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Everything posted by Swordsaint
Agh! It's been a crapy weekend, and a horrible day. Our school's prom was on Saturday, and two days before, after I had gotten a tux, tickets to get in, and dinner reservations, My girlfriend decides she doesn't want to go. :( And to add to the whole thing her MOM told me she didn't want to go. :mad: And just today...I found out from one of my friends that knows her that she had gotten a new boyfriend about 6 days ago. :( :flaming: :( All these things she 'neglected' to tell me. The way I'm seeing it, is that it's her loss not mine. Or at least I'm trying to. Anyhow, what I want to know is, when/if you've been dumped like that, how'd you react and what did you do about it. I could use a few pointers because I really want to break her new boyfriends arms and legs with a spiked bat right now.
Vincent paced around the front door impatiently, four of the selected operatives were late. Sheila and Burque were already inside with their selected ops. But the other four were very late. Rain began to fall in heavy torrents. [I]Damn the east coast and it's god damned weather, gonna be hard to see without nv.[/I] He pulled his hood over his head, he pulled the list with the operatives names and descriptions on them: Leo Tao Ingrid Sayree "Trea" [I]Hmmm I hope they're as good as they say they are...[/I] He looked up at the looming black tower in the distance. [I]They had better damn well be as good as they say they are...or where screwed...[/I] [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] Alesander sat at his Ornately decorated Obsidian throne, at the head of the long steel table. All his general's were gathered. He was sorely disapointed with them. All of them. "Why have they not been utterly crushed?!" His young pale face turned red with rage. General Ingram spoke first. "They aren't a mere rabble Lord Pandora, They are a powerful, well organized force, with brilliant leader's, as cunning as any here." Alxander sneered with disgust as Ingram dared praise their abilities. He nodded his head towards him, and his body gaurds drug the struggling general outside. A single shot silenced the astonished Generals cries. "Now...I already know why they haven't been anihilated yet."He glared around the room. "You all have grown complacent, fat and lazy over the years. Being in places of power and security has made you all soft. I cannot have soft generals."He smiled wickedly, looking more and more a vile serpent. "It's time for new blood." His body guards opened fire into the 19 Generals gathered their. The large .50 bullets tore into their bodies, blood splattered acrossed the table. When the last of them stopped twitching, He looked into the Shadows. "Come out Bloodwolf." A large, Powerfull figure strode out from the shadows. His face was hidden behind a full, metal helmet. "You are my finest creation, Strong Intelligent, fast, Ruthless. You aren now the Commander of all my forces, second only to me. Your first mission...HUNT DOWN AND SLAUGHTER EVERY LAST MEMBER OF THESE RESISTANCES!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alright when those of you in the resistance make your first post, Detail your arrival. The last person posting it starts the meeting. Those of you in Alexander's Forces Describe where your at when you recieve your orders, either from Alex if your a bodyguard, or from BloodWolf if your not.
I'd have to say it's not WEIRD that occasionally, there's a girl that roleplays, it's just not a common sight, and some of the other roleplayers that have absolutely no life other than role playing, can't help but think: "THANK YOU GOD!" because they can't get dates at all otherwise. But that's just those kinds of people. People usually react like that because it's not really a common sight to see a girl roleplaying in anything other than movies. At least around where I live it isn't anyway... Anyhow I though of another worst gamming moment: My friend Jesse had a level three Ogre warrior (DnD 2nd Ed.) on a ship. This ogre was from a particular tribe that grew Some potent shrooms :D and was possessed by a crazed demon that made random appearances. Anyhow, he's sittin below decks, and the whole left side of the ship disapeares in cannon fire, and a cannon ball nearly takes his head off. He got pissed, grabbed three gunpowder kegs, launched himself onto their ship, and My friend Josh's marksman saw the powder kegs on the ogre's back... :devil: and shot them, blowing up the ogre and both the ships, killing everyone onboard both of them... I was Dming that one...It wasn't supposed to go like that...
hmmm...the pen and paper role playing games. What fun, fond memories. I've played many: Vampire the masquerade DnD 2nd Edition and 3d Modern Hunter the Reckoning So many fun things. One of the funest adventure's I played was in modern, when my Shadow Slayer and the other players went into an old mansion to track down an ancient Vampire. The Vampire's minions swarmed through the walls and out of the ground, the others held them off while I went 1on1 with the Vampire. I kicked his *** left and right, never getting hit once :D My worst memory is from DnD, when my character died from swarms of goblins, then they pissed and crapped all over his corpse... :flaming: oh well...
