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Everything posted by vaporjolt

  1. [i]Sudowoodo[/i] ~ Leftovers Sudowoodo has poor SA, thus any SA-based moves shouldn't be used on it *Faint Attack*. [i]Pidgeot[/i] ~ Leftovers/Mint Berry [i]Feraligatr[/i] ~ Leftovers Politoed? Golem? Noctowl? Why do you double up on pokemon of the same type? You already have a flying, rock, and water type. That just gives you double the same weaknesses.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gary Oak [/i] [B] why would u give scyther all thses stat moves and not at least one attack move, what good is he... except for taking up space...... [/B][/QUOTE] You use the stat boosters, then give them to someone else with Baton Pass. Baton Pass transfers stats to other pokemon.
  3. Lol Gary Oak, the concept of the Eevee team has been out for a long time now. Nobody copied off anything. Grelude didn't claim he invented the idea of an Eevee team, he just took his own stab at it. I considered an Eevee team awhile ago too. Lighten up.
  4. [i]Charizard[/i] > ~ Leftovers [i]Dragonite[/i] ~ Leftovers
  5. [i]Vaporeon[/i] Nothing really wrong here. Psuedo-hazing is more useful than hazing, IMO, so maybe Roar over Haze. Acid Armor over Reflect. [i]Jolteon[/i] Yeah, Bite or Swagger *for parafusion* over Double-Kick--Jolteon's attack really isn't that great. [i]Flareon[/i] Shadow Ball over Sunny Day. People often assume that Ghost moves are special-based attacks, but ironically enough, Ghost type attacks are based on the physical stat. Flareon has the highest physical stat of all the Eevee evolution, so Shadow Ball's pretty good on it. Return or Body Slam is good--just like yours. [i]Espeon[/i] Perfect! ;) Attach Scope Lens to aid with Focus Energy. [i]Umbreon[/i] Umbreon is tricky, it doesn't have good attacking stats *in either category*, but it has some spectacular defense and special defense. This is why one must either go with some sort of trapping moveset, or a moveset that involves Swagger + Psych Up *raising your own attack and confusing the enemy*. ~ Leftovers ^--(trapper) ~ Leftovers/Mint Berry ^--(attacker) [i]Eevee[/i] Indeed, there are better pokes to choose from. If you ever reconsider, a Kangaskhan could go well here. It would be like the "mother" of your Eevee team.
  6. [i]Mewtwo[/i] Safeguard over Amnesia, and attach Miracle Berry--this way he won't be affected by paralyze, confusion, etc. [i]Blastoise[/i] Mirror Coat or Roar over Body Slam. Good otherwise. Item? [i]Charizard[/i]
  7. I wondered why Chrono Cross wasn't that good, too. I'm about 4 hours into it and wondering when it's going to get "good". It's kinda boring so far. Trigger is much better. Chronicles & Anthology are worth it if you like RPG's. ;)
  8. Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay here at the Otaku! :) [b]Snorlax[/b] ~ Looks good. Go with Curse. [b]Mewtwo[/b] ~ Hmmm...Safeguard over Amnesia and Miracle Berry over Leftovers to make him unstoppable *cues in trapping Umby* [b]Arcanine[/b] ~ Ok. Maybe Curse to go with Extreme Speed, but Minty Rest is just fine. [b]Jolteon[/b] ~ If you prefer power-up items, fine. Otherwise, Leftovers & Miracle Berries are always good choices. [b]Dragonite[/b] ~ Wing Attack over Outrage. Why? Dragon-type attacks are special based, and although Dragonite has decent SA, its attack is even better. Wing Attack still gets STAB and powerful. Miracle Berry over Bitter Berry if you decide to go with that. [b]Golduck[/b] ~ Looks good! Yes, another non-newbie recruit! Awesome!
