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Everything posted by ChibiHorsewoman

  1. [color=darkviolet]Maddox completely summed up the people I've met who were playing vampire outside of an RPG. very out there and very messed up. (Yeah, if Gothic means being into bandage okay :rolleyes: just don't make out with a 50 year old in my car-or your boyfriend for that matter :flaming: ) It's like they've gotten stuck in this wanna be goth phase and confuse being anything from pagan (case in point, the girl I mentioned in my first reply to this topic and it really pisses me off to be around people like that) to listening to Concrete Blondel with being a gothic vampire chick. Vampires are make believe like Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny. They don't walk around wearing a black bathing suit with natural waist jeans and taking people seriously when they say 'bite me'. People like that should just be examined and put in a padded cell where they can't cause anyone or themselves harm. I guess I'm luck y though I've had all these fun experiances and I can share them with you guys! And to those of you who think vampires are real or that you are a vampier, I have two words to say to you [size=3]Bite Me![/size][/color]
  2. [color=darkviolet]This is in direct violation of the Geneva Conventions. You aren't allowed to show pictures or torture POWs so I'd love to know why the United State's Miliutary and the Royal Marines thought they could get away with doing something like this? Why did they suddenly think they were better than the Iraqi soldiers who are doing El knows what to their POWs? Do they feel justyfied in some ungodly sense? By they I mean the coalition troops who have proved that we're not only hu7mans but soem of us are barbaric humans and I shudder to think of what ramifications this will have on the troops over there who have no idea what is going on or have nothing to do with these problems.[/color] [quote name='albain']I have been very greatful for what the US army has done UP UNTIL TODAY. You have probably just doomed a whole bunch of your comrades...nice job. (In case no one knows I was being extremely sarcastic with the "nice job").[/quote] [color=darkviolet]My husband is over in the Red Zone in Iraq with the 1st Cav Division out of Ft.Hood TX. I spoke with him around 2:00PM EST this after noon and he mentioned nothing of this incident, I forgot about it completely until this post came up. Most of the people who aren't involved in this incident know nothing about what is going on outside of their own camp but they will undoubtedly receive some sort of retribution sooner or later. I hope not, but that's just the way things go. As for the other person who thinks that the fact that abuse of any POW by either side of the battle is correct, you're wrong. Read the top of my reply as to why. I'm not saying that we should go after them with plastic forks when they come after us with AK-47s, which BTW they're allowed to own. I'm saying that violation of the Geneva Convention by either side is going to go to military court (or something of the sort) Well, that should be all for now, let's see what else I can say later[/color]
  3. [color=darkviolet]Yeah, the name calling thing was a bit off for me, but it was late. Sorry. Okay back to my case. Gun ownership should not be considered a right it should be considered a privledge for a person to own a gun. Yes, it was mentioned in the constitution after the freedom of speech, but just as rights of speech are limited so are rights of gun ownership. Besides we should look at when the constitution was written 1789-most people needed guns to get food. Back then it was considered a right actually, more of a necessity. Now most of the populace lives in large cities or in the vicinity of a large city so they have access to a mode of transportation and a grocery store. Aside from going hunting for sport or because Wegmans doesn't carry rabbit, modern society isn't in [i]need[/i] of guns except in law enforcement. Handguns really don't serve much of a purpose except to shoot at someone. Honestly, would you take a handgun with you during deer season? I think the deer would most likely die from laughing its head off at your gun. I don't quite understand how just having a gun is a deterant, all you do is apply for the gun, buy the gun andkeep the gun in your dresser. You don't go around waving this gun and being all, 'I have a gun don't mess with me' If you did, you'd get arrested and put in jail for public endangerment. I stand by what I've said before, Guns aren't a right, they're a privledge. Well, There goes some more of my opinion take it as you will.[/color]
