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Everything posted by ChibiHorsewoman

  1. [color=darkviolet]Scary, but true a sugar high can make anyone seem sexy to you. So I would advise not sleeping with someone you met after comsuming a package of Oreos. Or for that matter Cosmos and pixie sticks. Not cool. But if you already have teh one you love I guess a sugar high could help produce some pretty good sack sessions since I guess sugar and chocolate produce endorphines. I think[/color]
  2. [color=darkviolet]I'm going to look really really extremely dumb if this doesn't work, but this is what I consider beautiful. Everyone who's seen her has agreed with me. Almost everyone who's seen the guy holding her has agreed with me as well. OB peole, I give you my daughter 3 weeks today :D[/color]
  3. [color=darkviolet]I've been watching Princess9 on and off since February, Actually I finally started watching it again last Saturday before my cousin's wedding. I found this anime about the same way as pretty much everyone else in the thread too. Except that I was dog sitting my aunt's shepard mix and went on the anime on demand channel not even knowing that you had to pay to get the shows :stupid: . I thought the description sounded interesting enough, so I watched episodes 8 and 9 that weekend. My aunt is pretty cool, she didn't make me pay for the shows I ordered even though I offered. Ryo (aka Yo and I think Miyazowa) is now the team captain, the girl with the silver/blue hair is the manager and damn is her VA hyped up on helium! She reminds me of one of the VAs for the NA SailorMoon. I actually enjoyed the storyline and the little snippets of information on the characters during the eye catch. I even orded the full season DVD from Amazon, but the guy sent me a bum copy so I have to go return it and try to get another one. Dammit, I was really planning on watching it from beginging to end. Ah well, maybe now i can try and watch Key.[/color]
  4. [color=darkviolet]For the young women on the site (if you're married and you either kept hyphenated or assumed your spouse's name explain why) if/when you get married would you take your spouse's last name or keep your own? Or would you give yourself a finger cramp every time you signed your name to things like I did? And I'll explain why I did that in a minute. Also, if you kept or hyphenated your name and you had kids what would you two do about their last name? As for the guys...would you care if your spouse kept her last name or took yours? Is it a big deal for her to take your last name? Okay my own answer: According to my driver's liscence I am Donnelly-Crisler M E. That's because I kept my maiden name along with taking Lincoln's when I got married. Let me tell you that is one hard thing to write out. It was also pretty hard to get done in central Texas when the woman at the DMV tried to tell me she couldn't do that on my driver's liscnce because if she did there wouldn't be room for my middle name. But anyway... I decided to keep my name along with my husband's because I liked my maiden name. I don't know many people with that last name and it's pretty hard to find in a book of Irish Surnames. Infact I've only found one book with the name in there. As for the question I asked about what you would do about whose name the kids would take well, my daughter has my husband's last name and nothing else. Well, you know what I mean. She's Abigail Elizabeth Crisler because we didn't want the poor girl going through the majority of her first day of kindergarten trying to write out her full name. Another reason is that my husband (although he has four half brothers on his father's side) is pretty much the last male in the Crisler family who is in the position to have kids with his last name, meaning it would be pretty good to have a son next. No pressure there. Okay, I gave my answer now you give yours.[/color]
  5. [quote name='Dan Rugh']Shinto is not Christian....[/quote] [color=darkviolet]No, but Cathlicism is a form of Christianity and there are a few scenes in a few episodes I mentioned. Besides, I was going by the person who figured that if it has priests (no religious denomination given) nuns or a church it would be acceptable. I figured back in 10th grade the first time I saw SailorMoon subbed that Shinto wasn't Christian.[/color]
  6. [quote name='Midnight Rush']I haven't been around for that long.... but I'm not afriad of getting yelled at or making rivalries. CHW and I have a rather intense enmity, its one of the few clashes left these days I guess.... I dunno.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]Well, once you see the light and realize that I'm right and you're wrong.... :D I've only been here for almost a year (5/11/04 mark that date on your calnendars) So I don't know how many other debates and arguements have gone on since before I got here. I've noticed more and more people either joining or getting name changes on here lately. Other than that I don't know much. Well, except that I could probably beat Ken Jennings in Jeorpardy.[/color]
