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Everything posted by vaporjolt
*raises hand* And 255 in everything else, except Evasion. Of course, Luck kind of overrides Accuracy, Evasion, and Critical hits in this game so once you have 255 luck, you don't need 255 eva and acc. I have a master stat save, but I started a no-sphere grid game. I put FFX down a while ago, though, and haven't got around to finishing it.
I have this game. I even wrote a strategy guide for it! It's a great game, but I missed the Arena and Mail options from Armored Core 2. If you're talking about the NIGHT energy sniper rifle, then I'd have to agree with you. Of course, the KARASAWA-MK2 will always be the best, but most people consider it cheap b/c it's too powerful. And the Back-mounted dual-gatling guns are the most destructive weapons in the game. I used them against Ultimate Nine Ball and totally destroyed him. They're even better against normal AC's b/c of the heating factor. :D
Yeah, there's an RPG Maker for Playstation. RPG Maker 2 is supposed to be coming out this year for Playstation 2. I have RPG Maker. You need to use [b]switches[/b] to prevent an event from occuring again. For example, set it up like this: . Message: "I'm gonna kill you." (or whatever) . Battle: Condition: fight until over . Message: (whatever) . Switch # (whatever number you choose, I'll say 1) 1 ON Then set the page condition to Switch #1 OFF. The events on this page will never occur again because Switch #1 will always be on (unless you manually turn it off again in a later event), and the criteria that must be met for this page to activate is that Switch #1 is not turned on. If that didn't make sense, try gamefaqs for in-depth info.
I recommend Breath of Fire IV for the Playstation. Good story, easy combo system, and cool characters. I enjoyed it very much.
I love Kingdom Hearts. I got it this Christmas. I thought it was going to be too short, but my clock is at 40 hours. Of course, I'm leveling up and doing all of the sidequests but it's been a great experience. My only gripe is that the characters you can use in the different worlds are only available to you while you're in that specific world (i.e. you can only use Peter Pan in Neverland). I'm not a huge fan of Goofy but and eject him from my party whenever I get the chance. Other than that, this game is excellent. I love Action/RPG's! I wish there were more. :bawl:
Valkyrie Profile is a refreshing change from a lot of other RPG's out there. I thought the story was kinda iffy...it didn't seem to have enough substance for me and was confusing sometimes. But the gameplay is where this game really stands out. The battle system was perfect, and the game's *MANY* dungeons are [i]challenging[/i], unlike another popular RPG out there *FF, cough*. Not that I hate Final Fantasy, but their games are getting a little too easy to appeal to the mass market. This game is all about Seraphic Gate.:D
[color=blue][size=1]Quina can learn Lv. 5 Death from Eating the undead whales on the shores of the northern most continent (can't remember if it's "Lost" or "Forgotten"--it's icy). Auto-Haste can be taught from the "Running Shoes" accessory.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]If I were you, I'd give Zidane or Steiner [b]Alert[/b] ability, so you're protected against back-attacks and then have Zidane use [b]Flee[/b] all the way back to the entrance of Memoria. Get back on your ship, find a town and heal and save. Then, I'd go to Deguarrio (sp.) and fight Grand Dragons for Exp. and Gil. Level up your 4 best characters to level 50 (takes about 15 min. even at level 30 if you have [b]Level Up[/b] ability on characters. Quina can instant-kill Grand Dragons using its [b]Level 5 Death[/b] Blue Magic (Grand Dragons are level 60). You can steal Tents and Ethers from Grand Dragons, too. Make sure you purchase some healing items before venturing out again.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]I hope you're all aware that Wing Attack [i]on Dragonite[/i] (or any other Flying type for that matter) does more damage than Hyper Beam over 2 turns. [b]Hyper Beam [/b] ATK: 150 | ACC: 90% | PP: 5 | TYPE: Normal | 2 Turn Move [b]Wing Attack [/b]ATK: 60 | ACC: 100% | PP: 30 | TYPE: Flying | 1 Turn Move Over two turns on Dragonite, Hyper Beam's cumulative strength is 150. Over two turns on Dragonite, Wing Attack only does 120 damage ( 60 X 2 ), [b]BUT[/b] Dragonite gets STAB* on Wing Attack b/c Dragonite is a Flying type and Wing Attack is a Flying move. [b]Add the STAB property to Wing Attack and Wing Attack's cumulative damage over two turns is 180--30 points higher than Hyper Beam.