice ears. Rarely is there anything he cannot have, and if he can't have it, he yearns for it until he does have it. Weapons: His weapons are practical in terms of use, but expensive in appearance. Flambert- a type of dueling Rapier, the blade is wider than most other blades of it's kind, but still light and quick. Keagan had it made specifically for his tastes from damascus steel, and there is no inch of this masterfully crafted weapon he does not know. It's silver basket handgaurd is emblazoned with trumpeting angels and unicorns rearing up in worship ofthe tenmoons crest. Five Blue diamonds take the place of five of the silver moons Family pistol- Always wanting the rarest and most valuable of items, the family pistol was of course on Keagan's list. The handle was carved from pure, solid ivory, and the parts made by the greatests gun smiths of it's time. This pistol still has few equals in terms of beauty, cost, and deadliness. Introductions are in order: [SIZE=1][I]17 years ago...[/I] "But father, I'd rather not got to the academy." Keagans father looked quizically at him. "Oh? And what would you rather do? Stay here and make foolish play at being the head of this house! You'd rather stay here and cripple me while I'm away!" His fathers face had contorted into a mask of rage as his hand raised, curling into a mighty fist. Keagan shut his eyes awaiting the inevitable blow. Whack! Keagan tumbled to the floor, blood pooling from his nose. His father sniffed in disdain. "You can't even defend yourself properly like gentleman, this is more proof that you should be sent away." his father turned his back Keagan who sat up on his knees holding a cloth to his bloodied nose. "Hopefully when you return, you will be more worthy of serving your eldest brother when he assumes control of this house." [I]11 years later...[/I] The butler had burst into Lord Desslanoch's room, his face flushed and running with cold sweat. "My lord! Y-your eldest son!" the butler stammered trying to spit the chilling news from his cold lips. Lord Desslanoch's eyes narrowed dangerously. "What of my son?" The butler swallowed. "My lord, Your youngest son Keagan has...has bested him in a duel!" Desslanoch's eyes widened in suprise. His head tilted back and his mouth opened wide, roaring with a hearty laughter. "hahahaha! Soe Keagan's time at the academy well spent. hmmm" he snapped his fingers and another of his servants filled a diamond glass full of bandy. He poured it into his gapping maw. "What of it, if Keagan bested him, then he had become weak. Name my Daughter Alycia the heir of the house then. "I'm afraid she has passed on to the afterlife dear father." Heads swiveled to the door in shock as Keagan stepped in "she went to her room to wait for Lord Danathor's reply to her proposal. She slipped from the balcony." Keagan smiled, a cold, predatory smile." His father stood waving of the servants. They bowed, ducking out of the room. "what of it, you are the youngest. You still have five other siblings who will..." "Who will be mourned." keagan cut him off sharply, glaring at him through his bone chilling eyes. "You see, I learned foresight at the academy. I learned swordplay, marksmanship, how to be diplomatic." Lord Desslanoch tugged at the collar of his shirt, sweat beading on his reddening face. He took a slow step towards the matle were the family pistol was kept. He spun reaching for it, blinking in shock when his hand grasped empty air. Keagan chuckled cruelly. "I thought I had said I learned foresight." Keagan drew back his cloak, revealing the ivory pistol. Keagan's father sneered. "you'll not lay a hand on me, I can still best you at the sword!" Hist gnarled old hand snapped onto the handle quicker than the eye could follow. "And I'll name your one of your cousins my heir!" he wobbled slightly, suddenly feeling very weak "You know your probably right about besting me at sword play. Buuut..." Keagan drew a small green vial "your poor senile old mind still can't out think mine." Desslanoch gasped clutching his throat. "I wonder, how will you ever get the orders brought about to name my cousins heirs to the house? that would be a great feat indeed." Keagan smiled wistfully as the old man collapsed to the ground convulsing violently. He gave one final heave of his massive chest, then lay still, eyes clouding over, seeing no longer. Keagan stepped forward drawing his blade. He pressed it against his chest, and quickly slashed himself, blood dripped to the floor in long rivulets. Then he raised his sword high, and plunged it into his father's corpse. Keagan sniffed as he stepped over his father's corpse, sitting himself comfortably in his father's large leather cushioned chair. He rang a small golden bell, the servants crept back in slowly, staring in shock at the body laying still on the floor. "Let it be known that I challenged my father to duel. One that he lost." Keagan leaned back as the butler left for a surgeon. " Have my father's body buried next to my syblings graves." The servants all bowed to him. Keagan couldn't help but smile in true satisfaction.[/SIZE]
Sorry I can't contribute as often as the rest of you guys, there've been some good points from both sides on this. How ever there are a few things I have left to say: Siren, your thoughts on this whole thing are well written and well presented with a clear voice and visible point, and I am in complete agreement with you on your political standpoint. And to midnight rush "I don't give a damn about unifying the USA from a big picture perspective. " What the **** are you talking about. What big picture are you looking at!? Bush winning the election, though it sucks A**, is but a small step in the big picture. A president, even one that I feel sucks as much as bush does, holds way more power when the nation is unified and behind him. Without the nation behind him, Bush is going to be [I]nothing[/I] in the big picture. Even a good president that has a divided nation behind him will be nothing in the big picture. Shut up and get yourself prioritized and thinking straight before you open your mouth again and prove what an illogical trigger happy right wing nutcase you are. btw, Siren if you run for the presidency you've got my vote behind ya.
