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Everything posted by ChibiHorsewoman

  1. [color=darkviolet]I figured I could ask this question here instead of starting a whole new topic and then having it merged with this one. Are there any characters you can think of who remind you of people you know? For example a friend of mine in high school reminded me of Tomoe Hotaru from Sailor Moon.She had dark hair dark eyes (not purple) and was very quiet most of the time. She even went as sailorSaturn for Halloween. Of course she didn't have any strange powers, she was never posesed by an evil entity, and her father didn't turn her into a robot (SM Manga) I teased her tho that her alternate persona should be Aino Minako since they have the same birthday 22, October. Lincoln is a scary combination of Hiiro Yui, Duo Maxwell, Tamahome, and InuYasha. He's a soldier and can be rather serious most of the time, but he has a very strange sense of humor. However, he's afraid of heights so I don't think he'll be jumping out of a building anytime soon, but he could try and shove his broken leg back in place. I hate to say it, but sometimes he thinks about money too much, like Tamahome, but he's very protective. As for InuYasha, well...he's started to collect swords, he can act insanely immature at times, and he loves ramen. Does that count? I also know a girl who reminds me of ChibiUsa, but I'll do that some other time.[/color]
  2. [color=darkviolet]Consider these definitions from [i]The Official Politically Correct Dictionary[/i] I'm not going to go thru and do all of them, but a few were: [b] Dirty Old Man[/b]- sexually focused chronologically gifted individual and [b]Dead[/b]-Terminally inconvenienced I'm curious as to how pressured does everyone feel to be considered politically correct on a day to day basis. Do some of us watch our speech and actions in hope that we won't offend anyone and everyone as we go along? I'm hoping that this will instigate some sort of conversation.[/color]
  3. [color=darkviolet]My parents actually named me Chibi Horsewoman! :laugh: Riiiiiiight and they named my brother Hortense Esmeralda. Well, maybe I got it through the voices in my head. Or maybe not. Actually the origins for this name go back a ways to 2000 and TAATN a now dead site with a message board that's still semi-active. My original name was Sailor Ruby Horse after a villain I created for a fanfic because I wanted to make more animates. Then I took off the Sailor and kept Ruby Horse. I actually kept Ruby Horse until 2001 (early) when Lincoln started calling me Chibi Meg. You know, you're five inches shorter than a guy and he starts calling you derogatory names! The nerve :flaming: :laugh: Well, the horsewoman part comes from the fact that I've been doing English riding since I was ten. I'm a decently accomplished horsewoman. Okay, now you have my story and my pinkies are cramped and I'm stuck on my second chapter. Oh and it's late I need sleep![/color] :sleep:
  4. [color=darkviolet]I lived in the same house in the same town on the same street for 21 years. Then I got married and ended up moving to Ft. Hood Texas, the suckiest place on earth. :flaming: It was pretty much not too fun getting down there. the flight was easy enough-Buffalo to Baltimore, Baltimore to Austin. Then we landed in Austin and the Airport doesn't have a USO office so we (Lincoln and I) took an airport shuttle to they Grey Hound Station then took the bus from Austin to Killeen. There was this one guy waiting for us that Lincoln had met in Korea, or so we thought. We ended up calling him. Then we got to Poxon guest house. *dies* Poxon is depressing and I'm convinced you could get Legionare's disease there. Lincoln was the only person that we met there who was put in 1st Cav (lucky for him since 4th ID was sent over first in March/April 2003) And so ends my first story. Moving back to my hometown in Western NYS was a bit easier. We packed stuff up and Lincoln went to Ft. Polk Louisiana for some kind of abriviation I don't remember. Then the day after that a friend of ours drove me down to Austin and I stayed over night at a hotel. I'm sorry my stories weren't all that interesting, but maybe you'd like to hear about mortar rounds and such.[/color]