[/b] ................................................. * [b]S[/b]ame [b]T[/b]ype [b]A[/b]ttack [b]B[/b]onus All Pokemon who use an attack of their own type receive a damage X 1.5 bonus. Ex. Blastoise (Water) receives STAB when using Surf, Water Gun, or other Water moves. Blastoise will not recieve STAB when using a move that is not of the Water type b/c Blastoise is a water type.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Hoshigami: Blue Earth Rising or something? I've heard of it, but never played it. Exactly how similar is it to FFT (which I also think is great)? If you really want a game as good (if not better) as FFT, try Tactics Ogre for the PSX. The same development team that worked on FFT worked on it (Quest), and they're extremely similar.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE]There isn't some trick to find them more often, is there?[/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]Besides Gameshark or any equivalent cheating device, no. If it's any consolation, ALL shiny pokemon have the same DV's, so you'll [b]never[/b] find a shiny capable of reaching maximum stats for its species. Shinies look cool, but outside of that they're nothing special.[/size][/color] :(
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deranged Gerbil [/i] [B]armoured core 2 is terrible! The graphics are glitchy, the controls suck, and the music is too plain the third one don?t look too promising either [/B][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1][i]The graphics are glitchy[/i] Not really. AC2 had some slow-down issues, but that was remedied in AC2: AA, along with an improved polygon count. The graphics on AC3 will be even better. Besides, graphics don't make a game, IMO. [i]The controls suck[/i] ...For some. Some people just don't have what it takes to pilot an AC. It's not supposed to have extreme movement capabilities. That's not to say that handling an AC is like handling a "garbage truck", as EGM put it. One needs to fully utilize Boost, Overboost, and the strife buttons to move fluently. Pressing left on the controller to turn around 180 degrees [b]IS[/b] a chore. [i]The music is too plain[/i] I agree with you on this one. From Software really needs to work on this.[/size][/color] :o
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B]I've caught a blue Murkrow and a sliver Houndour in my Gold version before. That Houndour evolved, and now it's a really cool-looking Houndoom. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]Really? Cool! What color is it? A shiny Houndoom must rock. The shiny Pokemon that I've found and caught in the wild: [list] [*]Golbat [*]Cubone [*]Weepinbell [/list] I found them all on different versions while training outside or in a cave or whatever. I hear that coming across a shiny in the wild (except the Red Gyarados @ Lake o' Rage) is approximately 1 in 6,000![/size][/color] :worried:
[color=blue][size=1]A couple of things: [list=1] [*]There is no such thing as "the greatest trainer in the world". Even the best will lose sometimes. [*]Your move listing is confusing. [Spaces] are your [i]friend.[/i] [/list=1] :) [b]Espeon[/b] It can't learn Recover, you Sharker. :o Morning Sun over Recover. No need for a healing move and Rest. Choose Morning Sun or Rest. Shadow Ball is a Ghost move. Despite popular belief, Ghost moves are bases on [i]attack[/i], not special. Espeon has one crap of an attack stat. Try Psychic, Morning Sun, Reflect (R/B/Y Eevee TM), and either Zap Cannon, Bite, or Psych Up. [b]Mewtwo[/b] ...why do you have two Recovers? Thunderbolt over one of them. [b]Starmie[/b] With [b]three[/b] other Psychics on this team, leave out Psychic. Use the Death Star instead. (Surf, Thunderwave, Confuse Ray, Recover @ King's Rock) [b]Mew[/b] Since you obviously don't care about being 'cheap' with Mew & Mewtwo, why bother with your moveset when you can kill 'em with one blow? @ Leftovers Whirlpool traps 'em, Sweet Scent increases accuracy, Horn Drill kills with one hit. Softboiled when needed. Whee. :o [b]Charizard[/b] Few things we could do here.
