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Everything posted by Swordsaint

  1. Raynor had left as quick as he could after the fight was over, the mundane police would arrive soon, and even though he had the proper liscensing to own a sword, it still didn't permit it's deadly use, and the evidence was scattered all over the road. He sped away on his Ninja, he grimaced slightly when he turned, his wounds were beggining to ache badly, and the loss of blood made it hard to focus. He needed somewhere to get patched up, and a hospital wasn't going to work tonight. He slowed to a stop ina desereted alleyway, the rotten smell of garbage wafted up to his nose. He pulled out his cell phone, and dialed up the Dep.-7 number. He glanced around, if any of the people walking by saw him, no one cared enough to stick around for a closer look. "Dep.-7 What's the emergency." a police car flew by the alley way, Raynor sighed, they hadn't spotted him. "This is Raynor Thomas, of the knights of the Silver Dragon, I was involved in the fight in downtown brooklyn. I had met with agent Uila, and would like to speak to him in person as soon as he's able." He stopped for a second, looking around again to make sure no one had followed him. "Also...I could use a little patching up. Is there a place anywhere near here? "Yes sir, a center for the displaced about three blocks north of your position. And the message for Uila, and your location, will be delivered as soon as he returns." *Click* Raynor pocketed his phone, before starting up his bike. The grayish brick walls turned into a blur of color as he drove down the darkened alleyway, dodgin dumpsters as he went. [I]Center for the displaced, always around...Always reliable for anyone...[/I] He tried avoiding the traffic as much as he could, before he went to the street to hunt for the center. Very few of them were openly marked, that made them such good targets for the evil shadowkind, and the mundane that could actually see them. Raynor parked his bike alongside the sidewalk, doing his best to hide the numerous wounds he'd recieved, most people didn't spare him a second glance though. He looked over all the buildings, searching for the symbol of the displaced, the purple, grinning head of a displacer beast. Finally he spied it, painted on the wall of ...Al's pet Store? [I]...it doesn't matter, long as I'm not bleedin everywhere...[/I] He stepped briskly over to the alley adjacent to the store, a simple wooden door, covered with a smattering of graffiti sat sunken into the side of the brick building. He knocked firmly on the door, he heard a slot open, two beady brown eyes peered out at stomach heigth(sp?) from the door. A gruff voice barked at him. "Whadda ya want, yer interruptin me drink laddie!" Raynorshook his head in amusement, of all the races it had to be drunken dwarf anserwing the door. "I'm Raynor thomas, Fang of the silver dragon." the little slot slammed shut, splintering slightly. The door was jerked open, and surely enough, a gruff, heavily beareded dwarf stood there huffing after finishing a swig from his bottle of Jack Daniels. "What's a Knight be needin with the Displaced? Eh lad?" "I need a little patching up, close encounter with a small swarm of goblins." The dwarf closed one of his eyes, swerving around in a drunken stupor. He inspected Raynor closely, before he stumbled out of his way. "Alright lad, a few o the doctor's over thare can help ye. Now then jack where were we..." The dwarf sat in near silence as he chugged the rest of his, Raynor glanced at the littered floor, sixth bottle of jack. Shadow kind of all races were scattered around the spacious room: a pair of half-elves sat playing a game black jack, an ogre leaned against the wall keeping both eyes trained on raynors patch as he cleaned his tech-9. a pair of were wolves sat cradling a cooing baby. Raynor smiled gently as he stepped through the door to were the docter worked. The beeps and whirs of dozens of machines sounded in the white room, a half orc leaned over a badly wounded elf, bolf her arms had been severed, and several long wicked cuts ran the length of her delicate body, it was a miracle she lived at all. The half-orc glanced up from his work. "If your injured you'll have to wait a while. I've got my handsfull with this one." Raynor looked down at his own wounds, they were petty in comparison. "What happened to her?" The doctor grunted, clearing his throat. "A group of humans, the ogre out there witnessed it and brought her in. There were about four of them. They surrounded her and drew their swords, much like your from the description," He motioned to Raynors Katana." In terror she pulled her gun to try and ward them off, that's when they attacked. One arm was severed, the other was so badly damaged that I had to amputate. She's lost a lot of blood to. I've done just about all I can to." He sighed, taking off the bloodied gloves. Raynor stepped closer holding out his hands. He was weakened from the blood loss, but he had enough energy left to help her, any knight would. "this should help her..." A faint, gentle glow filled his palms, then slowly surrounded them. The light felt warm in Raynors hands, he could feel the divine magic flow from him, into the young elf maiden's wounds, urging them to close, to heal. The light flickrered, then faded. Raynor gasped as he stepped back. The half orc stared, jaw dropping to the floor. "True magic! are you a cleric!" the half orc shook in awe as he kneeled, muttering an incoherent praryer. "No no...I'm A knight. A real cleric would have her walking by now." the doctor stood slowly, shaking off the shakes that he had. "Right...well I hop that what ever you did works." He slipped on a fresh pair of gloves. "Now let's see if I can't fix you up. Raynor sat back and let the doc go to work.