  4. [color=darkviolet]The first one i can't be blamed for because it's not my quote! [b]Easter is the Christian celebration where they celebrate Jesus getting out of the tomb, and if he doesn't see his shadow spring comes early. But if He sees His shadow there's six more weeks of winter[/b]-Lincoln This is better than this quote he wants me to put on a t-shirt for him about kittens [b]A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle[/b]-Betty Freidman This could also be said that a man doesn't need a woman, or a woman doesn't need a woman or all other things. But basically I take it to mean that you don't need to be in a relationship to be happy as long as you're happy you can tell the rest of your family to butt out. [b]Ew, get it off of me! Stop! Hey, that's disgusting! Mo-om! Hey, what was that anyway?[/b]-my brother Okay so it wasn't an actual quote quote. I was chasing my brother with a clean panty liner and he was freaking out. It's fun to torture family members [b]If you give a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you put a fish in your pants, you feel squishy[/b]- Not to mention the fact that people will look at you in a strange way and avoid you at all costs. And then if you don't take the fish out of your pants it will begin to stink. So putting fish in your pants is NOT a good idea [b]If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day.[/b] And then if he sits in a boat and drinks beer all day the Coast Guard will arrest him for public drunkeness and DWI or DUI. It's much better to just give the guy the fish then take him to the seafood department where he can get more fish. [b]You can still have your opinions even if they're wrong[/b]-me Just showing how I think I'm right all the time [b]Do or do not, there is no try.[/b]-Yoda You can't just be all 'oh, I'll try to do this' you have to be willing to go through with your actions 100% or they all come to nothing at the end. That's a few more from me to you.[/color]
  5. [quote name='slasher']What have I started?[/quote] [color=darkviolet]Forget what you started, look what I started! *dies* Too many people who have guns have no idea on how the hell to use them. Too many people are also way too irresponsible with their guns. What do I mean by irresponsible?: They don't lock up their guns or atleast purchase a trigger lock for their guns They make amunition way too easily accessable to minors who may use it in a reckless manner. They don't take proper gun safety courses. These people shouldn't even be allowed around a paintball gun, let alone a .22 rifle or a handgun. However, if they pass a background check and can afford the liscence they can get themselves a gun. People are trying to argue that gun ownership is a right given by the 2nd Ammendment in the constitution of the United States. Uh, no, it's a priveledge which is repeatedly abused by people who have no business owning such a weapon. I really loved this arguement in the post about banning motorized vehicles as well as guns because people die in motor vehicle accidents as well. Does a gun help you get around to work or to the grocery store? Does the gun come with a place to put your CDs? Do you put gas in a gun? No. Guns are somewhat necessary to society because if we completely banned guns the only ones availble would be illegal weapons which law abiding citizens don't have access to and we'd have another prohibition case going on. Gun control os necessary for both the safety of adults and minors. Consider this: if you are an adult with an unlocked gun and easily accessable amunition and a child in your house gets into that amunition and loads your gun and then accidentally shoots and kills his friend who was visting your house you can be charged with child abuse by criminal negligence. This country needs to get out of the mind set that we aren't responsible for our actions even if our actions are not in direct connection with the action. after all you're responsible for your property right? Consider this then: If you leave your car unlocked in your driveway and someone comes and yanks your stereo from the car in the middle of the night, aren't you responsible for that action by the simple fact that you left your dorrs unlocked and didn't take the faceplate off your stereo? As for the whiney liberals, consider this, it's the whiney liberals who end up having to think up the laws to protect people since the hard headed conservatives are probably to concerned with getting money from the NRA. But enough about my last familiy reunion[/color]
