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Everything posted by sonic-girls182

  1. well i think you out did your self on this one syk, i like the green in the middle what ever it is, good job i give it a over all rate of 10-10
  2. ya i think the same thing a draw alot and i use coloer pencils but i do use markers for somthings like drawing bakwords whare the whaite is whare the black normely is but thats just what i like to do, you do as you wish and if you do use markers use marks-a-lot or shanpin brands i like then myself
  3. i like it :) if you do to take it
  4. i dont know if its a good one, i tryed to make it look ok, but the pic i have is i bit blery. like most of the banners i make i do it just to have out thare if you like it good, if you dont like it, tell me what im doing rong and ill work on it.
  5. i saved you the work of makeing it didint i? Yes i know its not much but if you like the pic you can take it and use is as a banner, can you not? i just like the pic and i didint see a metallica banner out there. so i made one. thats pritty mutch it
  6. wow varry nice! I like the green in it. It just grabs me, can you make me a sango pic like that but with a little pink in it? if you can i'd appreciate it. if you cant owell i still like your work. two thumbs up a++
  7. its the new metallica, im working on one of the old band with James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Jason Newsted and Kerk Hammett.
  8. i got the pic from [url]www.elfwood.com[/url] someone i know drew it thay have lots of drawings thare just go to search and the name of the cratoon you want a pic of.
  9. i got bord so i kild vash. i like him but i kild him [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] it is a bit dark [color=teal]Please do not double post. It is against the rules and can be easily avoided using the Edit button. -Syk3[/color]
  10. like it take it [color=teal]Moderators note: You are encouraged to provide feedback and comments on the banner as well. ~_^ -Syk3[/color]
  11. sorry about the first one being off center but i got it now if you like it take it if not let me know what you like and ill see what i can do
  12. k ill sing up for this but how do i get my attachment on here?
  13. if any one knows when dbz2 for ps2 is coming out. let me know!!! i love DRAGON BALL Z!!:love: :love: :love:
  14. im new here at otaku and need help with makeing a banner :smooch: ;) :angel:
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