Sign Up Pandora's Black Tower (My first RPG! :eek: )
Swordsaint replied to Swordsaint's topic in Theater
Alright! Everything's looking good! I'll only be accepting 1, count it ONE, more sign up and that'll be for the dire wolves! I'll probably start the thread sometime today, and I'll pm everyone when I do. Hope you all's have fun! [SIZE=4]Alright, the Rpg has started go and post! Enjoy![/SIZE] -
I'm game... Name: Jordan Espinosa Age: 27 Occupation: R.C.P.D. Detective Personality: Generally a carefree kind of guy. He loves to be around "young" People, and has a thing for young blondes. The only thing he ever takes seriously is his work, and that only half the time. But when push comes to shove, the laid back side disapeares as he unleashes hell on his enemies. He's not afraid to resort to violence like one might think at first glance. Appearance: Stands at 6'2, and wieghs about 178 lbs. He likes the sterotypical Detective look, wearing a long light brown trenchcoat, and a broad brimmed hat. His loose white shirt hides a bullet proof vest, and his baggy green pants cover the tops of his new nikes. His hair is really thick, and brown, and his large friendly eyes are also brown. Bio: Jordan grew up in Missoula, MT. after graduating highschool, he went on to colledge, taking classes in chemistry and forensics. He also joined the martial arts club, excelling in the self defence classes. After four years of college, He joined the police academy, where he advanced through the forensic classes, and marksmanship. He graduated applying for a detecives Job in Raccoon city, where he had heard the Multi-billion dollar company was investing a LOT of money. Very quickly, he became known for his sharp accuaracy with a gun, and his crime assesments. Weapon: Standard issue police 9mm, and a standard issue 12-gauge in his car. hope that works!
Sign Up Pandora's Black Tower (My first RPG! :eek: )
Swordsaint replied to Swordsaint's topic in Theater
Okay Lorc, Nice bio, but expand on it, like adding in a bit more detail to it, and your in. Jeeze...not many people signing up. I'll edit later and add my character... Nice Job Geloog Pilot, I likes it. Your in to! here's my character... Name: Vincent Thomas Age: 25 Description: Stands at 6'2. Has long wavy blue hair, and peircing silver eyes. A black mask hides the lower half of his face. His large Kevlar trenchcoat hides his twin pistols and assault rifle. And the tactical vest riddled with extra clips, and other odds and ends. His cargo pants hold several grenades, and his boots hide long daggers. Bio: Born years after the war ended, Vincent's family had been member's of the Revenents resistance movement, nearly since the begininng when they merely spoke out against the war, instead of taking action. His entire life, he's known nothing other than the war, shaping him into the highly skilled warrior he is now. He feels a deep hatred for Alexander and his armies, particularily those that bear the sigil of his personal gaurds. He's taken several missions, becoming known for his ability to imrovise scrounging up equipment from the battle field. Never once as he failed his assignment. He's extremely reclusive, avoiding contact with everyone, even member's of the resistance. Faction: Revenants Role: Infiltrator Weapons: Twin silenced ap 45.'s T-55 TechAssault Rifle. Twin Daggers. 3 Grenades Other equipment: Trip wire, rocks, and a can of spraypaint. -