  9. *laughs at all the n00bs who said Haze disrupts paralysis* Haze affects [b]stat-changers[/b] like Charm, for example (which lowers attack) [list][*]Charm[*]Scary Face[*]Leer[*]Double-Team[*]Growl[*]Screech[*]Agility[*]String Shot[/list] Haze only negates the moves listed above. It doesn't disrupt status anomalies like confusion, paralysis, etc. Dragonite >> Looks good. Houndoom >> Standard, fine. But honestly, I think you should alter this moveset so that you can put Surf on Politoed *Sunny Day would make water attacks less affective*. If you decide to do this, then Rest & Spite over Sunny Day & Solar Beam @ Mint berry. In case you don't know, Mint Berry will automatically wake up sleeping pokemon *making rest a cure-all the first use*. Politoed >> Could work. If you take my suggestion with 'doom, then @ Leftovers. Another one: @ Leftovers Tyranitar >> Standard, fine. Electabuzz @ Leftovers Espeon @ Scope Lens It's nice to see a non-n00b around here. :)
  10. [b]Typhlosion[/b] @ Leftovers [b]Lugia[/b] @ Miracle Berry [list=1] [*]Skarmory [*]Zapdos [*]Aerodactyl [*]Mewtwo w/ Ice Beam/Thunderbolt [/list=1] This Lugia beats [i]every[/i] and all pokemon except for those listed. Aeroblast & Earthquake cover everything that Psychic would have, and EQ covers electric and rock weaknesses. [b]Snorlax[/b] @ Mint Berry. Normally I'd suggest EQ over Rock Slide, but you've already got two EQ'rs... [b]Dragonite[/b] @ Leftovers [b]Ho-oh[/b] @ Miracle Berry [b]Mew[/b]
  11. [b]Feraligatr[/b] @ Leftovers [b]Pidgeot[/b] @ Leftovers [b]Furret[/b] @ Mint Berry Furret has a max SA of 188 at level 100 *not good*, so don't use SA-based moves like Thunderpunch on it. [b]Suicune[/b] @ Mint Berry [b]Sudowoodo[/b] @ Quick Claw/Leftovers Breed for Selfdestruct.
  12. [b]Aerodactyl[/b] @ Leftovers Wing Attack's pretty good since it'll get STAB. EQ is powerful and accurate and will counter Aerodactyl's electric weakness. Aerodactyl isn't weak to Grass *it's half flying* so don't bother with Flamethrower, or any other SA based move for that matter. [b]Raichu[/b] Swagger over Thunder *you've got Reflect to raise your defense*. [b]Feraligatr[/b] @ Leftovers. EQ covers electric weakness, and Ice Beam is more powerful than Ice Punch. Return does more damage in two turns than Hyper Beam*if it loves you*. [b]Charizard[/b] Yours looks good. Maybe attach Leftovers, so you can recover a little HP when you're up in the air with Fly. [b]Nidoking[/b] Good. Possibly Shadow Ball over Surf to counter Psychic weakness. [b]Tyranitar[/b] Fire Blast over Hyper Beam--it counters Grass weakness and gives you something for Steel types. Overall: You have 3x weakness to Ground, and 4x weakness to water. I suggest a good Grass type like Exeggutor or Meganium to help counter both of those weaknesses.;)