  6. [color=darkviolet] My least favorite anime character over all is definately ChibiUsa/Small Lady/ SailorCHibiMoon/Rini/ ect ect. Even when she was being helpful or kind to the other senshi I couldn't help but dislike the little 2 demensional being. I have my reasons: 1.) She's a manipulative brat [spoiler]She brainwashed the Tsukinos so she could stay in their house[/spoiler] And as if that weren't enough she continuously invades Usagi's privacy and trashes her room. They don't show it in the NA dub, but in the Japanese version she even [spoiler]wets Usagi's bed then cries when Usagi gets mad at her[/spoiler] In this same episode she [spoiler]puts some sleeping potion in the girl's tea and tried to snoop around[/spoiler] 2.) She has no respect or appreciation for what other people do for her. Okay, once in the R movie she remarks that SailorMoon is everyone's mother and will protect them. and in the Ss movie she tells Lady Vadianu that SailorMoon 'Will never let that happen' when she says she'll steal children's dreams or something (I haven't seen the movie in a while) But other than that she's an ungrateful child who over uses the fact time and time again that she's a lonely girl tossed into the future without her mom. Who cares? ChibiUsa/Rini is nasty to Usagi/Serena even after she finds out that Usagi/Serena is her mom. 3.) She has no respect for other people's property and will even steal from people. Case in point Usagi/Serena's brooch in SailorMoonR. She stole that and the inner senshi were captures and put in danger. And Usagi's bedroom. 4.) She has a rather unhealthy infatuation with her father. Example: S movie when she rolls over with Usagi and mutter's Mamo-chan. 5.) In the manga [spoiler]ChibiUsa was responsible for the death of SailorPluto[/spoiler] so she's a murderer as well. Sure, [spoiler]Pluto came back to life[/spoiler] as all senshi do, but did ChibiUsa ever do time in jail? No! Those are my five main reasons for not liking ChibiUsa/Small Lady/ ect ect. My least favorite anime charater ever.[/color]
  7. [color=darkviolet]This thread is beginning to remind me of a babysitting job I had once.For two whole hours it was nothing but a four year old and a five year old complaining about who was right. I almost went and donated my ovaries after those two hours. I happen to like both American and Japanese cartoons. Sometimes I think the American ones are better because you don't have to wonder about local jokes and such. (episode 9 of SailorMoon comes to mind). Also, most american cartoons aren't part of a large scale story so if you miss a few days of an american cartoon you don't need to wonder. Most anime is like a soap opera. You miss too many episodes and you're out of the loop. So there's my $0.02 (worth less in Canada) Please stop the insanity![/color]
  8. [color=darkviolet]Ke ke ke. You can always say: What happens in Maryland stays in Maryland. Just remember, she can say the same for Virginia. You said you're fifteen, well, you're still young then. (I'm 22 so I can say that) And have pleanty of time to decide on what you want to do in the long run. Yes, she makes you feel special and everything, but you guys aren't that old yet and there's plenty of time to look for someoen else if you don't feel this is working out. (gods, I sound old, don't I?) If you were around my age I'd say move and see if it will really work, but obviously you can't do that. Give yourself a bit of time to sort everything out, but if you really don't think it's working then break it off gently. It will be the best thing for both of you. As for being three hours away or only seeing eachother about 2 or 3 weekends a month, I don't think that's bad. When my husband was in Korea I didn't see him for a year. Now that he's in Iraq I won't see him until September (so he can see the baby) and only for two weeks. I won't see him again until March. Which also means he won't see his kid again until March and by that time he/she will be 9 months old. I wish I could see him 2 or three weekends a month. Hell, two or three days a month would be great.[/color]
  9. [color=darkviolet]Hey look, another post by Chibi Horsewoman. *gasp* I'm watching Primetime Investigates on Academic Cheating so that's how I came up with this topic. (Yes, I'm not creative) So now I have three questions: 1.) Have you ever cheated in anyway on a test or paper? 2.)Do you think that a person would cheat if he or she thought they could get a away with it? 3.)What do you think is more important in the long run: your GPA or your integrity? As for me it's confession time: 1.)Back in fifth grade I stuck an answer sheet under a folder and used that to find the answers to a final exam. I got a 95%, I probably would have gotten a 75% if I didn't do what I did. So yeah, it wasn't much of a difference, but I cared. My defense; I was ten. 2.)I'm going to go with human nature in an inclination to succeed at no matter what the cost-reguardless of their conscious. A person would cheat if they believed they could get away with it. That's why I cheated in fifth grade, because I knew I could get away with it. That's probably why I didn't do it later on. Strangely enough I don't believe this extends into relationships since a need to succeed doesn't really exist in a relationship. 3.)In the long run I think it's more important to keep your integrity than to get a high GPA that you didn't earn by yourself. Yes, when you're trying to get into a college and then get a good job State schools and private schools will look at your GPA and then your employer may do the same. But when you get into the real world you can't go and cheat off your co-workers to learn how to do your job. In the long run you'll find that if you didn't get somewhere by your own hard work you'll eventualy fall a long way down.[/color]