Kyle Turned to see Ralph, and his five little friends. They were all armed with various weapons, chains, knives, bats, and Ralph had his pistol out. Kyle grinned widely, Damien groaned when Kyle spoke. "Didn't you guys learn your lesson the first time this guy beat your ***?" Damien fumed angrily being reminded of his defeat. He waved his pistol at Kyle threateningly. "A Wise guy huh? Not to smart to be makin fun of me,"Damien turned, drawing his staff "Might be a bit...Unhealthy,"The man sneered evily "How about you run along and "have your little pow-wow somewhere else, you god damned savage." Kyle dropped his duffle bag and threw back his fur cloak, revealing his large twin tomohawks, and his feather adorned long sword. He grinned wolfishly. This isn't a pow-wow...It's a war dance." His hands snapped onto Ralph's arm, twisting it until he heard a satisfying crunch of bones, the gun fell from the screaming Ralph's hand. Damien stood back, studying Kyle's style of fighting. The other five thugs closed in. One swung his bat, Kyle Ducked under it, slamming his huge fist into his unprotected gut. He fell into a gsping heap. Another swung his razor sharp knives wildly, and another flung his chain like a whip. Kyle whooped as the cahin wrapped around his arm, he blocke both knives with it, then landed a solid round house into the guys face. Blood splattered acrossed his leggings. The 4th thug let go of his chain, throwing a punch to Kyle's face, Kyle threw his head down, the fist impacting on the top of his skull. He heard the mans wrist crack like dry twigs. The last ran away, terrified of the towering [I]savage[/I] . Kyle screamed his war cry as he hurled the tomohawk into the poor man's back. He looked around, the 6 men lay scattered about, most moaning in pain. Silently, he retrieved his Tomohawk, wiping the blood off on the thug's pant leg. He looked at Damien, who stood, still evaluating Kyle. "He was a coward, cowards have no place in this world." Kyle looked over at the port, a single ship was docked in it. "That's it over there, let's go."
OOC: Sorry bout being late! Kyle's stern face broke into a slight grin as Ralph and his two punks ran. Damien replaced the impromptue staves to his back before leaving the alley. '[I]Maybe he can help me?[/I] "Excuse me sir?" damien whirled around at the voice, drawing one of the staves."Easy there, I was just wondering if you could help me?" Damiens eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Are you with Ralph's gang?" Damien looked Kyle over, he wore a Heavy wolfskin cloak, hiding his well muscled frame, a beaded, red bandana held his hair out of his piercing brown eyes. In his gloved right hand he carried a duffle green duffle bag that bulged with his possesions. "You mean those chicken shits that ran from you? Naw, If I were, they wouldn't have run from you." His slight grin broke into a broad smile acrossed his dark face. Damien smiled. "Cocky aren't you?" "I got the skills to back it up." both fighters chuckled. Damien set his stave back in place. "whatcha need help with?" "I'm trying to find Port Royal, to catch a boat to Cesto's fort. Have any idea's?" Damien's eyes narrowed in suspicion again, but it passed quickly. "I'm goin to Cesto's fort too, but I didn't know anything about port royal." He pointed down the east road on the interesection. "It's a few blocks down this way." The two aqauintinces(sp?) strode off down the road, neither noticing Ralph and more of his buddies shadowing them...
Homosexuality: curse or matter of preference???