  13. I agree, I don't like them either. It was supposed to be a "nifty addition". Oh well.
  14. This isn't TPM--there aren't any pokemon pics. :p [b]Alakazam[/b] Good. [b]Tauros[/b] Horn Drill over T-bolt. [b]Charizard[/b] Reflect over Slash. That's how I took down your 'zard on PBS, remember?:smirk: [b]Jolteon[/b] Yay. Maybe Sub or Focus Energy over Sand-attack. [b]Poliwrath[/b] Swept me pretty well. [b]Victreebel[/b] Looks good. You beat me before, but what 'till next time! :wigout:
  15. Amnesia & Double Kick on Hypno is illegal...I don't use illegal sets. :angel:
  16. [b]Edit: Oh yeah, when I say, "First RMT on the new boards", I mean my first RMT. Not the first one ever. Just a little FYI, so don't flame me.[/b] :) New team I'm working on in my Gold version. They're still in training, so rate/give suggestions now before the movesets are set in stone. [color=red]Ninetales @ Miracle Berry[/color] -Flamethrower -Safeguard -Roar -Confuse Ray My precious Ninetales...my only pseudohazer and SG'r. Opener. [color=blue]Lanturn @ Leftovers[/color] -Surf -Thunderbolt -Thunderwave -Confuse Ray Lanturn's the best parafuser in the game, IMO. Surf covers its own Ground weakness and gets STAB. [color=orange]Hypno @ Mint Berry[/color] -Psychic -Light Screen -Rest -Counter The idea is to set up LS so the opponent has no choice but to use physical moves *Hypno has very high Special Defense as it is* Counter will send their own moves right back at them for 2x the damage. (Minty) Rest for instant HP & status recovery so I can repeat it at least once. Psychic gets STAB, and is the only SA-based move that Hypno can handle, IMO. [color=sienna]Golem @ Leftovers[/color] -Rock Slide -Earthquake -Explosion -Substitute The old R/B/Y standard. The truth is, Golem sucks in G/S for some reason, but I like him so much I can't shake him off. [color=green]Bellossom @ Leftovers[/color] -Solar Beam -Sunny Day -Stun Spore -Moonlight Sunny Day + Solar Beam combo = awesomeness. Sunny Day, then Stun Spore to see if they switch to a Fire type, in which case I'll just switch to Golem or Lanturn. Sunny Day also makes Moonlight *ironically* heal 100% health. [color=teal]??? @ ???[/color] Okay, I'm taking suggestions right now. My 6th slot is open and I'll consider pretty much anyone. I'll probably just end up putting Machamp here. Suggestions?
  17. I'm not sure I understand this poll. If the question is who's the hottest, then it's gotta be Beatrix *maybe Tifa*. If you're asking who my favorite is, then my vote goes to Dagger.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B]I don't think it's that good a team, and would lose easily in a fight... But the fact that there are so many lowest-form Pokemon, I don't really think your wife ever intends to win any matches... Also the fact that you have so many HM moves, the only good one outside of combo ones is Surf... [/B][/QUOTE] ^--*agrees 100% with Nerdsy* [b]Dragonite[/b] @ Bitter Berry [b]Ursaring[/b] @ Scope Lens *for good critical hits w/ FE* [b]Dewgong[/b] @ Miracle Berry/Leftovers [b]Charizard[/b]
  19. Wow, I've never seen the game, but I've heard of it. Is it good? How big is the dance pad? I probably would have picked the game up if I'd seen it, but I have never seen Dance Dance Revolution in stores. Did they even [i]bring[/i] the game over from Japan, or do I have to get an import?
  20. 1. SSX Snowboarding 2. Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore 3. Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec *list is subject to change :)
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sia [/i] [B]yes,zap cannon. trust me,those work perfectly when you know what you are doing and know your opponent.with its power at 100and w/magnet its power is 225 [/B][/QUOTE] Zap Cannon is horrible. Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Surf, and Ice Beam are the best moves of there type, IMO. Fire Blast is ok if you can't get STAB--its accuracy is 85% *acceptable*. Zap Cannon should never be used on a pokemon that can legally learn Thunderbolt. Zap Cannon's base power of 225? I don't think so. Even with STAB, Zap Cannon's base power would be 150 ( 100 + (100 x 50%) = 150). Add in the added power of Magnet (+10%) and you get 165 (150 + (150 x 10%)). Where did 225 come from?
  22. [b]Starmie[/b] Yeah, go with the Death Star, IMO @ Miracle Berry [b]Entei[/b] Looks good. Attach Leftovers. [b]Dragonite[/b] Wing Attack over Substitute. Maybe Surf or Steel Wing over FB, for Rock types. Good otherwise. [b]Tyranitar[/b] Perfect. Leftovers or Miracle Berry. [b]Mewtwo[/b] @ Miracle Berry. [b]Zapdos[/b] Rest over Sub and attach Mint Berry for Minty Rest. Team looks good. Be wary from receiving bad advice from novice players *aka n00b/newbie*. :)
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