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Purple Haze

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Everything posted by Purple Haze

  1. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Now at[/SIZE][/COLOR][URL=http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/categories/systems/xbox360/] Ebgames[/URL] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]they have the have the Xbox 360 Complete pack with Perfect Dark Zero, Kameo, DOA 4, and Project Gotham Raccing 3, for $700 and the basic package with the same games for $600. All of this is supposed to come out on November 15. I won't be getting this manly because it cost too much and I don't have the money. The other is because I'm not buying any of the first genererations of any othe the consoles because my first 2 PS2's had disk read errors and my X box had a crappy Thompson harddrive. When they come out and fix some of the problems I'll get one[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]X-men Legends is the best co-op RPG/Action game there is out there. You level up yours stats and such like a rpg, but it plays more like beat'em up arcade games. It's also only 14.99 so it's also easy enough to afford.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I'd have to go with Tales of Symphonnia mainly becaue I liked the battle system and characters. I also like that me and my friends could hook up and play 4-player with all the characters and still go on with the main storyline. My second would be Star Ocean because it's the only other game I've played on the list.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. Purple Haze


    [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]He was easy. Just keep using the multi-arrow spell and his summons will go down quick. Use some arrows on him and go beserk and beat him dead. But don't skip the credits.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Name: Trevon Sands Mutan Namet: Sonicboom Age:16 Gender:Male Mutant powers: the ability to create sound waves, conrtoll sound waves and sonic booms. By scraming or making any vibrations. Bio: Trevon discovered his powers when he was first born, when he came out crying it shook the walls of the hospitatal and changing pitches almost destroying the place. When he was 5 years old his whole family was killed by The Herald and Trevon was saved by his mutant power whenhe screamed for his life and destroyed the area. Ever since he's learned to control his powers and is determined to avenge his family.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Description[/SIZE][/COLOR] [img]http://sue-chan.com/art2/mimic.jpg[/img]
  6. [quote name='ThatOneOddDude']Hold on, what? Did you beat the secret boss? That took me and my brothers well over 10 hours just to find.[/quote] [COLOR=Purple][Size=1]There's a secret boss? How do you get to him? Looks like I need to go back and play it some more. Anyways I beat one more game today riding down to Virginia Beach today. Mega Man Zero - I finally beat this game after having it for almost 2 years. The game is the hardest GBA game ever. It was fun but hard.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]Final Fantasy X-2- Just beat it again to get 100% complete. The perfect ending wasn't worth it to me. Kingdom Hearts Chain of memories- just beat the game on on Reverse Rebirth. It was easy, i should have beat it moths ago. Need for Speed Underground 2- One of mt favorite racing games. Not as many customization ptions as MC3 but it has more racing types. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat- one of the shortest, easiest games to beat in the history of games. Glad I didn't spend $60 on it and the controller. The game is like 3 hours long X-men legends- Just beat it with my brother and friends. Really fun multiplayer and i like the mutant aattcks.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE]In a surprise announcement from the stage during a show in Barcelona, Spain, on Saturday night, the members of Destiny's Child told fans they will disband at the conclusion of their current Destiny Fulfilled ... And Lovin' It Tour. DC member Kelly Rowland made the relevation before 16,000 fans at the Palau Sant Jordi, explaining that the concert would be the last European appearance by the group. In a statement released exclusively to MTV News on Sunday (June 12), the trio thanked their loyal fans and pledged sisterly devotion to one another. "We have been working together as Destiny's Child since we were 9, and touring together since we were 14," the statement read. "After a lot of discussion and some deep soul searching, we realized that our current tour has given us the opportunity to leave Destiny's Child on a high note, united in our friendship and filled with an overwhelming gratitude for our music, our fans, and each other. After all these wonderful years working together, we realized that now is the time to pursue our personal goals and solo efforts in earnest. ... No matter what happens, we will always love each other as friends and sisters and will always support each other as artists. We want to thank all of our fans for their incredible love and support and hope to see you all again as we continue fulfilling our destinies." The announcement is surprising not least because the