Swordsaint replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in General Discussion
Although I myself, would not pursue homosexuality, neither woukd I persecute the idea, or those that would. If you wish to be gay, then you can be gay. It matters little to me. I've met several homosexuals, and they turned out to be pretty cool guys. In other words, I have no problem if a person is a Homosexual, as long as they don't try to any funny stuff with me after I've said NO. -
Sounds good, I'm surprised no-one else has signed up yet. Maybe add a little more detail to the story other than the basics? My Shaman Name: James hyubusa Age : 19 Description: Stands at an average 6'1, his constant training has left his lean body well muscled. His short cut blue hair is usually gelled, And dark sunglasses hide his Frost blue eyes. He usually goes shirtless, except the light, Dark blue vest he wears. A Wolf tooth necklace hangs low from his neck, above his heart. Loose fiting Cargo pants hide steel greeves. Fingerless gloves, decorated with all manner of designs cover his palms, and his worn black nikes bear a shamanic symbol on the backs, so that any that know what to look for recognize him. Personallity: Extremely cocky, even rude at times. He believes himself to be a ladies man, and he would be if he weren't into the whole 'ghost' thing and seemingly talking to himself. In General he's a friendly guy, always willing to stand up for his friends, or try to hook them up with a date. Bio: Born in america, but grew up in Japan. He had a normal life, well as normal as could be in this post-apocolyptic era. He was playing with one of his friends when he saw his friends father summon a ghost from a small talisman. James Excitedly ran over to him screaming "COOL! DO IT AGAIN! CAN HE DO TRICKS?" He began training almost Immeadiatly, Although he didn't have his own ghost, he was sent through the endurance training, and exorcism. Whenever he wasn't training he was in what was left of the school studying about the world, and what it was like before the disaster, and the wars, and on history, and some of the greater legends. Fighting style: OverSoul The spook Name: Ysan quickblade Bio: A last practitioner of the way of the ninja, he journeyed acrossed the world seeing the great wonders of the world. He eventually came to favor LongSwords over the Katana. He Taught others how to defend themselves, and in some cases, even fought for them if their foe was to strong In return for next to nothing, or a date with a girl in the village He made several powerfull enemies this way, they eventually conspired to kill him. Ysan died in an ambush, where he was stabbed 32 times. He sent 15 of the 20 attackers to hell before he died. Personallity: A cheerfull and carefree person. He also thinks of himself as a Ladies man, and would be if he weren't dead. He constantly gives James advice on how to handle women. He serves James loyaly, and as a friend as they share many of the same ideals. Main Weapons: A masterfully made Longsword. Side Weapons: Twin Daggers Techniques: Bladed whirlwind-spins really fast while swinging the sword, shadowwalk-moves invisibly like a ninja Help me with the Techniques as I have probably messed them up.
I'm inns! well I wants teh be! :D Name: Kyle Matt Age: 26 Nick Name: Grey Wolf (Indian name) Side: Earth Fighting Styles: War Dance (A Combination of Ninjitsu, Shaolin, and military brawling) Weapons: Twin Tomohawks, A long bonehandled dagger, A longsword decorated with eagle feathers on the hilt. Nationality: Native/American Signature Move: Deathstrike- Curls up like a wolf does before it lunges, and slashes for the throat. Easy to predict, but lethal if target is caught off-guard. Special Power: Totem- Kyle Calls upon his guardian spirit, the wolf, to strengthen him, His speed and reflexes increase to that of a wolfs Description: Stands at 6' even, with a lean, yet muscular build. His skin is darker thanks to his native american blood, And his hair runs shoulder length, and is a dark grey color. His eyes and face almost resemble that of a wolves when looked at directly. He wears heavy buffalo skins on each leg, a leather vest, beaded with traditional native amercan designs, along with a Dark Blue headband. Two large Tomohawks hang from a loose fitting belt, along with a traditionally decorated sword. Bio: Kyle grew up on the Salish rezervation in Montana. He lived with his grandmother, who taught him as much as she could about their peoples cultur and language, while his grandfather taught him how to hunt, and use traditional weapons, and how to make them. Eventually they signed him up for a self defense class, so he could protect himself from some of the more violent of racists. He was taught Ninjitsu and Shaolin, and some of the finer points of fighting, Like gripping someone by the hair and smashing their face and nuts. He was also instructed in Swordsmanship in the class, not because they thought he'd need to know how to use a sword, but because he'd have to use something [I]like[/I] a sword. After he graduated High school he joined the marines, where he served for 6 years before he was booted from service, for the Involuntary manslaughter of an officer, who had tried to kill him for being an Indian in the core. He moved back to Montana, living in the wild, Keeping his skills sharp, and following his peoples traditions. Hope that works for ya's
Kit leaned forward and kissed her gently on the cheek. Both turned redder than they were a moment before. "I'll always be there for you, you know." Amaya smiled, still staring into the silver pools that were his eyes, she saw total honesty and twitterpation there. "I know." To high pitched voices ryhmed in tune... "Kit and Amaya! Sittin in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes the love! Then comes the marriage! Then Comes the baby in the baby carriage! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Both girls had stopped sparing momentarily to watch them, and tease them. " :flaming: WILL YOU KNOCK IT OFF WITH THAT CHILDISH SONG!" both girls leapt up to their feet and sparred even harder with each other. Fists flew, kicks were kicked, hair was pulled, and kidneys killed. *POOF!* Kaz appeared in front of Kit. "It's our turn to spar!" Kit sweatdropped as Kaz struck a heroic pose. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sorry writers block now...ow...