  2. I gotta agree with bio, the stars don't really captivate me all that much. Colin farrel, did a good job acting in swat I think. But I don't set him on the mile high pedestal just because he's an actor. He's just another person, so's Ben Affleck, Vin deisel, Julia roberts, all of them! they're just people. albiet, a bit screwed up when you look at how long their marriages last. It's kind of like they woke up one morning after dozens of white lines and drunken orgies and said: "Let's get married so we can fight and throw lawsuits around to make the front page." Besides not many of them are actually as hot as they look. There's a reason make up artists get paid a lot of money down in hollywood. *Cringes looking at cameron Diaz without makeup* That's all I have to say really...
  3. Raynor shook his head in astonishment. A Dep.-7 agent just launched himself out of his hotel window, flying south at high speeds. [I]what the hell did he mean by...it's begun? [/I] Raynor groaned he ran out to where he parked his bike. A black Kawasaki Ninja crotch rocket, with a silver dragon emblazoned on either side sat parked next to a beat up old jeep. He hoped on, speeding off in the direction the agent had flown. Raynors heavy coat whipped about as he sped down the road, weaving through the traffic as best he could, all the while replaying the strange events of the last few weeks. The demon coming to New york, the increase of shadow kind deaths in new york. The fox girl and the deacon. And now, a Dep.-7 agent crashing out of his window and [I]flying[/I] to god knows where in the middle of this...wait. Raynor spotted a faint fiery light in the air, circleing, like a bird of prey. [I]Or someone observing something...[/I] Raynro slowed, taking more time to find his way to where the agent was watching. He figured he was in downtown Brooklyn. Gangs prowled the streets, many jeered at him and threatened him. A few that were shadow kind saw the patch on his arm and quickly silenced themselves. Raynor looked up at the fiery dot, he was closer much closer, all he had to do was round the corner and... He found himself looking into fray between five katana wielding humans, dressed in kimono's fighting werewolves. black skinned goblins swarmed out of their alleyways, but posed little threat to the fighters. They posed more threat to the innocents witnessing the battle. Raynor found it hard to think as the call to war sounded in his blood. [I]Okay...Dep.7 knows about the fight already, and they aren't stopping it...yet. Better leave the wolves and asians, they'll kill each other...[/I] He drew his katana and leapt into the seething black swarm of goblins. His Katana flashed and danced under the street lights, splitting goblins in twain, severing muscled black limbs from their screaming owners. The goblins squeeled in terror when they realized that a Knight was in their midst, they ceased attacking civilians and turned to counter this knew threat. He powered his weapon to slice deeper, he knocked pistols that would of put a hole through him, to face other goblins as they fired. He felt a burning sensastion go through his leg. He looked down, seeing a switchblade bruied full blade into his calf. Still fighting, albiet awkwardly, he reached down yanking out the blade, flinging it to quiver in the eye of it's squeling owner. He grimaced as he stood on both legs again, arms still working the Katana furiously. There seemed to be noe end of the little b*******, but that's how it always was with goblins. He glanced briefly over at the others, the werewolves fought ferociously against their human foes, one of them went one on one with one of the kimono dressed figures. That second he used to glance at the group, cost him. He felt a bullet go through his side. His off hand flew to the wound, blood was beggining to pour. He shrugged it off, he didn't care, people were in danger, it was his duty to protect the innocent from the evils of the shadow kind. with a roar, he charged through, bowling over several of the screeching creatures, slicing into several more. He took dozens more minor wounds, a few were more serious. The goblin swarm was beggining to disperese, a few groups, and stragglers still fought agaisnt him, though it was more through terrorand desparation than bravery. A dozen of them formed some semblence of a firing squad, all of them aiming their guns at him, taking a shakey aim at the knight. Raynor couldn't help but smile, this was what he lived for. He gave a quick salute and charged forward. The line broke as he charged, goblins always did. A few took a potshot or two, then ran in terror. Raynor severed the head off of one of the fleeing creatures. He looked around, black rivulets of blood ran down the length of the blade, the only goblins remaining fought in the middle of the were-wolves and asians. Raynor wiped of his blade and watched. [I]Best to learn my enemies...and let them think I spent myself in that fight.[/I]
  4. Raynor looked over the card, letting the fox-girl and the deacon dissaper into the dim recesses of the alleyway. The card looked legit, and didn't have a magic feel to it. He sighed, slipping the card into one of his many pockets, turned out of the alleyway. His stomach growled, he hadn't eaten since 5:00 this morning. He wandered, the scene with the fox-girl playing through his mind over and over, as he walked the lonely streets of New York. The girl had been explaining to him what had happened, then...here eyes rolled to the back of her head and started glowing. Raynor had moved for his Katana but the event ended as suddenly as it started. A lot of strange ******* was goin on lately. But with the shadow kind that was to be expected. Raynor found himself later some late night diner, a few customers were around, but this late at night, he didn't expect many of the mundane around. To his right in the cozy little place, sat a dwarf, talking animatedly to an elf, they laughed about some joke he had told. Raynor just looked down at his food, and found his hand tracing itself back to the card. [I]I should call, see if what she said was true...besides I don't know any of the safe-houses here, and The knights work closely with Dep.-7...[/I] He pulled out the card, along with his cell-phone. He sat staring at the plain, little card in his hand. A lot of strange things were goin on. The demon for instance, came to New York. Not just him, but others were as well: Vampires, werewolves, other fiends and such. Their migration patterns had shifted and turned to New York. Then their were the strange murders occuring, well...strange for the mundane cops. A large number of these creatures coming here had been slain, and all with a large bladed weapon. Raynor looked down at his Katana, couldn't have been him till recently, he'd never been to New York before, but he'd heard the reports of high activity. Raynor made up his mind, something was happening, a shift in power in the shadow world, and he would need help to find what was causing it. He dialed the number, waiting for the voice to give him that first step.