1st: Empty pizza Rolls should be banned by the constitution! 2nd: To be honest, I'm leaning towards Kerry (I can't vote yet, 17) Bush comes acrossed as ignorant, arrogant, incompetent and his staff all have corrutped power hungry jackasses written all over them. But that's just me. I don't think Kerry's the world's greatest choice with how he pander's to which ever majority he speaks to (people mistake this with flip flopping) Pro-war, or anti-war. It's hard to tell exactly where he stands on all of this. Constitutional ban on gay mariage to me is wrong. Would I marry a member of the same sex? No, but it doesn't bother me the slightest that other people do, as long as they don't try to impose their way on me.
Sounds good, *smart* zombies huh? they must be better at herding... Name: Jonathan Kiehn Age: 45 Country: U.S (Retired to France) Description: The grizzled elderstands tall at 6'6, his greying hair thining at the top. His old hardened eyes have a somewhat haunted look about them, like a man trying to make up for his past. Typically, he wears loose comfortable kakis, held up with a belt, the buckle emblazoned with the U.S. Eagle and the words "U.S. marine" his shirts, like his kakis, are generally loose. Despite his age, his bodies lost little of it's youthful strength, his powerfull hands can still snap a man's arm like a dried willow branch. Bio:Jonathan was born and raised in the good ol U.S. of A. Growing up his father, a vietnam vet., encouraged him to graduate and join the marines, if not Career, then at least for the four year stint. Jonathan would smile with pride when his dad took him to the back and teach him everything he had learned from his years of military service. The war stories, the things drill sargeants did and said, he ate up all of it. He graduated at 17, enlisting immediately into the marines. For years he trained waiting for his big chance to live up to his father's ideal's, to fill his shoes, to tell war stories to his son's. The chance finally came with the 1st Gulf war. Jonathan fought hard, harder than most, he was finally thrown into combat, he finally had the chance to prove himself. As John and his squad sprinted up the rubble strewn street of bagdahd, he fired fast and deadly, a figure darted in front of him, holding what looked like a grenade in it's hand, screaming at him in a language he couldn't understand, his rifle raised, it was either him or this person, he fired a burst into it's shadowed face! He'd done it! he'd gotten his first confirmed kill! He...he'd shot a kid. A young girl, the round object wasn't a grenade, it was an apple that she had bought before the shooting started. She was darting through the alleys, trying not to get hit. Jonathan felt his insides melt as he looked around him in shock, his squadmates were still firing, none had noticed the girl he'd shot. Hot tears streamed down his face as he sluggishly raised his rifle, firing another burst into the straggling enemies that were still trying in vain to halt the Marine squads advance Jonathan continued through the gulf war, still serving with the marines, the guilt weighing heavily upon him, the sour taste that entered his mouth each time they were praised for their victories. He served up until halfway through the second Gulf War, when the scene of the girls murder repeating through his head became to much, he retired, leaving for france investing a good portion of his savings in Umbrella inc. and he's lived there ever since. Starting weapon: Berretta 93R (15rds, two extra clips) And the Saber he was awarded upon his retirment. Occupation: Retired Marine Gender: Male Special Traits: Scavanger/opportunistic- able to find usefull items where others would see junk (ex. see's a screw driver, uses it like a knife)