  5. [color=darkviolet]The height thing well, I guess that's understandable since society seems to go for taller people and they seem to think that height means power. Hell, I read and article in Jane magazine a few years back where women in South Korea are undergoing these really painful operations to get a few inches taller. Of course then I look at my mom, she's 4'11 and has a size 4/5 shoe. Yet, people notice her. It's like veryone else has been saying, it's not about appearance. It's all on how you carry yourself. People aren't going to suddenly notice you, you have to do something. Saying that I have to ask does anyone get asked if they're younger or older than they are because of how they look not based on height? I'm 5'4.5 and I'm 22 going on 23, but people keep thinking I'm between fifteen and seventeen. It's even worse when I'm out with my husband and people tell me that I'm nice to take my little brother out since he looks about 13 or 14 depending on who's judging. And he's 5'10 and 21 going on 22. Heh, if that's the case I can't wait to be out with him and the baby. Just wait we'll get 'Oh, is that your little sister? or ' Aren't you a bit young to have a baby?' Crap! Maybe it's not just height, maybe it's a combination of everything rolled together in modern society.[/color]
  6. [color=darkviolet]Because depending on the type you're talking about the age can vary greatly. For example if you want to know the first anime I watched knowing it was anime. I'd have to say sixteen/seventeen because it was SailorMoon on Carttoon Network at 4:00 pm. And I say 16/17 because it was the summer before I started my senior year. I was enjoying it a lot too, before I learned how badly chopped up it was in dub form. But if you want to know like Transformers and Speed Racer (they showed it on Mtv after BEvis and Butthead when I was twelve) the age varies. Okay well, now that I've finished my mission, I can go destroy and stuff...[/color]
  7. [color=darkviolet]You guys [size=3]really[/size] don't want to know the storey of how I ended up learning about sex. It's just amazing I grew up so normally. :laugh: Riiight Well, let's say that my mom ended up having the 'talk' with me after the incident. HBO, Cinemax and the scrambled Play Boy channel had nothing to do with it. Okay, now I'm getting really emberassed and I hope my kids don't have to learn the same way the whole discussion started.[/color]
  8. [color=darkviolet] Some of these are thought provoking, otheres are just plain silly [b]No one can make you feel inferior without your consent[/b]-Eleanor Rooselvelt This is true on many accounts. If someone cuts you down and tells you you're worthless you can either believe them and spiral downward or you can ignore the person, get one with your life and accopmplish something. Then that person can just sit there and look like an idiot [b]The journey of a thousand miles begins with a leaky tire and a broken fan belt[/b]-unknown. I don't know if that's really the case, but my trip from NY to TX ended up with a car that stalled on the highway. [b]Never underestimate the power of otakus in large groups[/b]-me Atleast I think it was me, it could be someone else. But why shouldn't they think we have power? [b]I will bite my thumb at them; if they bear it.[/b]-Sampsom from Romeo and Juliet Back in the Elizabethan era this was a very big insult since people didn't bathe on a regular basis. Therefore when you put your thumb in your mouth, you showed the person that you hated them so much that it didn't matter how nasty your thumb was. I also saw a lady do that in Evita during the opening scene. [b]The problem with normal people is that they're normal[/b]-unknown Well, it's true, I guess. [b]Normalcy is the playground for the unimaginative[/b]- Unknown Well, yeah. Have you ever seen any boring creative people? [b]Honk if you love peace and quiet.[/b]-Unknown Irony can be funny. [b]Boys are stupid. Throw rocks at them[/b]-A bumper sticker I own Well, okay, not [i]all[/i] boys are stupid. And even the ones that [i]are[/i] stupid shouldn't be pelted with rocks. But if you saw the picture. :laugh: [b]His men would follow him, but only out of morbid curiosity[/b] You would have to see the guy, but you'd understand [b]I'm bi-sexual. Buy me something and I'll get sexual[/b]-Carson from Queer Eye. I just thought this one sounded really cute. In an odd sort of way. [b]I'm a little teapot short and stout, Here is my handle, here is my spout. When I get all steamed up hear me shout 'tip me over and pour me out. My shrink says that I'm getting a lot better. Last week I thought I was a toaster.[/b]-Dot Animaniacs After a while you start to wonder why you sing this song, right? [b]You're trying to squeeze something the size of a toaster out an opening the size of a tampon. That sounds like some kind of design flaw to me[/b]-Joanne Kimes Pregnancy Sucks It's true. I guess, having an opening of that size and you have to push a baby out that thing well...somebody messed up big time. I hope that didn't sound too graphic, but after the toaster thing that came to mind[/color]
