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Everything posted by ChibiHorsewoman

  1. [color=darkviolet] redo-edit on the Horsewoman! 11:00/10:00 CT- Futurama 11:30/10:30 CT- Family Guy 12:00/11:00 CT-Aqua Teen Hunger Force 12:30/11:30 CT-InuYasha 1:00/12:00 CT-Outlaw Star 1:30/12:30 CT-Trigun Then everything gets played again from 2:00/1:00 to 4:00/3:00 CT I feel so cool what I can find out with a digital cable remote and some boredum.[/color]
  2. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1][color=darkred] I mean, who ever heard of an ugly vampire? [/size][/color][/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]You've gotta love the ugly vampire role. It's a break from the norm They have ugly vampires like that in Vampier the Masquerade. I guess that's the race of vampire they're called. My husband the G.M turned that one guy into one or made him look like he was beat to death by an ugly stick when we played last. Oh, and the girl I was talking about who thought she was a vampire well...she wasn't all that hot either. Of course she was probably human, but if you put her in the nut house she'd play vampire with the best of them :laugh: Yeah, I think this had something to do with the post.[/color]
  3. [color=darkviolet]This is actually the title of a book containing ghost stories from Western New York the White Lady of Irondiquoit. It seems that years ago there was a woman who lived alone with her daughter near where Durand Eastman Park and Durand beach are now. One night her daughter was kidnapped, raped and murdered. I guess they threw her body in Durand Pond. Anyway, when her mother found out she went crazy trying to find the men who did that to her daughter. Eventually she went mad with greif and drowned herself in Irondiquoit Bay. To this day there are rumors of a lady in white wandering the beach and the woods across from it with two red eyed dogs still searching for the men who raped and murdered her daughter. She doesn't harm women or for that matter men if they're with women, but if a man is caught by her after dark she'll do him harm. To add to the story across from the beach up on a hill is a cobblestone wall which is called White Lady's Castle. A few years ago some friends and I were hanging around there after dark-we had played in the park and stuff like some normal teenagers and 20 somethings. It was about 11 o'clock at night and a few of them wanted to try and go up the steps to the 'castle' to see if they could see the WHite Lady. I was going to follow them but I felt like someone was pushing me down the steps. My mother-in-law once said something about a Red Lady, but I don't know how that goes and haven't heard about it from anywhere else. Besides, my mother-in-law also has immaginary boyfriends. There are a few other ghost stories from Western New York State in this book, but like everything else, it's in Texas. Maybe next year we can revive this topic and I'll tell another one[/color]
  4. [color=darkviolet]What constitutes a horror film for me is something that makes me jump, scatter my popcorn, and leave nail marks in my husband's arm. Okay, so I can't really say that for The chocolate Factory since I saw that in 3rd grade after the teacher had us read the book, but some things are suspensful to some and aren't to others. Two more I would like to add to my list are: [b]PhoneBooth[/b]-Yes, it may not be a suspense/horror/ ect ect film to some people. Infact it's rather odd in some ways since the guy is in [spoiler]a phonebooth for the whole movie while a sniper sits on a rooftop and threatens him and all by-standers[/spoiler] But in some ways it's suspensful since the whole movie revolves around some guy who just happened to pick up a payphone at the wrong time and a gun man. Who's to say it could never happen? [b]Final Destination[/b]-An ex of mine who was rather cheap actually agreed to take me out and pay for a movie so I accepted how was I to know? He didn't give me a choice, just took advantage of the fact I get scared easily. But enough of adventures in dating hell.... This movie was pretty decent from the get go. [spoiler]Main character gets on a plane, falls asleep and has this straneg dream that the plane explodes. This wakes him up, freaks him out and he tries to get off the plane. His friend is freaked, follows him along with a few other people. Everyone makes a scene, Airport security comes, and questions teh guy. Plane takes off and explodes.[/spoiler] Here's the plot: Since they cheated death, death decides to get back at them. [spoiler]one by one the people who got off the plane start to die in nasty ways. I think the worst was the episode with the hanger[/spoiler] All in all, very good horror and suspense.[/color]