Hey sounds fun, even the only one lives catch. Here be me... Name: Father Eric a.k.a. Angel of Death Age: 36 Race: human Gender: male Appearance: Most people that know him now see him in white clerical robes, bearing a symbol that marks him a holy man. His smiling grey eyes, kind benevolent face and greying black hair carry with them a seemingly infinite wisdom. Even young vampires come to him for advice and to see the priest people speak so highly of. Most people have never seen the scar riddled, muscular frame of a warrior hidden beneath those calm white robes. Those of years past, that know the true Eric, have seen him clad in shimmering chain, with silver plating addorning the chest, legs and arms. Personality: Those that know him as Father Eric know him to be a kindly, wise, and devout, priest, and are never afraid to ask anything of the helpful, aging man. Those that never age, those that are old enough know better. The older vampires know of Eric the 'Angel of Death', who's sword was delivered unto him from the high heavens, so that he may slay the corruptors of life. They know the warriors fire that burns deep within him, the divine wrath that brought final death to the vampires in his path. They know that he stands ready for the call to arms against the vampires, should it ever sound. Weapons: Angels Tear- The sword delivered unto Eric from the heavens above, during the height of the battle before the truce. When Eric burns with the divine wrath, so to does the Holy blade. Cross shield- they say that faith is a shield, For eric it is also a weapon. His metallic shield is decorated with crosses of Iron, each tip ending in an outward pointing spike, burning with punishment for the undead flesh of vampires. Pm me if Eric needs to be toned down please.
OOC: I see no end of trouble to where this story is headed. All the more reason to go for it! Kit's gonna show up to the hot springs late though... Kit dragged the statue a little bit to the right, then the left, then right again. He hoped Kouru didn't mind the statue's being placed in the courtyard, he could always make em meld back into the earth once he was done. "Okay, just right! Looks just like Kurumi!" Amaya and kurumi had left a few minutes ago, he heard them talking about what he was doing, what they said exactly, he wasn't sure about. Ahh, didn't matter, as long as his surprise wasn't spoiled. [I]and I was gonna ask Katana to cook for a surprise dinner type thingy...after I made a few bucks to pay foor the food. I wonder if she can make pie?[/I] Kit suddenly remembered that there weren't any plates to make pies with, he hadn't seen any when kurumi had bought new plates. Maybe he could buy one, if there where any to be found around here. He sighed, if he couldn't find one to buy, he could try and make one, with katana's help anyway. first things first though... "I need to make some money. But how?" kit sighed again, scratching his head it hit him like yuka's sqeaky hammer of doom! "I know! I can make little figureine statues, and sell them at reasonably extortionate prices!" Kit walked of whistleing happily, snagging a few sheets, long with the clothes line while Kouru wasn't looking, never noticeing the shadow that waited and watched, nor did he see kaz 'poofing' along ever so silently behind him. [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] Kit looked at the makeshift tent he set up with the different colored sheets, and kouru's clothesline. It looked a little shody, but he didn't care as long as people saw and bought the little statue's. "I hope there wasn't a law requiring a permit to set up shop in this era..." he sighed, it didn't matter he picked this spot for three reasons: 1. well used road into town, that and he was close to town. 2. wasn't sure but he thought he saw a mine nearby, maybe he could add a few things to his statue's 3. it was close to the hotsprings, so once he finished he could catch up with the girls. His grin widened, he already had a few figurine's made, and set up a small display. if he ever ran out he could always make more... "What are you doing with kouru's sheets?" kit jumped it was sano. "And her clothesline?" Sano sweatdropped, he wasn't going to have many clean, [I]dry[/I] clothes soon. "Well...I'm going to sell these little statue's I've made." sano looked over at the statue's. kit's face lit up when he heard sano mumble 'not bad...' sano glanced down the road. "You sure that you should be out here by yourself? with aconite's master around?" Kit fought off the sudden rush of memories and feelings: The fear, the terror, his vision of his first real friends dying, amaya dying. He breathed deeply. "Yeah no problem, amaya and kurumi are nearby." Sano nodded, looking over as a few people stopped to look at Kit's statues. "Looks like you might have your first customer's. Good luck!" Kit beemed with pride as sano walked back into town. Today was going to be good, he could feel it!