  7. [color=darkviolet]If you want to go with the rule that if it has nuns, priests or churches in the anime it has some sort of Judeo Christian influence in it I guess you could count InuYasha, Tenchi Muyo, and Sailor Moon. Tenchi Muyo, well, Tenchi's grandpa is a shinto priest so I gues that counts. InuYasha because of Miroku. Okay so he's a monk, but it's close, right? I think in some ways InuYasha has positive vaules in it because the message is no matter hwo different you are there are still things you can do. Or mayb eits that you shouldn't judge people because of how they look (case in point the episode with Juganshi) Sailor Moon would be for more reasons. Hino Rei/ SailorMars attends a Catholic school which has nuns (even though she's training to be a shinto priestess)./ Rei's Grandpa is a Shinto priest (even more lecherous than Miroku) And there have been a few episodes involving churches-like the episode where [spoiler]Eudial discovers that Haruka and Michiru both are holders of two of the Talismen and lures then to the Marine Catherdral which is a church being built.[/spoiler] It even has Eudial playing an organ and angels.[/color]
  8. [color=darkviolet]I guess if you sexily lick the creamy whit filling Oreos suddenly become some kind of sexiness. But aside from that fact I don't see the sexiness in Oreos? Nope I dodn't see that. Now Hostess cupcakes... :tasty: Don't you think? Also off topic, but off the top of my head does anyone besides me think that a twinkie is some sort of phallic representaiton? Or maybe it's just me and what's about to be six months of [spoiler]sex[/spoiler] deprivation.[/color]
  9. [color=darkviolet]I'm not going to quote Drix's reply at the risk of reading something really [i]really[/i] disgusting. But I've had some pretty damn painful migrains. The worst was one that I had while I still lived in Texas, Lincoln came home from work for lunch and I was barely coherant and very nausous (sorry, I can't spell that word and am too damn lazy to look for a dictionary) Anyway I ended up going to the emergency room for that and they gave me some kind of IV drip which knocked me out and got rid of my migrain. I was out of it for the rest of the day. But on the bright side it got me out of making dinner that night. The sucky thing is I get them on a monthly basis, but I can't take Imotrex because it increases my weight and my blood pressure too much. So I rely on taking Excedrine migrain as soon as I feel the pain. Or sleeping for the whole day, which makes keeping a job impossible.So I have to keep the Excedrine on me at all times. Other than that I have a pretty high pain tolerance, I probably could have slept through the contractions the day before I had Abby without the injection of morphene. I still can't believe I slept between the contractions near the end of my labor-I am such a freak.[/color]
  10. [quote name='lea2385']Menstrual cramps.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]Man, I'd hate to get your menstral cramps Lea.[/color]
  11. [QUOTE=lea2385] Eh well, it's only free candy.[/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]Yeah, but like this kid on Daria said once: Every piece of candy I eat is one less cavity that some other kid gets. :D My kids are going to be wierded out though. They're going to go out trick-or-treating and learn about halloween at school then come home and learn about Samhain and go to ritual. Oh the joys of parenting.[/color]
  12. [quote name='PyroFae']Michael from the manga Model (most people haven't heard of it): you would end up dead if you dated him.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]I've read Model, but I never reallygot into it, but my husband loves it. He's on book 3 now. I wouldn't want to date Michael from Model because he just seems way too narcessistic. I mean [spoiler]The only reason he became a vampire-as he stated in book one-is because he wanted to stay beautiful forever.[/spoiler] Besides that he looks way too female and dresses a bit too eccentric for my tastes. Not my idea of a good match. I don't want to be worried about losing either blood or make-up from a guy.[/color]
