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Everything posted by ChibiHorsewoman

  1. [color=darkviolet]If the restraining order doesn't work, you can always try to shoot him. :animeswea But seriously I'd try to be straight forward like other people have said and if he doesn'tget it just walk away. But walk away backwards so he can't do a sneak attack[/color]
  2. [color=darkviolet]YEah, I'm sitting here listening to the Bachelorette in the background because there is no cable TV in my mom's office...well, a guy from where I live is one of the finalists so it's like hometown (or atleast area code) pride going on here) And I'm thinking what a dumb show this is. This stupid woman is crying about how she didn't want to make this discision yadds yadda yadda. and keep in mind she was the finalist on the last bachelor show. I also heard a rumor about how she breaks this engagement too. So after this comes the question: what is the dumbest reality show you've seen and why? I say the Bachelor or Bachelorette ones are the worst. I mean of course these people are going to fall in love...they're all astecally pleasing. They're flawless and good looking and they act so damn perfect. Krista was so sugary she made me want to barf. All there is on the show is physical attraction. You don't get to see any faults with all the cameras. How will you know how you'll react when you start screaming at eachother for forgetting a birthday, or getting lost on a drive? You can't. The least they could do is blindfold one another on dates. [b]EDIT[/b]: She just refused and he's still saying how amazing she is...dork! :animesigh [/color]
  3. [color=darkviolet]Well, a restraining order and a police escort away from you are two very direct ways to tell a guy you're not interested in him. Come to think of it, so is going out with his best friend. Barring that I'd say that if you tried telling him you aren't interested and he didn't get the hint, maybe you could ignore him. Writing a very blunt to the point letter works too. So does sending your friends over in a Godfather like fashion to explain to him that you aren't interested. But go with the letter first.[/color]
  4. [QUOTE=Jung-Woo][COLOR=RoyalBlue] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][U][B]Underrated:[/B][/U] Reel Big Fish sounds familiar...I've heard some of their songs that they did for DOA: Extreme Beach Volleyball while watching my cousins play it. "I Want Your Girlfriend To Be My Girlfriend, Too" is an awesome song. "The Kids Don't Like It" is another great one. [U][B]Overrated:[/B][/U] [U]Evanescence:[/U] That girl's voice doesn't really match the sort of theme that they're going for. It sounds like a high school choir girl with a local band or something... :p [/FONT] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]I really like their song Somebody hates me (reel big Fish) I heard it on an anime video that someone had done to clips from Trigun, funny stuff. Also I Hate you **** you leave me alone :animesmil Oh and on the Evenescence note, did anyone notice that a few weeks ago at the Grammy's they were nominated for best [b][size=3][i]POP GROUP?[/B][/I][/SIZE] :bellylol: Take that. I mean yeah, I have the CD, but they're about as punk and my mother-in-law is a biker...and my mother-in-law is [i]not[/i] a biker. Another underrated would be [b]Home Town News[/b] They're a country band that came out with [i]Good Bye 20's hello Mini-Van[/i] a few years ago. I haven't heard anything else from them, but the song was funny. Oh and my cousin Adam's band. They're just underrated because nobody outside of people who have heard them play have heard of them. :D I think that should count. Ashlee Simpson should just resign herself to playing back up to her sister and get over it. She's not pretty she has no talent and she had some pretty emberassing things happen to her.[/color] .