trio had downplayed rumors of a split in the wake of member Beyoncé Knowles' multiplatinum 2003 solo LP, Dangerously in Love (see "Destiny's Child Back In The Studio, So 'Shut Up!' Kelly Rowland Says"), although plans did call for the members to focus on solo projects at the end of this tour (see "Destiny's Child Put On A Fashion Show At U.K. Concert"). Destiny's Child ? Knowles, Rowland and Michelle Williams ? have become one of the top-selling female pop vocal groups in history, with worldwide sales of more than 40 million records. They will retire the name after their upcoming U.S. tour and pursue individual careers in film, music, theater and television. Despite the announcement, the group's forthcoming U.S. tour ? its first in four years ? will go off as planned, kicking off on July 9 at the Savvis Center in St. Louis and wrapping up on September 10 at GM Place in Vancouver. Support acts on the tour include Amerie, Mario and Tyra (see "Destiny's Child Map Out North American Tour"). Destiny's Child formed in Houston in 1990 when Knowles and original member LaTavia Roberson were 9 years old, with Knowles' father, Mathew, acting as their manager. Knowles' cousin, Rowland, joined two years later, in time for the trio to make their national debut on the show "Star Search." Fourth member LeToya Luckett signed on 1993, and the group made its recorded debut with the song "Killing Time" on the 1997 soundtrack to the blockbuster "Men in Black." Their self-titled debut dropped the next year and spawned the Wyclef Jean-produced hit "No No No." Their second album, 1999's The Writing's on the Wall, cemented their reputation as hitmakers, with "Bills Bills Bills" and "Say My Name." But at the peak of their success, Roberson and Luckett tried to drop Mathew Knowles as their manager and were subsequently replaced in the "Say My Name" video with new members Michelle Williams and Farrah Franklin. The two ejected members sued Mathew Knowles and the group and eventually settled, but further turmoil ensued with Franklin, whose five-month tenure in Destiny's Child ended in July 2000. The group continued as a trio, scoring another huge hit with the song "Independent Women, Pt. 1" from the "Charlie's Angels" soundtrack, following it with 2001's Survivor, which hit with the title track and the ubiquitous "Bootylicious." Though Beyoncé had long since become the breakout star of the group, Williams was the first to release a solo album, the gospel LP Heart to Yours, in 2002. Beyoncé, who co-starred with Mike Meyers in the third Austin Powers movie, "Goldmember," released Dangerously in Love in 2003, and Rowland released an LP that year, Simply Deep. Even after Beyoncé scored multiplatinum success off such solo hits as "Crazy in Love" and her face become a regular presence in commercials and print ads, the trio came back together last year to release Destiny Fulfilled. MTV News will have a full report on Destiny's Child's farewell on Monday's edition of "TRL."[/QUOTE] From VH1.com [COLOR=Purple] [SIZE=1]I already knew that they were gonna break up sooner or later last summer after Beynce realased her solo album Dangerously In Love. I don't really think that it's a bad thing because Kelly and Michelle aren't even cared about. DC was all about Beyonce from the start anyway.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Michael Jackson's verdict has just been read. All of his charges the jury ruled not guilty. He's a free man now. What do you guys think? Do you think that the verdict was right?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I have just 2 question about it. The first is I'm not a big simulation racing fan and is there any features for someone like me to even want to play this game? Does it take up you whole life like the GT games so that you can never leave the house in order to beat the game? I tried to play GT for a while but it got really boring quickly becuse I had to do the same races over and over and over and over again in order to get money to buy new cars. 2) Does it have any action in the races like Project Gotham Racing or Apex.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. Purple Haze


    [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Ok after wathcing the Nintendo press confrence I've really felt left cheated. I still think that the Revolution has the Xbox 360 beaten but they could have done a little more for presentation. That was the time that Nntendo had to show everyone that they weren't gonna be left behind this generation and that they were taking the gaming indusry back but instead they did nothing. They didn't show any feature for the Revolution except telling us that all of the older Nintendo generation games were gonna be available for download. They could have showed us how that was gonna work or something but they lefy us hanging and guessing how it would work. Next they hardly even powered up the system. He pluged it up and that was that. No on screen visuals, like the start up logo or even the menu screen. Now the worst thing about this is that they showed no controller. That's the main thing that everyone has been guessing and getting excited about but they show us nothing. they might just be trying to keep us guessing but, come on Nintendo you want us to buy all this stuff but you ain't showin us nothin. Nintendo needs to come out of the closet with the Revolutionand don't pull any last minute chqnges. I love my Nintendo but their some of their uniqueness and secretiveness is gonna put a end to them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I want to get my hand on one of these to really determine the size of it myself, but by the looks of it is just a little smaller than my cell phone. But I'm glad that they made changable face plates becuse when ever I get a system or console they chage the design or color right after I get mine. The biggest question to me so far is gonna be the price of it. If it's under $60 I might just trade in my SP and GBA to get one, but then again I don't play my SP much and I could trade them in for a new PSP.