[QUOTE]forget his name but after you get #1 or beat the game (I forget), a few more challengers come, he's #55 or 65 or something and is INSANELY HARD![/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]You mean Matthias (sp?) guy? Do you have the Karasawa MK2? It's a hidden weapon and arguably the best one in the game. Many call it 'cheap'. It helps a lot. To beat him, I found the best way was to dodge all of attacks first. Then, when he's out of ammo, he's an easy kill. :toothy: [b]DO NOT ENGAGE AT CLOSE RANGE[/b] unless you're really, [i]really[/i] good at dodging fast. Be patient, and the PLOW abomination will die.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=blue][b]How to beat all arena opponents:[/b] -Always fight in Etal Base; lotsa places to hide and dodge stuff, especially on top of the towers (IMHO) -The key to this game, really, is to learn to evade attacks. Practice tapping the boosters while simultaneously strafing L or R to help you avoid fire -It's possible to lure opponents out of the ring! If they leave the mission boundary, it's an automatic win for you! :toothy: ---------------------------------------------------- For Werehound, stay at a distance. If you eat up too much of his machine guns, you'll hit Output Down. Not good. Evade his attacks from the longest range as possible. Since you'll *hopefully* be quite a distance from Werehound, you'll need to use long range weapons like missiles or sniper rifles.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by VP-Master [/i] [B]Hey my friend is doing a biology project and it's an evolution survey. If u guys could answer the following questions as best as you can, that would be really nice. Thanks. 1) Gender: [color=blue]Male[/color] Female 2) What do you believe in? : Evolution [color=blue]Creationism[/color] Both 3) Why? : [color=blue]Religious beliefs[/color] Scientifically factual [color=blue]Common Logic[/color] 4) What is your religion ? [color=blue]Christianity[/color] _________________________________________________ 5) How strong are your religious beliefs ? [color=blue]My life[/color] Very Avg. Below Avg. Non-existent 6) Are you very familiar with any evolutionary theories ? [color=blue]Yes[/color] No 7) Ethnic Background (your nationality eg. Asian, caucasian, etc.): _________________________________________________ 8) Where have you lived most of your life ? (if in US, please specify which state) [color=blue]United States of America[/color] ____________________________________________________ 9) Have you ever taken a course in modern biology ? [color=blue]Yes[/color] No 10) Do you believe in God ? [color=blue]Yes[/color] No [/B][/QUOTE]
Gaming I need advice here folks, real advice.
vaporjolt replied to Raichu Tamer's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B]You could try Rain Dance to make Thunder hit every time, or Mega Kick, but I would suggest getting rid of some other moves to make it able to attack more than one kind of type. Three Lightning moves is kinda one-sided. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]I agree completely. [b]Especially[/b] in the case of electric types. One ground type and you can't do a thing! -Thunderbolt, Thunderwave, Charm, Attract (F) @ Leftovers -Thunder, Rain Dance, Surf (Surfing Pikachu), Reflect @ Leftovers ^-- those are some of the most commonly used sets[/size][/color] :ball: -
[color=blue][size=1][b]Espeon[/b] Actually, there's nothing really wrong with this moveset. Your team has no hazer/pseudohazer, thus I see the need of Psych Up. I don't, however, see the necessity of Endure. Reflect over Endure (R/B/Y TM for Eevee) for the crappy defense. [b]Flareon[/b] I see weather conflictions on this team, but you probably don't care. Shadow Ball over Skull Bash or Double-Edge (most likely the former). Most people don't realize that Ghost moves are based on [b]attack[/b], not special attack. Flareon has excellent attack so, yeah. :box: [b]Jolteon[/b] Attract over Headbutt. Jolteon has decent stats across the board except for attack and defense. Charm can be quite evil too. [b]Vaporeon[/b] Ice Beam over Blizzard for the PP and accuracy. Acid Armor will serve you more over Toxic against most people, and Rest over Iron Tail (what was the point of that anyway?). [b]Umbreon[/b] *eek*:eek: Umby has 228 maximum attack and 218 maximum special attack at level 100 for it's [i]species[/i]. And unless you happen to be raising an Umbreon with maximum DV's, your stats are more than likely a little lower than that. If an effective attacking moveset for Umbreon is to be made, you really need stat boosters like Curse or Screech (well, Screech is a degrader, but you get the point). (Leftovers) -this is Umbreon's version of the Curselax, basically. Recall that Shadow Ball runs off of attack, so Curse will help both Body Slam and Shadow Ball. (Leftovers) -this moveset makes use of Screech in place of Curse, usually inducing switches. (Leftovers) -this moveset has no attacking moves whatsoever, but is still effective nonetheless. [b]Your opponent CANNOT switch out of Toxic due to Mean Look![/b] Providing your opponent isn't a Steel type (they're immune to poison), Toxic'll kill them eventually. While you're waiting, you can Confuse 'em and Rest patiently and wait for the poison to do its work. And keep your fingers crossed that the Pokemon you trapped doesn't know a pseudohazing move (Roar and Whirlwind override trapping moves). [b]Tyranitar[/b] Hyper Beam? -_- Return/Frustration, Body Slam, Strength, [i]and[/i] Double-Edge all deal out more damage in two turns than Hyper Beam does in two turns. [i]All[/i] of them have 100% accuracy & more PP. Roar over Haiper Beam. Excellent otherwise. [b]Overall:[/b] + Wise choice of Pokemon types + Good moveset variety - Power-up items aren't my cup of tea - Some weather issues ...that's my rate.[/size][/color] :ball:
[color=blue]I don't get grounded. [i]=P[/i] When I'm bored, I'll: [list=1][*]play videogames[*]watch anime[*]read manga/comics[*]work on my FAQ[*]visit message boards[/list][/color]
Ever gone to Japan? Wanna go there? Who dosen't???
