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Everything posted by vaporjolt
[color=blue][size=1]I found that the best place to collect Dark Matter in FFX was at the Battle Arena in Calm Lands. Every creature will drop Dark Matter as a rare drop. To increase the odds of getting them to drop Dark Matter, increase your [ luck ] statistic.[/size][/color] ;)
[color=blue][size=1]Suikoden is excellent. For those who haven't played either 1 or 2, I highly suggest you [b]hunt them down[/b] if you're an RPG fan. Unfortunately, they're getting harder and harder to find. :( I had to search long and hard to find my copy of Suikoden. *hugs his copy*[/size][/color] :D
[color=blue][size=1]They should use swearing sparingly. By using a cuss only a few times, the places where that kind of language is used makes things more dramatic and can make a scene/dialogue seem like so much more. No need to swear every five seconds *glares at FFVII*.[/size][/color]:therock:
[color=blue][font=Comic Sans MS]*trumpet sounds* I have returned. Yay. Lesse what we gots here... [b]Nidoqueen[/b] Curse over Blizzard. You can LK on turn one, and at least get one or two Curses in for EQ & Shadow Ball. At least Ice Beam over Blizzard. A non-STABed Blizzard won't make much of a difference, anyway, I says. [b]Tyranitar[/b] Niceness. If you threw out Blizzard/Ice Beam on 'queen, keep Ice Beam. Otherwise, use Flamethrower/Fire Blast. You might want to consider Bright Powder as an attachment, making the 4x powerful but already inaccurate Cross Chop less likely to hit. [b]Blissey[/b] That's three Ice Beamers. Prolly Psychic over IB. [b]Zapdos[/b] Yummy. :tasty: [b]Gengar[/b] Explosion over Destiny Bond. Kind of sucky with mediocre attack, but with Scope Lens, you never know... [b]Machamp[/b] Standard. Encore is thrown up in the air between Light Screen and Counter. But if you've been having success with Encore, fine. [b]Overall:[/b] 3x ground weakness! It's okay though, if and only if the grounder doesn't know Rock Slide (Zappy w/ HP Ice). Unfortunately, many grounders also know Rock Slide. That aside, I see no real problems with your team. It should pwn well.[/font][/color]
[color=blue][size=1][b]Jolteon[/b] Nice. If you don't mind being cheap, Double Team & Rest work well too. It also doesn't need Agility, but Jolteon's R/B/Y move selection is pretty limited anyway so it looks good. [b]Charizard[/b] Sword's Dance over Fire Spin, and Hyper Beam over Slash! Hyper Beam is okay in R/B/Y. If you don't add Sword's Dance, I'd keep Slash, though. [b]Snorlax[/b] Owns. Amnesia protects you from special attacks, and makes Ice Beam more powerful. You can sweep with Ice Beam & Earthquake, and Rest off any damage when needed. Aside from strong physical attacks, this Snorlax is pretty much invincible. [b]Golem[/b] Good. Probably Substitute over BS, though, for protection against OHKO's like STABed Surfs or something. [b]Alakazam[/b] Kind of risky without Reflect, but it looks good. [b]Starmie[/b] Good. Just one question: is Earthquake on Venusaur legal? I forget.[/size][/color]:toothy:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]Watcha mean, a flying Pokémon that doesn't battle?:huh: Hey, maybe Snore could replace Curse on Umbreon... Where do you get a Scope Lens, anyway? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]A "slave" pokemon. It wouldn't really be on your team, but rather just there to carry HM moves to get you around. It's a good idea, since most HM moves are useless. You need to mystery gift for Scope Lens. It's quite random, so you'll probably have to substitute it with another attachment for the time being.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]That's a nice team..... I rate it 8/10. :) Just replace Counter for Blissey, and train them a bit more. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]Train them a bit more? I thought it was understood that they were all at level 100? Oh well, whatever. [b]Miltank[/b] Keep Milk Drink! If you're not using Heal Bell, Snorlax is a better Curser unless you're tired of standards. [b]Exeggutor[/b] Nice. I take it you're not fond of the Kamikaze Eggy. Explosion over AP, IMO. [b]Machamp[/b] Sweet. Tough call between Counter and HP Bug. If you're using Curse, then I wouldn't bother with Counter as the opponent *should* be more hesitant to use physical attacks with your beefed up defense. If you use Curse, go with the HP. Otherwise, Counter may be a better choice. BTW, is this guy GSBot? If so, I think HP Ghost is better, for Missy's and Gengars. [b]Gengar[/b] Keep Destiny Bond. Starmie and Eggy have Psychic. [b]Umbreon[/b] I'll rate this guy. Psychic is too weak with the low SA and no STAB. Rest over Psychic. Curse would be perfect over Sand Attack. Then there's the standard Toxic trapping set. I also saw this great moveset @ TPM yesterday, with someone with Blissey on his team, just like you. (Leftovers) Purely utility, yeah, but think about it: you could Mean Look and then Charm the opponent to the max. You could then Baton Pass the Mean Look & "defense" to Blissey. Blissey could then sweep with one of the elemental attacks. Blissey already has excellent SD. Evil, don't you think? :naughty: [b]Blissey[/b] Fire Blast over Counter to go with the above strategy. [b]Overall:[/b] 3x fighting weakness, but that's pretty much covered by Exeggutor. Nice.[/size][/color] :ball:
[color=blue][size=1]Well, there are plenty of decent movesets for the Eevee evolutions, but here are a few: [b]Jolteon[/b] (Leftovers) * Swagger & Reflect over Charm & Attract can also be effective [b]Flareon[/b] (Leftovers) * Flamethrower for the STAB, and the rest off of its above average attack [b]Vaporeon[/b] (Leftovers) * Roar is good if you don't have a pseudohazer, otherwise I'd use Rest; Mint Berry may be better over LF [b]Espeon[/b] (Scope Lens) [b]Umbreon[/b] (Leftovers) * I don't recommend actual dark attacks--although they will get STAB on Umby, Umby doesn't have the SA to back it up[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1][b]Suicune[/b] Surf > Waterfall. They both have the same PP & accuracy, but Surf has better power. Cut is bad all around. Aurora Beam is too weak. (Leftovers/Mint Berry) [b]Arcanine[/b] Extreme Speed & Flamethrower are great! Keep them! If you want a Dark move, use Crunch over Bite for better power. You can breed a female Growlithe/Arcanine with a male Houndour/Houndoom that knows Crunch to get it. SSTrunks had a good moveset with Curse to power up ES (but ES goes first no matter how slow you are) and Rest with a Mint Berry attached. Safeguard with Miracle Berry attached is nice if you feel you need the status protection. [b]Feraligatr[/b] I sense redundancy here. Feraligatr and Suicune are both straight waters so that's doing nothing but giving you double the amount of weaknesses that water types have. Choose between Feraligatr and Suicune. If you keep Feraligatr, here's a good set: Roar you ask? Roar is good to make your opponent switch, and if your opponent has Double Teamed to the max or something, they'll be almost impossible to hit. As a rule of thumb, it's a good idea to have a Hazer or a Roarer/Whirlwinder on a team for this situation. [b]Pidgeot[/b] IMO: (Leftovers) Leftovers & Protect can let you catch up on health lost by Double-Edge. This set obviously has no offense against a rock or steel type, so if you face either one it'd be wise to switch. [b]Raticate[/b] (Mint Berry) [b]Overall:[/b] The pokemon choice isn't terribly bad, you just need more type coverage and better movesets. And where's the sixth?[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=blue]My advice: do some breeding now before your pokemon's levels get to high and might want to start all over. [b]Flaffy[/b] Breed for Thunderbolt and never delete it! Easy solution: Get a male Pikachu/Raichu from any version, and teach it Thunderbolt & Reflect from the R/B/Y TM's. Breed the male Pikachu/Raichu with your female Mareep/Flaffy/Ampharos and the baby will know Thunderbolt & Reflect! [b]Furret[/b] Not much you can do with it at this point in the game. Eventually, I'd probably have a moveset that looks like this --> (Mint Berry). [b]Drowzee[/b] I'd breed with Mr. Mime for Barrier or Light Screen. Either would do well on it. Make sure you teach it Psychic when you get the chance. [b]Quilava[/b] (no breeding necessary) (Leftovers) [b]Graveler[/b] Graveler --> Golem (Quick Claw/Leftovers) [b]Sudowoodo[/b] Sudowoodo is a straight rock, not a fighting type! (Leftovers). Graveler and Sudowoodo are kind of redundant, don't you think? I'd replace it with a water type like Lapras: Lapras (Leftovers). Lapras can learn Thunderbolt in R/B/Y via TM. Ice Beam will serve you well later in the game when you have to fight a lot of Dragon types.