Is it just me, or has xxchaosfaeriexx not posted in a while? anywho... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kit wandered away from the scene, still laughing at the 'Kaz-circle'. He wandered the dojo for a while, the sounds of everyday life continued as if nothing had happened the last week (we been here that long, right?) Kit reached out to Amaya with his mind. '[COLOR=DarkRed]Amaya? Where are you?[/COLOR]' '[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I'm at the court yard, watching Katana and Yuka spar.[/COLOR]' Kit grinned, this would be worth watching. He ran to the courtyard, snagging a bowl of rice balls, not noticing that kourou(sp?) had made them. He found amaya sitting in a wooden chair she had moved out there. She looked at him, a smiling light graced her eyes, and light up her face. 'It's great being twiterpatted' kit sat next to amaya, passing her a riceball. Katana and Yuka were sparring furiously. Katana began with a leaping roundhouse kick. Yuka grabbed her ankle and tried to throw her over her shoulder. But katana kicked into her back as she was being pulled, she then backflipped of her back, sending Yuka sprawling into the rocks. Yuka got up, fuming. She cartwheeled over to Katana, gathering herself up in a ball on the second spin, and sprung feet first at her. Katana smirked as she easily side stepped, never noticing Yuka's fist till it plowed into her gut. Yuka grabbed hold, kicking katana's legs out from under her, before throwing her to the ground. "I though you said they were sparing, not killing each other." Amaya grind at Kit's bewildered face. "This is sparing for them, the only way to get better is to try right?" Kit nodded in agreement, then bit into a riceball, Amaya did the same. Both of them chewed for a minute, then their eyes went wide. Both spat out the Rice, coughing and hacking. "Gahh! *cough cough*...bleagh...why would...*choke cough wheeze* give me one of Kaouros(Sp?) riceballs! *Hack*" "*Choke, gack!* I...*Cough cough cough* didn't know! *wheeze* ugh, these things are *Choke* nasty!" both teens sweatdropped when they saw Kouro standing in front of them.
Please give me help! I've been dumped.
Swordsaint replied to Black Kat's topic in General Discussion
Hmmm...I know how you feel. My first serious (as you can get in high school without sex) girlfriend broke up with me, saying That it was the long distance relationship that we had. Then she told all my friends and her's that it was because I was an ***hole. That Felt great. Sure I was angry, then I said "Meh" and ate a pot of rice and soy sauce, and got a good night's sleep, and I forgot all about her. It worked for me, maybe not for you. But listen to the people posting advice for you, they know what they're talking about. They've said everything I could have said about it. Except maybe if you wanted to go the route, you could try to make him jealous. :devil: -
Sign Up Pandora's Black Tower (My first RPG! :eek: )
Swordsaint replied to Swordsaint's topic in Theater
Alright! A whole 3 people have signed on! ...Avtually that's a lot better than I thought I would get. All of you are in, everything looks pretty good! I'll start the Rpg after a few more people sign on. I'd like at least one person to serve in Alexanders forces. Tell your friends about it! EDIT: Just a Reminder LORCANITH (He's my little brother) be sure to write well, and long post's, mainly in the bio area and description if you can't get a pic. Thanks! :D -
Okay my first shot at this, here goes. ...The year is 2112, earth has been plunged into chaos, by Alexander Pandora. It began with Alexander taking the Presidency in the U.S., back In 2012. He boosted the economy to an all time high, gave extra funding to police forces, and education systems. That's what the public saw on the surface, what the people didn't know, was that he funded corporations, developing cloning, to create a limitless supply of the ultimate soldier. Weapons technology, viral research, Armor technology, Bio weapons research, subliminal messaging, for controlling the masses he sought to dominate. In the year 2021, he struck first against Russia, attacking Nuclear silos, and research