vaporjolt replied to a topic in General Discussion
[color=blue]Do I wanna go? I wanna [b]LIVE[/b] there! The Tokyo Game Show is open to the public. Screw the long lines--it's worth it. And I don't have to worry about non-popular North American videogames coming to North America. Japanese girls are cute to boot. Pokemon Center. There's lotsa reasons to go..[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]Feraligator lv. 92 AI: Amulet Coin Ice Punch Bite Surf Dig[/COLOR] [i][size=1]Upgrade Ice Punch to Ice Beam. Still perfect accuracy and even more power! You'll need Crystal version, though. Earthquake over Dig like G/S/B Master suggested. It can learn Crunch through breeding--put that over Bite if you want a Dark move. Amulet Coin is good for making money in the single player game. Keep it until you link-battle, then I'd add a Miracle Berry or Leftovers here.[/size][/i] [COLOR=sandy brown]Pidgeot lv. 51 AI: Sharp Beak Fly Steel Wing Agility Swift [i][size=1]If you're going to use Fly, then try Protect with Leftovers as the item. You can alternate between using Protect and Fly each round and get two free rounds of Leftovers healing (c)!. Whirlwind over Swift.[/size][/i] Furret lv. 49 AI: Mint Berry Thunder Punch Amnesia Rest Slam[/COLOR] [size=1][i]Nice Minty Rest combo. Amnesia can be helpful, but Thunderpunch with no STAB and low SA isn't such a good idea. Return and Shadow Ball over TP and Slam.[/i][/size] [COLOR=sky blue]Suicune lv. 58 AI: Mystic Water Whirlpool Waterfall Aurora Beam Mist [/COLOR](Note: I'm basically using it a Field Move Pokémon) [size=1][i]Well, you said that this is an HM slave pokemon so I won't rate this one.[/i][/size] [COLOR=red]Entei lv. 52 AI: Charcoal Flamethrower Strength Ember Stomp[/COLOR] [i][size=1]Return is *potentially* stronger than Strength (102 vs. 80). Get your Entei to love you then add Return over Strength. Sunny Day and Solar Beam over Ember and Stomp.[/size][/i] (Under normal circumstances) [COLOR=yellow]Raikou lv. 52 AI: Magnet Thundershock Spark Reflect Quick Attack[/COLOR] [i][size=1]Upgrade Thundershock to Thunderbolt with Crystal Tutor. Reflect is good. Crunch over Spark, and Protect or Rest over Quick Attack. Attach Leftovers.[/size][/i] (Currently training) [COLOR=red]Flareon lv. 20 AI: Exp. Share (Change to Pink Bow) Ember Tackle Sand-Attack Growl[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE]
Gaming Typhlosion+flying pokemon=ultimate force against the elite 4???
vaporjolt replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Noosphere
[color=blue][size=1]Karen and Lance are tough b/c they have much more than one type. All you need is a good fighting type for Karen's Umbreon, and a strong Ice type for Lance's three Dragonite. Jynx - Ice Beam & Psychic in moveset Typhlosion - Fire Punch/Flamethrower in moveset Machoke/champ - Cross Chop in moveset These three at decent levels (40+) can take on anything and everything the Elite 4 throw at them except for Will's Slowbro. Just have a decent electric with Thunderbolt and he's toast![/size][/color] :D -
[color=blue][size=1]Probably Sigma (final form) in Mega Man X for SNES. Took me like, two years to beat him (not trying everyday of course, but coming back to the game after awhile every now and then). I can't stand cheap bosses![/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]I give it an 8. The gameplay and graphics were both top notch, but the story was really nothing special IMO. A solid title. With the sidequests, there's over 100 hours of gameplay, so at least you get what you're paying for. I'm at 124 hours in my game![/size][/color]