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]At the revealing of the Revolution they showed a mini GBA.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [img]http://pocketmedia.ign.com/pocket/image/article/615/615202/e3-2005-hands-on-game-boy-micro-20050517002425445.jpg[/img] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]It is ony 4 inches wide, 2 inches long and LESS than 1 inch thick.They took it back to the longer wider form of the original GBA, which is good because my hads were cramped as hell while trying to play a SP. The screen is suppossedl supposed;y to be brighter than the SP as well. No word on if it will have the rechargable battery pack or if you ill have to have to put in batteries. The release date is scheduled for fall 2005. I might buy it depending on the price because i'm ot gonna shell out $150 for a smaller GBA when I can buy a DS which is the exact same price. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  14. Purple Haze


    [SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]Got some more pics at different angles. The design isn't really anything special to me. Just a glossy black rectangle but I really want to know wat the controller will look like. But so far the PS3 and Revolution have blown the XBOX 360 out of the water. I'm looking forward to the retro downladble games. I might just get the revolution before the PS3.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]Mega Man X: Command Mission- Got it last saturday and beat it yesterday. It is a fun RPG and it is easy .Good start for people who are just getting into RPG's. GTA:SA- This one took a while, but fun anyway. Hate the flight school. Ninja Gaiden: THE hardest game I have ever played and beaten. Took me 1 week to get past the 2nd level boss. Now trying to beat Hurricane Pack 1. Halo 2- Hated the story and I only play it with multiplayer. Devil May Cry 3- The best action game I have ever played. The different fighting styles really give the game replay value. People complained about it being hard but it was't hard to me. Ill' post more games later.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]I'm really looking forward to the the FPS Pariah. I'm really want to see what the multiplayer is like and from what i've read you can upgrade the weapons which sounds cool. The main feature that I've heard about and like the most is the level editor.You can put what ever you want into the level but nott a overload of thing like 50 vehicles and stuff like that and whenever you play someone elses custom created level you automatically download it onto your harddrive. The graphics look really good to mainly because the people who made the Unreal Tournament series(Digital Extremes) has used the UT grapichs engine to supportr the games. So when i get the extra cash I'll get Pariah.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]I remeber last year in my freshman year I skipped 2 times where I left schol grounds. They were both during SOL testing week and I didn't have any tests for my 1st or second period som me and like 4 of my friends decidened to skip. My friend Mike has a car and we drove off the school nd went to this vacant apartment. We looked around to see if anone was looking and we went in.We stayed in there for a while then went to a trailer park and played basketball all day. Fun day. The next day we wern't so lucky. we went back to the vacant apartment but this time we didn't check to see if anyone was looking to see us go in. So we were just about to leave when we hear someone at the back door trying to come in. We all run to the front door but someone is trying to come in from there. So we open the front door to run out and the cops bust in the doorway with guns pointed at us. The cops in the back get in and we were arrested and taken down to the truancy office and we were all charged with tresspassing. My mom was pissed and I was grounded for 2 weeks but that won't the worst part. The worst part was going through the education classes for 6 weeks in order for the charge to get dropped. Now I only skip 5th period because I go to all 3 lunches.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. Do you have the licenced Sony brand memory card or a thrd party one( the yellow NYKO memory card)? i know that my old NYKO memory card used to give me corrupt data sometimes and I would have to start all over. The one I had for my Gamecube once formatted itself and erased everything. Now thgat I got a sony emeory card it doesn't do that anymore.