OOC: Kaz, there are more way's to have fun other than fighting, although that's pretty cool. ---------------------------------------------- Kit smiled at his creation, it had taken him hours into the night, but He finally had it right! The stone figurine of him and his friends was perfect! Almost every detail of them could be seen, Katana's cheesy grin, Kenshin's scar, the signs of usage all over yuka's sqeaky hammer of doom. Almost picture perfect, just without the theft of one's soul. He chuckled as he thought about how Sano freaked out when they had gotten their picture taken. [I]Okay...if Ican make this, then I'm all set to start playing 'cupid' with kaz and kurumi, I just need to get someone to go along and help me...[/I] "hmmm...who would be best? Yuki? No, she'd puke every where then knock me out. Yuka? No she'd do what Yuki did. Amaya? could be...could be. Katana? yeah, katana would work perfectly!" Kit whistled to himself as he left the courtyard to find Katana, and Amaya, carrying the statue of him and his friends both from the past and present. The floor boards creaked under his sandaled feet, the warmth of the dojo/house washed over him. he heard Katana [I]LONG[/I] before he found her. She was talking animatedly with yuka about crimes against the government, when suddenly Kaz 'poofed' in on top of her. He said a few teasing words before she threw him off and drenched him with a fire hose sized blast of water. Yuka sweatdropped saying: "Are you sure you have a crush on Kurumi?" Kit beemed in delight, the opportunity was perfect here! He practically sprung through the doorway in his excitment! Katana and Yuka both shrieked in surprise, then sweatdropped seeing it was a wide-eyed with excitment kit. "You guys gotta help me with something! I've gotta plan to...!" Katana stopped him mid sentence. " Hey settle down now (Did I just say that?) If you want us to help you, you've gotta help us." Yuka looked at Katana in surprise. "hey wait a minute!" Both K's ignored her, kaz still lay on the ground in shock from the cold water he had been sprayed with. "what do you need help with? we aren't going to steal elephants using you your powers, then go kidnap all the fish from the markets and hold them hostage like you were talking about were you?" Kat and yuka both sweatdropped. "No way, who came up with that stupid idea?" "You two did." Kit was slammed in the face with one of each girls fist's. his eyes were black and blue when they pulled their fists from his tenderized face. "Sooo...what's your plan Kit? Kit shed a few tears and sighed "I plan to pass out now, wake up later then tell you the rest of my plan from there..." and with that he passed out. Both girls sweatdropped as they tip-toed out of the room.
Kit thought it over for a while, Gaurding his thoughts as he put his arm around amaya. '[I]so...Kurumi's got a crush on Kaz...do I use it to get even? Or do I play devilish cupid...heh heh heh[/I]' "why are you grinning like that?" Kit snapped out of his thoughts, Amaya was looking up at him, he hadn't realized he had started smiling. "Oh well...um...I dunno, I guess it is kind of cute...Like you said anyway, now that I think about it." They both snuggled closer. Amaya grinned wryly at him as they stared into the shimmering pools that were each other's eyes. "I like you better when you're more open like this>" Kit blushed, he'd been doing more of that too, lately. '[I]Guess maybe I'm not that unlucky after all, if Amaya likes me better like this...[/I]' He gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead before getting up, wincing a little in pain. The girls had wrapped the bandages tightly. "Where are you going?" Kit only smiled at her before stepping outside. [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] Kit rubbed his hands together in the courtyard, gently focusing his power's. He gently brought up a smale slab of stone from the ground, using the rubble from his earlier statue to fill the hole back in. " This should work perfectly." He sat outside the entire time till dinner was ready carving a small statue, of him...With all his friends, both from the modern time, and the meiji era. "This WILL work..."