  5. [quote name='thewanderer']when it says that everyone is sinful in the bible it refers that ppl inherit this from Adam and Eve since they were the first humans and they sinned everyone is sinful, it doesn't mean the child that has no common sense is sinful in the way that she or he is doing a bad thing its inherited..[/quote] [color=darkviolet]Which brings me back to my original question, how can a child be sinful. YOu see, I was taught that when you don't know something that you're doing is wrong that it's not a sin. Inherited sin is pretty stupid. It's even worse when parents decide to tell their children that they're sinful. Children are not sinful. We are not born sinful, we just become sinful. When you say that we are all born sinful that's like saying that if you died before being baptized you're automatically going to hell even though you haven't had a chance to live.[/color]
  6. [quote name='Cazzilla'] And you can't watch Anime on a train, bus, car, but you can read ^-^[/quote] [color=darkviolet]Three words : Portable DVD Player Ok, maybe when you take DVD and turn it into three more words Digital Video Disc it's really [i]six[/i] words, but hey, what do you people want from me? All I'm trying to say is if you have a Portable DVD Player you can watch anime anywhere. Heck, you could be sacriligious and watch it in church.... True you may be smited or annoy people by yelling at INuYasha, but you can watch anime anywhere. Still manga is more portable than the DVD player...and more affordable[/color]
  7. [quote name='Japan_86][COLOR=Navy']Our city was voted as the 'All-American City' as well. [/COLOR][/quote] [color=darkviolet]My mom said that cities just go buy those. Buffalo, Syracuse and Rochester NY all have those too. Buffalo's 'All American City' sign is on I-90 as soon as you enter the city limits. Nothing against you or your city, it's just that I thik every city in the US has one of those. Except for Killeen, but they're already pretty all american since they have the largest military base in the free world. Yes folks, Ft. Hood was the coolest thing about where I used to live. Unless you counted route 195 which took you to Austin[/color]
  8. [color=darkviolet]Well, I was over in Jung Woo's part of New York State today and remembered a few things that someone, ok both of us forgot. :animeswea [b]The Walden Galleria Mall[/b] Quite possibly the nicest mall in Western New York State . 3 floors and a movie theater. [b]Carosel Center Mall[/b]-This is located in Syracuse New York. It has one of the most beautiful Carosels I've ever seen. It used to be in Roseland Amusement park (which was next to where my off campus housing in Canadaigua) before they tore it down. [b]Ft. Drum[/b] YEah it's an army base and soon to be near my new home :animecry: if everything goes the way it seems to be going. There's nothing too special about this place. it's about 3 and a half hours from where I live now. Oh wait....The US Army does their cold weather training at Ft. Drum. Their winters so [i]own[/i] everyone else's winters. Sometimes Watertown and near by Calcium have the coldest recorded temperatures in the lower 48. Yeah, beat that Grand Forks AFB :catgirl: There are times in the winters up there where you can't even leave your house because of the snow. Plus I think Ft. Drum is also there to protect New York from Canadian invasions. :D [b]Thousand Islands[/b] Also near my new place of residence (I'm trying to get used to the fact that I'll be living there soon) It's a major tourist attraction and resort area. Once you get past all the black flies it's a great place to visit. The reason most sane people don't live there is in my above cool spot.[/color]
  9. [color=darkviolet]I'm not sure who created this anime, but it's rather endearing. A young girl named Sora travels from Japan to the United States (I'm assuming California because that's what the setting reminds me of) to become a member of Kaleido Stage. However her dreams don't go exactly as planned because in the first episode someone steals her bag and she has to chase after the person and boy does she ever! Fortunately she catches the guy, but unfortunately she has to go to the police station to fill out a report and as a result is late for her audition. Sora tries to explain why she's late and is alomst granted an audtion but then the star of Kaleido Stage, Layla, comes in and says that exceptions shouldn't be made. I didn't catch the rest of this episode because I had to take care of Abby, but I guess Sora does manage to get an audition. But there are still obstacles in her path. However Sora meets everyone of them head on...so far. So far this series only Airs on Anime On Demand network in the US and I haven't seen any DVDs or Manga out yet. But I'm wodnering if anyone else has seen this anime and what they think of it.[/color]
