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Everything posted by ChibiHorsewoman

  1. [color=darkviolet]I'm going to make the world stop and agree with Deathbug, but I'm also agreeing with Godel, so it's not too weird. Just ask her out. Seriously flirting isn't anything. Everyone flirts. Even soem married people. As long as it's looky no touchy it's just fine. Obviously this girl that you like is very confident about herself if she's able to joke around with other guys. I think you should appreciate that about her and go for it. If you crash and burn, that's no problem. At least you tried.[/color]
  2. [color=darkviolet][b]The United States has the highest rate of teen pregnancy out of any country in the developed world. Experts say that restriction to sex-ed, contraception, and condoms fuel this rate, while in European countries (who have less than half of the amount of teen pregnancies) teens are given confidential access to contraceptives. 46% of those polled above believe that schools should teach that abstinence is best, but also discuss how and where to obtain contraceptives. This provides a good combination of both an abstinence-only and comprehensive sex-ed programs and is often referred to as an "abstinence-plus" program. Background Government funding of abstinence-only programs have existed for the past 20 years. The Adolescent Family Life Act (AFLA) began in 1981 and was designed to prevent teen pregnancy by promoting self-discipline and chastity. The program received $11 million in federal funds that year and $19 million in 2000. In 1996 the federal government added a provision to the welfare-reform law to establish a federal entitlement program for abstinence-only sexual education. The program distributed $50 million per year for five years into the states. Since that time funding for these programs has increased nearly 3000%. The federal definition of an eligible abstinence-only education program is one that: has as its exclusive purpose, teaching the social, physiological, and health gains to be realized by abstaining from sexual activity; teaches abstinence from sexual activity outside marriage as the expected standard for all school age children; teaches that abstinence from sexual activity is the only certain way to avoid out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and other associated health problems; teaches that a mutually faithful monogamous relationship in context of marriage is the expected standard of human sexual activity; teaches that sexual activity outside of the context of marriage is likely to have harmful psychological and physical effects; teaches that bearing children out-of-wedlock is likely to have harmful consequences for the child, the child's parents, and society; teaches young people how to reject sexual advances and how alcohol and drug use increases vulnerability to sexual advances; and teaches the importance of attaining self-sufficiency before engaging in sexual activity. [/b] That's an excerpt I found from an article on abstinence only ciriculum taught in 1/3 of the schools in the US. [color=purple][URL=http://]http://www.plannedparenthood.org/pp2/portal/files/portal/medicalinfo/teensexualhealth/fact-abstinence-education.xml[/URL] [/color]
  3. [color=darkviolet]I dug up my old college sketchbook and found this drawing of the inner senshi mixing up their sticks and ending up in eachothers sailor fukus. YEs, it's old and I think the date is actually 2001 not 2003, but I can't change it now.... well, I can but I don't feel like it. So basicaly I was 20 or almost 20 when I drew this and I think I've gotten worse, not better.But still, tell me what you think and I might find some more stuff.[/color]
  4. [color=darkviolet]Baron- Judging by your name you think of yourself as nobility. And you think you're quite rightly all that. Avi- No clue... Do you like mustard yellow? Signature under the name thingy- Either you like to shoot yourself in the mouth (not a hobby I hightly recommend.) Or you just like to give your opinion freely. Custom signature- You like things that explode. I also know that you like desperate housewives Well, what do you people want from me? I don't know any of you![/color]