OOC: that was harsh, cruel, and just plain evil. :devil: Not to mention damn hilarious :laugh: this is almost TOO much fun...almost... ----------------------------------------------------------- Kaz tried hard to stiffle his laughter as they hurried off from the three maniacal, giggling, giddy middle school girls, but it wasn't working. Kit Winced as he hurled a rock at him, but kaz 'poofed' out of the way, and kit pegged Kouru instead. "Oh shii-- *POW!* gaaahhh!" Kouru rounded on him smacking him upside the head wiwth her shinai. Yahiko chuckled behind, them talking to himself. "Now what was that phrase one of those psycho's used...Oh yeah...HOME RUN!" Kit lay there on thee ground, tears streaming down his face, vaugley aware of Kouru's voice blabbering to him, and Kaz's laughter. [I]I come back to the Meiji era and I've gone from brooding silent type...to unlucky loser.[/I] --------------------------------------------------------- OOC: sorry if it's a little short, but I'm tired and not in the state of mind to get a more serious side back to Kit...Yet.
Kit shivered. Weather it was from the ice on his bruised back, or Yuki holding up that uniform, he wasn't sure, but he kept his silence about it either way. Mugumi finished tying the ice in place. "There you go Kit, you can pull your shirt down." she said cheerfully. "he winced as he moved his arms but did little more. "Thanks." slowly he stood up, grunting from the massive bruise. '[I]Good god...that was playing? Oh well, I'll get back at her somehow...[/I]' He grebbed one of the left over rice balls and munched silently. He couldn't really call them rice balls, more like rice lumps. Tasted a lot better than Kouru's though. [I][COLOR=Red]I heard that, and thank you Kit.[/COLOR][/I] Kit jumped to his feet and started to say "Holy CRAP!!!" but it came out more like: "Holiee owww!" as his body reminded him of what kurumi did. Everyone turned and looked at kit, he was sputtering rice onto the floor. Yahiko laid back lecturing Kit. "you moron, what where you thinking jumping up like that?" Kit caught his breath. "I heard Katana's voice in my head!" all the middle schooler's sighed. Kenshin and everyone else stared at Kit blinking in confusion. Kaz 'poofed' in break ing the silence. "We've all got the ability to project and read each other's thoughts, unless we don't want the others too. you just weren't controlling your ability at the time." Kit sweat dropped. gaurding his mind he thought. [COLOR=Navy][I]I hope no one 'heard' what I was thinking about Amaya...[/I] [/COLOR] --------------------------------------------- OOC: I know Kit's going to regret it But I'll leave it to the next person to decide what kit was thinking :D you pERverts! :laugh:
OOC: RK: TfO the Sequel to RK: Rot!! ...that sounds kind of weird...rot, I'm gonna be stuck on that for hours...rot... :D -------------------------------------------------- Kit watched from the courtyard as Yuki and kenshin left through the front gates. Yuki was jabbering exitedly and nonsensically to kenshin about plastic and paper dishes ans the things you could do with them. " Yeah!! the plastic dishes can be used as Frisbees(SP?) "Oro?" "Yup! wait for soemone to walk by and yell 'CATCH' when you throw it at their head!" Kenshin smiled and sweatdropped at her " Thes plastic dishes of yours sound kind of dangerous." "My mom says they're only dangerous when I'm around." Kit stiffled his laughter as Kenshin sweatdropped again. He looked back at the ground in the courtyard, thinking out loud... "Been a few months since I've actually used my powers. Wonder if they've atrophied?"(sp?) He closed his eyes, he reached deep within his being, focusing on his energies. He felt a familiar rush, along with the same tingling feeling as he willed the earth to rise up from the ground taking the shape of 6ftx6ft mound of dirt and stone. He slowly opened his eyes, which lit up in delight as he saw mound. "WOOHOO!" he thrust his hand into the air, making a V for victory "I can still manipulate the earth." He looked back to the mound. [I]Hmmm...I wonder...heh heh...PERFECT!!!"[/I] He began using his powers to shape the mound into a statue...of yuki beating Kaz with a fish, Katana Balancing an Sanoske's head wearing a dunce cap. "[I]I've never really felt this way before, maybe it's just cause I'm in the meji era with my friends. I'm sure they wont mind this...[/I] ------------------------------------------------- I dunno I'm kind of in an odd state of mind right now,I hope this isn't too weird. *looks at posts by katana and the others ^^; never mind...