  10. [color=darkviolet]I've seen a few episodes of Ranma, but I honestly can't remember too much from them. Probably because my memory is going. I do remember one of the movies tho when the guy steals Akane (did I get that wrong?) Anyway, my favorite part in that is the beginning when Happosai steals someone's bra and then starts yelling 'a brassier! a brassier!' That is one of my favorite lines from the movie. I think it's funny when Ryouga [spoiler]turns into a pig. The first time Akane sees him she names him P-chan. It's funny too when Ranma tries to kill P-chan after he finds out that P-chan is Ryouga[/spoiler] Ranma 1/2 is a light hearted comedy that you can enjoy even with its complete lack of cement plot. I think I may end up buying a few DVDs this weekend to refreash my memory and cheer me up a bit. That and Princess9[/color]
  11. [color=darkviolet]Do you think the laws in your country considering guns are too leniant or too stringent? How much do you know about them in the first place? And oh, I don't know comments. I decided to post this topic after reading the posts in the Neighborhood topic. So many people just sound so trigger happy it's almost scary. :eek: I was raised around guns, my dad owns a few and would take me out on weekends when he went rabbit hunting and such. I learned how to shoot a rifle when I was twelve. My dad always keeps his guns locked in his guncase with trigger locks on them as well. The ammo is kept in a separate area and his keys are always on his keychain. My stand on gun control is that the United States needs to do more on gun control laws. It's still too easy to go out and purchase a gun. Heck, all you need to do in the state of New York is be able to afford the liscence for the gun, be over sixteen, and usually provide a background check. Of course, sometimes that's not always necessary and the city I'm from has had a big problem with illegal weapons. Well, there's my start on the topic, hopefully someone can do a better job than me on this for a start, but hey at least I tried right?[/color]
  12. [color=darkviolet]The state of New York has a law on the books that states if a person breaks into your house and they damage something you have a right to shoot them. Don't ask me why. Of course, in New Jersey if someone breaks into your house you have to give them a chance to run away before you go after them. My brother-in-law found that out the hard way when he caught this kid breaking into his place and caught him. The kid's mother threatened to press charges against him because Shawn had wrestled the kid to the ground after he found the kid in his house. But cloricus, I have to agree with you that the whole damn country needs better gun laws. I've been around guns all my life and have a respect for them, I can shoot fairly descent, but I don't think I could ever shoot someone. (one of many reasons why I'm not in the military) But we've got too many people running around who don't realize what they have in their possession is a deadly weapon. (ie they leave their gun cabinets unlocked) Point: Yes, you can shoot a person if you have reason to believe they may cause you bodily harm, but I think the law in most states is that you can only counter an attack on your person with a weapon of equal force.[/color]
  13. [color=darkviolet]I am really curious about how old you are, but heck, I'll still give advice. Long distance relationships are tricky and they can be really trying at times. Believe me I know. I'm married to an Army guy and I think we may have spent a total of One and three quarter years out of an almost four year relationship together. But if you're strong enough and you really think this is what you want there's no doubt you can make it work. However, some relationships just aren't meant to last and if it starts to take a toll on you or this girl you're with the best thing to do is just break it off. I'm not being harsh, I'm being truthfull. Especially if you're young. I hope this helped, if not well, you can always Pm me or listen to more advice which might be better than mine. Sincerly , CHW[/color]