and development centers for such weapons. He unleashed horde's of calm, bloodthirsty Cloned soldiers, armed with the latest, most advanced weaponry the world had ever seen. Plauges were unleashed next in Europe, making the Cancer and AIDS look like chicken pox. Swarms of Towering Behemoth Seige tanks, reduced buildings in Sydney to rubble with with their twin cannon's. Packs of roaming gattling hounds roamed the streets in china. None could stand before the fury of Pandora's armies or their weapons for long, nor did any want to once under his rule, with the subliminal messages coursing through peoples minds every day. In 2025, Pandora completed a vision that several had failed to achieve, World Domination. To crown this amazing Achievement, Alexander Had the Black Tower constructed where the white house used to be. It stands a mile high, running two miles deep underground, it's base is a quarter of a mile in diameter. A tall, 50 ft. steel wall surrounds it, hiding a shield generator, and several barracks for troops. Pandora has resided and ruled from there since he conquered in 2025. His rule over the earth isn't entire though. A brave few resist his dictatorship, struggling against the impossible odds: The Revenants, and The Dire Wolves. All are deemed traitors and are to be shot on sight, those captured are tried(sp?) then executed, slowly. [I]Alexander Pandora[/I] : A paranoid, and controlling man to the extreme, he's never gone outside the black tower 87 years, though he makes an occasional public statement. Thourough(sp?) testing has been done on the images, and his voice patterns, and they reveal that it is in fact Pandora making these statements, alive and well. In all probability, he has cloned himself and transfered his memories to the younger copy of himself. Hair: black Eyes: purple Weight: 189 lbs. height: 6'4 age: 129 [I]Sheila Athens[/I] : The young, and charismatic leader of the Revenants, she accompanies her teams on as many missions as she can, but mainly she stays behind to recruit more people for the cause. Hair: pink Eyes: green Weight: 134 lbs. Height: 5'6 Age: 29 [I]Burque Johnson[/I] : Burque leads the small, but lethal dire wolves. His father was the first to lead the Dire wolves in their campaign against Pandora's armies. He was runover by a 100 ton behemoth seige tank. Before he died, he gave his son the command. The venerable Burque tries hard every day to honor his father's memory, and a little peice of him comes back each time he kills another of the clones. Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Weight: 170 Height: 5'11 Age: 51 [I][B]Sign ups[/B][/I] Okay Here be the sign up sheets! mine will be done after a few people have posted. Name: (Duh) Age: (Anything between 17-55) Description: (pictures are cool, and typed is no prob.) Bio: (Give us a paragraph at least about your background, and bit on how you were recruited.) Faction: (Alexander, Revenants, Dire wolves) Role: (Driver, recruiter, sniper, bomber, grunt, etc. what you do for the cause) Weapons: ( if you've got a sword, you better be real good with it, and a good reason why.) Other equipment: (anything you can think of, but remember, if your a resistance member, resources are limited to you so your not going to have some of the best out there.) that should be about it. If anyone has a question pm me about it. And mods...if I've missed something, I know I can count on you to tell me aboot it. :D Thanks!
Ohhh boy. You guys brought up something I love, I have to much fun with naming things. here goes! Boys: Ryugen Xander Seth Flint Hunter Girls: Tiara Lilia Luca Tia Sylvia Video Camera: Bob Computer: Kirin Du'gre Playstation: Crap Dog: Xager (X sounds like a y) Von munchinkitten :D Sword (It's wooden): Angels Requiem (If anyone knows the Japanese words for Requiem please pm me!) T.V.: All knowing wiseone, Akopokopikeh Cats: Yankee (He's my little brothers little leauge mascot) Tolouse (They almost made their own baseball team :laugh: ) Brother 1, Tylar: Typhoon, tyspoon Brother 2, Westyn: Pete, petey, peteos amigos Sister 1, hannah: Bean, beany, beany girl, hannah bean, Chickie bean. told you I have fun with this stuff!