OH...MY...GOD... ... ... IT"S BACK!!! :D I feel like a giddy little school girl again. :laugh: Just kidding, but it is soooo good to have this back. btw, sorry I'm late. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kit couldn't stiffle his laughter as they walked to their rooms. The scene in the dining room was as weird as any of the others the last time they had come here. Amaya glanced over at kit, her face splitting into a wide grin as an inquisitive light danced in her eyes. "I just realized you laugh more here in this era, than back in ours." Kit shook his head still smiling, Yuki and yahiko were starting to argue over which of them knew Sanoske better. "I live with the guy! Of course I know him better!' "I've watched every episode in the series, I know him better!" Kit stopped at the door to his room, the floor board in front of it still sqeaked when he stepped on it. "I feel just a little bit more relaxed here. It feels...more like home to me." Amaya nodded as Sano walked be carrying a furiously squirming Yahiko. Kit and Amaya kissed each other softly. They pulled away quickly when they heard Yuki start to gag while Katana started her 'oooooooooooo' ing. "Good night Amaya." "Good night kit." They both went into their rooms glancing briefly at each other as their doors slid shut. ----------------------------------------------------------------- I hope that was okay. And I hope I remebered everybody's personalities closely enough. Also I can't wait to see the pick xXchaosfaerieXx.
Well, in they end...they're family. For the most part you can't help but feel for them, no matter the things they've done or said. Sure they may say or do something hurtfull, but in my expirience you forgive and move on. Me and my brother don't always see eye to eye, and sometimes we go on arguing about something for so long that we break out into fistfights ( childish isn't quite the word, it's more like stubborness) We forgive later and move on to the next argument :D Why? Cause I love the little turd no matter what. Though I know there are some exceptions to this, sometimes a relative or immeadiate family member says or does something really mean, or awfull. It takes time to heal and forgive those wounds, and when you finally do ya just want a little less to do with that particular person. Like my dad, he was an alchoholic and a drug addict, and he would beat me, my mom and my little brother, and after she divorced him and he continually broke promise after promise to try and make himself better, and to have more to do with us as a father figure. It wasn't until recently that I forgave him. I want little to do with a person like him (until he gets better) but I still feel something there for him. I dunno i kind of went on with my own feelings and expieriences here, not sure if this will actually be helpfull to you. Your family as much of a wreck as you say it is, though overly opinionated and to proud to recieve wisdom from someone younger, still loves you. (unless they are totally ice hearted freaks, but how many of those people are there?)
Ya know, everybody's given you some good advice, pointers, and insight on what could happen. Frankly, I agree with most of it, when you dump your soon to be-ex, be [I]gentle[/I] about it, and do it yoursel, and in a timely fashion, especially if something like the prom is coming up. I had that misfortune just a few months ago with my most recent ex. I had asked her out to the prom and she said yes. Well, two days before prom, I finally get through to her house, her mom answers and tells me she doesn't want to go to prom with me, and that she was dating some other guy behind my back for about a week. i think I've told this story once before, and I did it childishly at the time, but it makes a point: Tell him before such a costly event (around $300-$400 inluding the resort dinner...ouch! :laugh: ) ah memories...
