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- Birthday 01/17/1991
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I love making fun of boys and popular people.
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[SIZE=4][FONT=Times New Roman]In the heart of Chicago there lived seven kids. Now these kids were not normal in any way, they were all vampires. they all lived in different styles of of life. Some could've been rich or poor or just in the middle but none of them new the others were out there. None of these kids had ever met each other face to face. But a man was trying to make their lives horrible by telling the entire world about them and making them outcasts. The seven kids all wanted to stop this man but they all figured they couldn?t because they were all just one person. Until one day when they all ended up meeting. They realized that there was more than one vampire out there that wanted this man dead. They all rallied together and are now going to fight this man. Okay so there will be seven kids I will be one of them and then someone could be the evil guy. Here are the things you will need Name- Age- Gender- Appearance- Bio-[/FONT][/SIZE]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name: Harimi Sohma Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: She looks exactly like Rin. Background: She still lives at the house but never really comes out of her room. She hates pretty much everyone except for two people...Yukin and Tetsume. She usually only talked to him until he moved away after that she never came out. Animal: Horse Can she fight: Yes from all the time she spent with the two boys.[/COLOR]
(The pig the horse the ram and the rooster are still open for people to sign up for)
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Katie sat there wondering where everyone could be so she got scared and started to walk around and tried to find the others. she was screaming but they couldn't hear her because they were talking to each other. "Hello are there any other people here besides me?"she asked No one answered she felt lost she didn't where she was and she felt like crying. All of a sudden Garret started to look around and wondering if they were missing someone.Then it happened they heard a scream coming from the front of them. It was coming from Katie.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name- Katie Rowen Age- 18 Gender- Female Appearrance- She is about 5'8" and weighs about 105lbs. She has blood red hair and bright blue eyes. She wears a necklace with a cross on it. She also wears a black tank that has a lace over shirt and she wears a pair of black tight pants. Personality- She loves to just sit in the darkness and she doesn't like to see much of the other people and she hates telling anyone about herself so don't trie but if she gets used to the person then she might open up alittle. Bio- When her brother left she was a year older than him so he was her little brother that like followed her everywhere she went and he was the best thing that had ever happened to her because their parents had died like four years before and when her brother got sucked into the game it was like her whole life had ended because she made a vow that she would keep him safe for as long as she could so she was crushed. So now she is trying to find him.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=2]Name- Dalton Heart Nickname- brainiac Age- 17 Gender- male Race- a mix between vampire and elf appearance- He is about 6'7" and he weighs about 120lbs and he has bleached white hair and bright red eyes and he has his lip on the right side pierced with a golden hoop in it and he has his left ear pierced all the way up his ear he wears all white clothes he has a white sweatshirt and a pair of bleached pants and he has a computor braclet on that goes around his whole arm. personality- He is the nicest guy you could ever meet but he is very annoying and he is not easy to be friends with. Power- he is a genius bio- He had a good life with his mother who did drugs and always smoked in front of him so he would get sick and he never did actually truly leave the hospital they had a spot reserved for him ever month so they would just get him fresh air. He had asthma so his mom really didn't care if she had to keep rushing to the hospital every month for his asthma. She sent him to chronic when he was 7 so he has been there for a while he is actually the smartest kid in school and everyone beats him up for it. One day he just got sick of it and beat the crap out of the kid who beat him up.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]shaman Name-Connor O'Marks Age-18 Gender-male Appearance-he is a very small boy but he has black hair that goes down to the top of his ears and bright blue eyes he wears a baggy long sleeve black shirt and a pair of long black pants with cains and belts on them. Personality-He is the type that dosn't care about anything so he dosn't really care if he wins this he just wants to see if he can. Abilities-he is very smart Country of origin-Ireland Weopon-a warrior braclet that has the power to destroy anything it hits just by swinging it and a long blade Spirit Guide Name-Arron Age-19 last Gender-female Appearance-She is very tall and she has long black hair that goes all the way down her back and glowing red eyes she wears a long red dress that goes past her feet she wears a long black pendent around her neck. Personality-she was also one who didn't and well that is why he is dead but now he is bound and determined to win the tournement Abilities-Also very smart Species-fire elemental[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]name-arria black age-19 gender-female race-elf weapon of choice-bow and arrows and swords appearence-http://www.maskworld.com/pix/costumes/small/2087-elfenprinzessin-elves-princess.jpg bio-She is the black elf she has been hiding in the forest for a very long time when se was 9 years old she ran from her home because everyone was making fun of her because if she got out of hand she would probably distroy the world so she ran off.10 years later she came back and now she is on her way to the elven castle.[/COLOR]