  19. Screw a used PS2. Those things run for $130- just 20 bucks short of a brand new one. On ebagmes. com and gamestop.com they have a NEW gamecube with a free game for $100. Now with that extra $30 you can buy her a memory card and a Players Choice game.
  20. Can some one make me a purple haze banner with camron on it and in the banner in small letters "purple haze has clouded my brain". I have the pics included. and can someone make me a avi too. thanks , Purple Haze
  21. toysnjoys.com has a good selection of import games. I bougfht a US. hack outbreak from and it got here within a week. It also has the FFX International version.
  22. Personally for me I'd rather just have a few of them. The main reason I like FFX-2 was becaus eit only had 3 characters. In previous FF I had to level up worthless characters that I never use ( Zell, Khimari, Wakka, Quistis etc.) But if it's a game like tales of symponia where the characters that you don't use also gain the sam amout of experince that the character in battle gain then it makes it a little more fun to use those characters. And when you have hordes of charcters most of them hardly fit into the storyline at all and some don't even fit in period ( Star Ocen :Til the end of time has this problem with Roger, and Peppita). They just added them to makeit seem like you're gonna have a bigger selection of character to use when most of the time you won't. So I'd just rather have a few characters in a RPG that a whole bunch.
  23. Doesn't look too interesting to me. Looks like a beefed up 3d version of the GBA games except you can fly freely. Maybe they'll give it some depth instead of :Kill the bad guy, search for item, kill more bad guys, find hideout, kill the boss. I'm not gonna buy it buy maybe rent it. Maybe..
  24. Here in Richmond Va we kinda have a no tolerance rule but then again we don't. A girl had a line of boys in the girls bathroom having waiting to have sex while she was already oing t with someone else and doesn't get expelled or even suspended. But another kid actually fights a school security gaurd and get expelled and has to go to court. Now there have been some weapons found at the school but just some small 2-3 day suspensions were given. So epople really get off the hook in Richmond for something compared to other places.
  25. Name- Greg Triston Age-17 Eye Color-brown Hair Color-black Gender-male Personality-Sonya's half brother. He is cocky and pushy. Greg will take on just about any challenge especially if he knows he'll win. He hates Nate and will do anything to put DSV out of racing. Gang your in- LA Heat Appearance- Tan skin with dark black har in a real low cut. Black and Red Shaq Miami Heat jersey and a matching fitted hat. Baggy black Ecko cargo jeans and the ne Lebron James Zoom 2 shoes with red laces. Car make- Saleen Car Model-Saleen S7 Car Color-Dark Green Horse Power-1350 Car Modifications- Stage 4 turbo kit, Racing chip, GPS system, Carbon Fiber body kit, 2-2000 watt Alpine amps, 2 -2000 Alpine subwoofers in the trunk. 3 Speaker built into the dash with a mp4/cd/DVD player. Sparco racing seats, 18 inch Spreewell Spiners, 4 bottles of NOS (2 under each seat), Dark tinted windows, Green neon light under kit, 2 super slick tires in the back and slick tires in the front. Car in stock [img]http://www.saleen.com/images/ga_s7_9.jpg[/img]
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