  9. [color=darkviolet]As you can see from the title, I'm old too. I've been out of highschool for five years now. I had the cost of a cap and gown, senior prom ticket, senior year book, senior banquet, senior picture, and that's it. I didn't bother with the ring because for me high school was 4 years of tortuous incarceration which I don't care to remember. I was so glad to be out of that place. Okay well, now you know my feelings. Time for Queer Eye at the old folk's home![/color]
  10. [QUOTE=callmegoddess04]'Oooooooooooohhhhh, super caloused fragile mystic plauged with ahlitosis.' Inside joke... very inside. 'YOu can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice! You can choose from phantom fears, or kindness that can kill I will choose a path thats clear I will choose Free Will' My fave quote of all time. '[/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]I heard the first one from a joke involving Ghandi. But I forgot how the joke went. The second-That's from a Rush song called Free Will. The only reason I know that is because my hubby is a Rush fan. The first few of mine are really stupid and from [b]The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition[/b] you have been warned. [b]Satisfaction is [i]not[/i] guaranteed[/b]-next to this is a picture of a Klngon choking a ferengi. Yeah, I think I just lost cool points here. [b]The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife[/b]-Don't trust anyone who smiles. Especially if you've done something bad. They may have come to kill you. This is one of my favorites, and the last one I'm using from this book. [b]Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies.[/b][/color] [color=green]The next ones are some Irish blessings and sayings: May the blessings of each day. Be the blessings you need the most. [b]We cannot share a sorrow, if we haven't grieved a while. Nor can we feel another's joy, until we've learned to smile[/b]-You have to learn both joy and sorrow to appreciate them both. [b]Ireland, Sir, for good or evil, no other Place under HEaven and no man can touch its sod or breathe its air without becoming better or worse[/b]-I'm not too sure what this one means yet. [b]Do not resent growing old. Many are denied The Priviledge[/b]-Be grateful you've lived for so long, many die before it was their time. And the most important one of all: [b][size=3]Cead Mile Failte[/size] One hundred thousand welcomes[/b] Incase you couldn't tell, I'm Irish[/color] [color=royalblue][b]The rest are just random[/b] Before you insult someone, first walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you insult them, you'll be a mile away, and you'll have their shoes.-unknown, but I think it's funny [b]Why do people with closed minds always open their mouths?[/b]-unknown I'd like an answer to that question as well. Don't persecute me because of your ignorance.-Unknown [b]Freedom of Religion means freedom of [i][u]ALL[/u][/i] religions[/b]-That's something to think about for a while. I saw it on a bumper sticker at a store I go to. [b]I don't care what they pay me. I'm not going to play the part of your father[/b]-Lucielle Ball I love Lucy. She had glued a fake beard to her face and it wouldn't come off. Well, that's all from me. I can't think of any more right now.[/color]
  11. [color=darkviolet]Unless they're color-then it's cosmetic, but mine are the blue tinted ones so I can find them in solution. Well, we all have a bit of high and low end maintenance on this board eh? I didn't really get too far into my clothes, but prior pregnancy I frequented Old Navy, Wal*Mart, K*Mart, Target, Hot Topic/Torrid, Goody's (so far I've only seen one in Killeen, TX) American Eagle, Gadzooks, Goodwill, and Salvation Army. Now it's MotherHood. Of course, I can still manage to take t-shirts from my younger brother. When it comes to clothes I'm a bit of a bargin hunter, last summer I bought a $50.00 bathing suit for $12.50. One of my favorite T-shirts came from Goodwill and I paid $1.50 for it. As for shoes, Payless, Shoe