  10. [color=darkviolet]You can thank a pointless IM conversation with our very own Lost Prophet for this thread :animesmil What would you do if you were president or Prime MInister if you're not in the US. This has nothing to do with talking about Bush. He won, those who didn't vote for him or just don't like him will have to just grin and cross our fingers. It's just like one of those papers your teacher gave you in grammar school. Nothing political about this thread. The first thing I can think of right now to do if I were president is to get rid of the military's don't ask don't tell policy. Honestly who ever thought up that policy should have their arm ripped off and get beaten with it. Ok, maybe it was begun to protect homosexuals against soldiers who with a lack of a better hobby would harrass them, but I think now it's more to protect the soldiers from dealing with something they don't like. Therefore it needs to be taken away. The second thing would be to create The Department of T.S. and if you don't know what the letters T.S. stand for poke yourself. This department would bring back public humiliation for people who do stupid things like steal. There would also be a section that covered flogging of child molestors and rapists. Yes there would have to be proof of the rape or other lewd sexual act, and there would be medical attention available. But still it would happen. I happen to feel very strongly about this though. And you know what, that's all I can think of...except for finding a department for LP's pyrotechnic ducks...long story. So, what would you do?[/color]
  11. [QUOTE=MistressRoxie] And of course, thank you very very much to CHW. My thread got chosen because of you, and I'm very thankful for that. I didn't even think of nominating my own thread, so thank you very much. And of course, congratulations to your nomination, too. I think you deserve it, no matter what anyone says. ^_^ *huggle* [/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]I think I deserved it too, you have no idea how long it takes to get as [slash]annoying[/slash] creative as I am....oh wait you do! I loved your family tree thread. Because of you I now have an estranged family. I even have a father who is ten years [i]younger[/i] than me! And an estranged husband in the Air Force :animesigh You definately deserved that nomination, I'm just suprized no one else thought of it.[/color]
  12. [color=darkviolet] I was going to reply to Adahn's religious rhetoric, but I'll just let him and Siren have their little slice of Summerland. Well, this is fun. The problem with religion is that so many people veiw even one sect of a religios group in many different ways. Heck, there are some Christians who don't think that Catholics are Christian and there are Catholics who don't consider themselves Christian. There are Christians who think that Catholics are Idolators there are Catholics that think that other Christians are going to Hell for not believing as they do. And that's just one small group! :animeswea I'm not Catholic any more, actually I'm not quite sure which path to take at this time because I haven't been doing anything else I'm supposed to. But when I followed the Catholic faith there were things that I did and didn't agree with. Mostly didn't. I enjoyed the singing and the fact that when you were praying you felt closer to God. But I didn't like that you weren't allowed to question the Dogma or try to figure out why God hates some things one minute yet turn around and learn that God is loving and foriving! For the love of God make up your mind. I ended up talking religion with a girl in my riding lesson a few weeks ago. She said that she was Catholic, but had some Buddhist leanings like the afterlife. We got to talk more about religion during our cool out and both agreed that the main thing religion should teach is understanding of both other people and other religions. In conclusion when it comes to finding a religion that suits you I think the best thing to do is take my brother's lead and make up your own. :animeangr [/color]
  13. [QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f] There's a difference between not knowing and asking questions, and pretending you know something and telling lies. Yes we are all here to learn, but people making false statments won't help us to. As for homosexuality (why is everyone so obsessed with it these days?), everyone is entitled to their beliefs about it. People who dislike it have good reasons for it, so you can't call it discrimination: [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet] Ok, everyone is entitled to their opinions, even if they seem wrong to other people. No one shoudl attack someoen for their opinions or their beliefs. I believe that God loves everyone. There are more passages about love in