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Everything posted by ChibiHorsewoman

  1. [quote name='The Monster'] Now to stick it to the man; I may have to join in on this Kinky Otaku pornography but whatever.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]He he he, Maybe we should start a kinky OB club- I'd join. Yeah- that was random, but I don't have anything else to add.[/color]
  2. [color=darkviolet]Well, first of all I'm shocked at myself for not posting this thread myself. Can you imagine? I'm really shocked by the loss of life- 18,000! I just can't imagine that many lives in two days. And now I'm just waiting for some extremist group to claim that this earthquake was brought about by a.) Infedels or B.) the terrorists who don't believe in God. [/color]
  3. [quote name='The Monster']Anyways, Charles' idea is a good one but disturbed (Only because I tend to think of members here as decent people) but what will stop George Bush from pretending to hate it then sending out his Porn squad to hunt you down Charles (And Co-Stars), You don't want that now do you?[/quote] [color=darkviolet]Aw, let him hunt everyone down- it won't be my publicity rating when something more dire occures while he's trying to find porn stars[/color]
  4. [URL=http://][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24551[/img][/URL] [color=darkviolet]JUst say no to Laura BUsh in Playboy.... Yeah I know that was weak and pretty bad- but I tried![/color]
  5. [color=darkviolet]I now work at a sheet metal manufacture. Whle I don't actually work on the machines- yet. I do some finish work. The basics like packaging and labeling. Easy as anything. I make $.7.50 an hour- and if I don't go off ground for lunch I don't have to punch out- cool huh? So I make decent money for easy -albeit boring- work and have a paid lunch. How cool is that? Now if only I could get the photo job at Target[/color]
  6. [QUOTE=Ilium] [COLOR=DarkRed] [I]Three?[/I] In one city, in one weekend? Whoa. There was maybe a grand-total of 3 people killed by guns in Montreal last year. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]Note: The 14 year old was a stabbing death- sorry for the confusion. Yes, three in one weekend. Rochester NY has one of the highest homicide records per capita for any city in NY. There is usually an average of forty homicides per year in the city. However we've already reached that with just three months left in the year. If you add those three weekend homicides to the other shootings over the past week, there were five this past week.. Including the shooting of a pregnant sixteen year old girl who was just sitting in her home when it was fired upon. Unfortunately NY doesn't have a law protecting unborn vitcims of violence and the man and the woman who urged him (what a *bleep* :mad: ) to do the shooting aren't being charged for the murder of the girl either. I think they may be being charged with criminal negligence.[/color]
  7. [color=darkviolet]I hate to say it but there has been a rise in violence in my city. Most notably shootings involving young teenagers. Recently a fourteen year old boy was gunned down. He was one of three victims of gun violence this weekend and all three victims over the weekend were young men in their teens. Usually this opening would be for a thread on gun control, but I want to try something different. You see in an effort to try and curb such violence in my city the cheif of police is trying to convince the mayor to enforce a curfew on residents under eighteen. This idea was suggested earlier in the summer, but the Mayor was against it. I'm hoping that now he'll reconsider his earlier discission and enstate the curfew. If I'm understanding this idea correctly the curfew would mean children under 18 would have to be inside by 10PM. I can't find anything on it for Rochester right now, but if anyone's newspaper has an online article about something of a simular nature it that'd be of great help. My question though is do you think this imposedd curfew is a good idea or not? I think it is because a curfew will make it so less people are out late. I'll elaborate more tomorrow, I have to get to bed.[/color]
  8. [color=darkviolet]Things just go from bad to worse for me. I still haven't gotten my child support. So I didn't have the money to pay for my daughter's baby sitting and the babysitter got mad. Then I went and checked my email and there were two emails from Lincoln's girlfriend/fiancee whatever. They were both rude and harassing because I mentioned to one of my friends infront of Lincoln that Consuela (doesn;t that translate to with floor?) looked like Divine Brown. I'm saving those for court use if necessary. I may have to change my email address (which sucks because Chibi Horsewoman is so me) because Lincoln went and gave this female dog (I can't use the word I want because of censorship) my email and she know my yahoo IM handle. I may not be that good looking, but at least I'm woman enough to tell soemone I have a problem with them face to face or by phone and not insult them. Plus at least my friends are trying to find me a man instead of a