  5. [QUOTE=narutosaki]it would be nasty to see girls wid huge guns and yelling like crazy while dey try to kill people i rather not see them in war at all, unless theyre modeling in some soldier clothing (thats hot)[/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet] Check your spelling..... I really hope you're joking about that. Personally I think that these wars would have been much easier and over with if they allowed women on the front.... Or just sent the female spouses over seas. Honestly, I think that unless you're infantry you don't have to kill too many people. Yes, they make you carry a weapon everywhere (Including having to take the damn M-16 into the Port-A-John) But not too many people have to fire weapons. They're more likely to cut themselves on the muzzle of the M-16 during a FTX (long story) Mad Hatter's right about the BDUs (the DCUs (Desert Combat Uniforms) aren't that much better. Of course I know of some women (myself included) that think their guy looks good in uniform. But I've seen one of my husband's friends (really nice looking woman) in her uniform... not pretty. The maternity BDUs look even worse, but atleast you can wear them with sneakers. I'm just glad they got rid of those weird looking hats that you had to wear with the Class As (formal uniform) I just about died laughing at that! I think that military personel (mine included) are just making up the BS about being destracted by female soldiers because they don't want to change things. I think that if a woman went through the trouble and agrivation of Basic Training and AIT (Advanced Individual Training) that she should be allowed to do the job she was trained to do. Okay, new $0.02 in take it as you will[/color]
  6. [quote name='Bloodseeker']Calling Tuxedo Mask cool... Its a sad, sad day for the world when a man that fights with a rose and wears a masquerade costume becomes an example of coolness. *spits apple at Tuxedo Mask's face*[/quote] [color=darkviolet]I've got to agee with that statement. Mamoru/Tuxedo/ whatever Is so lame that someone should take him out to a field and take him out of his misery. I can't decide if I'd want Kaito Ace from Code Name SailorV as a roommate or not. True he helped out SailorV from time to time. But he was working for the Dark Agency and he cursed SailorV. I wouldn't Want Sailor Aluminum Siren as a roommate. She'd eat me out of house and home![/color]
  7. [quote name='Lunox][color=darkslateblue'] Yeah, they should, but I could see the reasons why they shouldn't. The problem is that the argument you posted is pretty dumb. I mean... Dunno. Just seems like such a dumb argument. Please, let's hope that the guys fighting in the army are over their high school days. [/color][/quote] [color=darkviolet]When's the last time you were around military guys? From what I'm witnessed aside from the married ones both male and female soldiers are rather shall I say juvenile. I do agree that this argument is stupid. But don't blame me, blame congress. Everyone is so focused on making this country uber conservative lately. You can't even teach kids about sex anymore. I can't think of anything to say right now. so I'll leave it here.[/color]
  8. [color=darlviolet]I just saw this segment on the evening news about this subject. Plus the US congress is in the final stages of passing a bill prohibiting women in combat. Should women be allowed to serve on the front lines and I decided to see what the members of this board think about the subject. I think they should. The United States (where I come from) is one of the few (maybe only) countries that doesn't allow female soldiers to serve on the front lines of battle. The only reasons I can think of for them not to be allowed to serve in battle is the risk of becoming a POW and what some people would do with female POWs. I'm not going to elaborate because I'm sure most of you can think of what I'm talking about. That and the fact that we don't have as much upper body strength as some of the men. One of the arguments I've been given with this subject is the fact that men get distracted, or they'd try to help out the female soldiers. Why bother? These women are your fellow soldiers and they went through the same training everyone else did. Get over it. Another thing I was told is that some of the female soldiers like to try and get out of work. Well, just don't put them at the front. Okay that's mmy take on it. Let's see everyone elses.[/color]
  9. [QUOTE=Havokio][COLOR=Indigo]Sometimes I get so stressed out, that a few buddies, along with myself, just let go. Alchohol is used as a means to let go without any illegal drugs. It can also get someone laid (man and woman.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]I don't drink when I get stressed, I write alot when I get stressed. Sure it's crap, but I get a lot out. Well, I don't know about other people on this board *cough* [size=1][color=lime]deathbug[/color][/size] *cough* but I know I don't need to get someone drunk to get some.... I've only gotten drunk once. And it's 'Oh my Gods I'm gonna hurl!' drunk it was 'I think I've had too much to drive and 'Hey I'm less inhibited' drunk' I'm usually the designated driver when I go out because I don't drink that much. I will probably never drink that much again in the first place. But I do still recommend the Sour Apple and Butterscotch scnapps together... it's like having a caramel apple. Yum[/color]
