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Everything posted by ChibiHorsewoman

  1. [QUOTE=Winter] Oh well, pobody's nerfect, right, kid?[/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]Damn straight, and I'm nobody! :D And I hope I don't scare anyone whenI say I think Faith Hill is kind of hot.[/color]
  2. [color=darkviolet]Back during 9/11/01 I think Bush did a decent job of keeping the country together. He didn't rush out of a classroom and freak out a bunch of small children, he tried to not get everyone jumping to conclusions and he made some fairly decent speeches. Coming from me, this is a compliment But after 9/11 all hell broke loose and the proverbial **** hit the fan. We invaded Afghanistan with a good reason and got rid of the Taliban making it safe for women to go to school and show their faces, ankles and hands without getting beaten (I have a MArch 2001 Marie Claire with an article about the woman in afghanistan post our going over there.) We did a good thing over there. We still are doing a good thing over there. However Bush has never acknowledged Afghanistan's statehood which means that any war crimes commited by any soldiers cannot be tried by the GEneva Conventions. Bad move on Bush's part. Then the war on Terror went on to include invading Iraq. Ok, so Saddam was a really nasty guy to his own people and back in 1991 he had nukes and invaded Kuwait. His sons were even worse than he was, Saddam himself even admitted that on a few occasions. But, while he was in power there were no terrorist cells in Iraq and Islamic extremism was punishable by death. But Saddam had threatened Bush Sr back El knows when so Bush Jr., disreguarding his father's speech in '97 about how invading Iraq again would not be in America's best interest, goes and invades Iraq in March '03. Then in May he declares it a ceasefire and Mission accomplished. That's a load of BS if I've ever heard one. My husband said that Bush should have ripped out his tongue and wiped his butt with it the year after the ceasefire was declared. Iraq hasn't had WMDs since 1991, it has now become a safe haven for inssurgents (just ask the infantry units of the first cav division who are supported by 13th sig bn or 13th sig bn who supports the units going to Haifa st.) Crime is up, women can't go out on the street without being attacked and people are getting kidnapped on a regular basis. I don't know about you guys, but that doesn't sound like Mission Accomplished to me. Also this whole terrorist threat level thing is grating on my nerves. In my mind that just gets the country all freaked out over nothing then after a while we stop expecting something to happen and that's when it could happen. I'm all for being cautious, but this is a bit overboard in my opinion. They keep doing this and the government is going to be like the boy who cried wolf. We're going to be eatten up by fear. As for the debates. I didn't catch the first presidential one outright because I was feeding my daughter and all three TVs were being used. I did catch a few of the high lights though and wasn't all that thrilled with Bush's actions. He kept looking bored and making faces during Kerry's replies. I found that rude. During the Vice presidential debate I found myself disliking Cheney as he kept going back to how Edwards hadn't been to many senate meetings. Edwards finally got sick of it and said that a lengthy resume didn't necessarily make someone a good candidate. Also in his defense Edwards is a relatively young politician. The second presidential debate I did watch (or listen to) Both parties went after eachother. Bush reiterated how Kerry will raise taxes. Kerry noted that Bush lowed Taxes for only the wealthy. Bush said that raising taxes on the wealthy would do something bad for small business owners . After a while all I could think of was if Bush ever tried to fly using his ears like Dumbo and if Kerry would get in trouble for buying store brand ketchup instead of Heinze ketchup. Politicians remind me of school children after a while. But I think of Kerry as the lesser of the two evils. I already know what Bush can do and another four years of that makes me want to borrow some of my daughter's diapers since I'm about to soil myself. So to me Bush has had his 15 minutes of fame. Let's have someone else get a go at it.[/color]
  3. [quote name='Midnight Rush']Go to your local mall and find a new girl.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]And while you're there picking up a new girl could you pick me up a few new manga as well? I need to get ARIA and Priest. It's kind of amazing for me to say this, but for once in his life, Midnight Rush is right. *waits patiently for the sky to come crashing down*[/color]