boy. Okay, maybe I shouldn't have said that she looks like Divine Brown (FYI she's the hooker Hugh Grant picked up in 95) around Lincoln, but I didn't say that to her. And she has no right to go and email me. The woman is 34 and acting like a 5 year old. She spazzes when she hears the name Megan. I've heard her do it (FYI my real name is Megan) Hopefully I can use the whole adultry thing in court since he was seeing her (he admited it infront of me and a friend, plus he had contact with her prior to and) during our marriage. Lucky me, adultry is still punishable in military court. So in conclusion, I'm still pretty bad off emotionally- but I think I'm pretty and I've lost 40lbs since April. The guys that my friend in TX had me talk to say I look good, people on another site with my pictiure say I look good. Hell, even my ex's are saying I look good- that includes Lincoln. So maybe I'm not that bad off. I hope the rest of you are doing better than me.[/color]
  9. [color=darkviolet]While our government is a bit messed up I am glad to live here. America is a great country to live in, because for the time being you can insult the government without fear of persecution because you are excersising your first amendment right as a citizen of the US. Yes, some of the citizens of this country are arrogant, but most of us are really nice out going people.So don't be hatin'![/color]
  10. [color=darkviolet]The answer is quite simple. Evict Bush and his cronies from the White House and have them live like regular people for a few years. Let them get a job, put gas in their cars, heat their homes and make payments on things like the rest of us. Then allow everyone back in the White House and see what happens. Then legalize same sex marriages and stop this silly idea of banning porn. Have parents take responsibilty for their kids instead of relying on the TV and the government. I'd say more, but I cut my left index finger Friday morning and it hurts to type, plus it's bleeding again.[/color]
  11. [quote name='Charles]This all sounds good to me. I think it'd be perfect for you to star in and direct, ChibiHorsewoman, but only if you do so under your online name. The clever puns we could come up with would only make it more successful (i.e., riding the Horsewoman). And, of course, there's Burori, who we could see grunting loudly while he powers up in DragonBall Z form. He could eventually unleash his [spoiler]cumehameha[/spoiler'] projectile technique. When it's done, we'll send it directly to the White House.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]Actually I heard that the best way to make up your porn star name is your middle name with the street you live on. However in the long run, my screen name would work out better. I think the idea would work out very nicely if Burori and I could cos-play for a bit, he could be some DBZ character and I'd try something from SailorMoon. I've alwasy sensed something with the way Usagi threatens to punish people.[/color] [quote name='Charles']Ilium--you've got it! We'll also send one to Chibi's ex-husband too.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]I guess, maybe that'd give him some seller's remorse[/color] [quote name='Harry']1.)Once again, it's never specified what they mean by adult porn. Adult porn could be hardcore bondage and rape porn. You're just naturally jumping to a conclusion since that appears to be one of the few things you're good at:.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]As SunfallE stated earlier,, Bush never specified which type of porn he's getting rid of which basically allows him to strike ever aspect. I could care less if he got rid of beastiality or not- I think it's gross. BUt I also realize that it;s not my place to dictate what people watch and don't watch. Bush should do the same. And I haven't made an attack on your personality or character so I'd thank you to do the same. At least [i]try[/i] to hold up the pretense that you have some maturity.[/color] [quote name='Harry']3.)It's always been within a pharmacist/doctor's rights to refuse to do something they don't agree with morally. Are you also saying a doctor should be forced to give an abortion if they didn't want to? Also Bush had absolutely nothing to do with that but go ahead and blame him.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]I'm not going to start a debate here about abortion and birth control becase this isn't the thread for it. I'll just say that abortions aren't the same as birthcontrol because birth control when used correctly can help to prevent abortions. I'm confident that most people would agree with me on that. Now let's stick to the thread instead of insulting me eh?[/color]