Dept. JC Penny, Alteirs and Target. I don't use too much on my hair, just shampoo and spray in conditioner from the grocery store. No hair spray or gel. Hair ties are a bit of a problem for me tho, my cat keeps stealing them on me so I have to buy packages of them every two weeks. I don't know if it's really the cost of the goods and services that make you feel better, I think it has to do with how you think you look from day to day. The whole rootage and zebra hair wasn't helping me feel good about myself. Besides, it didn't look professional. (not that an eyebrow ring helps) I really have to agree with the whole 'just saying you're a guy doesn't cut it' idea since I know a few guys who spend a bit of time and money on their apperance. My brother spends $10.00 plus tip for a hair cut and buys hair gel, hair spray and shampoo from the store. But he spends anywhere from $30-$55.00 for a pair of jeans and even more for sneakers and boots. Everything has to be brand name. Even his socks :eek: My husband is slightly better. $5.00-$10.00 on a haircut. But he likes this EMS or something gel from the salon I go to and that runs about $12.00 a bottle (7.5 oz) so there's that. Unless he shaves his head, then there's no use for gel-or shampoo for that matter. However we have to buy more blades for his razor. And don't get me started on his 3 different bottles of Calogne (Candies fro men, Nautica Longitude, latitude and Lancome Miracle or the bottle of black nail polish. Clothes are another thing that are a bit off and on for him. He has to have a good pair of running shoes because of the Army,then of course he has to have a few good pairs of boots. They run about $65.-$80.00, but that's work related. HIs clothes usually come from Old Navy and JC Penny. But he found a good deal on some shirts at Wal*mart ($3.00 each) and He did buy himself a bathing suit at Goody's last year for $10.00. The most was probably $80.00 (or more) for a black button up shirt and black jeans with red stitching at Hot Topic. So yes, there are guys who spend time and money-a lot of money- on how they look.[/color]
  12. [color=darkviolet]Well, it is! All the crazy episodes I have are from Sailor Moon! One episode in R was when Usagi had run into Umino before class-or because she was late for class. Naru comes out and says she wants her bracelet back since she's not done working on it yet. They get on the topic of promise rings (the bracelets) and Usagi mistakes Promise ring for pro wresteling. [spoiler]Then there's a small scene where Usagi pictures Naru and Umino wresteling and goes 'Kinky'[/spoiler] Usagi is a bit out there no matter what the episode. I'll have to get back with the ones from Stars because I haven't seen the season in a while, but I did like the one where [spoiler]SailorNeptune and SailorUranus appeared in the Tsukino house and were standing on the kitchen table. I don't remember how the whole exchange went, but I think it's something like this: Crow:Should we tell them? Uranus: Tell us what? Siren: You're standing on the table with your shoes on Neptune:It's a bit of an oversight[/spoiler] I think I got that right, but maybe not. Anyway, it was funny to see Neptune and Uranus look flustered I'll be back with more later[/color]
  13. [color=darkviolet]When I was five I had a crush on Buddy Blue from Rainbow Bright. Does that count as a celeb crush? If not then I really can't admit to having one, even if I do think Orlando Bloom is very hot. But I'm not crushing on him. Yes, sometimes it's fun to want something you can't have, but that's why I keep lusting after my ex's Porsche and not my ex. I guess I'm either strange or not strange wnough for this world. NOw, my husband, I think he likes Lucy Lui enough to constitute a celeb crush[/color]
  14. [color=darkviolet]...and what's your limit? I had to get this topic up today because I just got back from paying $125.00 plus tip for getting my zebra striped hair color corrected, highlighted and cut. This makes me wonder what other people are willing to pay or how much do people pay to make themselves either look or feel good. As for me I pay anywhere from $10.00-$16.00 for eyeshadow,because I like Stila and Clinique so much. Plus I think they stay on better. However, I don't pay too much for lipstick, mascara or most other make-up. I usually buy those things at drug stores. Sometimes when I feel like it I pay about $25.00 plus tip for getting my nails done and once in a great while I get a pedicure. With make-up I usually stay in a budget, but if I really want it, I'll buy it if I have teh money. As for clothes and accesories-I don't spend too much. But for mother's day this year I'm getting a Coach bag. Well, I admitted to my stuff, what about you?[/color]