  5. [quote name='DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Well, by all accounts, the sky is still up, but it seems that a cesspool in the middle east got a whole lot colder. ^__^[/color][/font'][/size][/quote] [color=darkviolet]Well, maybe now the military can make cold weather DCUs. =D And the way I heard it, Hell was formed when someone mistranslated a Hebrew word in the old testement[/color] [QUOTE=callmegoddess04] You know... your right, Baron. Why exactly DO we care whats on the money? Its not like thats forcing us to be Christian.[/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]Well, maybe some people take the phrase 'money talks' a bit too seriously. All I care about is the dead guy and the denomination. And sometimes the strange sentances people leave on their bills... I never knew [i]that[/i] about Cindy![/color] [quote name='callmegoddess04]Gods! How harsh! Though I have to laugh... cna someone close this thread? ANd hwy don't we all be good little children(ha.) and stop arguaing? ::fake sweet smile:: I bet I can be meaner than you if I try. ::blinks:: Whoa! Where did [i]that[/i'] cpme from?![/quote] [color=darkviolet]Well, my husband thought it was funny too. And we can be good children as long as we have to be, but then someone gets an itch to argue and.... But this thing should die off soon. You can only say so much about Saying allgiance to a peice fo fabric and a 4 letter sentence on your money. Chibi is now rambling and must go to bed soon. Damn you Jay Leno![/color]
  6. [color=darkviolet]I don't really watch horror movies because most of them are so bloody and gory. Or just over the top stupid. But of the few that I've seen: [b]Silence of the Lambs[/b]-Anthony Hopkins was positively creepy and he had the best lines: I'd like his liver, with a glass of Chianti is chillingly funny in an oddly disturbing way. and the way he said 'Hello Clarice' I couldn't sleep for a few nights after watching it once. It's very psychologically terrifying. [b]The Birds[/b]- Alfred Hitchcock has done something nobody else has managed to do to me or my mom...make us deathly afraid of flocks of birds. This movie was delightfully terrifying. Imagine if you will, flocks of birds, wreaking havock on a small town. Then imagine them trapping you in a phonebooth and then pecking your eyes out. It still makes my skin tingle [b]Rear Window[/b]-Another Hitchcock movie. I haven't seen this in a while, but I mean to go out and rent it again. More on it later. [b]Charlie and The Chocolate Factory[/b]-My cousin would never let me live this down if she knew that the Oompa Loompa guys scared me. [spoiler]Then there was that one boy who was stuck in the chocolate tubes for a while[/spoiler] Yes, it wasn't really a horror movie, but sometimes I can even freak myself out.[/color]
  7. [color=darkviolet]I've been pondering this question since Wednesday when I was watching TV and saw a comercial for a local radio station. There were two female security guards standing at a metal detector when this guy (I guess he's supposed to be considered handsome/ good looking ect) shows up. One security guard looks at the other and give an eye signal. The man walks thru the metal detector and the one controling the metal detector makes it go off and tells the guy to take off his shoes. The man takes off his shoes walks thru again and the security guard has the metal detector go off again. She says Pants and shirt. The guy gives her a strange look she waves him on, so he does as he's told. When he's in his boxers the guards let him walk thru. Then another man walks up and the screen cuts to the radio station's logo. What I'm wondering is how well does sex really sell. Meaning, inuendo and situations. Or maybe just asthetically pleasing people in general. DOes it make you want to buy a product or listen to a certain radio station? I could really care less how the commercial is done. If it's stupid I won't want to use the product. Look at the one Kohler commercial (NA people I guess since that's where I'm at) where the man and the woman are racing for their house and stripping down to their underwear. I think that's a dumb commercial in general, but It's another example of sex in advertizing. Maybe I'm not putting this out right. Hell, maybe I don't even have it in the right section, but still, what do you think?[/color]
  8. [quote name='DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]ChibiHorsewoman: I'll answer your rhetoric quiote with one of my own: Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion.[/color][/size'][/font][/quote] [color=darkviolet]No, but it does mean that everyone should be able to worship freely without being hindered by people who would take away their rights. No matter what your beliefs you're still around religion since most people don't sit around in plastic bubbles all day[/color] [QUOTE=DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans msWhat I do'nt understand is why this must be an 'all or none' situation. Here's an idea, why not compromise on such an insignifican tissue? Non-Christians: Yoiu are not required to recite the pledge of alligence at all, so if you do'nt like 'Under God', then just don't say it. (Fact: Although a teacher cannot make you say the pledge, they can make you stand for it.) Christians: Stop shoving our beliefs down other people's throats. No one likes that. Can we stop the maddness now?[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]I can actually agree with you for once on this part *checks news for reports of the sky falling* Maybe it's because I've been saying this since I started posting in this topic. How can I put this? Sometimes the best way to make a point is to say nothing at all. Like DB said if you don't like the 'under God' part in the pledge just don't say it, don't make a federal case out of it (literaly and figuatively). Simple as that. As for those who would rather 'Preach than teach'. As my mom says, 'Jesus may have tried to spread the 'Good News' while He was alive, but He didn't go around saying 'Hey, you've got to listen to me.' and get into people's faces when they didn't want to hear him. Jesus knew when to lay off and He didn't invade people's personal lives.' Nobody liked it then and nobody likes it now. Well, I've said what I needed to say-next order of business[/color]