  12. [color=darkviolet]There's even more fun to add to this mess- Lincoln 'forgot' to put my child support money in my checking account so I have to wait until Monday according to him. Never mind that he could just give me the money he owes me and I'll pay him back on Monday, he's just not gonna help me out. Never mind that I helped him out on several occasions (letting him see our daughter when it's not his weekend is helping) and I only have $1.93 in my checking and $.61 in savings. I believe he's too busy spending money on his fiancee to be of assistance to me. I'm just getting so sick of him winning and me losing. It'd be nice to actually come out on top for once in my life. I mean, I thought I did 5 years ago, but obviously love for him doesn't work that way. I'm hoping that something will turn around for me sooner or later- my friend from TX has me talking with this one guy who served with her husband. And for everyone else who's having a crappy year, I hope things shape up for you too. And finally to Drix- I like debating with you, it keeps me sane so let me know if you care to try sometime.[/color]
  13. [quote name='Charles']I see that a lot of you are unhappy with Bush's agenda here. So, in an effort to support freedom of expression I suggest we join this war, in defense of porn. It may seem like a small gesture, but we must express ourselves. We can combat this attack on our liberty by taking a stand, no matter how insignificant it may seem in the grand scheme of things. Talking about it isn't good enough--we need to take action! Just like the Civil Rights movement of the sixties. So, all right, all right, like all war-time citizens I'm willing to sacrifice and take one for the team. I'll need some hot (legal) female OtakuBoards members to make an adult film with me in protest of Bush. We'll call it, "A Heated Debate: Going Down on Your Bush." Who's with me?[/quote] [color=darkviolet]Sure why not? It'd be a nice break from my boring non existant life. How much are we talking because my 'wonderful' ex 'forgot' about my child support. I think while we're at it we need to recuit the good looking (legal) male members of OB just to be fair and unbiased. I mean you can't just have hot girl on girl (and girls on Charles) porn for a protest on baning the stuff am I right? I'll be willing to direct.[/color]
  14. [QUOTE=Harry]1) Once again, there are lots of types of porn out there. We don't know what he's going after. 2) He doesn't want to outlaw abortions, he only wants to outlaw the partial birth ones. 3) He himself has not done a single thing to make it impossible to obtain birth control. Quit lying. He's not an extremist christian in any sense.[/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]I'm going to address these issues one by one Harry 1.) He's trying to ban ADULT porn. It says in the article I posted at the beginning of this thread. 2.) His defination of partial birth abortions are not abortions done while the infant's head is exposed, if you've read any of my threads on this subject you'll see that his defination is during the gestation period. And he does want to over turn Roe vs Wade 3.)There have been laws passed in many states (including TX) saying that if a pharmasist dissagrees morally with selling The Pill they can refuse to sell it. Don't call me a liar until you've read more that what you think is required, it's childish.[/color]
  15. [QUOTE=celestialcharm][COLOR=DarkOrchid][IMG]http://www.freewebs.com/celestialcharm/screencap.bmp[/IMG] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]I shall keep the school spotless and become GCB (Great Cleaner Bishoujo) Well, I don't know what anime it's from so I had to improvise. And Celestialcharm, you did win first place[/color]
  16. [quote name='The Monster']Welll, Bush is a Right Wing Christian (Not Extreme but still Right Wing)[/quote] [color=darkviolet]Not extreme? What have you been smoking? He wants to ban porn, outlaw abortion and make it nearly impossible to obtain birth control methods (ie condoms, pills, IUD ect ect) Simply because he doesn't agree with those things. Last I checked that was pretty extreme.[/color]
  17. [quote name='AnimeFront'] The funny thing is their is religous porn (catholic schoolgirls). .[/quote] [color=darkviolet]I've never understood the interest in Catholic School Girl uniforms. I wore a Catholic school uniform for seven years- there was nothing kinky about it. Just knee length polyester plaid skirts that ended above the knee, knee socks and black shoes. Trust me, the fantasy is dead. I'm just hoping someone in the Bush regime realizes what a dumb and aimless idea this is and stops it before any federal money is wasted. But I'm just an optomist and I know that will never happen![/color]
  18. [color=darkviolet]I would just like to point out to everyone that this is what happens to people who get drunk in college instead of sitting in their dorm rooms watching porn! It's people like this who start trying to ban porn because they didn't reap the benifits when they had the chance. That said if Bush was trying to have a battle against [i][b]child[/i][/b] porn I'd be all for it. Child pornography is bad and enethical and amoral and a bunch of other negative conotations that I don't care to look up. But adult porn where the people are sitting in a crappy set getting it on who really cares? Just because Bush isn't getting any doesn't mean he has to crack down on people who are paid to get laid. Maybe he should consider another hobby like I don't know, Tax cuts for the lower and middle class? Or working harder to find Bin Laden. Hell taking up knitting sweaters for his dogs would be more productive than a war on adult porn! Let's just hope this doesn't take off because I still have more porn to comment on.[/color]