  15. [color=darkviolet]More and more pop into my head. I'm telling you, I'm not well, but [i]you[/i] already knew that, didn't you? [b]Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.[/b] I don't know who said it, but I think it's true. [b]Whoa, you had two bowls of stupid for breakfast, didn't you?[/b]-me I think it's just a nicer way of telling a person they're acting like an idiot. Okay, maybe not nice, but well, it sounds a bit better. [b]Individuality should be encouraged, not condemed[/b]- I like this one because I've always been encouraged to think for myself and not follow along with the crowd simply becuase it's the thing to do. I've also thought that you should encourage people to be individuals because the last thing this country needs is a bunch of sheep running the next generation. [b]Those who do not learn phase 3 chemistry are doomed to repeat it...in summer school[/b]- My 11th grade chemistry teacher's warning the first day of school. It sounds very comforting, doesn't it? [b]Love thy neighbor, just don't get caught[/b] this was one of my favorite t-shirts that Lincoln had, I wish he didn't get rid of it. [b]There is no Darkness like ignorance[/b] I'm not sure if I can find the right wording for this one. I guess it's being ignorant of the world around you is like wandering in the dark. [b]Love is law. Love under Will[/b] Aliester Crowley These are from my English 101 class in College. I can't believe some of the things that went on that semester: [b]I want you to go to Wegmans and look at the express lanes. Tell me if you can detect a gramatical error I've noticed many of you constantly leaving messages that you can't come to class due to your grandfather's death. Now I'd like to know how many grandfather's can you kill off in one semester.[/b] :laugh: :devil: And finally, the most thought provoking and true-even if it is from an anime: [b]If we weren't idiots, we wouldn't be soldiers[/b]-Duo Maxwell, Gundam Wing. My husband, the E4 who has been an enlisted/active duty service member for almost 4 years agrees with this, so what else can I say?[/color]
  16. [quote name='Heaven's Cloud][color=indigo']C'mon Semjaza, a little violence never hurt anyone...oh wait, thats not true is it... [/color][/quote] [color=darkviolet]Ah, c'mon Heaven's Cloud. It all depends on how violent it is and which end of the violence you're on...then again.... As for me, I wouldn't do it. I believe that every event no matter how good or bad or life altering has it's place in time and it all happens to continue evening everything out. Sounds kind of funky ne? Well, say you met this person and things work out for a while then they all fall apart. However you weren't ready for the relationship to end, so you try to go back in time and alter time so this person doesn't break it off with you. In fact, you've altered time so you and this person get married. However, two years down the road from that, you're partner kills you. So, in this case, letting this person break up with you could have saved your life. Meeting people and having certain events happen to you are all fateful happenings, which are meant to happen in our lifetimes. Yes, I would like to have been able to go back and stop 9/11 from happening, or maybe stop George W. Bush from announcing the invasion of Iraq since this would have saved lives and sanity, but it wasn't meant to be stopped. I know it sounds bad, but that's how things go. Wow, I sounded good at 0154. Go me[/color]
  17. [color=darkviolet]I got bored and went to the mall after work yesturday These are some quotes that I found [b]A man can not live on bread alone-Unless he's in a cage and that's all you feed him[/b]-This was just really funny, I don't know why. I usually find things like this then write it down on the letters I send Lincoln since you can only write so much about your cat running away and your grandma asking why you weren't at church Sunday. It also had a picture of a loaf of bread. [b]I'm just like a super hero. Without powers and motivation[/b]-Well, I am. Unless you count my increased sense of smell. I can tell my best friend what she had for lunch last tuesday and she lives 10 miles away! All I need is the motivation and I can fill in for the bomb sniffing dogs at the local air port. [b]A free society is one where it is safe to be unpopular-Adlai E. Stevenson[/b]-Who ever said this is so right. This one was on a bumper sticker so I bought it. I'm sending it to Iraq in my next letter. I don't really have extremely deep thoughts on this one right now. I think it has something to do with the time of day and a migrain.[/color] [color=royalblue] [EDIT]: [b]Are you stalking me? 'Cause that would be Super![/b] No clue why that would be super, but I thought it was funny.[/color]