  5. Raynor had since taken to wandering the crowded streets of new york after killing the demon. His thoughts swirled through his mind, the demon had been weak, as far as demons went, they were hard to kill with out holy weapons, and most of the time then, they were only banished back to the hells whence they came. He looked down at his watch, sidestepping a troop of teens out for a night on the town, it was nearly midnight, the witching hour as it were in tales of old. [I]those tales of old are real now aren't they Ranyor[/I] He wandered through the streets, still amazed that people couldn't see what he could see. The old woman couldn't see that the hot dog vendor was an ogre. He looked to his right, the cabbie was shouting at the woman in a red minivan full of kids was a goblin. He looked down an alley way, the bum slumped against the dumpster couldn't see that the schoolgirl had a fox's tail...wait. Raynor stopped himself as he passed the alleyway. He steeped back and looked down there again peering at the two closely. They both had shadow aura's, the bum could see her tail. Raynor studied the bum closer, around his neck was a medallion with a crescent moon, over an empty road. The bum was really a wandering Deacon Fharlaghn. [I]Better see what's up, with a wanderer slumped against the dumpster he must've had arun in with someone[/I] Hand close to his sword he steped into the alleyway, making no attempt to hide his footsteps. The young girls...[I]ears[/I] perked up when she heard him coming. "Excuse me miss...but what are you doing back here? The alleyways aren't safe for a woman such as yourself to be wandering in." The girl just stared at him, taking in the newcomer, her eyes widened when she saw the patch on the right arm of his coat. She muttered to herself. "great...as if Uila giving me a warning weren't enough." The deacon was stiring, he looked dazzed, and the feel of magic was strong here, like it were recently used. Raynor tensed throwing back his coat to reveal his sword. "Step away from him ma'am, and use not your powers." The deacon sat still, blinking as if gathereing his thoughts. The girl stood facing Raynor. Her face was indignant. "Listen buddy, I didn't do anything to him. Back off, he wouldn't listen to a Dep.-7 agent." Her ears twictched slightlyas she spoke. Raynor's eyes narrowed, Followers of Fharlaghn usually listened to Dep.-7, even Knights of the Silver Dragon listened to them. Raynor relaxed a little, letting his coat drape over the sword. "Let's see what he'll have to say." The fox-girl gave an exhasperated sigh, Raynor didn't care, he'd taken an oath to police the shadow kind, and to hunt down and slaughter those of evil.
  6. "Desthir!" Raynor drew his Katana as he rushed a tall, heavily clothed figure stooped over a pale body, face frozen in an endless scream. The demons eyes burned bright red in recognition of the person charging him. "Raynor!" The coat tore free of the demon as he spread his wings. the long fingers turned to claws, the smooth tanned skin turned brownish orange and turned scaley, it's reddish aura flared with hatered. Raynor's face stayed a cold stoic mask as he closed with the demon. His black trench coat wipped about the desereted subway, his boots rang and echoed against the tile walls. He reached for the light within, focusing it into his blade. The demon howled with rage swiping viciously with his clawed hands. Raynor ducked under the claws, he could feel the demons hate for him in the claws. He slashed his blade neatly along the demons belly, black blood spilled to the floor. He turned on his heel bringing the glowing blade down on the demons back. The demon was knocked to the ground from the force of the blow, he pushed up on his arms to get up, but Raynors blade bit into his back pinning him to the floor. "******* you and your order!" Raynor stepped to the demons head, drawing out a silver flask, engraved with a dragon, something he recieved on occasions such as this. The demon's eyes grew wide with horror as Raynor pulled the stopper loose. "I'll come back you *******! I'll come back and slaughter you all!" the demon strugled to move, but his legs refused the frantic orders. Raynor poured the crystal clear contents onto demons face. The flesh burned and sizzled under the touch of holy water, the creature howled in anguish. Raynor re-placed the stopper and returned the flask to it's place in his coat. He grimaced from the sulpheric smell as he drew his sword from the shriveling body. Neatly he traced his mark in the demons blood, one the police would brush off or look over, but Dep.-7 and the other Knights would recognize.