everyone's holy books than there are about hate. That's what we should concentrate on. Love not hate. Religion should be used as a bridge, not a wepon. We shouldn't be assuming that we know everything that God, or Goddess, or the Divine know. That said I'd like to know what basis people really have against homosexuality. I mean I can't stand when someone has to express their gayness and force people to accept it or they're homophobic and wrong. Why do you dislike it? Does it harm you personally? And believe it or not, you can call it discrimination. [/color] [QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f] [I]"There are many reasons why it is forbidden in Islam. Homosexuality is dangerous for the health of the individuals and for the society. It is a main cause of one of the most harmful and fatal diseases. It is disgraceful for both men and women. It degrades a person. Islam teaches that men should be men and women should be women. Homosexuality deprives a man of his manhood and a woman of her womanhood. It is the most un-natural way of life. Homosexuality leads to the destruction of family life." [/I] Okay, love is different than lust. A man can love his male friends, he can love his father, and his brothers.... [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet] If you're trying to make a connection between gays and AIDS as your fatal disease well, look somewhere else. That point of veiw went out with the Berlin Wall. There is no proof that AIDS is a homosexual disease. It affects everyone Gay Straight, Bi, male, female, balck, white, Asian Arabic, Christian and Muslim. Now that that's been done, I can't see how else it would affect a person's health to be homosexual unless they have to keep it a secret and they begin to get ulcers from stress. Homosexuality isn't harmful to family values. A homosexual person isn't anymore dangerous than a heterosexual person. Peopel get a life. And who died and made religion the sole descison on what love is? Ok, this is a religion thread. We shouldn't keep derailing it by discussing homosexuality. That thread has to wait a few more months maybe May or June will see the next Gay thread. But if anyone wants a debate.... I like religion in it's non judgemental, loving non extremist form. The way the people who created it be it the Son of God, a Prophet or Druids. Religion wasn't created to demean, judge, divide or say I'm right and you're wrong. Religion is supposed to give people strength to deal with daily crap. Not make people feel guilty or threatened. If you think that's what religion is, I'm sorry you had such an experiance but allow others to believe as they wish Ok, now my fingers are tired, I'm gonna go work on the rules for my RPG[/color]
  14. [color=darkviolet]Well, I'm sitting here reading through this thread with my mom...who has dyed her hair and mine and once frosted her sister's....We don't like to mention that story. I have medium length ash blond (last time I checked) hair. I had blond highlights put in the whole time I was pregnant with abby It was over !\$100 every time. My hair is now (as of 22/2/04 @ 2:45 Pm EST) a dark purple red. I like to dye my hair red. But the problem with red is that it's an extremely pourus color and it tends to fade easily. The best advice I have for prolonging red is: [b]Don't wash your hair as much[/b], yeah it sounds icky, but that's what one of the stykists told me [b]when you wash your hair use a shampoo that's designed for colored hair.[/b] Even better, us that Pantene color effects (well, that's what I was told) because it helps to enhance the color. [b]Don't use extremely hot water[/b] I read that in the US edition of Glamour That's all I know. I really like my stylist/colorist. I'll miss her if I end up moving [/color]
  15. [quote name='joshdude89']I think that Sesshouimaru is pretty normal now, havnt you seen the recent episodes, He travels with a HUMAN girl named Rin. The reason this show is so great is the fact that the plot is REALLY good, I like the fact that every episode isnt the same and it has so much humor in it that I will stay up till 12:30 to watch it every day :sleep:[/quote] [color=darkviolet]Keh, yes I have seen the recent episodes. Actually that's anot all that recent that he travels with Rin. I believe that Rin is an exception and not the rule. Yeah, I guess the plot is ok, but the anime as a whole is rather mundane. The humor isn't any different than the other anime before it. It's become repetetive with me as of late. I'll watch it if I happen to be up, but I have other things to concern myself with such as getting a job and taking care of my daughter. But yeah, I guess I like it. And to each their own.[/color]