A little ways away from where Cysword is giving His conference... Swordsaint: Alright everyone! Ski masks on! the six other passengers in the speeding neon yellow and pink clown car, pulled snow white coloered ski masks over their faces. They were coming up on the block where deathbugs hq was set up. Swordsaint looked over his cramped team as best he could, they were as prepared and well armed as any evil henchmen team would be with tp and silly string. The car screeched to a halt. Swordsaint: Go!Go!Go! all seven of them poured out in rainbow of bright, garish colors that even a blind gay man would have called bad taste. The hurlled the tp as high as they could onto the four story building. A few of them ran up and sprayed silly string onto the windows and into random pedestrians faces. It was over in minutes. Swordsaint: Okay that's good enough, back to the car! all seven of the evil henchmen crammed themselves into the car. As they sped off, they heard a peculiar thumping sound, accompanied by muffled screams. ????: MMMMF *THUMP THUMP* Let me out of here! Swordsaint: Who's that? Henchman 4: Thats the reporter you had dragged away a few days ago. Swordsaint: What!? Why didn't you dump her in an alley or something? Henchman 1: You never said anything bout that man, you just snapped your fingers! Swordsaint: *groans* Now she knows to much! Have her beaten with meat balls and lock her in with the clowns when we get back to hq. Henchman bob: *gasp* The...th... the c-c-clowns! B...b...but they'll eat her alive! Swordsaint tries to stare sternly at henchman bob, but ends up pulling all the muscles in his neck. Swordsaint: Just cause sprayed you in the face and threw pies at you doesnt mean you have to get all wimpy on us! COME ON! WE"RE TRYING TO WIN AN ELECTION HERE! Swordsaint leaned out the cars tiny window screaming: [COLOR=Blue][CENTER][SIZE=4]VOTE KITTYCHANAN FOR PREZ. IF YOU KNOW WHAT"S GOOD FOR YA![/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]
Swordsaint stepped into the reporter filled conference room, wearing a white t-shirt with the words "VOTE KITTYCHAN FOR PREZ!" emblazoned in bright garish colors on it, on the back it said "IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YA." other than that, he wore baggy cargo pants and a foam covered sword hung from his loose fitting belt Most of the reporters that survived Death bug and Kittychan's Conferences looked sickly and green. More than a few hade puked after being forced fed stale oreo's and sour milk at bandit JoeyKuba's conference. A few of them were dead from being hit with a t-square. He stepped firmly up to the podium. Garbage and puke littered the floor. Swordsaint narrowed his eyes, glaring at each reporter. The reporters eyed the foam sword nervously before speaking up meakly. Reporter #1: Um...Swordsaint sir...um...is it true that your...throwing your support to the KittyChan party? Swordsaint leapt from the podium, lifting the reporter out of his chair. Swordsaint: How do you know that name!? Who are you? Who sent you!? Was it death bug! JoeyKuba!? The poor reporter passed out in terror. The one sitting next to him spoke up. Reporter #3: Uh sir...your names on the program, along with your picture. she held up one of the programs, right there under JoeyKuba's picture was Swordsaints. Swordsaint: oh...my bad. *sets the reporter back down in his chair, and climbs back onto the podium* Well...ask away. Reporter #2: sir! what are your reasons for giving your support to the KittyChan party? *Swordsaints eyebrows arch in suspicion* : I can tell you that it has nothing to do with vast amounts of money or war profiteering(sp?) I'm giving her party my support for humanitarian reas ons only...*waves to guy behind the curtain* A guy dressed in an italian suit carts out a little baby. Swordsaint picks it up gingerly, giving it a quick peck on the cheek. The reporters sweatdrop as the baby's carted away Reporter #3: Mr. Swordsaint! What will your position be in miss KittyChan's cabinet? *swordsaint pulls out a notepad, scribbling the reporters name and description quickly* Swordsaint: well...*cough* ...Um well I can tell you that right now I will be handling the clean up and peace keeping process of the ant war, by dropping ant food laced with copious amounts of raid. Also I can tell you that I have not been hired as her right hand evil henchman. *the reporters blink in surprise, a few of them sigh with the ridiculous ant war mentioned again* Reporter #1 (recovered) : What are your thoughts on the war, sir? Swordsaint *putting on cheesy shiney smile*: I think it's sad that it came to this between the ants. And it's sad that we had to carpet bomb them with raid cans and m-80s. But I can promise you this *glares solemly into the camera's* I did not have anything to do with the war profiteering groups discovered within the pest control company. Reporter #2: Sir, what kind of an idoit are you? Swordsaint snaps his fingers, evil ninjas dressed in tye dye and polka dots drift down from the ceiling, gagging the reporter with month old maple doghnuts. THey drag er away to a waiting purple clown car. The other reporters hold their comments quickly, lest they be sent with the clowns. Reporter #4: Sir, how will you help kittyChan when dealing with the public. Swordsaint *Shouting*: All paparazzi will be dealt with harshly. They will be beaten with soggy spagehti noodles and foam bats. Any other questions? the reportors shake their heads vigorsly. Sworsdaint: Alright then! Help yourelves to the doughnuts! I'll be joining miss kitty chan to discuss our plans of world domi... *coushs* Worldwide diplomacy, excuss me. Swordsaint leaves with his henchman hopping into a red and pink clown car.