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Nerdsy speaks the truth. If you want to keep the HM's for the single player game, that's just fine. But for link battling, using those moves is just silly. The only HM moves worthy of link battling are Surf, Fly, and sometimes Whirlpool. [b]Electrode[/b] (Leftovers) [b]Sudowoodo[/b] (Leftovers) [b]Gyarados[/b] (Leftovers) Hyper Beam? Read sig. [b]Lugia[/b] (Leftovers) [b]Celebi[/b] (Leftovers) [b]Typhlosion[/b] (Miracle Berry) 3x weaknesses to rock & ground...might want to do something about that.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1][u]Somebody8~[/u] [b]Tyranitar[/b] Yeah, that's just fine. [b]Ho-oh[/b] Thunderbolt or Giga Drain over Psychic for water types. [b]Ampharos[/b] Breed for Thunderbolt and Reflect. I'd put those over Zap Cannon and Iron Tail. Fire Punch over Rain Dance, and Thunderwave over Thunder. [b]Mewtwo[/b] [b]Scizor[/b] (Miracle Berry) [b]Gyarados[/b] Unlike in the good ol' R/B/Y days, Gyarados' SA took a big hit. It really can't support any special move that it won't get STAB with (in its case, water). (Leftovers)[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]That's a difficult question to answer because they are all different types. Statistically speaking, I suppose you could add up their maximum stat values and find out that way. If you really want to know who's got the most stat points, let me know and I'll find out for you. It would take a while to dig up their stats and then add them together and all. As for my favorite trainer, I guess it'd have to be Erika. Yup. Lance is a sharker, Red still uses a Pikachu and Blue had a bad team all together. I have a thing for Grass types...don't ask me why![/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Thanks for the comment, Wolf Masteres.[/size][/color] ;)
[size=1][color=blue][u]wolf masteres~[/u] [b]Jolteon[/b] Pin Missile & Double Kick are physical attacks, so get those outta there. Jolteon's attack stat is less than spectacular. Thunder also needs Rain Dance to boost the accuracy to 100%. @ Leftovers OR @ Leftovers [b]Suicune[/b] @ Leftovers [b]Lugia[/b] @ Leftovers [b]Ho-oh[/b] @ Miracle Berry [b]Typhlosion[/b] @ Miracle Berry [b]Persian[/b] @ Mint Berry OR @ Mint Berry Either way, I'd use the Minty Rest (automatic wake-up) combo to increase its staying power.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=blue][b]Pikachu[/b] Evolve to Raichu for better stats across the board. [b]Primeape[/b] Rock Slide counters its flying weakness / may make the opponent flinch. [b]Pidgeot[/b] [b]Blastoise[/b] [b]Charizard[/b]
[color=blue][size=1]I know absolutely nothing on this quiz! I don't really follow that much about pokemon franchises. I play the Game Boy games and that's it. That should be a good quiz for an actual Pokemon fan, though. I'm guessing on number six that it's the "Nintendo's seal of Approval" thingy? I don't know, it's just a guess..[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=blue][u]Undying_Angel~[/u] [b]Pidgeot[/b] Whirlwind over Swift. True, Swift will always hit, but there are status boosters other than Double Team, remember (Acid Armor, Barrier, and Amnesia to name a few). Whirlwind forces your opponent to switch, and any of the status boosters listed above will no longer be in effect. No need for Fly & Wing Attack. Choose one and put Steel Wing or Double-Edge/Return over it. Try to get your hands on a Miracle Berry (Mystery Gift). [b]Espeon[/b] Focus Energy over Flash, and attach Scope Lens IMO. [b]Ho-oh[/b] Solar Beam over Gust, and Recover over Fire Blast. In case you didn't know, Solar Beam becomes a one turn move under Sunny Day. Sunny Day also powers up fire moves (Sacred Fire). Max Elixer won't do anything as a held item. [b]Meganium[/b] Lotsa things we can do here:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud Strife00 [/i] [B]where do u get ur info vaporjolt, and id like to see ur team, and sneasel can learn crunch if ur lucky when u breed it with a houndoom/dour. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=blue]I got my information from all over the place. Gamefaqs & Pokemasters in particular. Sneasel cannot get Crunch if you're lucky. Every pokemon has an exclusive list of breedable moves. Sneasel's breedable moves list is: [list=a] [*]Reflect [*]Foresight [*]Counter [*]Bite [*]Spite [/list] If you did breed Crunch onto your Sneasel, it's probably because your game has been affected by using cheating devices like Gameshark or something. Or perhaps that glitchy Rhydon as you put it has corrupted your game. Either way, Sneasel can't learn Crunch by any normal means and Crunch is therefore illegal on it. If you want to see one of my teams, then you can take a look at one I'm building on my Gold cart--> [b]Meganium[/b] ~ Leftovers [b]Octillery[/b] ~ Leftovers [b]Magmar[/b] ~ Leftovers [b]Hitmontop[/b] ~ Mint Berry [b]Alakazam[/b] ~ Miracle Berry [b]Golem[/b] ~ Leftovers[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1] [b]Jolteon[/b] Excellent. Use Leftovers to recover after Substitute. I'd go with the HP Ice for Grass types which would otherwise pwn an electric type. [b]Umbreon[/b] Screech is just fine, but Curse may be a better choice. If your opponent can't haze you after a few Curses, Umby becomes practically untouchable with Rest. This, of course, depends on who you're battling. Most "vets" usually carry the standard pseudo-hazing Skarmory on mIRC, as I've been told. What I guess I'm saying is: If you're battling newbies, use the Curse set. If you're fighting an experienced player, then it's probably wiser to use Screech. Sometimes you just don't have the luxury of what kind of player you're battling on-line. Meh... OR I'd attach Leftovers either way. [b]Ninetails[/b] Toxic may end up conflicting with Umbreon's and this guy's Body Slam (PRZ). Roar over Toxic. Iron Tail vs. Body Slam is tough. Although Iron Tail counters its rock weakness, it sucks in just about every other scenario. Keep Body Slam, IMO. [b]Machamp[/b] Great. [b]Exeggutor[/b] Great again. Ancient Power & Psychic counters every one of Grass's weaknesses. Is Sleep Powder okay with the four paralyzers on your team? [b]Miltank[/b] I'd say Heal Bell over Curse, if you're finding that you need the extra status protection. [b]Final Comments:[/b] No 3x weaknesses, good type coverage, and a little parafusion mixed in...very good.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE]...if ur going to play the game woth that team u should have a false swipeing PKMN too.[/QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]Oh yeah, I forgot to state that this guide was meant to enhance link battle performance, not the single player game. A False Swiping pokemon won't do you any good in a link battle. Sorry if I didn't make that clear. [b]Sneasel[/b] It can't learn Crunch. Even if it did, its max special attack is 168. [i]Raticate[/i] has better SA than that (198)! It has good speed and attack--better focus on that. ~ Mint Berry Shadow Ball, unlike many people believe, is a [i]physical[/i] attack, just like any other Ghost move. While I'm on this topic, many people also seem to think that Dragon moves are physical attacks, but they're not. Dragon moves are special attacks. It sucks, since every ghost in the game has poor attack stats, and Dragonite has better attack than special attack. Oh well... [b]Espeon[/b] Never double up on moves of the same type (Psybeam and Psychic) on the same pokemon. ~ Leftovers/Scope Lens [b]Gengar[/b] Better turn this one into a hazer, as you don't have one anywhere on this team. Breed for Haze. Hypnosis + Dream Eater combo needs Mean Look. Personally--> ~ Leftovers [b]Dragonite[/b] Dragonite can learn Haze through breeding, so put Haze here if you don't put Haze on Gengar. Wing Attack does more damage than Hyper Beam in two turns. Look: Wing Attack | 90 strength (60 x 1.5) | x 2 turns = 180 Hyper Beam | 150 strength (150 x 1) | x 2 turns = 150 Where did the 90 strength come from? Dragonite gets STAB with Wing Attack, a flying type move. Dragonite, as we all know, is half flying. STAB moves get a 50% damage bonus. Therefore: 60 base strength x 1.5 = 90 Hyper Beam, a normal type attack, will NOT get STAB on Dragonite. ~ Miracle Berry I merely suggested this set b/c you need some status protection. In this set, Steel Wing would give you something for Rock types, as well as help counter Dragonite's 4x Ice weakness. [b]Magmar[/b] ~ Leftovers. Barrier must be bred on. Cross Chop is another nice breedable move for Magmar if you have Crystal. [b]Rhydon[/b] Glitchy indeed, but this set is illegal. Even if it was legal, Rhydon's max SA is 188... [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=blue]This