  10. [QUOTE=Retribution][SIZE=1] As previously stated, change faiths if you don't agree. >_> The Catholic Church ain't all that anyway. xD[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]I did change faiths. I just think it's dumb that if a woman is good enough to give birth to God's SOn then why isn't she good enough to preside over the rituals made in His name? People's ideas have to change some time it's a matter of evolution. [/color]
  11. [quote name='DeathBug '] Honestly, I don't see what the fuss is all about. Military bases are evaluated for usefulness rather routinely, every time there's a shift in military focus. It's common sense; why keep pouring [/quote] [color=darkviolet] One of the bases that the Pentagon is considering closing is a very useful base. I forot which one it is, but they keep the military supplied with the armor used on the Humvees. From what I understand that is rather useful.... Unless you think that armor isn't a necessity.[/color] [quote name='DeathBug ']To say it costs more to close bases than keep them open is really a stretch. Yes, you have to pay to relocate the troops and resources to different bases, but in the long run, it's more effective that leaving leech bases that suck in resources for absolutly no reason?[/quote] [color=darkviolet] Yes, because the 4 million less to keep them open is just pocket change and it can't be used for anything else. Relocation and re structuring platoons is a major hassle from what I've heard. Never mind the fact that along with the military bases there are military families living on the bases who will also have to be relocated. Why not just keep everyone where they are. The bases are being utilized, they're not standing empty.[/color] [quote name='DeathBug ']Oh, I forgot; this is the Bush administration. Therefore, every single action they take is evil incarnate, designed specifically to kill foreign babies.[/quote] [color=darkviolet] Was that comment really necessary?[/color]
  12. [quote name='Grammar Panzer][COLOR=Navy']I gave reasons for what I like, what are your, or other Punk fans, reasons for liking Punk? [/COLOR][/quote] [color=darkviolet]You really want to know why I like punk? Hmm.... Well, most of the songs are easy to play the bass chords for. Not that I know. But I've been told so I'm sure I can learn too. But I guess the most important reason that I like punk music is because I just like the music. I don't care if one person or another says it's punk or not. If I can listen to it without wanting to beat myself senseless I like it. But you shouldn't take my word for it because I like Country music too, so my opinion may not count.[/color]
  13. [color=darkviolet]I have to go out to dinner tomorrow night with my Grandma and my parents so I couldn't resist. Do you have some very interesting family members that you'd like to share? I hope so because that's the point of this thread. Do you have parents that throw things at eachother or get drunk and don't admit it? Brothers who have random friends moving in with you? In-laws? Anyone who makes you either glad to be adopted or wish you were adopted? Okay well allow me to begin. My father is a closet alcoholic. He drinks when he feels he's being neglected and is a big mama's boy.. He's gotten better since 2003 though. My grandma (paternal) Is against everything not Catholic yetr loves Bush she wanted my dad to say he was a conciencious objector during the Vientnam war yet thinks this one is great. And when she prays in public it's outloud and a big spectacle as if to say 'Look at me, I'm Christian. I'm Praying!' I really dopn't like that. My papa (mom's dad) is less crazy, but he thinks he's an expert on everything! My brother once told him to shut up doing one of his Little Legue games...Either that or it was my cousin. My brother isn't allowed out of the county without permission. and he's a cleptomanianc and he's not allowed within 100 yards of a Dunn Tire. The majority of my family thinks I'm wrong for not baptizing my daughter this includes an aunt of my husband. My mother-in-law lies about everything, including whether she smokes or not and has had an invisible boyfriend. So far I think I'm the only sane one in the bunch... my cat has told me this. Well, that's it from me. Please don't make me think I'm by myself. Share your stories.[/color]
  14. [QUOTE=Retribution][SIZE=1] They can't give the sacraments, because Jesus first gave the sacraments. In order to 'mimic' Jesus' actions, Catholics believe that you have to be a man (like Jesus). And it's the whole "we can't change doctrine" thing they're also arguing. It's not 'not up for debate' anymore, as far as the Church is concerned. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]Jesus was a woman I have proof: 1.) He had to provide food for 1000s of people 2.) He had to fix everything 3.) Even after he was dead everyone expected him to get up. But all joking aside I think that in order to survive the church needs to change some of its doctrines and what better place to start then allowing women to give the sacrememnts. Of course I think we'd sooner see married priests than female ones any time soon.[/color]