  4. [color=darkviolet]Okay in all fairness I skipped to the last page I listen to pretty much anything Country, german death metal reggae, punk, classic rock, that strange stuff they call pop (yes I like Christina Aguleria and Michelle Branch you may now throw pudding at me!) pretty much anything. I started listening to Good Charlotte and New Found Glory before their music started playing on the radio. Actually I can remember the first song I heard by New Found Glory that I heard on the Radio: So Sorry So from their self titled album. Their new stuff isn't too bad and I'm glad taht they're getting recognized for playing music, but I caught New Found Glory on MTv last month when they were playing a short concert and all I heard were songs from Sticks and Stones and Catalyst. I wish they had decided to play some of their older music. Aw well I still like them. I have to agree with Baron how can you declare yourself an individual when you go along with a crowd and like or dislike what everyone else does? Isn't that somewhat self defeating to your individualaity loving clique? If it is, don't worry in another few years you'll hit your 20's and everyone will care moer about your resume than your cd book.[/color]
  5. [color=darkviolet] I have downloaded some decent fansubs of InuYasha and SailorMoon (shh!) The SailorMoon ones don't have the warning that INuYasha has. A few of the fansubs I have give insight into the puns and such of Japanese culture. That helps a bit. But the thing is all my fansubs can't be watched on my DVD player, I have to have a computer to watch them. So, it kind of defeats the purpose. I heard about that Pokemon episode back in the 90's. I just find it funny that now everything from InuYasha to KareKano bootlegs have them. Okay that's done, now if you'll pardon me I'm going to watch How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days in Mandarin with English subtitles. I wonder how bad that will be. (Iraqi bootlegs are something else)[/color]
  6. [quote name='MysticKnight']well, my girlfriend is a ... kind of a ...slut... and I need advice. She's 14, and listens to 50 Cent. She is bisexual, and she has other boyfriends/girlfriends. I think she wants to do me. Anyone have advice for me?[/quote] [color=darkviolet]Okay is she a slut because everyone says she';s a slut or is she a slut because she's a girl and sleeps with more than one person or is she a slut because she listens to 50 cent? Or is she a slut because you think that since everyone says she's a slut that suddenly everyone is right or is she a slut because...damn it I ran out of reasons! Would you still consider her to be a slut if she were a guy and sleeping around or is it okay to sleep around if you're a guy? All I've got to say is for the love of teenage love affairs you're only 14. It's not like you two were engaged or anything. You weren't were you? Because I do know in some states all you need is parental consent to marry. She's obviously happy doing what she's doing and isn't letting some stupid rumors get to her. If you can't deal with someone with more experiance than you then maybe you should just walk away from the whole situation and that way you'll save yourself pain, humiliation and a ten year dependancy on Prozac. And just curious, how bad is your relationship that you're worried about sleeping withher? Just say no! But man, things have sure changed since I was 14 a mere 9 years ago :faint:[/color]
  7. [color=darkviolet]Well, I'm a parent, but my daughter is illiterate-aren't all children under 1 year? I don't see any problem with protecting your personal property as long as you're not doing anything illegal. And Sicne doing fanfiction and your personal journal isn't illegal there isn't a problem. Heck I share a computer right now with my mom and everyone else in the house and everyone's desktop is password sensitive. So obviously some parents think this is a good idea. Well, there's my $.02. Worth more in Canada and Iraq[/color]
  8. [color=darkviolet]I downloaded some fansubs last year, before the man decided it was illegal (yes you can laugh because I used the phrase, 'the man). Were those ever 1.)funny or 2.) bad I had the fansub of the first movie. The subtitles showed up a few minutes after the character was done talking and the first part was cut out [spoiler]Sesshomaru's little altrication with one of the minions of Menomaru[/spoiler] I do like how the bootlegs all come up with the same warning (the Iraqi bootlegs have the same warnings :D ) They go: For your safety please watch anime in a well lit room and do not sit too close to the screen. After a while though I've noticed that InuYasha is turning into SailorMoon type episodes. I mean was it just me, or was ther a two part episode that aired a few months ago that looked eerily like the two part episode with Peachman? The villain even looked like Peachman. Sad. I guess it doesn't matter too much though, I'll still watch InuYasha. Just no more crappy fansubs for me![/color]
