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About mysticheero

  • Birthday 09/04/1986

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  • Biography
    i love gundam wing! and all anime and manga. i'm a hyper active mad leprechaun from pod people valley. the chaos lord tells me to burn things.
  • Occupation
    i have a full time career of being insane

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  1. Hey, this is a great idea to do an RPG on vampyres. Can't wait. i would like to join, as my own RPG didn't exactly get good responses (on a different site), because no one knew what one was!!!!! Except Archangel 9. Thankies darlin' by the by. Name: Corbin Mortimus Shadows. Age: 135 History:The only surviving son of a rich merchant, Corbin was considered the heir to the estate, as all of his older brothers had died of an illness when Corbin was eight. His sister were all caught up in the lives of rich merchants and balls, and cared very little of Corbin since his birth and so either ignored him or tried to order him around. Because of this, Corbin is a quiet person, and will only talk when necessary. He tends to hide his true feelings from all, though Luc can often determine them with ease. Lived in Ireland, until the age of 19, on a large and wealthy farming estate. Then, quickly after the chance meeting between Corbin and Luc during the night of Corbin's 19 birthday, he was turned and became a student of his '[I]sire[/I]'. Luc liked the simialrities between himself and Corbin and thought that maybe Corbin would finally be some one who shared his opinion of the world's life. But it was not to be the case as later Corbin became wayward, and struggled to find what he once saw in the world, and so travelled the world in search of his answer. For the last five years Corbin has remained in Ireland, until he travels cross channel to Scotland for some business, strangly meeting up with Luc again by acident, as the other had been searching for Corbin. [url]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-10/846026/818710714-tneme2.jpg[/url] [url]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-10/846026/54370929-telynohn2.jpg[/url] two piccies of me, at different time era's. Fitting with the times i suppose. (I'm currently working on the anime versions. as these are only partly animeish. Please bear with me until I scan up the latest pictures. Thanks)
  2. A fairly new anime to come out, in England at least, is Prétear, and it follows the story of 16 year old Himeno Awayuki after her father has remarried to a very rich woman called Natsue. Himeno's two step sisters, Mayune and Mawana aren't all that nice to her, though Himeno does try to be nice to them. There are seven Knights of Leafé, who hail from Leafénia, and Himeno is the Prétear who has the power to become the White Princess. She can Pré (join) with one of the Knights to become a Prétear of the Knight's power, for example, if she Pré'd with Sasame she becomes the Prétear of Sound. The story is basically her and the Knights battling against the Princess of Darkness/Disaster, Takako, in order to protect and save the Leafé of the world. Leafé is the life force of everything, and without it there is no life, obviously. The characters are fairly original, and the story has a kind of Cinderella feel to it, with Himeno finding a "prince" in the form of the Leafé knights (most especially in Hayate). The Knights are all specially trained in various areas, that suite their field, in order for them to have a job that allows them to monitor the Leafé of the world. The Characters; Himeno Awayuki - the Prétear Kaoru Awayuki - Himeno's father, a writer/inventor Natsue Awayuki - the step mother Mayune Awayuki - pink haired step sister Mawana Awayuki - the green haired step sister Mr. Tanaka - the Butler of Natsue and her daughters Yayoi Takashina - Himeno's friend from school Mikage - the Maid of the Awayuki resisdence The Kinghts; Hayate, Knight of Wind - assistant to Kaoru Sasame, Knight of Sound - radio personality Kei, Knight of Light - video game designer Goh, Knight of Fire - restaurant waiter Manne, Knight of Ice Hijime, Knight of Water Shin, Knight of Plants The last three in the list (Mannen, Hijime and Shin) are children and listed in order of their ages. The ages of all the Knights are unknown, but its easy to put the kids in order due to size mainly. Shin is the youngest though, at the age of around 4/5 but is also one of the most powerful out of the Knights, as Goh points out in the first episode to Hayate.