  19. [color=darkviolet]Well, I have to say that I'm impressed with the post quality. There hasn't been anything too immature yet. I keep wondering what crazy thing Bush can come up withe to censor next, first birthcontrol, now porn. What's next magazine articles about birthcontrol and porn? Websites that have threads about birth control and porn? The list goes on. I will say that I am the worst person to watch porn with (I do a running commentary), but I wouldn't mind getting that job with the FBI- I can see it all now: supervisor: Donnelly I want you to look at these sites *hands me a list* Me: Sure :rolleyes: A few minutes later: God he's ugly, I wonder how drunk they got her.... Ooh her's are so fake! supervisor: So you found the porn? Me: :animeswea Yeah, I think so- I think these people should sue their hair stylists. I wonder how much they pay.[/color]
  20. [color=darkviolet] Don't worry, this thread isn't explicit or anything, I just felt that it was a topic of discussion that can be safely debated here with no excplicit images. I heard on the news recently that George Bush is planning on starting a war on porn on the computer. And it's [i] not[/i] the child porn that's he's going after. It's the adult porn. Now, I'm not a big fan of the stuff myself. But I still figure as long as it's consensual adults and not kiddie porn just leave it be. And what ever happened to the freedom of expression? Want to read the article I found proving that I haven't gone around the bend? [b]FBI forms anti-porn squad 'I guess this means we've won the war on terror,' one agent says Barton Gellman, Washington Post Wednesday, September 21, 2005 Washington -- The FBI is joining the Bush administration's War on Porn. And it's looking for a few good agents. Last month, the bureau's Washington Field Office began recruiting for a new anti-obscenity squad. Attached to the job posting was a memo from FBI headquarters to all 56 field offices, describing the initiative as "one of the top priorities" of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and, by extension, of "the Director," Robert Mueller. The new squad will divert eight agents, a supervisor and assorted support staff to gather evidence against "manufacturers and purveyors" of pornography -- not the kind exploiting children, but the kind that depicts, and is marketed to, consenting adults. "I guess this means we've won the war on terror," said one exasperated FBI agent, speaking on condition of anonymity because poking fun at headquarters is not regarded as career-enhancing. "We must not need any more resources for espionage." Among friends and trusted colleagues, an experienced national security analyst said, "it's a running joke for us." A few of the printable samples: "Things I Don't Want On My Resume, Volume Four." "I already gave at home." "Honestly, most of the guys would have to recuse themselves." Federal obscenity prosecutions, which have been out of style since Attorney General Edwin Meese in the Reagan administration made pornography a signature issue in the 1980s, do "encounter many legal issues, including First Amendment claims," the FBI headquarters memo noted. Applicants for the porn squad should therefore have a stomach for the kind of material that tends to be most offensive to local juries. Community standards -- along with a prurient purpose and absence of artistic merit -- define criminal obscenity under current Supreme Court doctrine. "Based on a review of past successful cases," the memo said, the best odds of conviction come with pornography that "includes bestiality, urination, defecation, as well as sadistic and masochistic behavior." No word on the universe of other kinks that helps make porn a multibillion-dollar industry. Popular acceptance of hard-core pornography has come a long way, with some of its stars becoming mainstream celebrities and their products -- once confined to seedy shops and theaters -- being "purveyed" by upscale hotels and most home cable and satellite television systems. Explicit sexual entertainment is a profit center for companies, including General Motors Corp. and Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. (the two major owners of DirecTV), Time Warner Inc. and the Sheraton, Hilton, Marriott and Hyatt hotel chains. But Gonzales endorses the rationale of predecessor Meese: that adult pornography is a threat to families and children. Christian conservatives, long skeptical of Gonzales, greeted the pornography initiative with what the Family Research Council called "a growing sense of confidence in our new attorney general." Congress began funding the obscenity initiative in fiscal 2005 and specified that the FBI must devote 10 agents to adult pornography. The bureau decided to create a dedicated squad only in the Washington Field Office. "All other field offices may investigate obscenity cases pursuant to this initiative if resources are available," the directive from headquarters said. "Field offices should not, however, divert resources from higher priority matters, such as public corruption." Public corruption, officially, is fourth on the FBI's priority list, after protecting the United States from terrorist attacks, foreign espionage and cyber-based attacks. Just below those priorities are civil rights, organized crime, white-collar crime and "significant violent crime." The guidance from headquarters does not mention where pornography fits in.[/b] And you know what? I looked at the date on the article- it [i]wasn't[/i] April First. These people are serious! My god what's next, the war on swearing? Share your comments. And please no explicit links[/color]