  9. [color=darkviolet]I forgot who sings it, but I've had Stupid American stuck in my head off and on for a few days strait. Pretty bad huh? Also every once in a while for no apparent reason except that Winnie the Pooh is on my daughter's diapers I wake up with the WInnie the Pooh Tv show theme song in my head. I just hope that in the next few months I don't end up with the Seseme street song in my head. Help me![/color]
  10. [quote name='Transtic Nerve']Chibi, I've never been hit with a pillow in the nits before... but take your pillow and hit your husband int he nuts... if he screams really loud, well there you go.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]I tried but he blocked it. :laugh: He did say that it hurts when you get flicked in the nads I guess military guys can get a bit strange at times. Oh yeah, Panda, go you and your missing finger! My daughter only has nine fully formed toes. the middle one on her left foot just has a little bud on top of it. It's kind of cool though, we call it her lucky toe. But as for stitches and stuff all I got was a 2nd degree tear I'm still bleeding from that.[/color]
  11. [color=darkviolet]Yes, I still have my baby blankets. I'm 23 and I have a baby of my own and I still have both of my baby blankets. There's one that I don't use because I got it from my birth mother so my mom keeps it in her cedar chest along with the clothes I came home in. So I actually have something from my birth mom besides genetics. My other one is yellow, ratty and has holes in it, but I sprayed that one with Lancome Miracle for men and I sleep with it from time to time. Unless my husband accidentally packed it in his duffle bag on Tuesday and took that instead of his thumb loader thingy (something for a computer) Ah well, I think I'll go look for it after I get done here.[/color]
  12. [quote name='Transtic Nerve']I've gotten a slap shot to the nuts before, but sorry to say thats not the most painful experience I've ever had.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]I've heard that it can hurt to get wacked in the nuts with a pillow is that true? Because I can only go by hear-say since I don't happen to have any of my own. Confidentially I liked my labor before the pain. I was really drugged up , okay two drugs and they gave me morphine Thursaday night. I got a shot right in the butt (sorry just wanted to mention that I got a shot in the butt). I was so drugged I fell asleep between contractions. :sleep: My husband was jealous because I got Morphine [/color]
  13. [color=darkviolet]I've had this idea brewing in my head for about two weeks. I think it was after the Nubain wore off, but right around the time they were preping me for the epidural. Somewhere around that time period. So in other words during the contractions near the end. Before I experianced those contractions (the baby making contractions not those gas pain ones) I thought that the most painful experiance I'd ever had was when I had my wisdom teeth removed and then the pain killers wore off. Man was I wrong. I shouldn't complain too much because I did get an epidural at the end, but I did wait until the very end. And they put the thing right in your spinal cord between the lower vertibre so you have to arch your back while they stick this long needle in your back to numb you then the thick one which is the epidural. As for the baby making contractions. Well, I was having back labor which is quite painful. So painful that when the nubain was wearing off I couldn't even talk. It felt like someone had thrown me down a flight of stairs (think the flight of stairs shown in INuYasha at Kagome's shrine) then stomped on me. Owch! Well, I've shared mine, I want to hear yours. No really, I do[/color]
  14. [color=darkviolet]Pataki can't decide whether to keep or lose the death penalty in New York state or manage to pass a budget on time let alone manage to get rid of parole for violent offenders, but that's just a New Yorker's point of veiw. I don't think that people who took part in violent crimes should be eligible for parole unless they've shown a minimum of fifity years of good behaivior and are no longer deemed a threat to society. Maybe before being paroled their legs can be smashed with a lead pipe and then stuck in a wheel chair...not that that would help much, but it's worth a try. I'm on the fence about the death penalty since I feel that many people on death row are there unfairly. I heard a while back that a man was sentenced to death even though his lawyer slept through the whole trial. Also there are more minorities on death row than non minorities. And more people from lower economic backgrounds which leads me to believe that race and economic status have a lot to do with who ends up on death row and who gets life behind bars. That's all I have to add to this subject for the time being[/color]