  16. [quote name='Japan_86][COLOR=Navy']It is not just the extremists in Islam that believe other races and countries should reform or die. It states in the Koran that you are suppose to get rid of non believers of the Islamic faith.[/COLOR][/quote] [color=darkviolet] *cough* BS *cough* It [i]is[/i] only the extremists. You don't see the entire muslim population of say...Rochester, MN taking flying lessons so they can crash into the Mall of America because of all the Catholics, Baptists and Satanists that keep popping up do you? No. That's why extremism is bad, it gives the perfectly sane followers of the religion a bad name. The Quaran states that you may seek vengence, but you must be moderate in seeking vengence because you will get repercussions. It also warns against the killing of innocents because well, that's a one way ticket to hell. And yes, they are encoraged to rid invaders from their lands, but they must seek out peacefull means of doing so prior to going to war. I honestly don't know where you're getting your information from, but I'd burn that book immediately. I also dissagree about God hating homosexuals, I think God hates Jerry Fowell and the guy at Focus on the Family, but I doubt He hates homosexuals. After all in Christianity weren't we all created in His immage? I think that includes homosexuals[/color]
  17. [QUOTE=Xander Harris] All human beings are sinful. [/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]Ok, how is a child like oh say a one year old, sinful? Does the one year old know that it's wrong to take a pack of gum from check out when mom or dad isn't looking? Does the one year old know that it's not nice to hit? No. That's why I dissagree with original sin or that everyone is born with sin. Sure you begin around say 5 or so to learn right from wrong, but is the child at fault if his parents didn't bother to tell him that stealing is not acceptable? No, it's the parent's shortcomings. This is also why I don't understand the Catholic or Epscipalion (G.W.'s religion's) obsession with baptizing infants (Catholic) or being born again at the ripe old age of three. I keep getting asked when I'm baptizing my daughter. When she's old enough to decide for herself. But hey, I guess that's why Focus on the Family :mad: can make so much money convincing people like my grandma that you can tell that children are difficult when they're infants. :rolleyes: [/color]
  18. [color=darkviolet]Well, kind of. It was back in November 2003 when I was commenting on being pregnant and spending next thanksgiving playing with my baby. Then poof, January 19th comes along and I don't have my monthly annoyance. A week later I find out I'm pregnant. Then after I told Lincoln we concentrated more on girl names than boy names. Then one of Lincoln's letters to me said something about our daughter (this was back in march 2004) And then April/May rolls around and the ultrasound shows a girl. Oh and around December of 2003 I kept telling my best friend who was 7 months along that she was going to have her daughter on the 29th of February and I was going to laugh at her because her daughter would only have a birthday every 4 years. Well, wouldn't you know it, the 28th of February I'm coming out of a resturaunt in Texas and I tell Lincoln that I think Becky (my friend) is having her daughter the next day-little do I know that she's in labor-then when I land in Buffalo the next day, my dad lets me use his cell to call Becky and I get her boyfriend instead. He tells me that Becky is in labor. Then at 9:08 PM EST Becky has Alicia. Oh, and I think you'll make a great teacher, just watch out for those crazy parents who don't think their kids should be pushed or scolded...I won't be one of them. :animesigh [/color]
  19. [color=darkviolet]Keh, I guess I'll jump into the frey. Ok, I think the idea of original sin is rediculous. I don't understand how these Christian parents can tell their children at the age of five that they are sinful and are going to Hell. Children have no concept of sin or wrong doing they have to be taught right from wrong, and I'll refer to Islamic and Wiccan belief for that. These two religions believe that children are born sinless (Islam) or that children are an excellent example of perfect love and perfect trust (Wicca). For example, during ritual everyone stands in circle and grownups aren't allowed to leave the circle with out permission (if I'm getting any of this wrong please correct me, I haven't been to a ritual since Yule 03) However, children (and animals) are allowed to come and go as they please since they have perfect love and perfect trust. They haven't been jaded or given any reason (hopefully) to believe that anyone will do anything wrong to them. The same is true in Islam. I read somewhere (chaibochu (sp?) may correct me if I'm wrong on this) that muslim children are considered sinless until puberty. If a child dies before they reach 12 they are immediately going to heaven. I also don't agree with the concept of hell, I've even heard from a nun that she doesn't believe that a God who loves everyone coudl be so cruel to send everyone to Hell. My best friend's religion even goes as far to believe that there is no Hell. Instead of going to Hell, on judgement day everyone's good and bad deeds will be weighed all the good people will go to heaven and the bad people will stay in the ground. I'll share more later, I have a sudden urge to start another thread.[/color]