  21. [color=darkviolet]Okay, so I'm listening to my Ataris CD and [b]I won't spend another night alone[/b] comes on. It's a nice song, but some of the lyrics are really odd. Example: [center][i]The things you make me want to do I'd rob a Quick-ee mart for you I'd go to the pound and let all the cats run free.[/i][/center] So that's why I'm wondering what songs do you think have some funny lyrics. Aside from the aforementioned song I think that Excuse me (AKA the Daria theme song) by Splendora is kind of funny [center][i]I've got to be direct(la, la, la) It's like a big train wreck(la, la, la) You're standing on my neck(la, la, la) You're standing on my neck(la, la, la) You're standing... [Bridge] Nothing is like I planned it So funny I can't stand it Wish I was made of granite (Daria) I must be on another planet [/i][/center] So share your choices. Make sure to include the artist.[/color]
  22. [color=darkviolet]I watch Survivor for the background noise. Although I have also used it as an RPG idea- which never took off. I don't really get it I guess. I remember that one season back in 2003 with that Johnny guy. I don't remember the whole name- I just remember he was a nasty sneaky guy with curly hair (poodle hair) who lied about his grandma being dead. What really got me was that instead of the show's producers disqualifying the guy they let him stay on! Not only that but the other teammates bought it and purposely lost. That guy was asking for some seriously bad karma, I hope he got it. That's all I have to say on that subject.[/color]
  23. [QUOTE=celestialcharm][COLOR=DarkOrchid]I'm violent with extreme pain too! I just want to punch something. When I had my toothache, I punched the couch and my brother. He was there, so I had to punch him! But, he understood how much my tooth hurt and told me to go into anger management. :animestun [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]My brother gets really pissy when he's in pain. For example last week when he jammed his thumb at work he came home and showed it to me. I barely touched the thumb and he went off. He stomped off and kicked over the kitchen trashcan causing trash to fly everywhere. Yes I made his stupid *** clean it up [/color]
  24. [color=darkviolet]I really appreciate all the support I'm getting from everyone. I'm still really mad at Lincoln and a part of me will probably never get over what he's done to me (Would you be able to after almost five years?) but the rest of me is trying to be rational and saying that I'd be an absolute idiot to take him back. Thankfully that side is winning. I hope I like how so many people have told me not to kill myself either- it's a real morale booster. Especially since I know how obnoxious I can be. So thanks I'm reallly thankful for the support from everyone because I know I'll need it for a while even though I'm sure that things can't get much worse unless he decides to wage a custody battle. And in that case I'm gonna go down to TX and enlist some of my Army buddies. Because no one takes my daughter without a fight. Finally I'm glad to know that I'm not alone in having a bad year because we really do need something like the OB therapy lounge. So in conclusion no matter how depressed I get I'm gonna keep a picture of my daughter to look at because I just couldn't do that to her. Especially since she'd end up having to live with Lincoln![/color]
  25. [quote name='Molleta']Now, to address making movies from books, I see nothing wrong with this, I often cast characters in the books I read in my head. It's fun. I bet that a lot of the movies made that have novels listed in the credits are books many people have never heard of or read. To be inspired shouldn't be limited to one medium. If you write a good book, why limit that to a nonvisual experience?[/quote] [color=darkviolet]While I don't see a problem with making movies from books (Pearl Harbor was definately a smash) sometimes they don't stay true to the author. Take Ella Enchanted (please!) the book was wonderful- a Newberry Honor book from 1997. However the movie was so far from the book if it weren't for the names of the characters and that Ella was cursed I wouldn't have thought it based on the same story. I think what Hollywood needs now is movies with fat people in them. Enough with the scrawny people who always triumph! That's all[/color]
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