  15. [color=darkviolet]My husband is cheating on me with the Army and spends all his time in Iraq. Okay that was off topic I guess. What you could try to do is tell your boyfriend that you don't like it when he feels he has to drag 'insert name here' into every conversation no matter what the topic is. Or just bring up her name out of the blue. Some guys are clueless...okay, most guys are clueless it's the honest to El truth. They won't even realize that they do somethings until you bring it up. Of course if you mention it and he gets all defensive and you don't feel that the whole relationship is worth arguing over trying to save and they usually aren't in high school. Then you should just let him go since nobody needs that kind of annoyance. That's just my opinion though I'm not quite sure how boyfriend girlfriend relationships work anymore.[/color]
  16. [quote name='iggypopD']5. Ren & Stimpy: *read #7* and you know what....REN & STIMPY WERE A COUPLE. REN WAS A MALE DOG. STIMPY IS A FEMALE CAT. DEAL WITH IT PEOPLE. [/quote] [COLOR=DARKVIOLET]Actually I thought that Stimpy was a male cat since he had a male voice and everything. Notthat it bothers me. Heck I never understood why they made such a big deal about Burt and Ernie or Tinky Winky either. It's not like kids can really tell homosexual from heterosexual at that age. And so what if the purple one has a triangle on his head and carries a purse. Get over it![/color]
  17. [QUOTE=Midnight Rush] If you elect a rabbit to represent your country in the realms of business, war, and politics, you will get the same respect as a rabbit gets: NONE. On the other hand, if you elect a huge, vicious dog you will get its respect: AMAZINGLY HIGH. It astounds me that anyone could even consider a 'rabbit' like John Kerry for president, but I guess thats "democracy" (I. E. The stupidity of the masses). GWB isn't quite the vicious dog I'd like him to be, but he's damn close. We don't need a terminator. We don't need a 'girly-man'. We need a Tai-Pan, a real man. Someone to stand up to the other nations of the world and say "**** you. The USA comes first." That ruthless, heartless, cold as ice son of a ***** is the only one that can stand between soft hearted pathetic intellectuals and the real world. For the sake of idealistic people everywhere, elect a merciless man. He will protect the bubble y'all live in, keeping you from having to deal with reality.[/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]Actually in the next election I was thinking of voting for a pitbull mix who keeps getting punked by a beagle. How does that strike you? The problem is you're not looking at middle ground, you're going for either the drunk jerk at the bar who wants to smash empty beer cans against his forehead and challenge everyone to an arm wrestling match or the geeky kid in high school who gets shoved into his locker every day. We as Americans don't need either of those. We need a person with a head which contains a working brain on their shoulders. That's not what we got as Americans..as voters the past election. What we got is an angry block head who wanted to go to war with Iraq and used Afghanistan as an excuse along with a bunch of lies which have cause over 1,000 American casualties in the past year and a half . Most of them after the 'ceasefire' in May 2003. Yes, Clinton Lied about having sex with Monica Lewinsky, but his lie didn't cause people to lose their lives. Bush isn't exactly a viscious dog to me either. He reminds me more of a toy poodle who was given too much caffiene and charge of the house if you really want to know the truth. His cabinet is more of the aggressive dog breed type although Rumsfeld could be more beagle than bull dog. In other words, this administration is in serious need of muzzles, leashes and a new kennle. Preferably one away from the White HOuse. America doesn't need a drunk, or an animal as president, We also don't need one who can't recognize when he's (or she's ) made a mistake. Bush hasn't acknowledged that he's made a mistake in invading both Iraq and Afghanistan in the space fo a year and for that I don't think he should be allowed to be president again. I can't call it re-elected because he was never elected by the people anyway. I'd add more, but since my husband is off protecting American oil interests in Iraq, I have to put my daughter to bed, then go to bed myself. Good Night![/color]
  18. [color=darkviolet]My first real real word was [color=purple]Pureple which was supposed to be purple[/color] Was there ever any doubt? My first actual phrase was give me a buck. Yes that's right. Not give me a nickle or a quarter, but 'Give me a Buck!' Also according to my mom, I also used to go around saying 'Some' in a real pitiful voice. Perhaps that was my second word. :huh: If my mother-in-law is to be believed (which i doubt) my husband's first word was ****. Of course, my mother-in-law also claims that she was Merlin's daughter in a past life, that's probably why I don't believe her. [/color]