guide was intended to act as a reference for people who need help making teams. Because I care about this forum, I made this guide topic with the intent of *enlightening* all of us. K? Most of these tips are aimed particularly on Gold/Silver/Crystal, but some are still valid in R/B/Y. Please, feel free to add any questions/comments that you might have. [b]Part I - FAQ[/b] :ball: Q: Vaporjolt, what exactly do you mean by a "decent team" anyway? A: As I hope most of you will agree, a decent team is just that--a competent one. By this I mean that the team should: [list=a] [*]have a full team of six [*]have no 3x weaknesses against any one type (or at least have a way of countering that type if it does) [*]have a hazer or pseudohazer [*]have as much type coverage as possible [*]all six at level 100 [/list=a] Q: Umm...what's a hazer/pseudohazer? A: Look at the next section, Vocabulary. No, it is NOT a term that I made up (nor are the other ones that are listed there) Q: All at level 100? Is this really to be expected of me? You're telling me that if my team isn't at level 100, it's not "good"? A: Of course not everyone's team is going to be at level 100. We all know that training a team up to level 100 is not an overnight thing. It takes quite a bit of time. I'm just saying that if you truly want your team to be a contender, then you're going to want all six of them to be at level 100. Common sense, right? Q: What do you mean by "as much type coverage as possible"? A: I mean that it's in your favor to have moves from as many types as possible. For example, it's just pointless to have a team with five pokemon that have Surf in their movesets. The only exeption that I can think of is having a fun team consisting of water, perhaps. Q: Why do I need at least one hazer or pseudohazer? A: To negate status moves that could make the battle end up in your opponent's favor. I'm particularly talking about Double Teamers. If you opponent can successfully DT up to the max, then s/he will be virtually untouchable. Not a good thing. Q: I've been wondering: what are the best moves of any given element to use? A: Great question, and I do have answers. Note that some of these moves are opinionated (*), while the others can be proven mathematically to be superior to other moves of the same type. Water: Surf | 95 strength | 100% Acc. | 15 PP Fire: Flamethrower* | 95 strength | 100% Acc. | 15 PP Electric: Thunderbolt | 95 strength | 100% Acc. | 15 PP Grass: Giga Drain* | 60 strength | 100% Acc. | 5 PP Ice: Ice Beam | 95 strength | 100% Acc. | 10 PP Ground: Earthquake | 100 strength | 100% Acc. | 10 PP Rock: Rock Slide* | 75 strength | 90% Acc. | 10 PP Fighting: Cross Chop* | 100 strength | 80% Acc. | 5 PP Flying: Drill Peck* (Aeroblast, really, but only one Pokemon can learn it) | 80 strength | 100% Acc. | 20 PP Poison: Sludge Bomb | 90 strength | 100% Acc. | 10 PP Steel: HP Steel [70]* | 70 strength | 100% Acc. | 15 PP Dark: Crunch | 80 strength | 100% Acc. | 15 PP Dragon: Dragonbreath* | 60 strength | 100% Acc. | 20 PP Ghost: Shadow Ball | 80 strength | 100% Acc. | 15 PP Normal: Body Slam* | 80 strength | 100% Acc. | 15 PP Bug: HP Bug [70] (Mega Horn, really, but only one Pokemon can learn it) | 70 strength | 100% Acc. | 15 PP Q: What's are those "HP ???" moves that I see? A: "HP" stands for Hidden Power. The highest strength that a Hidden Power can reach is 70, hence the suggestion. Q: What is a "DV"? A: "DV" stands for Deter Value. I don't have the time to explain it here, but just know that it exists, and that every pokemon has DV's. FYI, DV's determine the Hidden Power that a pokemon will have, among others. Q: Hmph. Why should I listen to YOU, Vaporjolt? A: You don't have to. I'm just sharing my knowledge of the game with others. [b]Part II - Vocab[/b] :ball: Okay, there are some terms amongst the Pokeplayers out there that you may not be aware of. You should find just about all of them right here. [u]Hazer[/u]: any Pokemon that has the move Haze in its moveset [u]Pseudohazer[/u]: any Pokemon that has either Roar or Whirlwind in its moveset [u]Heal Beller[/u]: Pokemon that knows the move Heal Bell...catching on? [u]00ber[/u]: the "cheap" legendaries (Mew, Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-oh, Celebi) [u]parafusion[/u]: the infliction of paralyzation & confusion on your opponent; probably