  9. [color=darkviolet]I sometimes feel like an embodiment of Kino Makoto from Sailor Moon. according to a character profile I read of her once we're the same height (5'4) We also both have green eyes and brown hair. Of course in the manga her hair can go anywhere from pink, to orange to green and mine is now natural color and streaked with blonde highlights. Also she's incredibly strong, a great cook and always looking for a guy who resembles the sempai who broke her heart. I on the other hand have moderate upper body strength, but dented my husband's car door with my foot. I can cook a few things but my skills are almost simular to Usagi's (veiw the SuperS movie) and I'm married. Other times I feel like a combination of Daria, Buyo (IY) and Kore Neko (Trigun)based on these facts: Daria-I can be bitingly sarcastic sometimes quite rude. I actually married a guy my best friend went out with (of course she's cool with it) I wear glasses and contacts and was always a bit of a social outcast at school who the popular kids knew of. Also I'm a writer (or I want to be). Oh, and with my maiden name our initials are the same, but reversed (D.M. M.D.) Buyo-These past 5 months I've been very tired. I can manage to get lost easily at times. And my friends try to feed me strange things Kore Neko-I pop up in strange places then leave imediately and sometimes nobody knows I'm around . Well there you have it, thankfully I don't feel that I embody ChibiUsa *shudder* :wigout: [/color]
  10. [color=darkviolet]Uh, well, I role played as a vampire a few times, but other than that I don't think much of them. I knew a girl who thought she was a vampire-or maybe she said she was a vampire. Anyway, she was also a clinging vine chick who wanted to sleep with me. So not only did I think she was a bit off the wall, I thought I wanted her to leave me be for a while becuase she didn't quite get the hint that even if I didn't midn she was [i]that[/i] way I didn't like her [i]that[/i] way and even if I did go that way she wasn't my type. I got rid of her at the end of the summer because Lincoln came back from Korea. She was too creepy by then, she even tried to take riding lessons because I did. So there's my take on vampires in a nutcase...I mean shell[/color]
  11. [quote name='HOTpage2004']I think it would do the country good if we told the other Athiests to shut up. This land was made under God and thats how it should be. With the debate on taking the ' One Nation Under God' out of our pledge than it would be the 'In God we Trust' out of the money and I dont even want think of what else. We beleive God is the one taking care of us, and if we turn our backs on him, what ifluence would that be on other countries, cause I know some countries look up to us as a leader. They admire us, and taking any kind out God out of anything of ours would just be wrong. So yeah, tell the other 14% to Shut the he** up![/quote] [color=darkviolet]I'm too damn tired to space everything out from your post, so I'll say this first then add the rest: My kids will be the ones beating up your kids on the playground. :D NOw that that's over I'd like to speak as one of the semi 14% since you seem to be under the influence that this country is made up soley of Christians. This land was not made 'under God' or for that matter Gods or Goddesses just so everything is PC. It was made for the people by the people and nothing about religion. Infact the founding fathers made sure of that by separating church and state from the country so nobody's religious freedoms or lack of religion could be invaded upon. With the topic of the pledge and the money with God on it, I don't have much of an opinion either way. During a military function my husband and I usually skip over that part in the pledge and stay silent out of respect for others beliefs when there is a prayer done before something. Mayhap you should take that into consideration and show respect for people who think differently than yourself. 