  19. [QUOTE=Yunacat]Anime Network started on On Demand and now they are puting it on TV too! They host ADV animes, but some of it is good like Pretear, BastOfSyndrome, Anzumanga Daioh, ect..^^ ~Yuna[/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]Yeah, Anime On Demand isn't all that bad. I managed to catch two episodes of Princess9 (8 and 9) and the first episode of Chobits on the Anime on Demand channel. So for $7.00 or so I can watch an episode of anime. If I had the ability to pause and rewind live TV I could watch the episode a few more times. Oh well, that's why I have my husband ordering the series for me from Amazon. I fell in love with Princess 9 and now I want to watch it from the beginning. As for any other anime news, I haven't heard anything. I guess I could try to look...just not on the SOS site.[/color]
  20. [quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1]This is happening in America, isn't it. [i]America[/i']. Why is it that these kind of outrageous acts of stupidty always seem to occur there?[/size][/quote] [color=darkviolet]Have you seen who we have as our commander and chief? Okay I know, very off topic, but I needed to reply to that. We're a nation that likes to watch Jerry Springer and Reality TV yet bring up books on kids questioning rules or learning about sexuality and all hell breaks loose. Go figure. First we complain that our children don't read enough. then when they do begin to read suddenly someone wants to ban the books that keep them interested. Where's the logic in those theories? What idiot sat down and thought to himself (or herself) ok my kid is reading, but the book mentions the 'n' word and uses the phrase injun and suddenly I'm not sure that I raised my child well enough to know that just because it's in a book doesn't mean that you should say it so it should be banned. Yes, that's the brain of a thinker. That's all I really have to say on this subject, now if you'll excuse me I have to go read It infront of my 12 day old daughter then attampt to walk throughmy firplace to buy magic supllies[/color]
  21. [color=darkviolet]I think Kare Kano (his and her Circumstances) would be a good example of positive anime reguardless of religious denimination. Okay I've only seen eight episodes but I'd say that it's a good one to watch since the message in the first part of the season is that instead of hiding behind a mask and trying to be something you're not is to try and be yourself. Because in the end all you're left with is yourself and that's who you have to deal with. Well, that's my theory on the meaning. Be nice I'm opperating on I think 3 hourse of sleep.[/color]
  22. [color=darkviolet]This is a bit of a toughie since there are a few manga ka who have amazing manga that never become anime then there are others who have their manga characters come to life. Miwa Ueda (Peach Girl) Is a pretty amazing writer. I loved the drawings and the story in Peach Girl. I really got into how Momo was feeling and I felt sorry for all the crap she had to put up with. I felt the same way when I read Mars by Fuyumi Soryo. I really felt that at times I was part of the story. The most intense part was when Rei began uncovering how his mother died. Being able to get into a story an identify with characters in the manga (or manwa ) is what I think makes a good artist. Of course if you want to go by amounts of translated manga and anime I'd have to go with people like Watase Yu and Rumiko Takahashi along with the women of Clamp. Watase Yu has manga that has the ability to go from comic to tragic and not seem to out of place. Plus her character's deaths are real tear jerkers. So there are my choices and reasonings.[/color]
  23. [QUOTE=Justin] It's not his fault that that is what the Bible says. "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man may come to the Father but by me." -Jesus How can we believe what we do without believing it wholly? -Justin[/QUOTE] [color=darkviolet]I know that this may be a bit off topic, but Bush believes that [i]only[/i] evangilical Christians will get into heaven. Meaning, no Catholics, no Jews (no Muslims or any other sect of monotheistic religion are eligible for heaven. I guess I didn't make it clear enough. I don't believe that God is like that that he keeps some kind of score card on who will or will not get into heaven and such. Maybe it has to do with how my mom raised me with religion or maybe it has somethingto do with every other type of research I've done concerning religion, but I think that this is one more thing