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About layzcarter

  • Birthday 08/30/1982

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  • Biography
    My name is Lynda. I draw. I listen to Johnny Cash. I'm boring.
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  1. I think the best advise is to just move on. You don't want to seem all pathetic. If you drone one about it and are all upset around others you'll regret it when you get older.You'll wish you were cooler about it. I've been dumped twice. Once when I was 14 and again at 15. Why? Because I wouldn't put out. They told me over the phone and I never really saw them again. I was a little upset about it but when they told me I laughed and said i felt the same way... even if i didn't :) And about wanting to break her new guys legs... why? She's the one that went and got someone new. It's not totally his fault. If my man took off with another girl I wouldn't blame her at all. It's his fault if he decides to be a jerk. Just forget about her.
  2. My first job was working at McDonalds fast food restaurant. I hated it. I worked there for two years, got employee of the month once and was promoted to crew trainer. When I started I made $8.00/hour. Over the two years I worked there I managed to work my way up to a whole 50 cents more! I worked hard most of the time but near the end I gave up. The customers were rude and the managers were worthless turds. I started getting really rude with customers and such. I never had to pay for my food though.. as i had become "friends" with one of the crappy managers and she let me get away with everything because she was a psycho freak who ended up stalking me.
  3. I mainly drew her without clothes on because I had never done a nude before and I wanted to try. It was hard drawing the private parts as it kinda just felt wrong... but i really wanted to try it. I also wanted to see if my b/f liked it... but he didn't :( I was trying to get some sort of reaction from him but as usual... nothing. So I'm going to take all the tips I've gotten and I'm going to attempt to improve on this piece... but i'm not adding any clothing. I like it the way it is :)
  4. Thanks. This is my first final fantasy pic. I just think Yuna is so pretty I just had to try to draw her. It started out as a doodle but I saw it might have some potential. The stars do take away from the image a bit... but I don't want to offend anyone. I was recently told that the head is too big...... but i'm not sure if the head is too big or just looks like it's placed oddly... Here is an example of the art I usually do...
  5. Comments and pointers are appreciated. The stars are covering her privates... as I don't know if I'm allowed to post full nude drawings.
  6. I only have one cat named Tommy right now. I used to have a rat named Shady.... but when I moved I couldn't take her with me. She was the cutest rat too. If I called her name she would come to me and climb up on me... :(
  7. I'm a Sailor Moon fan.. so basically any episodes that are meant to be emotional :)
  8. Thanks. I'll just straight up get rid of it. Don't feel like changing the size right now.
  9. Hey I'm new and I was just curious as to how long it takes for fanart to be approved?
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