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Everything posted by ChibiHorsewoman

  1. [color=darkviolet]So, it's my turn to show a picture and chose the winner. Okay here it goes. Yes, that's right, 30 sausage pizzas delivered to Haifa street...the name is Al Sadr. [/color]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]oh yeah i don't know for how long, but tonight inu yasha is on at 1am and 4am est. sorry about the post quality, i'm feeding and typing at the same time [/COLOR]
  3. [color=darkviolet]I was thinking of doing a topic like this This is a really good one. I had my mother-in-law over on Wednesday and I was telling her about how my daughter is getting ansty and crying a lot at night. So she says that a friend of hers who is a peditrician said to put a crying baby in a pillowcase. Even better she claimed that it was in a medical journal. One that she didn't know the name of. For some reason she was angry at me when I yelled at her that I am not going to put my daughter in a pillowcase no matter who said to do it. I hope that was fun and educational[/color]
  4. [color=darkviolet]I have a six week old daughter . She cries so I feed her change her and do whatever else I think she may need but she stil cries. However, my mom takes her and holds her for a few minutes and suddenly she calms down. So yeah at times I feel that I'm not enough for my daughter. But other times she won't calm down for anyone but me and I stop feeling that way. But I do feel your pain. I also hope I got the question right.[/color]
  5. [QUOTE=Dark Serena][size=1][color=purple][ [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v393/Dark_Serena/headtoilet.jpg[/img] [/color][/size][/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]Damn, the alligator got my nose again![/color]
  6. [color=darkviolet]There's a picture on the back of one of the Peach Girl Manga (book two I believe) where Momo has a swastika on an outfit of hers. But Tokyo pop kept it there. I don't knwo if I'm getting this right, but until the Nazi party adopted the Swastika as their symbol, it was actually a chinese symbol for luck. Yeah, I think that may have been off topic...sorry[/color]
  7. [color=darkviolet]Got ball? Sorry I couldn't resist![/color]
  8. [QUOTE=James][color=#707875]Wow. Heh, when I first saw your name after you registered, I thought it meant that you were a small, horse-like woman. Like some kind of anime character or something. o_O But that clears that up. lol[/color][/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]Well, that was a very creative guess. I think you should get points for that. But that reminds me of a name I had on another message board Sailor Ruby Horse, that was a fanfic character...lady I'm glad I'm over that phase[/color]
  9. [color=darkviolet]Well, it depends on if you're just talking about long distance relationships in general, or online long distance relationships. Because I've been in a long distance (ok majority long distance I did get to live with my husband for a little over a year from 20,Aug 2002-15, Nov 2004) relationship for four years-never get involved in a military relationship, they suck. But I've never been in an online relationship. I think that if you try really really hard you can get a long distance relationship to work provided that you have enough trust and enough in common besides just physical attraction. Also, meeting the person and being able to see the person every once in a while helps too. I don't have any experiance with online relationships so I can't help there. But don't believe that just because you barely see eachother it's doomed.[/color]
  10. [quote name='lava lamp']You should be flattered. Think of OtakuBoards as kindergarten. The boy who hits you wants to hit it.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]Yeah, but in kindergarten I always hit [i]that[/i] boy with something from the play area and got in trouble. [b]Edit[/b]Anyone who takes things on the internet too seriously Anyone who actually took me seriously when I posted what I posted. Yes, I hit people in kindergarten, no I'm not going to go postal on something that was meant as a joke.[/color]
  11. [QUOTE=Charles][left] [/left] [center][img]http://img79.exs.cx/img79/278/48774754.gif[/img][/center] [list] [*][left]ChibiHorsewoman[/left] [/list][/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]I don't know if I should be hurt because I was singled out or not give a damn because eveyone else was mentioned as well or not give a damn because it's just the internet...[/color]
  12. [color=darkviolet]The big question in this day and age is who isn't suing who? My favorite example is that incident involving Prince Harry and that photographer a few days back, Harry allegedly shoved the photographer away as he was leaving a night club because the guy shoved a camera in his face. So now this photographer wants to sue Prince Harry for personal injury. Maybe he wanted to use the money to buy a clue. YOu ask me I think those people who do those stupid lawsuites and win should be forced to donate about 95% of their winnings to charity. There's way too many of those Oh, and I kind of like American Idiot...then again I also like Stupid American and Dixie Chicks so maybe I should get some better tastes in music and become an evil conservative insead of an evil liberal. :devil: [/color]
  13. [quote name='Kane][SIZE=1']Well when Name Changing was first introduced I think it was more so to do with the fact that when a lot of people had joined they'd picked some kind of a silly anime/videogame/what-have-you based username which after a while didn't really fit any more. In my own opinion it had to do with people trying to pick a name that suited who they were on Otakuboards rather than reflected the IRL interests, at least that's what I think. [/SIZE][/quote] [color=darkviolet]The thing is that my name still fits me. I still ride horses and I'm still shorter than Lincoln, and last time I checked I'm still a woman. It's just that I think the whole thing is so damn long. Oh man, I know what else I remember...the first gay marriage thread I did where this one kid said that if you support gay marriage you support people and animals getting married. Amazingly enough that thread lasted about 7 pages before being shut down.[/color]