  18. [color=darkviolet][quote name='Glamour April 2004] Last fall, Congress passed and the president signed a criminal ban on certain abortion procedures-[i]without[/i'] an exception to protect a woman's health or her life. Top administrative members, including Attorney General John Ashcroft, say openly that they would like to see Roe v. Wade overturned[/quote] Yes, that was just a partial quote from a women's fashion magazine, but I wanted to get people thinking. What is your stand on abortion rights? Do you think they should be limited or taken away all together. Do you feel that the government should stay out of the doctor's office and keep their laws away from women's bodies? Either way, I'd like an opinion, A well thought out one at that. As for me, I don't know much about partial birth abortions, but I figure if you've already gone that far along with your pregnancy and you don't feel you're ready to have the baby, the least you could do for the child is put him or her up for adoption. However, in cases of rape or where the woman's life could be in danger, an abortion should be allowed. But people should remember it's not birth control. Well, that's my two cents for the evening. Everyone else, have at.[/color]
  19. [QUOTE=Undefeated] Its rather amusing any one would take anything Whoopi says seriously, er.. yeah. Anyways, you use the phrase: "Be allowed". Intoxicated or not the laws fo the United States except for a few isolated and odd places define marriage as the union of a man and a woman. Britney Spears is legally a woman, and that guy she "married" was a man (unless something reallllly weird is going on). Thus they have the legal right to seek marraige. A woman and a woman/man and a man do not have that legal right. Its common sense and most likely will remain that way for a long time.[/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet] Brittany Spears just felt like doing something random and spontaneous and decided hey, I'm in Vegas, I have money and there's a guy. Hey, I'll get married. To further prove that she was taking advantage of the fact she''s got money, she got it anulled after what a day? Please, if [i]she[/i] can get married I say legalize same sex marriages as well. Because atleast the same sex couples are actually thinking about what they're getting into. MS. Spears was intoxicated you aren't legally allowed to drive drunk while you're intoxicated, why the hell should you be legally allowed to get married while drunk?. Besides, the quote was from a TV show. If you really want to argue this whole subject, you know where to PM me[/color] [quote name='Undefeated'] As for the second one: wrong. If you are someone who is hated by the mainstream group of people you should at least mask it for yuor own sake. These "non-conformists" do themselves a terrible disservice: cutting their chances at job opportunites, limiting their romantic sphere, and generally degrading themselves in the eyes of 70-80% of people. The people that are around you like it or bloody not are the ones you must deal with in order to survive! It makes no ******* sense to try and "be yourself"! That is a path to a harder existence than is nesasary! Geez...[/quote] [color=darkviolet]I'm sorry that you're so shallow brained. It's not wrong to be yourself. Why the hell would you want to follow the leading group like a sheep just to fit in? I'm a non-conformist and so is my husband. I don't see how thinking outside of the box is such a bad thing. My husband is an E4 in the Army up for promotion so there goes your job opportunities theory. As for romance, like minded people seek out eachother wether they are conformists or not, so there goes the whole romantic involvement thing out the window. Why would you want someone to love you for what you're not? That was the point of the quote. I also don't feel that I degrade myself by thinking differently than my peers I'd rather be respected for my integrity than going along with what everyone else thinks and tanking in the long run. Now quit being jaded and grow up, you'll have to graduate from high school some time. [b]Above all else To thine ownself be true-William Shakesphere[/b] Reguardless of what others want you to do. You should try harder to think for yourself than to go along with what everyone else wants if in the long run, the popular result will end up destroying evyone.[/color]