  15. [color=darkviolet]Man, this is an old thread. I heard about the pope election on my way to Watertown....My mama and I really wished they had elected the Afican guy instead. It would have been a nice change from all the pasty old white guys. But alas her prayers to St. Theresa and my hopes weren't answered. It doesn't suprise me nor make me fear that Pope Benedict had ties with Hitler (if he did of course) There are a few reasons for this 1.) The majority of people in Germany whether they believed what Hitler said or not was in Hitler YOuth or something to save their butts. It's really amazing what people will do to save themselves. 2.) He wouldn't be the first pope who indulged in less than holy beliefs. Pope John XII turned his residence at Lateran Palace into a brothel, The majoprity of popes bvetween 872 CE and 1012 CE were killed by other popes. They had iligitamate children, authorized the killing of other Christians, raped murdered, began Crusades and established the inquisition. Being or not being a nazi would just be following in legacy. Okay, so therer were only two sections. The 2nd was long. I'm honestly not overly enthralled with mainstream religion and the new pope doesn't help matters much. What is so bad about allowing women to be preists? I'm not going to start the great gay debate, I just want to know what's wrong with women priests since throughout history the mainstay of the church has been women. [/color]
  16. [color=darkviolet]Honestly I think punk is like Goth. An over dramatized clothing style that is the 'in' thing at this very moment. A way for global corporations to make money on today's youth by cashing in on the trend of the moment. Yes folks, these anti-establishment people are selling out to the man. :rotflmao: Why not take your hard earned cash other places than Hot Topic next pay day and buy something worth while... Like a pair of good running shoes, or the boxed set of Kare Kano or a new BBQ grill. Shop at Good Will and make your own clothing style. In conclusion, punk isn't dead, it's just gone main stream.[/color]
  17. [color=darkviolet]Well, I do know that Ft. Hood (the largest military base in the free world) and Ft. Drum aren't closing. But why the rest? Niagra AFB is necessary to the economy of that area. Why can't the military just restructure themselves like they've been planning on doing since JAnuary and leave peopel where there are? Or better yet, Bush can hold a bake sale to make money to save teh bases from being closed. Like I mentioned before it takes more money to close a base than to keep it open.[/color]
  18. [color=darkviolet][b]Lawmakers scramble to save bases Pentagon recommends closing 30-plus major military facilities WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Pentagon on Friday recommended closing 33 major military installations and many smaller facilities across the United States, sparking fierce reactions from lawmakers who had hoped their states would be spared. The proposed changes also include significant reductions of forces at another 29 major bases. The 28-page document, sent to the nine-member Base Realignment and Closure Commission, known as BRAC, marks the first step in a politically charged process that will end with a congressional vote near the end of the year. (Full story) It calls for changes in all 50 states, with a net loss of 10,782 military positions and 18,223 civilian positions; 2,818 contractor posts would be added. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Thursday the changes would save the Pentagon more than $5 billion annually and produce a net savings of $48 billion during the next two decades. He also pointed out the current bases were "designed for the Cold War," and realignment is necessary to enable the U.S. military to face the war against terrorism and other new challenges. Military personnel will be moved into positions at other U.S. bases or overseas. The list recommends 775 facilities for what the Pentagon calls "minor closures and realignments." Members of Congress got advance copies of the report and reaction came quickly. U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, called the recommendation a "travesty and a strategic blunder of epic proportions on the part of the Defense Department." Her state has three installations on the list, including the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Military officials said the changes called for are larger than those enacted in previous rounds of closures. "This was a capability review aimed at jointness," Deputy Undersecretary Michael Wynne said at a news briefing. "We think all of the services are in fact going to gain from this event." Wynne said the Defense Department defined a major military base as one with a "plant replacement value" of at least $100 million. The department said there are 318 of those. The powerful chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Duncan Hunter, R-California, said he told Rumsfeld that he opposes the recommendation to close the submarine base at New London, Connecticut. Hunter said he opposes the closure "from a national security standpoint" because "undersea warfare is now and in the future will be critical to our survival as a nation." Two Connecticut lawmakers -- Rep. Rob Simmons, a Republican who represents New London, and Sen. Joe Lieberman, a Democrat -- said they are outraged by the decision to close the submarine base, according to Simmons' office. Among the recommended changes is a broad reduction of forces in Germany and South Korea as well as what are termed "undistributed troops." The total for those groups would drop by 14,000. One of the bases that would be closed if the recommendations are followed is Georgia's Fort McPherson, headquarters of the U.S. Army Forces Command, which directs deployment for Army personnel. Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue said proposals to close Fort McPherson and other bases in the state disappoints him. "The battle is not over. We will continue to give a vigorous defense of the military missions of these installations as we go forward," Perdue said. Others recommended for closure include the Naval Station in Pascagoula, Mississippi; Fort Monmouth in New Jersey; Cannon Air Force Base in New Mexico; Fort Monroe in Virginia; and Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota. Rumsfeld said Thursday that the list would be shorter than expected since additional space will be needed to house U.S. troops now deployed overseas. "Nonetheless, the changes that will occur will affect a number of communities, communities that have warmly embraced nearby military installations for a good many years -- indeed, in some cases, decades," he said. "The department will take great care to work with these communities with the respect that they have earned, and the government stands ready with economic assistance." What's next? The military has carried out four earlier rounds of base closings since 1988. The Pentagon estimates those closures have saved about $40 billion so far. Former Veterans Affairs Secretary Anthony Principi leads the nine-member base-closing commission. The panel will review the Pentagon's recommendations and send them, along with any changes, to the White House by September 8. President Bush has until September 23 to approve or reject the list without making changes; if approved, it goes to Congress for a vote. Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the closures were designed in conjunction with efforts to turn the U.S. armed services into lighter, more agile forces. The closure of several bases is "a necessary part of that," Myers said. "It is integral to our ability to structure ourselves to be able to defend this country well into the future."[/b] I don't know much about this topic so if anyone cares to add some onto this thread, please do. I'm sitting around listening to the local news and I've heard that they're going to close 38 military bases in the United States. The Pentagon claims that this is being done to save money. But it costs more to close the bases than to keep them open. I forgot exact costs, but I think it's 4 million more to close them than to keep them open. Honestly, I don't see the logic in this idea from Washington. The united states has two wars going on right now and they want to close military posts? Why? I'm going to try and find an article on this topic now, but until then if you want to share your thoughts, please do.[/color]
  19. [color=darkviolet]I don't drink very often. Just when I go out to eat or if I'm bored I may have a beer. A bottle of beer. I only got drunk once, and I don't even know if I was really that drunk. I took a dare from a few friends and ran around a neighborhood topless. One of the girls took pictures and gave me the copies. I gave them to Lincoln who left them laying around our bedroom and one of our friends found them when he was helping us move. :animeblus Other than that, I'm not much of a drinker. As for Panda's question. The legal drinkng age in New York State is 21, like everywhere else...well I heard that LA has a drinking age of 19. But I think that may just be a rumor. I know that in Korea the legal age is 20, but I think the age in Canada is 19. I'm not sure. Okay, now I'll add on to this, what is your favorite alcoholic beverage? I like Carona lighht with a slice of lime or a Screaming Orgasm... and no I didn't just type that for the sake of typing it! Ps, did anyone else think of the Song: Alcohal by Bare Naked Ladies when they saw the title?[/color]