[SIZE=4][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=SeaGreen]"One day I wish that one god damn day the deamons would stop following me for one god damn day" Murphy said as he bandaged himself up after getting slashed by a deamon. "Well you know if you would not run out in the middle of the street and into a dark alleyway none of this would have happened." "Oh sure now you show up after about five hours of what was it that you said you had to do go get your hair cut your a real big god damn help." Willow was a good buddy of his that he was chasing across the street and dissappeared as soon as they got to the alyway where he ran into a deamon. He was so pissed off that his angle O'Riley ran off without even looking back at him to see if he was okay. "One thing that I don't like about youis the fact that you are a god damn absolout chicken shit and that is the truth." "I already said that I..." He was cut off as Murphy left the room and ran out onto the street and ran off into the croud. As murphy ran off he caught up with Willow and he was about ready to punch him in the face cuz he was so pissed at him too.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
Many years ago there were children born into a family. But there was nothing normal about these children for the had these strange powers. For within each of these children lied the mystical power of the angels. Far far away in another part of the world the race of the demons had begun for many more children born of the demon race had just arrived. But no one paid any attention to these small mystical beings they just ignored them anywhere they went. Further on after the races had spread further into the world one day out of nowhere an unholy war had broke between races and there was a small group of children all in different races came together and created a resistance against the war. Now here is what you will need to sign up for my RPG Name: Please be descriptive Nickname: Age: Gender: Appearance: Please be a little descriptive Personality: what is your character like Bio: at least a good paragraph Weapons: Race: Demon or angle Okay I have two rules don?t try to out do anyone and don?t kill off any characters unless you talk to me first. If these rules are broken than I will kill your character off myself. Here?s mine Name: Sierra lionheart Nickname: lion Age: 16 Gender: female Appearance: [url]http://www.theanimenetwork.com/showInfo.php?show_num=10&alpha_num=1[/url] Plus she wears a pendant that has a ruby red diamond on it. Personality: She is a weird girl who never takes anything seriously and always jokes with her friends. Plus she gets mad real fast, so don?t get in her way or you just might as well kill yourself. Bio: She lived in a house with her parents for her entire life or at least that is what she wanted to happen but instead when the war started her dad was shipped off to fight but he never came back. 5 years later her mom died of cancer she was only 6 years old when that happened she was sent to go live in an orphanage but on the way she broke out of the back and ran for it. She lived in the city for 7 years when she found most of her friends. Race: Demon Weapons: bow and arrows and a bow staff.
[COLOR=Purple]Name: Jak link Codename: sticky fingers Age: 20 Gender: female Side: black scorpions Nationality: Ireland appearance: [url]http://www.theanimenetwork.com/showInfo.php?show_num=14&alpha_num=1[/url] personality: she is a very bossy girl and she likes to joke around and you never know what she is about to do next. bio: She never went to a military camp but she did live in a concentration camp from when she was 5 to 15. She stowed away on a black scorpion ship and woke up in new York. She was a thief for the longest time and she learned how to build many different things like cars and she learned to build robots to do things for anyone thus she got the name sticky fingers. She loved to steel her food from the wealthy and she never put it through her mind one day that she was in the black scorpions layer. She was caught and just before they were about to throw her into the street she stopped them and said that she could help them steel things for many projects they had been working on. So they brought her in to build robots and steel things. Weapons: She has many knives stuffed in her belt and shoes and stuff like that plus she has two swords slung over her shoulders.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Century Gothic]Name: Murphy Oshe Age: 16 Gender: male Description: He has deep green eyes and black hair that always falls into his eyes. He wears a black T with a clover on it and a pair of navy blue jeans. Bio: He is a very messed up boy when he was 1 his parents left him on the doorstep of the man the had been friends with forever. He later became Murphy?s trainer when he was 4 years old. As the years past his master got worse. He started to hit him and beat him to the ground so hard one time that he actually had to go to the hospital. He then realized that if he wanted to he had the chance to run away. So when he was 10 he ran away to well the streets and started to live among them like it was no big deal. He never liked to say anything to anyone. So if someone would ask him a question he would just kind of ignore them. Angel?s name: O?Riley male Weapons: a bunch of knives everywhere and a giant sword slung over his right shoulder. Race: half demon,half human[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]OCC:I don't care if we keep it going and if he isn't coming back then we should kill him off. "Yeah you don't want to wet yourself."she said with a smile on her face. In her mind she knew that she was actually also as afraid as him. of course she wasn't about to admit it.all of a sudden out of no where aurturioses dragon started to sway. He tried to stop it but it started to do a nose dive at an alarming rate.everyone was screaming and all the dragons woke and started to go after the falling dragon.... It was too late for the dragon crashed to the ground along with atourious. "Nooooooo" everyone got off and ran to him.[/COLOR]