'We' don't all believe that God is there taking care of us. Some feel that there is no God, or proof a God or gods/goddesses can not be proven. And if you follow a Dianic tradition of Wicca (correct me if I'm wrong on this because I'm ecclectic and new to this) you'd rather have a Goddess anyway (going by the story of Diana and Actean). Some believe that they take care of themselve day to day without teh help of a diety. Turning 'our' backs on Him/Her in that case would do nothing to a person who doesn't believe as you do. Also, I don't know where you get that many countries admire us becuase of our religion or whatever. Many middle eastern nations feel that we are infedels, France and Gremany don't care for us right now. Infact many citizens of America are angry that our president is such a bully and planned out the Iraq invasion two weeks prior (or past my memory is going) 9/11. If we're admired so much, why do so many Iraqis chant go home 'America!'? Maybe you should watch the news once in a while. Maybe you should try to place yourself in the shoes of the other 14% and think of how you'd like to be told to sit down and shut up because your beliefs weren't the majority of the population. When the Roman Empire wanted the Christians to shut up they didn't, so why should the ruling majority of this era suddenly decide to be a one religion state and make everyone else believe or die? Nobody wanted to back then and nobody should now. As CallMeGoddess put so beautifully in her post:[size=3] in El we trust[/size] And I'm bringing back a favorite quote of my own: [size=3]Freedom of religion means freedom of [u][b]ALL[/b][/u] religions.[/size][/color]
  12. [color=darkviolet][b]Good friends are like good bras. They offer comfort and support and are pretty damn hard to find[/b]-ME Anyone who has ever tried to find a good bra can agree with me on this one. Even more so if you've had quiet a few episodes with less than supportive friends. If you find either one, cherish it/her/him. Stupid off topic thingy that I had to mention since I have a sick mind...I'm number 69![/color] :D
  13. [color=darkviolet]First, Sublime's question-What is a sado-Masochist? A sado-masochist is a person who derives pleasure from either giving or receiving pain. Now the topic-I never participated in school sports while in high school so I didn't get a chance to experiance such a grand occasion as getting fecal matter dumped on my head. However, I can't see how anyone in their right mind could think that hazing would be productive towards the whole team's moral I figure it would be deemed counter productive since after a few repeat incidents the victims would become so terrified of what treatment they may recieve at the hands of their fellow teammates they would pretty much fail to function in a helpful manner. Why should a person have to prove him or herself to get a spot on a school team? They passed the try-outs and made the final cut so why should a few hard heads have to determine one more test? Have we really become such a barbaric society that school children deem themselves worthyto dole out punishment to new commers? If that's the case I fear for our children's futures.[/color]
  14. [quote name='cloricus']Your 'love' for your country is amusing. :P Hehehe.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]I thought so too. But hey, ya gotta love those army guys right? :rotflmao:[/color]
  15. [color=darkviolet]I've never actually watched or read any shonen/shojo ai stories. Well, maybe that's not entirely true, you'd be amazed what you can get talked into when you're drunk and tired. *cough* La Blue Girl *cough* Stupid pointless anime, but everybody has something going on. I've seen Revolutionary Girl Utena a few times and there's always been insinutated stuff about Utena and Anthey. The movie clinched it. So I guess that counts as semi-canon shojo Ai. Then there's thoseGundam Wing fanfic writers who pair Hiiro with Duo. Personally, I'd pair Hiiro With Trowa becuase I think they'd be least likely to kill eachother no matter what everyone else says. Oh and this picture from (I think ) #6 of the SailorMoon manga where Takeuchi Naoko drew a rather interesting picture with Minako and Usagi holding eachother and Minako was groping Usagi. Maybe she was hinting at something? Probably not, but we can always try, right? The only shonen-Ai I'd stay away from are those twisted slash writers who pair Sesshomaru with InuYasha. Call me closed minded, but I think [i][b]That's[/b][/i] disturibing. I guess you can say I have no problem with it even if I don't watch it on a regular basis. and I don't think it's just a 'chick' thing. Tell teh truth, how many guys have gotten excited about the thought of two girls kissing?[/color]
  16. [color=darkviolet]I have clothing from when I was in college. (I even have a t-shirt from when I was in 8th grade) As long as it isn't too ratty or out-dated I'll wear it until it falls apart. I can usually get a few years out of sweatshirts and t-shirts. When I buy the ones from AE I get them on sale for $8.75 or so. But I did buy this Happy Bunny t-shirt at Hot Topic for $24.00. But it said: [b]Make the stupid people shut up[/b] so I needed it. Jeans too. I have a few pairs that I love, I love them so much that I end up wearing the hems off and have to cut them with scissors. I probably pay between $14.00-$38.00 for a pair of jeans. I bought a long denim skirt at Old Navy for $7.00 which was pretty cool. However, I have to spend the excess money on breeches for horseback riding. A good pair of full seat breeches can run about $54.00+ and then I buy a few thermal pairs for the winter. Socks are my weakness tho, even more than shoes (25 pairs so far including dress boots and padock boots for riding) I have two pairs of thinsulate boot socks for winter riding that ran $15.00 a pair. Then I have ones with cherries, panguins and what have you. It's like that other person said, socks make the person. Looking up at how many shoes I own, I think Lincoln should start hoping for a boy.[/color]