  14. [quote name='chobit']I don't like it when they cancel Sex and the City.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]Neither do I, I miss all those clothes and wonderful stories. Sadly TBS just doesn't do it justice. People who drive around with their blinker on for 20 miles really get on my nerves. It gets even worse when the person goes about five miles below the speed limit and weaves around a bit. You never know whether you should try to switch lanes or not because the thought of your car being damaged just doesn't appeal to you. Then there's those people who whip into your lane from somewhere else without their turn signal then go real slow. The bad thing about that is that if you rearend the idiot it's all your fault! :cussing: because you're supposed to have control of your vehicle at all times. Oh and those jerks that tail gate you for a few miles then swerve around you and flip you the bird. The good thing about that is that if there's a light up ahead you can get your revenge by seeing them waiting at a red light :laugh: Involuntary enlistment lengthenings ( I don't know the correct military term). As far as I know they aren't paying this hard working men and women more money to stay in the military longer than they signed on for so why should they be made to stay longer? Congress pisses me off because they just decided this morning that first cav and fourth ID will have their tour of duty in Iraq extended for one more month to beef up security for the January elections. Yes, the increase of violence and insurgents really show that Iraq is ready for elections. If you want my opinion it's just one more month of putting your butt on the line for a paycheck that leaves you bellow poverty level if you're enlisted. I have more, but I need to go make my bed...which is another thorn in my side.[/color]
  15. [QUOTE=wrist cutter]What food is has proven to lower a woman's sex drive to nothing? Wedding cake. I love those.[/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]I love them too, but my husband tends to disagree with these jokes. Anyway, I found another good argument for sme sex marriages (or at the very least legal unions with the same rights as marriage) From an economic standpoint same sex marriages (hand fastings ect ect ) are a very good thing. Why? You legalize same sex marriages you have twice as many people getting married which means that twice as many people are going to do bridal registries. With the increase in bridal registries comes the increase in people not only buying gifts for the bridal shower, but also wedding gifts. Then you take into account that these extra people gettting married will need some place to have their reception meaning that party halls and the like will see an increase in their business as well. Also you have the couples who may not want a church wedding but would rather get married in a park or on the beach so they need to go buy permits there. Thus uncreasing the economy in their area some more. Ther's also the cost of the marriage liscence, paying for rentals, (ie tux rentals, chair rentals ect ect) the dj, the person who presides over your ceromony. If you have your reception outside you have to pay for a caterer. And let's not forget the ever important dresses. I had a wedding and have been to a few weddings which could single handedly boost at least New York state's economy. So there you have it another good reason for legalizing gay marriage. And if that didn't work I think that coming home to find my husband in bed with Mary Ann is a bigger strain on my marriage than if the Professor made a pass at him and he said he wasn't interested.[/color]
  16. [color=darkviolet]This is a very interesting topic for me. Actually it's a bit of a scary coincidence since my OBGYN just decided to put me on Lisinopril today (another aniti depressant) because I seem to have worse than just baby blues. I was never on Prozac, but when I was 11 or 12 years old (maybe younger now that I think of it) my pediatrician diagnosed me with Clinical Depression (yippee) and put me on Paxil, which is in the same catergory as Prozac. This of course was before anyone found proof of teens being placed on anti depressants becoming suicidal. I'm not going to get into long descriptions here, but at times I nearly got that way as well. I actually took myself off the stuff (big no no) back in 2001 because the co-pay was too damn expensive ($75 for a 30 day supply) and I needed to support my birth control habit. However when I moved down to Texas my mood took a downward spiral and one of the Army doctors put me back on Paxil, I won't say what happened a few months after but I went off the stuff again because the 20MG pink pill was just making matters worse. So while there may be some good to come from anti depressants I really don't think they should be given to children at such a young age and other methods should be tried first such as therapy sessions and parents talking to their kids. Prozac and the like should wait until later in teenage years or maybe your 20s unless there's an extremely good reason.[/color]
  17. [color=darkviolet]I'm too lazy to go through and quote people I disagree with so I'll just jump right in. Seeing that in the traditional idea of marriage all that was needed is two families, a contract and some land.. maybe some livestock I really don't see why not. Yes, even in the middle ages a wedding ceromony typically took place during a church ceromony the majority of marriages up to the middle of this past century have had less to do with love than with convieniance or what one family can get from the other. To accentuate that fact it's widely known that in many other countries and cultures arranged marriages still take place with no thought to the feelings of either party. I don't know why everyone has to make such a big deal about same sex couples getting married. Is your relationship with you and your loved one so bad that you feel threatened by the thought of two men or two women getting married? We're a nation (ok America is a nation) that takes our kids to gun shows and watches Jerry Springer (admit it), but the thought of Tonya and Tina or Tom and Jerry registering for gravy boats and Noritake china drives almost everyone into puritanical hysterics and gets some people crazy enough to try and make a constitutional ammendment banning it. Yet, if we tried to reinstate the era where it was illegal in most states for interatial couples to get married or make a ban on different faiths getting married you get smacked with the lable of being intolerate or prejudist. Can someone say hypocrisy? I knew you could. In conclusion, as a married woman I don't think it lessens my marriage with my husband. And to anyone who's against it becuase they're against the thought of the whole sex thing I leave you with this joke: q. What's the easiest way to get a woman to stop having sex? a. marry her.