  7. Thanks for saving me a spot colourDeaf! now here be me... Name: Raynor Thomas Age: 25 Race: Human Description (Mundane): Raynor appears to be any other person walking down the street. He stands at 6ft. 2, with short cut black hair, and cold, knowing frost blue eyes. His 189 lb frame is heavily muscled, bearing old battle scars. Typically, he's seen wearing a long, heavy, black trenchcoat, with a patch of a silver dragon sewn on the right armsleeve of the coat. Description (True): Basically the same, except his eyes have a whitish glow about them, and a strange aura of light surrounds him. Occupation: Formerly sergent(sp?) of the 101st airborne, He now recieves his pay from the occasional job done for department 7, and the knights of the Silver Dragon, an order Holy Knights that protect the world from the more vile denizens of the shadow. Bizarre/Supernatural powers: Being a Holy knight, Raynor can heal the wounds of his comrades that would normally kill them, and creatures of the shadow fear the holy light that burns within him. Empower weapon: Raynor also can empower his weapon with magical abilities to affect creatures that would not normally be affected. (Works only with melee weapons, and takes about five seconds to empower it. Weapons/Possessions: A glock 17 loaded with silver bullets, a Katana, and a sawed off Spaz-12 shotgun, loaded with explosive rounds. he has extra Mundane and silver rounds for each. Background: Raynor grew up, living a normal, simple life. Growing out of the old horror stories and worlds of fantasy that most everyone grows out of. at eighteen, he joined the army's 101st ariborne, where he rose to the rank of sargent(sp?). Four years later he was discharged from the army after his unit was ambushed and anihilated, leaving him the sole survivor. He reported that he had gone out on recon to locate a guerella encampment, while the rest of the unit made ready for the attack. Raynor returned to the sound of gunfire, and screams of terror. A gray blur danced with amazing speed among the troops, while they were besieged by a relentless swarm of enemies. Their gunfire had little or no effect on them, and none could get a bead on the dancing blur of death. Raynor hurled his grenades into the moaning swarm before charging into the fray. He unloaded his ammo into the horde, and when his gun clicked empty, he layed into them, using his rifle as a club, while slashing wildly with his knife. The gray blur stopped before him. Raynor realed back in shock, it was...a man? No not a man, this person's skin was gray, like that of a corpse, and it's teeth, were long and pointed. It's red eyes glowed with an intense hatred. Raynor looked around, severl of the enemy lay scattered amongst the corpses of his entire platoon, only three of them were standing, not counting this...[I]thing[/I] . It grinned wickedly at him. "Come on soldier boy, let's see what you got." The creature sprinted at him, not as fast as it had when his troops were still standing, but faster than any human could. It swiped with it's deadly razor like claws, easily shreding his fatuiges(sp?) and armor. He drew his sidearm, planting two rounds into the creatures chest. The beast looked down in shock, then it's wicked grin returned. No blood flowed, the creature hadn't even been hurt. A light flickered on the creatures wrist, his watch had begun beeping. It snarled in disgust. "Saved by the light, your lucky." it turned sprinting off into the night, carrying one of his dead comrades with it. 'Misc. Information: Since his first encounter with the shadow, and his discharge from the military, he has taken a keen interest with the katana, and has dedicated several hours to training and mastering it. He ranks as one of the deadliest swordsmen in the knights, and has been given the title 'fang of the dragon'
  8. *blubbers uncontrollably* That's so beautifull...*sniffle* Kaz and Kurumi are hooking up! btw junyi, ACONITE IS DEAD! THE DAGGER'S HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM YOUR BODY! how in the heck are they still stabbing you? anywho... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kit ran with the group easily, though not as fast as he could in the meiji era. They stopped outside the large double doors of the school. They breathed heavily, they were all in the shape they were in before they went to the meiji era. Everything was back to normal. Kit looked over at Amaya, her cheeks had turned red from the run. '[I]well, not everything's back to normal...[/I]' " Amaya?" she looked at him, a wry grin on her face, as if she had read his thoughts. She leaned forward, kissing him gently. she pulled back, her grin growing from ear to ear. "Proof enough for ya?" Kit smiled, wrapping his arm around her waist. "Yeah. So? you wanna go to the arcade, or wait till after school?" Kaz stepped forward, pointing vaugley in the direction of the arcade, stricking a rediculous, gallant pose. Amaya looked from were kaz pointed, back to kit. The other middle schooler's jeered in excitement, all wanting to go to the arcade. "After school, don't have any money." kit nodded in agreement as the other middle schoolers dropped to the ground, realizing they didn't have any money either. Kit kissed Amaya again, this one they made a little longer than the others. They both pulled away, stareing into each others eyes that seemed to be filled with winking specs of starlight. "I'll see you after school." Kit walked reluctantly through the double doors to his class, waving to the people he had come to call his friends. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's Kit's ending I'll no longer post here, unless there 's more to do, what I don't know. But end the story as you will, It's been fun, and it almost seems to short a time to have been posting with such great and imaginative people, see you around, and may Dragons forever Fly in your dreams. * tips his hat cooly to hide the unmanly tears* :laugh:
  9. [quote name='BlueGender][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I believe I am very similar to Vash the Stampeed from Trigun. Mostly because I cover up my pain with a smile and everyone think severything is fine but when im by myself I am a really deep complex person. I also wish to be normal like everyone else and feel like an outcast at times and feel as though if I blend in everything will be fine because when I am myself I only cause trouble. [/SIZE'] [/COLOR][/quote] sounds a bit like me, except for I try to be an outcast by going out and doing my own thing, instead of following the pack. I'm not sure which character I represent, but maybe someone else will know. anyhow... Like bluegender, I hide my pain from other people mostly because I don't want others to see it and worry about it. I'm very complex, but I tend to see the world in a simple and philosophical kind of light. That's what I'm like, now let's see if anyone has any idea on what character I represent.