  14. [color=darkviolet]I think the safest way to have a vampire is in an RPG. That way they stay fresher longer. I also have to agree with Godel about the witches. Yes, I know that they're all stereotypes, but Bette Midler was really funny in Hocus Pocus :laugh: Could they be the new vampire? Or what about demons. People have been bringing up demons into a new light recently. *cough* InuYasha *cough* With demons you can go anywhere from Shippo to Princess Mononoke (sorry, can't remember the angry demon) Yes, slowly Witches and Demons are slowly becomming the [i]'new'[/i] vampire. Okay, question, is the Count from Seseme street a vampire? Yes or no?[/color]
  15. [quote name='slasher']Oh, yes, I am holding a 22 because they stole a whole rack of guns from their house.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]Slasher, the new improved Shinigami (god of death) :devil: Sorry, I had to do that! Well, I haven't had my house broken into *knock on particle board*, but my grandparents had their old one broken into a few years ago before they moved. The people broke the basement window and then slipped in through there nad up the steps to the kitchen and stole some money, a vcr a small TV and some jewlery of my mama's. I've had my car broken into twice, once in Texas and once up in New York tho it's not as scary. the joke is one them tho becuase both times they stole a crappy radio. Hell, I was more pissed that they stole my SailorNeptune keychain the first time (they stole my bookbag because i didn't take it out of the car when my husband and I got back from the beach. I think the scariest thing that ever happened to me in my own apartment was the time my roommate in TX was drunk and went after me. I spent the night on my friend's couch. The scariest thing outside the place was when my husband and I were coming back from the pool at the complex and someone had gotten shot in one of the apartments we walked by. His body was in plain sight-ew. I'm from teh suburbs so that really freaked me out. Hey slasher, I hope they find those losers[/color]
  16. [quote name='HOTpage2004']Yeah, so I'm pretty popular now too, mainly cause I got arrested in school for doing something on the streets (nothing serious, mainly just involved a few fire crackers ) But every teenager thinks its cool to be arrested, and mine so happened in school, so, thats why. Nothing much, but cool. ^_^[/quote] [color=darkviolet]I must be seriously advancing in years if I didn't know teenagers thought it was [i]cool[/i] to get arrested and stuff. Gods, where has the time gone? When I was a teenager it was just cool to talk about getting drunk and high at your friend's party, now you actually have to have the pictures and the blood test to prove it. :eek: What are kids coming to these days? *pulls out wheelchair and putters around* Man it keeps escalating, may kids will have to wear flak jackets to school to look 'cool' I was just not popular in high school, unless you count the vote about the ugly shoes, so I'd rather spend my money on riding equipment than Prada. Vertex costs more than Prada anyway :P As for cool, well there was the time that the school had no heat and everyone was really cool. Especially the ones who forgot their jackets. I never cared for being popular or anything. I think that sometimes when you're popular people automatically want to be your friends because they want to be name droppers. Oh, yeah, and the whole rumor about being a lesbian kind of made me swear off popular people. It's so annoying when nuns offer to pray for you to stop being something you're not! :flaming: Oh, sorry for teh repetition, it's late and I should go to bed.[/color]
  17. [color=darkviolet]A bird fell down my parent's chimney once and into the fire place. My dad tried to get it out of our familyroom and into the backyard, but he forgot the dog was outsides and wanted to come in so when he opened up the back door the dog came in. The dog saw the bird and she tried to chase it and the bird flew around and finally got outside after covering familyroom with soot. Later that day, my dog ate a live mouse from a glue trap my dad had set up outside. She didn't even chew, just swallowed the mouse whole I'm sorry that this story isn't very long or intersting, but it's the only one I could think of at 0117 Good night![/color]
  18. [color=darkviolet]Well, I was kind of serious and on a jelly bean high when I put down the part about the anteater and the armadillo. Who knows it could happen. On a slightly more serious note, how about a cat vs a dog? You know, so we can see if they really do fight on a regular basis. Like I don't know...cats and dogs? They could use a medium sized dog and a house cat. Of course in my experiance the cat would win, she always does at my house.[/color]