  3. Hey, I think that pretear rocks. I bought the DVD of volume one because I wanted a new anime to watch and thought it sounded alright, then i watched it and now I'm hooked on it. Sasame is cool and so is Hayate. The Leafé Knights rock. I can't wait to watch episodes 8 through to 13, because its an interesting part, but I don't want to ruin it for ye guys by saying whats going to happen. Just deal with Sasame doing something bad (but sooo cool) [IMG]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-10/846026/81270261-Sasame4.jpg[/IMG] Dude just check out his clothes and tell me what ye think I mean by bad. I love the entire series, but no-one else know it or has seen it. Sorry about the picture size though. The Leafé Knights are as follows, along with their "day jobs" for the adults; Sasame, Knight of Sound (Radio personality) Hayate, Knight of Wind (becomes a helper of Kaoru, Himeno's father) Kei, Knight of Light (video game designer) Goh, Knight of Fire (waiter) Mannen, Knight of Ice Hijime, Knight of Water Shin, Knight of Plants Other characters; Himone Awayuki (Pretear) Kaoru Awayuki (Himone's father) Natsue Awayuki (Step mother) Mayune (step sister with pink hair) Mawana (stepsister with green hair) Tanaka (butler guy) Yayoi Takato (friend of Himeno) Mikage (maid of the Awayuki residence)
  4. Though I love all the Gundams and their pilots as well as the others in the series, I have just got to say that Heero Yuy/Hiiro Yui is my aboslute fav. and so is his Wing Zero Gundam. Yes Duo Maxwell and Deathscythe are wonderful but Hiiro just takes it all for me. I specifically love the specs on Wing as you find out that it literally is the best Gundam in terms of performance, strenght, agillity and all that. I also love the Zero System as it's just appealing - if it were real then I would definately want to at least try it. Oooooh! Feel the power! (0.o um I'm a little mad at the moment as I've had a total of, let me see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Um 6 cans of diet Coke but bare in mind that diet coke sends me through the loop and normal coke just calms me down and makes me sleepy - don't ask how as normal coke has more caffine in it. :therock: :confuse2: ) Anywho..... um..... oh yes! Hiiro Yui!!! The ultimate favourite in my book!!! Um.. now I've ran out of things to say. :smirk: Oh the irony. I - who never stops talking has ran out of things to say!!!!! Anywho... bye!
  5. I agree with Megumi momo. If you read the manga of G-Wing then you understand a hell of a lot more!! The attached file is an article that was posted in a G-Wing MAnga com. It reveals various bits about Trowa's life but at the same time leaves something a bit vage - which is good 'cus there would bee no point to Trowa's character if ye didn't find out something new about him every so often. LOL.:drunk:
  6. Hey-di-who to all and i hope that ye all had a loverly X-mas and weren't tortured by your older brother's BAD kareoke like i was. Anywho lets get back to the main plot of this thread. :blush: Lets all face it Gundam Wing rules!! and Endless Waltz rules!!! so either way we're all happy! LOL.:babble: :eek:
  7. SSJ4 Gohan - you are right about Trowa actually chosing to be a Gundam Pilot but I think that was just as he said - he felt insecure without a name or anything. Heero was chosen to be a highly trained weapon, which is very cruel for a child to go through - his memory of that little girl and her dog was one of the short times in his life that he was actually happy and he had slipped out of his training facility without permission to do so. As to Trowa joining Mariemaia's Army that was to get on the inside to find out there true objectives. Like he did in the 1st series (under Treize's command & that of Lady Une) and then once those objectives were clear he would deside what to do. If the plans were against his role as a gundam pilot and the collonies then he would take them down. If they helped and supported the colonies (and earth as well I suppose) then he would do all in his power to help them. I don't hold anything against Trowa or Quatre or Duo... or WuFei really it's just that I think Heero is the most complex character. More is actually known about Trowa than Heero. Trowa was 'lost' as a child, is the suspected missing brother of Catherine Bloom (with his name being Triton Bloom not Trowa Barton which isn't his real name anyway). If you read the manga comics that they published of Gundam Wing ac then you find out a fair bit about Trowa that was otherwise only hinted at. You see, I think it's a memory but I'm not sure as Trowa was only a baby in it, Trowa getting seperated from his family and then growing up as a soldier with no name. ( that shot in the film that you see of a younger Trowa - wearing a green scarf - piloting a mobile suit is expalined further ((see attachment file for a little 'newspaper' article someone has done expalining some of the theories about Trowa)) ) Where Trowa doesn't have a name due to growing up alone, Heero doesn't have a name either. They both assume the name of dead men (Trowa Barton and Heero Yuy) and both become Gundam pilots. However one thing that seperates Trowa from Heero in the form of mysteriousness is the fact that Trowa was 'lost' by his family while no-one know the truth about Heero's past except that he was raised by a man named Odin and then trained by J. Nothing else is known about Heero. All that most know is that Heero was trained by J to be the perfect weapon hence the whole perfect soldier title that he has. Anywho, please tell me if any of that made sense because I'm not to sure it did - I tried my hardest but I'm not sane so it's very hard (maybe the fact that I'm insane is the reason that I understand Gundam Wing to such an extent that none of my friends know where I found out about it.???)
  8. Hey to ElrickOtaku. I totallly agree that a battle between Trieze and Zechs would rock. I mean it would be much better than that battle between WuFei and Trieze - for starters Zechs doesn't think that *everything* is an injustice or ramble on about how he can not fight "weaker" beings than himself!!! Anywho, DevilishAngel glad to know that you like the picture - i can't remember where i got it, i think my friend emailed it me so i'll have to ask her.:smirk: that should be fun. LOL. to inferno I like the Deathscythe custom as well and it's kind of the devil version of Heero's Wing Zero don't ye think. Hey that just gave me the sweetest picture of Heero and Duo....... um.. sorry got a little side tracked by that picture.... erm where was I... Anywho as I was going to say.. KILL RELENA - no-one will miss her!!! But then there would be no-one to keep world peace. Damn to the depths on that one!!! :evil3: To Duorocks17 and all other who like Duo and Heero here's apicture that suits us both - gotta love those Preventers' uniforms! LOL.