  10. Hehe...no I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing because I'm 6 foot and I'm hardly noticed by people at all, unless I want them to notice me. Lot's of people here have given you good advice here, you would do well to listen to them. Anyhow, here's my two bits... Just be yourself, if yourself is sitting in the hall quietly reading all day, then yes you will remain unnoticed. To be notice, be happy, say high to other people, even if you hardly know them! that doesn't mean say hi to the creepy old man giving candy out to kids, but try to make friends, or just be friendly with people. Most people, at least in my expierience, are nice, and notice me when I say hi and talk for a while. If that's not the kind of attention you want, you could Always go streaking... :laugh:
  11. WAAAAH! *Sob* That's so beautifull *SOB SOB SOB* I can't believe it's nearly over, and it's been such a great rpg * Tips his hat to Conna, still sobbing* ON with the show ------------------------------------------------------------------- Kit looked at the other middleschooler's, their eyes were all downcast. All of them knew everyone elses unspoken answer: We go home. Yahiko kicked the dirt in dissapointment. " Aww man. Wierd as you guys are, your a lot more fun than ugly over there." "Hey! I'm not ugly!" *whack* Yahiko fell to the ground, a large lump grew on his head from Kaouru's wooden sword. Kit grinned, albiet a little sadly. He was going to miss this place, they all were. Yuka stood up striking a galant pose, holding her fish aloft. "I Say we take the few hours we have left and..." she turned her head to look everyone in thier eyes, to let them all know she was serious. " WE PAR-TAHY!" the middle schooler's cheered in assent, Kenshin and the other's sweatdropped. Though they didn't have long, the time they had left here would be a blast. Sano Clutched one of the photos, bawling over his 'stolen' soul ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tis short but I be at school, thank you conna, it has been extremely fun! *Does the happy dance*
  12. Here be my character, there's lots of people that want to be summoners, so I think I'll be breaking from the crowd Name: Kir sol'fel Age: 26 Gender: Male Description: Kir stands at 6'7, weighing 199 lbs of muscle. His muscular frame is covered with heavy, well made chainmail vest and leggings. His Ice blue eyes flare with a cheery light and magical intensity, when they're not hidden behind strands of his long thick, black hair. Personality: Kir, at first glance, is a laid back, gentle behemoth of a man, that enjoys strong drink, and beatufull women. He's slow to anger, but those that know him know it doesn't mean he won't draw his sword over an insult, He enjoys a challenge and takes several things as such. Weapons: A simple yet well made Longsword bearing his mark, a sword encased in pulsing, magical energy,dangling from a loose hanging swordbelt. And twin razor sharp battle axes bearing the same mark, crossed on his back. Magic Type: Spell Caster- Fire blade: Kir casts his flare spell, focusing it into his weapon insted of his foe, the blade comes to life with searing heat as magical flames dance of off it. Ice blade: Kir focuses his ice magic into his blade, making it frost over. Enemies struck with it feel winters chill bite, along with the sword's when struck with it. Thunder blade- Kir focuses his thunder magic into his weapon. Arcs of purple electricity trace up and down the blades edges, electrocuting any foe that it touches Bio: Kir grew up in the militaristic city of soulphin. Being around the smiths, soldiers and weapon stores had great influence on the young boys impressionable mind, and he became determined to become a soldier in the Loctine Royal army. Until his potential magic ability was discovered by the local Elementalist casters guild. Almost Immeadiately, he was tested and inducted into the guild's halls, where he recieved training in the elemental casting arts. He soon forgot joining the Loctine army, but he never lost his desire to learn Swordsmanship, and set out to earn money to hire a trainer. At 16, he found his mentor with the FeindSlayers mercenary band, where he trained and worked for 9 years, earning a reputation as a powerfull and skilled Swordsman. at 26, he left the band in good standing, returning Soulphin to work as a smith, and part of the local militia, where he lives to today. Hope that works for ya's! :D
  13. Quotes quotes...most of the ones I know I've learned, probably true for most people though. Here goes! ' He who has health has hope, he who has hope has everything' - Arabic proverb 'the reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of a single hour' - Japanese proverb 'Knowledge is power, wisdom controls that power, without wisdom this power corrupts and destroys' - me own
  14. Kit chuckled as Yuki tried to get loose from the chair, Kurumi had done well tying the ropes to the chair. "Shut up Kit! When I get loose from her, you both are gonna get dunked!!!" she fumed. Kit laughed all the louder, yelling happily. "Hehe...See ya yuki!" and stepped out the door before she could rant again. "Hmmm...I wonder how long it'll take her to realize I didn't really leave." He leaned against the heavy wooden door. The sun could be seen hovering a bit above the horizon, they still had a few hours light left, long enough to get their picture taken here with the friends they'd made. [I]I wonder where Amaya is? At least where going to the same place...[/I] he heavy thud came from inside the shop, Yuki had probably tipped her chair. Kit opened the door and saw Kaz waving a large fish about like a club, he had knocked yuki on the back of the head, knocking her forward and her eyes had trunde white with rage. "KIT!!! CUT ME LOOSE SO I CAN KILL EM!!" Kaz 'poofed' everywhere laughing gleefully and making a pest of himself. "Kaz knock it off or I'll hold you while she beats you." "He hit me with a fish!" Kaz stopped teleporting. a few of the locals were looking inside to see what the comotion was. All of of them sweatdropped. "Uh...nothing to see here...ummm...we were...ahh...Practicing! Yeah, practicing our ummm...lets see... " Kurumi sighed as kit stumbled over his words. "Play, we were practicing a play." The people gave them all odd looks, the kind of look that would be given to a hyperactive pill popping squirell screaming about needles. Kit couldn't help but think [I]Know everyone thinks we're nuts...[/I] ----------------------------------------------------- OOC: Instead of being 'evil', I though trouble maker would be better, seeing's how this'll end soon.