My dreams always end up being really wierd. Once I dreamed that I walked in on my teachers while they were high. My science teacher kept screamin "LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT ********** FROG!" over and over, while the rest of them kind of just watched their hands and gave me the finger. Then my friend Jesse ran them over with a tank that shot water melons, and I woke up there. Yeah...pretty weird...You can shoot me now if you like... :p
Kit and the others rounded the corner to see Yuka beng held by several policemen. One turned towards the middle schoolers. "Captain! There they are!" "Well what are ou waiting for?! Arrest them!" six of the policemen took aim with their rifles, the other two advanced forward, while the captain watched them closely. Kaz, kit, and Katana drew their weapons. The policemen tensed up, takeing aim at their heads. Reaching out to the others, kit quickly drew up a plan: [I]Alright oyu guys we can't kill them...[/I] [I]What!? why not?[/I] [I]Yeah![/I] Kit grumbled angrily [I]If we do then we'll have more policemen after us, and then the army! We're good, but not that good. Kaz, you make the gunmen miss with your wind, katana you free yuka, and I'll trap the rest of them. Got it?[/I] [I]Got it[/I] [I]Sure thing! WHEEE![/I] The policemen were right on top of them when a sudden gale of wind knocked the rifles up to the air, all six policemen fired their shots. Katana Vaulted over the two policemen, firing a blast of water at Yuka and the Captain. Kit made the ground around the eight policemen sink up to their knecks, sealing them inside. The three middle schoolers were about to celebrate their victory when Yuka began to beat the police captain to death! "You Bastard!" *whack whack whack* "I'll not be executed by you!" *Whack whack whack whack!* "Not here not now!" *whack* bones could be heard crunching under each of the furious blows. Kaz teleported next to Yuka, then teleported away with her. "Damn...they really pissed her off!" Katana spun away happily back to the dojo "Victory. V is for Victory!" Kit sweatdropped as he sprinted after the two of them.
Is it just me, or does it seem like that since 'we' got to this time everythings been really screwed up and our dreams get really dark and twisted. :confused: By da way, our basketball team took 2nd so i'll be gone from thurs. to saturday :flaming: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Goodnight Amaya." "Goodnight Kit." Kit kissed amaya gently on the cheek before closing the door to her room. "OOOOOOO!" Kit sweatdropped and turned red as Katana's shrill voice rang out. "Kit and Amaya sittin in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes..." "Shut up!" Kit fumed as Katana rolled around sqeauling in delight at Kit's anger. Kit looked out to the courtyard lifting a long strand of earth out of the ground. He slapped it around Katana's mouth silencing her. She mad muffled, indignant noises as she tried to pry it off. Kit turned and walked away smiling. [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] Kit sat up in a tall tree, watching the skay. It was a starry night, occasionaly a shooting star streaked acrossed the night blue heavens. '[I]Amaya...your the first person I've ever kissed. And your the first person I've ever felt concern like this for.'[/I] He laughed as he remembered the time he walked waist deep into a lake without realizing it, and shuddered when he thought about when he thought that her and the others were dead. "My...friends. Yes they're my friends." Kit heard a light puff above him. He looked up and saw Kaz dangling from a tree limb, grinning like an idiot. "That was beautiful Kit." Kaz's grin widened. "Were your first friends, that's nice to know." He dropped from the limb, landing neatly in front of Kit. "And your thoughts regarding Amaya." Kaz sat for a minute then busted out laughing."You...hee hee hee...Actually walked ha ha *Wheeze*...waist deep into a lake without realizing it? AHAHAHAHAHA!" Kaz waved his arms as he almost fell from the tree. Kit glared at Kaz. "How the hell do you know that?" "We all know that by now. KAz was cherry red from the laughter. "We can hear each others thoughts, remember?" Kit blushed and sweatdropped as he remembered "Oh yeah." He thought for a second, then his eyes widened "That means she heard every word!?" "Every last one buddy!"