  20. [color=darkviolet]I don't know if it's actually slang, but my friends and I use out of the ordinary phrases and such. One of my favorites is shallow brained. I use that instead of saying someone lacks their own opinions. Or they're just very narrow minded [b]ie[/b] She's a rather shallow brained person, I wish she'd learn to think for herself. Intellectually impaired- This means that the person is stupid, but I think it's sounds nicer. Does that help or hurt my current situation?[/color]
  21. [color=darkviolet]One of my favorite quotes is currently in my signature: [b]Brittany Spears is a theat to the sanctity of marriage-you can get married drunk, but you can't get married gay.-Whoopi[/b] It's from the show and I think it makes perfect sense. Why should someoen with no idea of what a commitment is be allowed to do something as important as get married while intoxicated while sober people can't get married just because tehy're gay? [b]It's better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you are not.[/b] Basically it means that instead of trying to be like everyone else just so people will like you and accept you just be yourself instead. It doesn't matter if people like you or not.[/color]
  22. [color=darkviolet]I was babysitting my cousins a few years back and tehy were watching DBZ with the big pink thing. I guess that was Majin Buu. Anyway, there was this really funny exchange that went like this and it's one of the few DBZ quotes I liked: [b]Vegetta[/b] You're ugly [b]Majin Buu[/b] Bobbity, what does this oogly mean? [b]Bobbity[/b] It means that your face can frighten small children I can't really think of any more anime quotes I liked so maybe I'll have to go to cartoons next. Ah well.[/color]
  23. [color=darkviolet]I have to agree with James on Halle Barry's voice in the first X-Men movie. Her accent was pretty bad, but the second movie she used her normal voice. That alone was a relief in itself. I thought that Hugh Jackman fit as Logan/Wolverine quite well. As I understand it (Correct me if I'm wrong because I could be) the character that Jackman plays is something of a loner. He did very nicely in the first movie. I don't know too much about the X-Men comics except that Logan/Woverine has a thing for Jean Grey and is something of a recluse at times. Nobody knows how old he is because of the whole regeneration thing which is his mutant power. I thought the first Scooby-Doo movie was really stupid. Especially the ending. Give me a break. [spoiler]The monster was a robot. and to add fuel to the bomb it was about to become, the guy controlling the robot was Scrappy-Doo[/spoiler] What person decided to put that up?[/color]
  24. [quote name='starphish][SIZE=1']Oh. We don't have a Best Buy where I live. I can just look around and see if I sport anything. Thanks, though![/SIZE][/quote] [color=darkviolet]I lived in East Po-Dunk Texas and we had a Best Buy, however, that's neither here nor there. You could try MEdia Play, Sam Goody, Sun Coast, FYE, Target or any other music store in your area they should have at least one of those. If not you can always try ordering online. and good luck![/color]
  25. [color=darkviolet]This is my absolute favorite show of all time as of August of last year. :laugh: I love how they actually get the guys to make themselves over, dress them up nice and fix up their houses/apartments. Along with trying to teach them to cook. Which usually turns out with rather catosrophic results. I think one of my favorite episodes was when they nmade over that one guy who worked in a gym. The Christmas special was good too. My favorite Fab Five member would have to be Jai because he's just so out there. So I guess what I'm asking is if anyone else likes the show. What their favorite episode is, and who their favorite memeber of the Fab Five is. Queer Eye for the Straight Guy airs at 10/9C on Bravo[/color]
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