  19. [color=darkviolet]I'm amazed that someone actually finally reviewed this poem. The author is my husband and he wrote this during AIT in Ft. Gordon GA back in 2001 prior to our engagement. I guess at that time he was confused or something. I don't know he doesn't liek to talk about stuff liek that. Maybe it's because he's a guy. But I'm glad you liked it.[/color]
  20. [QUOTE=callmegoddess04] I guess I'm the only person who likes country music...[/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]No, you just wish you were. Which you aren't. I love this song too, but I haven't heard it all that often. It's so fun to drive thru Down Town and sing country music at the top of your voice when everyone else want to blare cRap. It's also strange to be a witch who wears American Eagle now that I think of it. At least it was down in Texas, but I went to an open circle in New York and everyone was wearing what they found comfortable. Okay, now I'm babbling-Thank you so much CMG! This is CHW signing out![/color]
  21. [quote name='Transtic Nerve']I don't see why anyone should debate over whether or not movies, which usually are crappy, are considered horror.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]Transic Nerve is my new hero. Of course, I'd like to go one step further and say why should anyone argue about someone else's choices, I mean gods it's just an opinion! :sweat: I've noticed up here that movies are debated with a heck of a lot more vehemence than music. You can argue all you want about music and nobody leaves these yard long posts about why you should think differently, but you insult a movie, or chose a different movie and all anti-summerland (long story) breaks loose! I'm sticking to what I said tho: The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock is the best horror flick ever made![/color]
  22. [QUOTE=Joe] [COLOR=DarkRed]"... Like holding a wolf by its ears."[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]That was said by Thomas Jefferson about slavery, even though he owned slaves. [b]Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does [i]not[/i] mean to stand by the President.-Theodore Roosevelt[/b] I like this quote a lot, it means that I'm still partiotic even if I don't agree with theresident of the united states. Heck, it means that [i]anyone[/i] can be patriotic without having to agree with the president. Which is a very good thing at this time since so many Americans are losing faith in the president.[/color]
  23. [quote name='Farto the Magic][COLOR=DarkRed']If I wanted two animals to fight, I'd take it to the next level. I'd want to see a leprichaun vs. a squirrel. Having two completely malevolent being fight is cool. I'd also want to see a rhino vs. a jeep.[/COLOR][/quote] [color=darkviolet]That sounds like a very funny yet disturbing idea. Of course, I've never seen the show, but here's my input: I want to see a unicorn vs. a Wooly Mamoth. Or maybe and anteater fighting an armadillo. One way or another something interesting is bound to happen. right?[/color]
  24. [color=darkviolet]There are plenty of things that other people like that I absolutely can't stand to be around in and then vise versa. Like MamoruAlph said: People hate what they don't understand. Well, some people also hate what they do understand. Sure that may not apply to your lunchroom catcaller (oh those school days :laugh: ) but it does apply to some people. The question you shoul dbe asking yourself is: Do you like anime, do your friends atleast understand your interest in anime and manga? If the answer to those two questions is yes, well, then you shouldn't give a flying squirell about what someoen else is saying. Thank you for listening.[/color]
  25. [color=darkviolet]Yeah, this is a dumb topic I guess, but I need a dumb topic. Between the ups and downs of pregnant lady hormones, the stupid news talking about stupid Iraq, and my husband being in the stupid country known as Iraq I've had more bad days than good ones. Come on, how many people here actually cry during their local news-or throw the TV remote at the anchor person during the stories on IRaq? So far in order to make myself feel better I've taken to watching the Court shows (ie Judge Judy, Judge Mathis ect) and Jerry Springer. Because atleast I know for a fact my brother isn't sleeping with my husband. I also read and try to hang out with my friends when I can. There's also work, but that just gives me something to do with some extra money thrown in. My question is what do you do to cheer yourself or others up? Heck, if someone wants to admit to watching people's court as an upper I promise not to laugh.[/color]
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