YAAAAY! It's new and improved! hahahahahahahahashahahahahahahahahahaha! *Grins with insane happiness* Sorry the me's hasn't posted basketball tournaments and all to go to, and another one today so I'll probably post on monday. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kit awoke from his deep, startled by the screaming. He turned around only to see katana screaming with insane fury, whirling about with her twin Katanas dancing wildly like whirlwinds. 10 armed men were in the cave, trying desperately to block the young girls wild swings. Kit sweatdropped as Yuka danced in circles with her squeaky hammer, singing lakucheraka. It took a moment for Kit to get over his shock. He sighed then encased the bandits in mounds of rock leaving only their heads exposed. "YAAAAAAY!" Yuka screamed and giggled carzily as she began to whack away at the bandits exposed faces. Katana Leapt onto the rock, pounding the face of the bandit that slapped her butt. Everyone sweatdropped. Kaz was hunting around for his clothes, just now climbing out of the hottub he and Katana had made. Kit snickered as he made the earth sink an dclose over the spot were they lay. OOC: he he! good way for me to get back into the boards! :D
some of my favorites be these: " You should here the names the voices in my head are calling you..." I got that shirt to! "I see dumb people" And that one! :cool: "your gross, shouldn't you be smart?" "I hear the other ucky people calling you" and last but not least!: "Honk if you've never seen an Uzi fired from the back of a truck!" Saw that one on a car and my dad started honking at the guy. :D
RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT...your psychotic. Anyhow, like crimson Spider said: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crimson Spider [/i] [B]Um... yeah... I can't join the PLF because they would discriminate me for not only being pitifully white, but also the amount of pens that I have mutilated over the exams with my mandibles. [/B][/QUOTE] I've annihilated hundreds of pens, or turned them into mini crossbows, over the years so I can't join. and like chibi said: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiHorsewoman [/i] I think I completely missed the point of this post. Could you possibly run that by me again. You know in a manner that wouldn't get this topic shut down, like it will be. [/b][/QUOTE] please put a bit more into what your trying to say and start, even if it's one of the most retarded things I've heard. It's funny though, you got that goin for ya. :freak:
Name: Volt Ryugen Age:17 Race: Human with the sight Gender: male Sight?s Powers: Seeing the future. Freeze time 3 moments Found out how He had the sight: Volt and one of his friends, Jesse were walking along the street. It was a beautiful, sunny day in California. They stopped at a cross walk, waiting for the light to turn green. Then, Volt saw a bright light flash before his eyes, he saw himself and jesse, crossing the street they were standing at. A car barreled down the road, hitting Jesse after he shoved volt out of the way, killing him instantly. He snapped back to reality, brushing the vision off as a daydream. the light turned green they both began to cross the street. Neither of them noticed the car barrelling at them at 50mph, till it was to late. Jesse shoved Volt out of the way, and was splattered acrossed the road by the car. Volt was shocked, his vision had came tru. What he saw next shocked him even more. A misty, bluish white Image of Jesse came out of his corpse muttering to himself: "I'm dead...I'm dead..." the image looked at Volt "But at least Volt's alive...I'm sorry man" then it disappered Volt reeled away in panic, it was jesse's ghost he had seen. Personality: He's extremely reclusive, trying to avoid large gatherings of people when he can. But he's very cordial with those he talks to. He harbors much guilt about Jesse's death. Bio: Volt tries to avoid larger cities, or if he's in one, avoid the throng of people. Large gatherings of people mean large numbers of ghosts. Mainly he does odd jobs to make a living in the world of the living. He rarely speaks of his powers with other people, except for those he believes can help him discover what his purpose is with these powers. Appearance: Volt stands at 6ft. His dark red hair stands up and curves back slightly. His sharp steel grey eyes have a sad, regretfull look of a man searching for his purpose in life. He wears a black leather jacket, an usually a pair of loose fitting cargo pants. He his white shirt has the saying "He who has health has hope, he who has hope has everything." in bold blue letters. Around his neck dangles a simple cross. and your right, I am a little confused, so if there be anything I need to edit tell me please. spanks alot! :D