  15. Vincent darted as quickly as he could thorugh the alley's, the soldiers had started gassing houses, and crowds in the streets. He could hear the heavy steps of the armored soldiers running after him. He saw his exit in a cloud of gas in the street. Not hesitating, he darted in, right into Trea. Both of them were knocked to the ground from the impact, the footsteps were practically on top of them. Vincent and Trea froze when the heard the gut wrenching sound of bullets being chambered. Both of them looked up into the glowing red eyes of the soldiers goggles. "Don''t even think about moving." Both of them were, but there were four of the soldiers, and they were laying on the ground. Vincent spied movment behind the armored behemoth's. The sound of flesh being sliced swiftly opened could be heard over the distant rumble of the apc's. all four collapsed to the ground in a dead heap, and Ingrid stood grinning, blood dripping from her blade. "Even the best armor has it's weak spot." she wiped her blade clean of blood on a dark cloth. She helped Trea and Vincent to their feet, all three moved into the shadow's of the alley way, the rattle of machine gun fire could be heard in the distance, accompanied by the occasional explosion. Vincent looked at the pair grimly. "We need to find the other team members and get the mission underway [I]now[/I] ."
  16. Kit Sweatdropped as kurumi's song continued while several customer's stared. "Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom MUSHROOM! Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mush-a-MUSHROOM!" Kit sweatdropped while Kurumi still sang, "Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger ARGH! It's a snake a snake ohhhhh it's a snaaake!!!" '[I]at least it's attracting people over here...[/I]' They had, surprisingly made a lot of money, they'd get a percentage from their boss. Kit grinned at the prospect of getting a picture taken of them. "Hey Kurumi. I think we have just about enough between the both of us to get a picture, maybe even a copy or two." Kurumi's face lit up in delight. "Does that mean we can stop selling fish!" It was kit's turn to grin. "Nope! We still have two more hours to go before the job's done, and there's still plenty of fish." Kit chuckled as Kurumi nearly exploded wiht frustration. She went back to singing the badger song, this time with a harsh edge to her voice.
  17. Vincent woke up to the sound of his alarm going off. Still half-asleep, he swung his arm out, smashing out the noise, and breaking the clock. He paid it little attention, there were going to be greater matters at hand then replacing a broken alarm clock. He looked around at his little room, little better than a hovel, but he didn't need any more than that. He took a shower and dressed himself in his combat gear. He looked at his watch, 6:30, the meeting was due to start at 8:00 this morning, and it would take him an hour and a half to get there from the outskirts of town. He yawned, the walk wouldn't be much. He gazed out the window, only to see several apc's rolling down the road, escorted by dozens of troops. Vincent's stomach turned to a ball of ice at the sight. All the troops were heavily armed, many were carrying weapons meant for tanks, not people. '[I]Shiiit! they know about our safe houses![/I] ' Vincent sprinted out the door, he had to warn the resistance and get their mission underway. He uttered a small prayer to god, something he did only under great pressure. "I only pray they find the trapped dummies first." ----------------------------------------------------------- ooc: Love triangle? maybe, but not yet, it's to soon for something like that! :laugh: Vincent just has a thing for younger girls. :D
  18. Vincent's smile stayed glued to his face. She wasn't going to back down till she knew about the op. The problem was, HE didn't even know who it was, he had just been told that they might show up. If they didn't show up by tomorrow, mission was still a go. "I honestly don't know who the op is. Or if they'll be here tomorrow. If they are we, find out who it is, if not...then they're left behind." Ingrid looked at him doubtfully, her eyes still trying to weigh his abilities. She was probably going to ask Burque if he knew anything. They both stopped at the intersection, the rain had formed rivers in the roads. Vincent turned to her, still smiling genuinly. "Well this is where I leave you, my hideout's nearby. You had better head over to yours." He handed her umbrella to her. "You'll probably need this for the walk back." "Thanks, make sure your not spotted on the way back." "You too, take it easy." Both turned to go their seperate ways, walking down opposite roads. Vincent couldn't help but think: [I]She's cute to, but...Trea's younger...aww hell, what am I thinking?[/I]