Raynor sat up straight when he had heard that martial law ha been imposed on the city. He sprinted over to the television turning on the news. His eyes widened in horror of the flickering images he saw: "This is karen ... of channel 9 NYC news! We are...above the scene...of a massive firefight between a susp... ...roist cell, and an -named task force. Sever...et gangs, and civilia... have been cau... in the crossfire below." A large pack of were-wolves fought hard to flee the mass of heavily armed humans, explosions surrounded both sides. A large flaming hole gapped in the empire state building. The were wolves behind him bristled in anger. The reporter's face contorted from calm and composed to that of sheer terror. "Oh my god! we...hit! AAAUGH!..."The t.v. went temporarily static, before switching to a technical difficulties screen. Raynor snagged his coat from the coat hanger alongside the wall, scrawling a note on a sheet of paper as he went. He stopped in front of the hung-over dwarf gaurding the door. He shoved the scribbled note into his fumbling hands. "If an elf named Uila comes here, give him this."Raynor was out the door before the confused dwarf could speak. He hopped onto his bike, speeding off as fast as he could, most of the traffic had stopped, or cleared the streets, with martial law imposed. Raynor knew he didn't have long, he knew the military would keep the promise and shoot on sight. [I]God damn it! what in the ********** hell is going on! This is going to be to big for me to handle on my own...[/I] He crouched lower t ohis bike, decreasing the wind resistance, giving a good boost in speed. He swereved right, dodging an empty cabbie, a few astonished face looked out to see the madman still out in the street. A little further on, groups of people were looting stores, he would have dealt with them but bigger fish were in a dire need of frying. He heard the explosions and gun fire, long before he arived at the battle. he hid his bike behind a dumpster a block away. Drawing his sword, he charged it with his holy strength, rushing down the alleyway, the clamor of the fight was building to a familiar crescendo. He burst from the alleway, in front of several figures, all riding motorbikes like his, they wield swords axes, carried guns of all kinds. What was worse, was Raynor felt the sickening aura of undead from all of them. They were vampires, he was certain that they sensed what he was to, for the raised their weapons, hooting and ululating their war cries. Raynor readied his sword, crouching low, waiting to strike. The vampires closed the distance rapidly, Raynor sprang from his stance, landing a solid kick to the creatures jaw. He flew from his bike, oly to be crushed by the tires of his fellows. Raynor landed on the back, punching hard on the gas to keep pace with the undead fiends. One of the creatures strayed to close, Raynor swung his blade, severing the front tire entirely from the steering column(sp?) He stomped on the brakes as two vampires aimed their guns at him, they fired as they pased him completly, silver bullets sinking into their cold flesh. Raynor's acquired bike, was smashed by another vampires bike as he slowed to a crawl. He was thrown violently, along with the vampire, landing hard on the pavement. Raynor rose quickly, before the vampire could recover. He jammed his sword into its unbeating heart. It Roared in pain, the un-earthly roar always made raynor shake. It slowly disintigrated to ash. He heard to of the biker vampires turn round, their bikes were closing fast. Two streaks of red and black were hurtling towards raynor, the vampire he had kicked earlier was charging from behind. Raynor dove of to the side (a la morphieus) slicing into the vampires bike as he went racing by, he felt the katana almost flew from his hands as he struck metal, flesh, and bone. He drew his glock, fireing three shots into the bike, one of the bullets found home on the gas tank, creating a fiery explosion the threw the other biker from his vehicle. Raynor took aim at the fallen beast, fireing several silver rounds into his chest. The last chargin vampire, threw down his weapon, thinking that running would prolong his undead life. He fell victim to the teeth of snarling werewolves. they were chargin up the road to join their bretheren in glorius battle. Raynor, too, turned to join the fray. [I]Lord give me the strength to see this one through...[/I] ooc: Okay we went from were-wolf prophecy, to full scale warefare between humans, an efreet (Maxwell Draco), and werewolves. Nice...the next few posts are going to be chaotic, and action packed to say the least...