one of the best tactics all-around to use as your opponent has less than a 40% chance of hittin you [u]STAB[/u]: [b]S[/b]ame [b]T[/b]ype [b]A[/b]ility [b]B[/b]onus; a Pokemon will receive STAB if a move of its same type is used (example - Blastoise, a water type, would get STAB with Surf, a water move); the STAB bonus is damage x 1.5 I'll probably find/remember some others later, so this list isn't conclusive. [b]Part III - Attachments[/b] :ball: Most people do not realize that power up attachments (such as Charcoal or Magnet) only increase the strength of its type's moves by about 10%. They're not worthless, but 10% really isn't that much of a benefit. 9 times out of 10, you'll probably be better off with Leftovers or Miracle Berries. For those of you who don't know, Leftovers restores a small amount of HP every turn. Miracle Berry prevents all bad status (one use). Yeah, Miracle Berries are only good for the one turn that your opponent tries to confuse you or whatever, but it's useful if you want to safely set up Safeguard. Psncure berries, przcure berries, etc. only cure one type of status once, so ALL OTHER STATUS-HEALING BERRIES ARE THEREFORE USELESS! The exception is Pokemon Stadium 2, where the item clause is in effect. I hope everyone knows that an HP restoring Berry is virtually useless on a level 100 Pokemon. [b]Part IV - Making a Moveset[/b] :ball: The key to making a good moveset is knowing the Pokemon's statistics. Use moves that make sense, people! A physical move like Body Slam on Alakazam is stupid because its max attack is 198. Similarly, a Pokemon like Hitmonchan shouldn't have moves like Fire Punch, Ice Punch, etc. as its SA (Special Attack) is low. Let's take a look at some examples: BAD: Machamp This set is terrible because [list] [*]Machamp's SA is too low to effectively use special moves [*]Cross Chop beats Karate Chop anyday [/list] GOOD: Machamp This is more like it! All of the damaging moves are physical, which is just fine since Machamp ranks among some of the best in terms of the attack stat. Rock Slide even counters its flying weakness. Light Screen (can be bred on with Mr. Mime) helps protect it from Psychic attacks. Cross Chop, with STAB (100 x 1.5), has the same power that Hyper Beam would be on it, without the second turn loss. Read my sig for more on Hyper Beam. This moveset is standard, BTW.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B].. i guess i'd put it into the future some more.. i'd have a whole new cast.. and the old characters be membered only as ledgends.. [/B][/QUOTE] It's funny this topic was created, b/c I've been thinking about it lately. My eppies would be exactly like coolkam007 said.
[b]Elite Four:[/b] [u]Lapras/Feraligatr[/u] with Surf & Ice Beam (Punch) in their movesets. Attachment - Nevermeltice. [u]Typhlosion/Magmar[/u] with Flamethrower/Fire Blast in their movesets. Attach Charcoal. [u]Pidgeot/Alakazam[/u] with Wing Attack or Psychic, respectively, in their movesets. Attach whichever item boosts their attack. [u]Machoke/Machamp/Primeape[/u] with Cross Chop, for Karen's Darks. Attach Blackbelt. Meganium starters will probably have the toughest time, since only Will's Slowbro and Bruno's Onix are weak to grass. I suggest for the elite 4 and lance. Meganium can still put a number on the Dragonite with Thunder. Lance, being the idiot/cheater that he is, doesn't have the since to put Wing Attack on any of his Dragonite. Make sure you have all the Full Restores and Revives you can buy before you challenge the Elite 4. It really helps to have everyone on level 40. *I had to train for a bit in Victory Road* [b]Ash:[/b] Venusaur & Espeon --> [u]Houndoom[/u] w/ Flamethower and Crunch Blastoise & Charizard --> [u]Good electric type[/u] w/ Thunderbolt Snorlax & Pikachu --> [u]Machamp[/u] w/ Cross Chop and Earthquake It helps for everyone to be on at least level 60 before challenging him. Level 70 is recommended, though. I normally wouldn't use power up items *they really don't help as much as you might think*, but for in-game battling they're just fine. You can do it!:wigout:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B] but Slash has a 99.6% of scoring a critical hit, and Swords Dance doesn't power up critical hits. Anyway that makes Slash useless...^^ [/B][/QUOTE] 99.6%? In R/B/Y, probably, but the % in G/S/C isn't even close...it's below 50%.