  19. Vincent grinned when Ingrid asked him his role. He played with the thought of telling her, over and over while they strode through the rain. He also took the time to look her over too. '[I]She's not to bad looking either. Ahh what would it hurt to tell her, we're on the same team anyway...[/I] ' "I'm an infiltrator, I slip in behind enemy lines, shut down important things like automated defenes, camera's, stuff like that." She nodded, understanding his role. "So I take it your the first member of the team in?" She looked at him, her eyes weighing his abilities. Vincent couldn't help but grin. "That's right. Also I get to do a little bit of support work with these." His hands drew twin .45's in flash, almost quicker than Ingrid's sharp eye's could follow. She instinctivly reached for her weapon. "Aren't those a little outdated?" She looked at the old guns doubtfully. "No, not really. I modified them to take a newer version of a .45 bullet. The problem is, I have to make the bullets myself." His eyes lost there playful light to burning hatred. "It's worth it though, seeing those glowing red eyes of a Pandora soldier's explode when one of my bullets burns through it." Ingrid was slightly taken aback when he spoke. He grimaced when he realized what he had said. He holstered both pistols quietly. "Sorry bout that." "Not a problem. I gather you really don't like them?" "Do you?" "Good point." [CENTER] * * * [/CENTER] Bloodwolf paced outside the large, black barracks patiently, articulate plans buzzed through his brilliant mind. "What are your orders sir?" Bloodwolf turned to the Corpral behind him. The soldier could be seen quivering, he was not one of the ascended, like himself. He had been born of a [I]womb[/I], in an age past. Defrosted, to return to service of Alexander, instead of being cloned, and enhanced in a vat. His deep voice rang out like a death toll, from behind the large combat helmet. "Give orders to all Infantry platoons. Encircle and strike at all desginated targets here, at dawn. Full assault" He handed the officer a small clipboard. He looked the map over, his eyes widening in shock. The man was weak. "B-but sir...This is...uh...this is a heavily populated area! We can'...t" Bloodwolf turned towering over the man, making him stare into the glowing red eyes of his infra-red goggles. He shouted with all the fury he could summon. "I did NOT ask for what you thought Corpral! I ORDERD you to deliver these orders of attack! And if you are unwilling to do so, then you will have to be REPLACED!" his hands snapped around the shoceked corprol's neck. He lifted him above his head, like he were a mere child. Bloodwolf turned towards a battalion of tanks that was rolling back into their garage. Grinning evily behind his helmet, he carried the struggling soldier to the slow moving tanks. He set his head a foot away from the tracks. "Oh GOD! please...I'll deliver the orders!" Bloodwolf looked coldly into the corprol's eyes, never speaking a word. They were the last thing he saw before the 90 ton tank rolled slowly over his head. ------------------------------------------------------------ One thing I had forgotten to mention, This be rated R, due to gratuitious violence, and language. If you decide to throw sex in, please! Don't go into great detail about, just saying that your character's 'doing it' is enough. Thank you! enjoy.
  20. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet] So, did anyone's game masters have strange ways to deal with some of the players? Or if you were the GM did you deal with some of the players in an unique way?[/color][/QUOTE] I dunno...most of the dm's I know usually punish players that are out of line, in some way. Either by killing them, breaking something important/ valuable that their character has, or by kicking the player out of the game all together, then killing his character. Very rarely are they warned, other than at the beginning of a game. My cousin david told me a story where he got a rare 'in game' warning. His 13th lv. ranger and his friends 12th lv. Orc warrior wandered out of town looking for a fight. The dm said they came acrossed a large gathering of orcs and goblins about to sacrifice a young woman to a Great blue dragon. They thought that they could kill the orc shaman performing the sacrifice, and that would create enough terror and confusion amongst the monsters that they would be able to rescue the women! The dm said: "What? Come again? are you sure you want to do that?" :devil: The 12th lv. orc warrior looked at david and said : "Bet I kill him before you..." Both of them drew their bows, David killed the orc shaman in one shot. The Dragon looked over at them, breathed lightning once, killing them both instantly. :laugh: The harsh part about it was, they were carrying most of the groups most powerfull magic items for safe keeping. :laugh:
  21. Vincent grinned widend an inch or two, when Trea pressed the issue. He laughed quietly, winked at her and said. "Your cute, that's all."He struggled to keep from laughing his head off as Trea's eyes widened in sheer surprise. "Yu...you...you what?" Vincent grinned slyly again. "I think your cute! hehe...Sleep well!" He waved as he truned and walked out the door, and into the dark, rain soaked world. Trea stood there, dumbfounded with Vincent's unexpected words. ------------------------------------------------------- sorry it's short, I have no more time.