[/color]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Hey well, I've had the same avitar pretty much since I started here. So I was wondering if someone woyuld be so kind as to turn the picture below *crosses fingers* into a new avatar. Thanks. [/COLOR]
  19. [color=darkviolet]DeathBug reminded me of that old ranking system that I think existed until this version. I think I made it up to member in about 3 weeks because I posted just about every day. After that I don't remember where i was when they did the renovations in January. I do remember trying to check the messages I got and not being able to get anywhere becuase the site was down for upgrades. Yeah, I haven't been here too long, but I remember the worst movie ever thread i started and people got freaked out at me because of the three movies I picked. Said people shall remain nameless. And speaking of names, I'm thinking of shortening mine or just changing it all together to go along with the trend of name changers, what do all ya'll think of that?[/color]
  20. [quote name='Drix D'Zanth']If you have sex without God's consent... you WILL get an STD. You will die from said STD.[/quote] [color=darlviolet]That was even funnier than wrist cutter's post. How do you do it?[/color]
  21. [color=darkviolet]my husband just started reading Aria and that's a pretty good manga. Yes, I think i know what you're thinking-how can a manga that a grown up guy is reading be appropirate for a 12 year old girl. Well, in the two books that I've read there's no violence, same sex relationships or anything that parents may consider a bad influence on young kids. Also Kare Kano is in manga form, altho I haven't read it yet. If you think she may be able to handle it I'd also recomend Peach Girl, Fushigi Yugi and Mars. But Peach Girl has a few dark undertones in it, Fushigi Yugi gets extremely dark after the first book and Mars has people dealing with rape and suicide so I'm not sure what your parents consider appropriate for tehir kids to read so I'll just be careful. SailorMoon would be good if you coudl find it since aside from Haruka and Michiru I don't see anything that conservative parents would object to. Unless of course they don't like magic. Then no. Well, there's a few suggestions, take them as you will.[/color]
  22. [color=darkviolet]There's really no shame in being a virgin in your late teens or early twenties. At least there shouldn't be especially since I didn't lose it until I was 19...yeah like you cared. And it's only been with one person. Heck, I know of a girl who didn't lose it until she was in her early twenties and there's a guy my huband works with who still hasn't gotten any and he's 22. Of course part of the reason could be because all he does stateside is sit in his room and play on the computer all day, but it does prove that there are twenty something male virgins out there. Pretty much what I'm saying is there's no shame in not losing your virginity before you're old enough to vote-or even drink. There's no problem with only sleeping with one person either. Besides with that last thought in mind it makes it easier to remember who's name you should be screaming.[/color]
  23. [quote name='chobit']I think I'd like to be in Starbucks at the end of the world.Especially if its attached to Chapters.Mmmm,caffine and reading material.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]Personaly I think I'd rather be in the Sephora at the Venetian in Las Vegas after a tiring night in my hotel room. That way when I die, I'll die happy[/color]
  24. [quote name='Kyuai][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Um, concerning that. I feel stupid asking, obviously, but I'm also very curious. As any guy would be I'm sure... asking any girl in the thread that has already ahd sex, how much pain do you go through? Putting this in blunt terms, it's gotta hurt like hell... but I'm wondering. Hmm, if it's not off-topic that is. I'm gonna shut up now.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] [color=darkviolet]Let's see how can I explain this... oh yeah from what I've heard and experianced I guess the pain is different for different women. It didn't hurt liek hell my first time. There was a bit of a twinge at first, but it wasn't excutiating or anything like that.I think if it hurt that badly nobody would do it a second time. i'm almost wondering if part of the reason it hurts so much your first time is because you tend to tense up a bit. I hope I'm not being too graphic for anyone. And incase anyone is wondering, yes it hurts after you haven't done it in a while either. I haven't quite figured out why yet. And I've also heard from my friends who have been pregnant as well as a few books on pregnancy that post pregnancy sex hurts too. So uh yeah, I hope that helped. ~*~Chibi~*~[/color]
  25. [color=darkviolet]Maybe we just rely on our upbringing to keep us from hating everyone and everything. Or maybe we rely on our knowledge that we can't prevent every bad thing from happening. I really can't say for sure what keeps me from hating everything. Could be because I forget about it after a while or just realize that the person was an idiot and couldn't help it. Well, that's how I figure it. I may not have read the subject correctly though, so I'm sorry if it didn'ty make sense[/color]
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