  20. [color=darkviolet]Note, I'm not British or Irish (well, not from Ireland, how about that one?) But CNN has been doing some coverage of the Elections and I guess there are people over on your side of the pond who aren't too pleased with Tony Blair's entrance into the Iraq war. I figure that if Blair is ousted from his position as Prime minister that who ever takes over will remove Britain's troops from Iraq lessening our (here's a kicker, I'm an American) support over there. Bad for us, not bad for you. One would hope that in that event maybe Bush would with draw our troops as well and just keep his eyes on Afghanistan. Wishful thinking I know. :animesigh More than likely though, Blair will win the election again, Britain will stay and support the United States troops and there will be more American causualties. But all teh same I hope my uninformed input was appreciated.[/color]
  21. [color=darkviolet]I agree with Ice rose that Scooby Doo 2 was bad, but I only saw a piece of it. The first scooby movie really sucked eggs. Come on, [spoiler]Scrappy doo is the villain because he peed on Daphney ect ect ect.[/spoiler] HOw lame.[/color]
  22. [QUOTE=x kakashi x]lol be nice Chibi, I'm part of the nation's youth as well, and I'm definitely not getting married anytime soon. He'll realize soon enough that being 15 doesn't really mean anything, you learn from life experiences and maybe he just needs to make this mistake to know not to do it again. Its great that you care so much, but your just going overboard. YEE HAW[/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]I am being nice. I didn't tell the kid he should seek professional help. And I didn't mean all young kids, just the ones that post this stuff[/color]
  23. [quote name='Lightwing']well, i think i can make the relationship last becuase i am turning 15. thanks for the advice everyone. I truely appreciate it.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]Well, that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, I was worried that you'd wait until your mid twenties or something. :animesigh You know, it's threads like these that make me worry for the youth of today.[/color] [quote name='Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]Yeah, what a GREAT steady job that is. "Hi, hon, I love you, so let's get married. In the meanwhile, I'll go overseas for months at a time, leaving you all alone, and with a very high risk that I'll be killed." Sorry if I sound bitter, but yeah.[/color'][/size][/quote] [color=darvkiolet]That was the only stable job I could think of, how bad is that? Well, I guess I could have used the old stand by fast food worker, but the benefits aren't as good. So yeah, military. At the very least you'll have medical coverage if you don't have your spouse 24/7. And actually the risk of being killed-unless you're infantry-is low.... Keh Well, that's all I have to say. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition![/color]
  24. [color=darkviolet]Well, another year has gone by and I think I may have seen some movies since then. So I would like to know your 3 least favorite or worst movies ever and why. Just remember that these are people's opinions and they're not insulting you. Well anyways on to my three least favorite 1.) [b]Water Boy[/b]- Could a movie get any dumber? I haven't seen it in a while, probably because I don't want to. All I remember was that it was it was really bad. 2.) [b]Blair Witch Project[/b]- I've said it before and I'll say it again, that movie was not scary. None of my friends thought it was scary, none of my brother's friends thought it was scary. It just didn't have the suspense I craved. Give me Rear Window or Vertigo any day over Blair Witch please. 3.) [b]Racing Stripes[/b]- Ok it was a cute movie and I mostly liked it for the horses, but it didn't seem very realistic to me. Well, that's it from me, have a nice whatever.[/color]
  25. [color=darkviolet]Me, hot tempered? Survey says: Yes Okay I admit I have a bit of a temper, the only time I don't go off on people (except for twice in the past ten years) uis during horseback riding. I actually have a bit of a violent temper at times. I've thrown things at Lincoln. Heavy things, like my purse and once the coffee table. But to be fair to me, the coffee table was one of those sauder things with fake drawers and stuff like that and I was really mad. I curse at people on the road, but I don't think I have road rage since I've never chased after someone just to give them the bird or gave them the bird unless the other driver [i]really[/i] deserved it. I've cursed out my mother-in-law in public a few times because she was eitehr being stupid or nasty to me. Or at 53 thinking she can dress like a teenager just because she's a size 00 and thinking I'm jealous of her since I'm well....a size 16. :animeblus But she needs to be yelled at because she got s-faced at my wedding reception and my husband had to drive her home. I know it was 3 years ago, but I guess I also hold grudges a bit too long. Well, there, you know all about how much of a b I can be at times. [/color]
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