  13. [color=darkviolet]What do we do?? Good wquestion. For my family it's a day to get my dad and my papa home from deer hunting for one day, New York State's Deer season starts about the same time as America's Thanks Giving..okay a week before but hey, that's a state wide holiday. When I was in college people would take the day off from classes to go shoot oscieonus Virginianus (I think I got the term correctly spelled) or white tailed deer. But anyways, for my non hunting part of the family the day starts the night before because we have to go over to my Aunt Kathy's house and help her figure out how to cook the turkey (it used to be my mama and papa's house, but that was about 10 years ago before they moved to a smaller house) and make the stuffing. My aunt Kathy is smart and everything, but she has trouble doing the cooking thing. We stay there until about 10:30 then go back to our houses to get ready to come back the following morning. Thanks Giving day we sit around waiting for the food to cook and watch football. Maybe play a video game if you're my only cousin on my mom's side or read a book if you're me. Or perhaps, if you're my daughter this year you'll fill up a diaper or cry until I feed you. Then we eat. After eatting we get out the board games. My aunt MArty jokes that she doesn't want to play against me because I always win at TriBond, so she's usually on my team. We do other games as well. By then it's a repeat of Christmas day. Next year Lincoln gets to join in on the festivities. I still say though that the most memorable Thanksgiving was my first one in Texas (more accurately my only one in TExas) Lincoln and I made pot roast and the went over to a friend of and ex friend's apartment got a bit plastered and watched some really bad porn. Lord I appologize![/color]
  14. [color=darkviolet]Like I stated in my first post in this thread. Can we close this thing? It's pointless.[/color]
  15. [color=darkviolet]I don't think this has any connection with the costume thread. Well, I hope not. Anyways, for those of us who have a long history of trick-or -treating and dressing up, what is your most memorable Halloween costume? What was it? A witch, a vampire, a devil? Barbie Bride, Cookie Monster Sailor Mercury? The church lady from Saturday night live? Maybe even...a cartoon character? Do tell. As for Halloween expericance, anything will do. Maybe you did something out of the ordinary. Or maybe you scared small children and took their candy. Or perhaps it was your first time going door to door without mom or dad saying, 'Remember to say thank you!' As for myself. My most memorable Halloween costume was made by my mom and I still have it. It was back in kindergarten when Rainbow Bright was really popular (the first time around...way way back in the mid 80's) my favorite character was Shy Violet because she wore purple and even had purple hair. So my mom bought a patern for a Rainbow Bright costume and made me a Shy Violet costume. I even had a pair of white plastic sunglasses with the frames popped out just like Shy Violet did. To top it all off, my mom made me a wig out of purple yarn so I had purple hair. I even carried around a purple sprite and my Rainbow Bright pillow case to get candy in. *sigh* I wish I could still fit into that costume it would look so neat. Most memorable Halloween experiance. That's a toughy. The only one that comes to mind right now is the one where I dressed up as a gypsy and me and this other girl tried to fill up our pillow cases. However, there was wet snow, we had to change our socks three times and after 45 minutes we just gave up. That's why people from Western New York say: You know you're from Western New YOrk when you make your child's halloween costume to fit over a snow suit[/color]
  16. [quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1'] Side B contests that Bush isn't actually that bad, and that whilst he has done wrong things, and questionable things, you cannot lay all the blame solely at his feet.[/size][/quote] [color=darkviolet]I'm going with side B since it seems to be a bit more moderate. I think Bush did a decent job in the beginning of his term. Especially during 9/11 and going to Afghanistan. We actually have order over there and Saturday was their first democratic election post Taliban. For all we know Bush may have had a somewhat decent plan for Iraq, but you really can't go through with any plans when nobody is willing to cooperate. But the reasons for going to war with Iraq were false and the American people were lied to. Even worse, or troops were lied to as to why they were put in a foreign country in harms way. I find that unforgiveable. I think that if it weren't for the war in Iraq, the fact that he's against a woman's right to choose what to do with her body, the fact that he actually voted against a budget to supply the troops in Iraq with better body armor, which could have saved many lives, and the fact that during last Friday's presidental debate he lied to millions of Americans when asked if he has chosen anyone he'd like to elect as supreme court judges (he has and they are all anti Roe vs Wade) if he gets to go another term. I might vote for him...then the sky will fall, hell will freeze over and I'll agree with Death Bug on everything. (Just kidding bro!) But Baron, you forgot about group C, the ones that feel Bush can do no wrong, has done no wrong and can't be held accountable for anything that has happened these past four years.[/color]