  17. [color=darkviolet]If we're going to look at learning about sex [i]that[/i] way then I'll have to say: 25th May 2001. He knew what he was doing and Memorial Day Weekend God and Goddess bless the USA![/color]
  18. [color=darkviolet]I have to say it depends on the person I'm around. For example, if I'm aound my husband (on the rare occasions it happens) or one of my close friends or family I like to be close enough for comfort. If I bump knees with one of my friends I'm okay. We even squish into places if we have to. Infact, if I had an actual bubble, I'd let them bounce around inside. But some people just creep me out and I try to stay away from them. Infact, that's the case where I want people to stay out of my 'bubble' It's realy bad when you have this 5/6 month pregnant belly sticking out though and people are all can I touch your belly. And it's not nice to hit people, but still.... I have a few stories of invasion of personal space and one actually made my normally easy going (IE not possesive acting) husband (then boyfriend) want to knock the guy out. That's the one I'm going to tell: A few years ago after a movie, Lincoln, his battle buddy and I stopped at a Denny's by the Movie Theater. I had completely forgotten that this really freaky guy who has a crush on me (I worked with his sister at a grocery store and he'd always come up and touch me) worked there. We ordered our food and then the guy came out and put his arm around me and starting talking. As soon as he got near me I stiffened up and got real uneasy. After like a minute (who knows) Lincoln pulled me over near him and wanted to know if I wanted him to kick the guy's ***. I really didn't know what to say to that because I'd never seen Lincoln act like that before or since, but atleast that guy never bothered me again. In daycamp once some kid came up and kissed me on my brithday, but I don't remember teh whole thing-except I punched him. :laugh: [/color]
  19. [color=darkviolet]I have to say no because of the fact people just don't like to share all the time.Also, not one government would work for 6. something billion people at one time. If you took away boarders you'd get people taking over their neightbor's property in no time. Then there would be more fighting not less. But since there would be no way to determine whether one person or the other is correct we couldn't stop and the violence would undoubtably escalate. Maybe I got the question wrong. It could happen since I can't even remember how to balance my checkbook right now, but still I gave it my best shot.[/color]
  20. [QUOTE=Panda]The very last concert I went to was a TMBG concert in Seattle, Washington. It was so much fun since it was in a smaller venue. I did get to scream "I love you John!" and John Linnell said "I love you too." Mind you my husband was there with me, and lucky for me his name is also John. LOL [/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]I can't get away with that, my husband's name is Lincoln :confused: and altho my brother's name is John, he'd freak out. :laugh: Anyways... I first heard of TMBG on Tiny Toons when they did those strange cartoons. Later I met my friend Amanda who is like a TMBG freak. So I learned more about it, including some of the stories behind the songs. One of my favorite songs is Whistling in the Dark. " A woman came up to me and said I'd like to poison your mind with wrong ideas that appeal to you tho I am not unkind..." "A man came up to me and said I'd like to change your mind, By hitting it with a rock he said, tho I am not unkind..." You're not the Boss of me is definately one that gets stuck in your head, I sing it in the shower. And for some off the beaten path reason, Sapphire bullets of Pure Love (I think that's the right title) has a part in it with a prothstetic forehead. And that reminds me of Taiki Kou from Sailor Moon Stars, but I'm just a freak, so don't mind me. I'm so glad someone put this thread up [EDIT:] Okay, story. Well, it's not a very good one, but my friends and I once drove from Rochester to Syracuse playing nothing but TMBG and singing at the tops of our lungs. Peopleon the thruway stared at us and when we got to the BAldwinsville exit the tollbooth lady wanted to know what we were on. Amanda told her Pixie Stix[/color]