  22. Hey Katana? When were you thinkin of ending this, considering we've killed off lots of evil things in the area. :D --------------------------------------------------------------------- Kit wandered the courtyard by himself, his dark clothes made him stick out like a sore thumb in the daylight. He breathed deeply, stretching his arms back, his little spar with Kaz had been fun. Rememberign their match, he rubbed his swollen jaw. Kaz had landed a solid kick to his face, then he paid him back in full with a 2-inch punch to his gut. Kit laughed a little to himself, then sighed again. They would be leaving this place soon, but Kit wanted something to remember it all by, a soveinier or something like that. Kurumi yelled that dinner was ready. Kit grabbed his food and at by himself, atop the branch of a tall tree, looking over the dojo. '[I]I'm really going to miss this place, and all the poeple here. I want something to remember this place by...wait a minute.[/I] He scarfed the rest of his food, and leapt from the tree, landing on the dojo wall. It would have been a perfect landing, had the roof tile not been loose. He waved his arms, fighting to keep his balance. Kit toppled off the roof, and onto a surprised Katana. "KIT!!!! :flaming: What the hell are you doing!" Katana kicked Kit, sending him bouncing into the wall. Recovering his shattered pride, he stood talking excitedly. "KATANA! I got a great idea! WOOHOOO!" He ran out of the dojo, laughing excitedly. Katana stood there and sweat dropped. "That was...odd." Kit dashed into the kitchen, nearly knocking over kenshin. "Kit! What's the matter!" Kit giggled excitedly. "Do you have extra clothes!" "Yes, but why?" Kit dashed out of the kitchen shouting: "I'll explain later!" Kit ran into Kenshins room, dragging out a pair of clothes. He changed out of his black clothes quickly, dropping his sword their too. "I'll make extra money so we can get a picture!" Kit's grin widened to his ears. He'd never been this excited in his life...ever. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- YAY! IT HASN"T DIED BEFORE THE ENDING! HEHEEEEEEEE! :laugh: :D :laugh:
  23. Sheila strode over to the easst wall, which was covered with maps and various other papers. All the operatives selected for the mission shifted, sitting more upright, appearing more attentive. Vincent couldn't help but grin, they were all going to piss themselves when they heard the details. Sheila's words peirced into his wandering mind. "As you all know, this mission has been classified as top priority, and we have taken great measure's to ensure it's secrecy. You'll all be asked to not mention this mission at all, to anyone." Vincent grimaced as she went on with the same speech again, she had a flair for words, she just spoke to often. He could see the others roll their eyes as she repeated the same speech they'd heard a dozen times. The assassin known as Tao intterrupted the lengthy speech. "Exactl y [I]what [/I] is our mission?" sheila sighed, deciding to scrap the rest of the speech. "We'll be assaulting the Black Tower." Everyone in the room stopped rolling their eyes, her words finally sinking in. Jaws dropped to the floor. "Our plan is to lure out a majority of his forces while a small team slips inside and assassinates him." "But the diversionary force will be torn to shreds in seconds by his armies!" One of the revenents cried out. Many muttered their agreement. Sheila glared at the man, forcing his eyes to the floor. "His forces in this area have weakened. His so called generals sent out thousands of soldiers to reinforce key installations acrossed the world, due to the recent succesfull string of attacks we've made against them." She beamed proudly, remembering the achievments. "But no one knows the exact layout of his tower. None of us have ever been inside!" Ingrid's voice seemed to hiss, when she looked at Burque. Burque stood, pulling a computer out on a rickety old cart. He grinned viciously as he spoke. "We do now." Everyone croweded closer to see the screen, everyone asked where they had obtained such prised information. "We retrieved it during a recent raid in Russia. We managed to kill their techs. before they had a chance to wipe their computers memory." A horrified look appeared on Leo's face. "Wont they bee hunting for this? They have to know we have it!" Sheila gave an affirmative nod. "They likely do, but we've prepared for it. There are several other safe houses we've prepared in the area, and we've let the information be leaked out to their forces." Vincent stepped forward. "Which is why this mission was called so hastily, we've got to strike before they find out for certain that we have it and are planning. And that's why you four were picked." He motioned towards, Leo, tao, Ingrid, and Trea. His eyes lingered on Trea before he continued. 'Your supposed to be the best, and the best are needed for this." He grinned as they all looked to the floor, each of them knowing he spoke the truth. All four looked up at him, determination light up everyone's eye's but Tao's, he looked on Vincent with near hatred when he spoke... "How much will I be paid, and when do we leave?" Sheila shook her head, it always came down to money with people like him. "You leave tomorrow, were still waiting on one more arrival. And how much you'll be paid, well...if we fail, your all dead. If you succeed, Alexander does have a lot of money." Tao grinned evily, he was going to make sure they succeded. "Your all dismissed, rest up tonight, it's going to be a long day tomorrow. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- That should get things going. People in Alexander's forces, you guys get to describe your orders, and what happens when you find the resistance (Or one of the dummy safe houses) Good luck, and have fun!
  24. Wow...Igot a lot more responses than I though I would have. Thanks everybody, your kind words warm my soul. Now for some good news and an apology...Iguess it could be called that... Good News: I called her last night, told her it was pretty gutsy for having her Mom tell me she didn't want to go to prom. And that it was a real show of honesty, dating some other guy behind my back. then I said goodbye, and I plan on leaving it at that. Apology type thingumy: The whole comment about breaking her new guy's arms and legs was a bit out of line and misplaced anger. Again thank you all for your kind words, they are well appreciated.
  25. [QUOTE=Harry]How about moving on? Also: you went ahead and went to prom right?[/QUOTE] Of course I still went to prom, and to dinner and all of that. And I plan on moving on after today when I talk to her
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