  17. [color=darkviolet]Not to sound rude or anything..okay who am I kidding, I am about to sound rude and frankly my dear I don't give a damn. Don't you think that's a bit disrespectful to people who lost loved one's during the attacks on 9/11? Can we just close this now?[/color]
  18. [color=darkviolet]My daughter is beautiful. Even if my brother can't decide whether she resembles a bobble head or an alien My husband and I think she's beautiful. She has dark brown almost black hair and her eyes are huge and still blue. She has my nose and chin and Lincoln's forehead, hair and fingers. I think she's perfect right down to her 9 and a half toes and innie outtie belly button. And if anyone can help me upload a picture of her (all teh ones I have are too big let me know.[/color]
  19. [quote name='Midnight Rush']I've been hit with a pillow in the balls, and yes it hurts. Not super badly though, just a dull sting type thing.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]Thank you for being a test subject. What did you do to deserve it? or was it just a random male thing?[/color]
  20. [quote name='anatema']I've never trick or treated or dressed up for halloween, ever in my life.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]I have two friends of mine who are in nearly the same boat as yourself. My friend Jessica, who I call my little sister, goes to a church party on Halloween instead of going door to door getting candy. I guess my other friend doesn't take her kids out trick or treating. Last year she took them to the mall and got their ears pierced. She does hand out candy though. I never really knew of people not trick-or treating until I met Jess though.[/color]
  21. [color=darkviolet]Things aren't going too well for my Bills. Theyu lost to the Jets Yesturday...big suprise huh? I think if they got rid of the quarterback (name escapes me right now) and used the second string guy instead they might have a chance against the Dolphins this Sunday. Then again, Hell could freeze over and the Bills could not only win with the guy they have, but go to teh Super Bowl and win that too. Personally I think they would do better to send the cheerleaders out to the feild and have the players prance around on the sidelines[/color]
  22. [color=darkviolet]I actuially liked the song. What does that say about me? Maybe it says that I also liked Stupid American and I watch teen movies in the closet. Oh well, the only station I've heard it on is the one that plays obscure music. So a band plays music with a political edge because they get air time. Last time I checked the Bush administration hasn't completely retracted the right to fre speech and expression when they did the Patriot act. And go ahead and say I'm unsupportive of our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. My husband liked the song too, but what can you expect from someone who bought teh Rock against Bush CD?[/color]
  23. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1] I read about this already, and thought it was very sad =/[/size][/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]Thanks for the whole run through. I'm way too tired to be efficient, so I think I'll go back to bed.[/color]
  24. [color=darkviolet]I could send my mom outtrick-or-treating since she's only 4'11. I could even get her a neat costume, but I don't think she'd do it. :bawl: All that free candy! I can't take Abby out yet since she'll only be just over a month old at Halloween and too young to be out trick-or-treating especially in Western New York State. Heck, I once got an email on how to tell if you're from Western New York state and one of them is: You know you're from Western NEw York when you make your child's halloween costume to fit over a snow suit. Anyways, I might help hand out candy for a while, but more likely than not I'll be going to a Samhain ritual with an open circle that I know of where I live. Poor Lincoln, this is his favorite holiday and he's stuck in Iraq. Oh well, there's always next year.[/color]
  25. [color=darkviolet]You get to watch a lot of early morning TV when you have a baby that's how I found out this morning that Christopher Reeves passed away at the age of 52 from heart failure brought on by complications due to his paralysis. Reeves became paralized back in 95 after a fall from a horse during a cross country competition. In the past few years he became an advocate for stem cell research. He was best known for his role as Superman back in the 70's. He did his own stunts in the movies. I'm not sure what to put after this except that I'm sad thatthis had to happen before there may have been a cure found to get him to walk again.[/color]
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