  9. Oh yes i can see what ye mean - it's kinda what i was trying to say without much success. i suppose WuFei joining Mariemaia's army was a way of saying that he would serve the daughter but not the father and yet at the same time it is saying that in honor of the memory that he will serve the daughter because the father is dead and otherwise unservable because others in Mariemaia's army are actually serving Treize through his daughter. ( erm i'm not too sure if that makes any sense to ye but i try to write it how's other's would be understanding it as it is very hard for me to do so):drunk: :drunk: :( if ye's not be understanding me then let me know and i's try to fix it. LOL. Endless Waltz rocks without exception to the max - erm don't ask if ye's not be knowing as it's just a saying of mine. Bye.
  10. i understand that but if ye listen to the conversation between Heero and WuFei when they are fighting in the earth's orbit then ye hear Heero telling WuFei that Treize is dead and that that fight is over already....:naughty: :mrt: you're right though about WuFei having a place it just happens to give him the chance at rubbing it in Treize's grave.... anywho...:laugh: :D bye bye
  11. Well Cahoots34 I agree that WuFei's deflecting to Mariemaia's side was very strange for him but if you look at it from his point of view (hard I know - it gives me a headache just trying to grasp the concepts of a teenage boy's mind) then you can see that he does it to get back at Trieze. By following Trieze's daughter, who though she is unaware of it is doing Demkin's work and visions as she think's they were her fathers, WuFei is actually just getting back at Trieze because he knows that Demkin is in control. Bearing that in mind, WuFei is actually following a man and not an eight year old girl.:therock: :therock: :rolleyes: I hope that you and all other readers could understand that - i'm not so sure it made much sense as it's only about 9:00 in the morning so.... :sleep: i'm not to good on the sense meter this early but then i rarely make sense in a way that otherscan understand - see what i mean. :drunk: :huh: anywho I hope that at least someone - *anyone* - understood what i am trying to say. LOL.
  12. Well Trieze is complex but i found that he is very see through most of the time. Heero is well more complex i mean well..... just look at him you can't tell anything about him from just appearences so i think he wins. LOL see attachment for cute pictures.LOL:eek: :drunk: :tasty: :demon: :naughty: laughing in a creepy manner in the series but here it looks just well adorable. enjoy!!!!!LOL
  13. Endless waltz was a cool series - albiet very short i mean three episodes!!!! did they think that was enough for us fans cuz it just made me wannna watch more!!!. first off Domon is right about Mariemaia she is the daughter, the true daughter of Trieze Khusharard (yes that is the correct spelling of his name, strange i know). if you listen to what Heero read out while researching into Mariemaia then you hear him going on about her mother's side of the family. with the father unknown. how ever when you watch the bit when Trowa reveals how he got his name then you find out a bit more about Mariemaia and in the first series you learn a bit of Trieze's past - the name of Barton (as in Demkin, Trowa - um the original one that is - and Lisa) and Lady Une hints towards jealousy of Lisa as she knows she's Trieze's wife.. Don't mean to be sounding criticising (um.. spelling is not so good today...) of anyone or to be a grade A nerd or such like:glasses: :lecture: it's just that i'm a Gundam Wing A/C obsessee (yet again spelling - please don't bug me) LOVE GUNDAM WING - IT'S THE ONLY WAY TO LIVE TO THE FULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drunk: :demon: :therock:
  14. well welcome to the club Mai_Minase. glad you could join us. hummm... a Vash lover that's very interesting and nice to know i's not's be all by my onesies in that. just look at the cute little attachment of the man himself like's ye's never been seeing him. LOL:tasty: :D it is always nice to know that ye's not be's alone on the matter of finding anime/manga characters attractive - as sad as that sounds:( :drunk: . Sasuke is well cool. LOL one last note: ANIME ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!:demon: :naughty:
  15. YUE is definately cool and datable. the whole mystic air that he has about him is.... well... captivating to say the least. attached piccy of the beautiful winged angel from CCS is one to view.:eek: :demon: :demon: I too have to many to really list in top five but somehow i managed it (see earlier posts) - just and unfortunatly it doesn't give credit to the umteith amount of others in my favourites list that are well datable. LOL. :luv: :luv: hope ye's enjoy - i have quite a few of Angemon and Holyangemon. LOL. i just love them all!!!!!:love: till next time.:smirk: :smirk: :wigout:
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