  20. [color=darkviolet]Oddly enough, I was thinking about starting a thread about what would people say about you at your eulogy (Question from 12th grade english) when I came on here. Keh...This is why I can't die: 1.) There would be nobody around to annoy the crap out of Morpheus :animesmil 2.) Who would start threads about off the wall things like roadkill if I died? [i]NOBODY[/i] that's who! 3.) I'm the only parent Abby knows very well. You just can't do that to a small child, especially a baby. 4.) Like Morpheus I am the only one who knows where everything is in my room. 5.) Who would be nice enough to bring my mother-in-law shampoo, soap, toothpaste and a toothbrush that she'll never use? 6.) There have been too many people who died close to Lincoln this decade, you can't do that to someone. 7.) I still have to finish atleast one debate with Drix 8.) I haven't even started my RPG yet! 9.) There won't be anyone in Lost Prophets fan club 10.) There are still people in the world I haven't annoyed yet! 11.) I haven't gotten to annoy and or emberass my daughter yet! 12.) I haven't jumped anything on the cross country course in almost 3 years! :animecry: and finally #13) I don't wanna![/color]
  21. [QUOTE=SweetSean]Who would be your date from Inuyasha and why?? Mine should be Sango because she is a suvivor like me.[/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]Well, let's see... *kicks you know who out of the picture and becomes anime* I guess InuYasha...oh yeah cliche because he reminds me of other peopel I know. all he needs is a little love may some encoragement. And a lot of ramen. Sesshomaru woud be do able as well, but I think he needs some therapy. Just until he gets over his hatred of humans and his brother. And gets rid of those violent urges to turn into a giant dog. Yeah, I think that's a pretty good length for a post. [/color]
  22. [QUOTE=Kane][SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. People, the best super power would obviously be superhuman intelligence, I mean with it you could just build gadgets to mimic other super powers. There'd be no need to rely on some nuclear accident to give you your powers, you'd just build something that could give it to you. [[i]Puts on Comic Book Guy voice[/i]] Best Power Ever.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]Yeah, then you can go on Jeopardy and kick Ken Jenning's butt by beating his record! Hell yeah! Oh, F.Y.I. Ken Jennings was the guy on the US Jeopardy who kept winning all this money from I think June until October. He made over 2 million answering questions on a game show. I think I'd like that power as well.[/color]
  23. [color=darkviolet]Ok, I have my co-mod, Dagger, and I have my rating PG mild language and some comic violence. I'm going to put up the registration and such and hope for some more ideas. wish me luck. Any more ideas before posting would be appreciated. Thank you.[/color]
  24. [QUOTE=Immelman] Can someone please suggest a few Manga Titles to get me started with? I really enjoy anime with original plots like Neon Gen Evangellion, Lain and Ghost in the Shell. Unfortunateley I dont know if these animes were mangas before they were animes or visa versa. Would appreciate some pointers. =)[/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]Well, I started out reading manga that were already anime (ie Sailor Moon, InuYasha, and Ranma 1/2) then moved on to manga that haven't been turned into anime (Peach Girl, Mars, and Aria) And now I'm reading some Manwa or Korean Manga. Right now I'm sending my husband Model (by oh, I forget his name, but the last name is Soo-Young,) which is Manwa. It's pretty good if you like Vampires and stuff. There's also Hands off, which I thik is manga, Priest, which someone I know didn't like too much. Revolutionary Girl Utena (also know as Le Femme Revolution Utena) also Manga and has been turned into anime. I could go on, Saiyuki, Video Girl Ai, AI love you, Boys Over Flowers, Kare Kano.... The list literally goes on. I hope that helped a bit. Don't listen to that dude that posted after you.[/color]
  25. [color=darkviolet] [b]Home owner[/b]: Damn when the Bible says 'smite' they [i]mean[/i] smite. Yeah...late night my cousin's gabbing on the phone in my room....Work with me people![/color]
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