  21. [color=darkviolet]I watch news, (CNN and local) and I have a bad adiction to talk shows (Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! :rotflmao: ) But other than that I really don't pay much attention when I watch TV since I'm only using it for background noise. I think reality shows have over lived their fifteen minutes of fame in my humble opinion. Do we [i]really[/i] need another show about picking someone based on looks to get married to (if that was the case I'd be collecting kitties) or even worse, a show where the object of getting money is to lie about some guy you're supossedly going to marry? Give me a break Most of the stuff I pay the slightest bit of attention to is the Tonight Show with Jay Leno Fraiser (which is in it's last season) and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. The last one is actually something of a reality show I guess, but nobody's stabbing someone in the back (my parents like to talk about that one season of survivor where this guy lied about his granma being sick/dead) THat and Home makeover I can deal with, but please, not another show about some woman who wants to fix her crow's feet. *dies* :flaming: [/color]
  22. [QUOTE=Heaven's Cloud][color=indigo]At one point in time you said that you would be my "nemesis". I never replied, mainly because even though our belief structure is different we both seem to have this common stance of understanding and respecting other people's opinions. .[/color][/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]I don't know if I'm going to get in trouble for spam or not, but I think we really need more people like HEaven's Cloud and Dan L. O.k., that sounds strange, but look at it this way, if more people with differing opinions could learn to understand eachother we'd have one hell of a more peaceful existance. I don't care too much about the whole 'One Nation under God' part in the pledge because it's been in there for so long (well, over 50 years I guess, so to me that's a while). As long as nobody is forcing their beliefs on me, I'm cool with that person especiallyif they don't mind me not saying the under God part in the Pledge of alligiance since it's not part of my belief. Okay, now I think I've made some sense. I'm off to watch the news and Jay Leno.[/color]
  23. [QUOTE=Sara][b]His men would follow him, but only out of morbid curiosity.[/b] I'm certain I've heard that before. Heh. ^_^ [/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]If you've ever gotten a email with kinder gentler ways to say someone is stupid, you probably have heard it before[/color] [QUOTE=Sara][size=1] [b]Never, never invoke anything you can't banish![/b] Good advice. ^_~ [/size][/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]I have to agree whole heartedly on that one. [/color]
  24. [QUOTE=zantoff]It is said that 86% of Americans believe in God. Therefore I have a very hard time understanding why there is such a mess about having "In God We Trust" on our money and having God in the Pledge of Allegiance. Why don't we just tell the 14% to Sit Down and SHUT UP!!! What do you think? :wigout: :flaming:[/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]Well, as a soon to be parent I think that telling someone to Sit down and Shut up is considered rather rude and inconsiderate of others feelings. If you were in the minority's position I doubt you'd feel the same way. The reason there's such a big to do is because even the 86% that believe in God can't decide on what the right way is to Worship Him/Her (Yes, I said her, and I'll get to that too) Heck, even the people who worship in the same church in the same denomination can't decide which way of worship is correct. :wigout: I think that people should stop being so shallow brained about others beliefs. There are other religions besides those based on a single diety. Some people even believe that God is a woman. :D I have to wonder about the whole poll or whatever that determined that 86% of Americans believe in God. Did they specify that they believe in a Christian God or was it on a broader spectrum of believing in God? I'm asking this because although I believe in a God, I don't beleive in the Christian verson of God. So this theory is flawed. Of topic: when I become president, I'm going to imprint some of the money with: [size=4][b]In Goddess We Trust[/b][/size][/color]
  25. [color=darkviolet]Infact, I didn't even write this one, but I want to know what you think of this, then I'll tell you who wrote it: [center]I feel you slipping away like the sand in an hourglass Do you think it's fair that you may not be there to share the life you've helped me build? I have changed this I know Yet you stand by me still all the love that we've shared but nothing could prepare me For the sudden realization that hit me not so long ago Ground away and eroded The walls are crumbling down Love is crying itself to sleep passing away without a sound Ground away and eroded giving up without protest or sound Love is fading away Love is fading away I've built it all around you, but are you all that's true? Is my search really over, or has it just begun? Should I take a stand or just walk away? Help me make up my mind should I go or should I stay? Ground away and eroded the walls are crumbling down love is crying itself to sleep on a clear and moonlit night. I twist and turn in my bed thoughts of you in my head. Is love fading away? Is love fading away? I hear your voice on the phone, and I don't feel so alone anymore.[/center][/color]
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