that Bush has messed up on. Religion is a wonderful thing when used in moderation it seems to give people strength to get through life's obsticles, but I don't believe that it should be used when governing a country that doesn't have one secular relgion. I like how Garelock went into how Bush can't say he's against abortion when he goes off into a war with a country who hasn't had weapons of Mass destruction for over a decade and hasn't bothered to attend a soldier's funeral yet even though he's the cause of the death. Bush will pass a ban on partial birth abortions yet he won't hesitate to send innocent men and women into battle and use weapons such as Daisy cutters on civilian areas in Iraq. Then he'll promise to put judges on the supreme court who are opposed to Roe vs Wade and at the same time allow a ban on automatic weapons to expire just to get votes from the NRA. Not only is that flip flopping on important issues that's flip flopping on your own views. I think the reason these debates can last for so long on these site is because we keep finding different ways to look at the issues.[/color]
  24. [quote name='Blade15]I have a question. How come most good keychains shoot down boys? WE aren't all [i]that[/i'] bad.[/quote] [color=darkviolet]Because if you can't unite the world with a penis joke, how else are you supposed to do it? My husband actually gets a kick out of some of them, mostly because he says 'Yes, boys can be like that, but [i]I'm[/i] a man. The point is you know you're not that bad and chances are so do many girls who have key chains that say things like: Boys are great, every girl should own on. The ones that get on my nerves are the ones that say stupid things like: If it weren't for boys, I wouldn't bother going to school or: Don't hate me because I'm beautiful, hate me because your boyfriend thinks I am. Is it any wonder that so many adolesent girls act like idiots or get into fights over stupid things like high school and middle school relationships.[/color]
  25. [color=darkviolet]Sorry I haven't been on in a while. But my dad is keeping an eye on Abby (not hard to do when she's sleeping) and Lincoln is on his way back to Iraq :flaming: (Grr, stupid Bush) So now I have pleanty of time to catch up...riiiiight. Anyway I still say I would vote Kerry instead of Bush. Here are some more reasons. Bush is constantly accusing Kerry of voting no to spending more money on body armor for the troops over in Iraq, but he never mentions that he did the same thing. Besdes, Kerry is still Senator and had nothing to do with sending troops over to Iraq in the first place, Bush did. So I'd like to know how he sleps at night knowing that most of the casualties could have been avoided if our (US's) men and women had better protection. He also likes to talk about how Kerry constantly flip flops on issues. I guess Bush forgets that back when he was sworn in as President of the United States he promised to lengthen the ban on automatic weapons and do more for gun control. Nearly four years later the ten year ban on automatic weapons has been expired for almost a month and it's because he was promised votes from the NRA. No, Bush doesn't flip flop on important issues. Sorry if my sarcasm dripped on you, I'll get a burp cloth. Bsuh has vowed to appoint supreme court judges who are opposed to Roe Vs Wade if he is re-elected. I'm pro-choice so that worries me. My belief is that even though I would never get an abortion myself unless my life were at risk I would never try to tell another woman what to do with her body. I don't think that the government should make the descion for a woman's body by drafting bills with catchy fine print about how an abortion performed at 3 weeks is considered the same as killing a woman and her unborn child at eight months. Recently I saw highlights from the presidential debate (hey, give me a break, I was doing stupid things like giving my daughter a bath and spending time with my husband) I wasn't too thrilled with George W.'s behavior while Kerry was speaking. The faces he made and some comments were more fitting to that of a first grader than that of the current president of the United States. Then again I wasn't too thrilled with Bush back in 2000 when he kept looking at his watch while Gore was speaking. Maybe I'm being a bit unfair, but how can you really like a guy who thinks only certain people (ie those who believe like he does) are destined for heaven? Oh, and the comment on how Kerry isn't ready to run the world yet, hell, nobody is really ready to run the world, that's why we all elect people to help run separate countries. Oh, if anyone watches the debate with John Edwards and Dick Cheney let me know what you thought. I wonder if Cheney is going to tell Edwards to **** himself[/color]
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