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Purple Haze

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Everything posted by Purple Haze

  1. My list is kinda small because most of the games I want come out early 2005 Resident Evil 4, DMC3, Tekken 5, Kingdom Hearts 2. I just bought 2 games from my list not too long ago, Star Ocean 3 and Tony hawk Underground. Xbox Halo 2- Enjoyed the first only because of the muultiplayer, but I really want to try it on Live. Dead or Alive Ultimate- haven't played DOA 2 yet and I have DOA 3 so why not get it. Plus it comes with the very first DOA so I'll have them all. Besides, I wanna try playing it on Xbox live also. Xbox live Kit- Can't play online without it PS2 Need for speed underground 2- Loved the first, and they've expanded on it. Large city to raom and you can now hold more than 1 car gives you the opportunity to experiment with all the cars and tune them for specific race styles. Gamecube Mario Tennis-Loved teh first one so why not get this one. Clorfull graphics and fun gameplay, and even more fun on multiplayer.
  2. Can someone make me a banner with a backround of a 100 dollar bill with Fabolous and LLoyd banks in the middle where Ben Franklin's head goes?. But put like a little rip between the two and at the bottom in small text "Battle for NY" For the avi just use one of their faces on the bill backround. Thanks!!!!
  3. It's been hard for me to find a job because of the age 16 barrier. I had a job at a car wash over te summer and made about $150 a week working 6 hours a day 4 days a week. But I had to quit becase it is now getting cold and I don't want to work at a car wash no more. Way too much work. I just filled out a application at Subway today and i hope they get in touch with me.
  4. I like the FF series mostly because of the story, not the gameplay. I just beat my FFX-2 the other day and started a new game plus. Tried to play to get the "perfect" ending ,but I can't. The battle system is a bore and I just can't get into it that much to keep on playing. Even games that have ATB to try and speed te turn based battles up doesn't seem to work.I liek to try and get the best weapons and equipment for each character or do a few side quests to keep me playing. tired of them and that goes the same for all turn based RPGs. I mainly play real time battle RPGs like Kingdom Hearts, .Hack games, and Star Ocean 3. If they made a FF game real time and made it multiplayer it would be great.
  5. My little brother got the gamehe's onl 12 and the store clerk sold it to him) and I have to say I am amazed. Didn't think I would actually even like but it's adicting. Alot of the litte glitch issies have been fixed like the random freezing. I don't feel so closed up like in the last 2 games where I knew where everthing was and could get there in bout 1 minute. I've been exploring for 3 days and still don't know where everything was. I like to get ATV and just ride around out near Red County. The gym exersise thing is great. Lifting weights, runnng the treadmil, its like 1 huge mini game. I also like that you have to work up each gun to be a master killer, you get ratings for being a good driver and how you have to work off fat, and even learn how to hold your breath. Even though I really hate the other GTA games, this one is great.
  6. For Xbox it's 4 player. My friend got the game on friday and me and a couple other friends stayed the night over at his house and played the game all night. We didn't get that far(I don't think) we just beat Pyro before I left the next day. It was fun. My favorite person was beast. The cell shaded graphics fit the game well. The gameplay was a little basic, just like any other beat'em up game but was fun because of the mutant powers.
  7. First beat the other boyfrind/girlfriends ***,then dump her. Find a nice good lookin non bisexual slut that won't sleep everyone in the school. Or you could stay with her and get played and look like a fool when she kisses another man right in front of you. .And what's wrong with listening to 50 cent? You got somethin against rap or somethin. The best thing is to just get rid of her.You never know she might have a STD......j/k
  8. I don't see the all the hype about it. From what I've heard and teh screens I've seen it looks and plays just like the original Paper Mario with the new fold into aorplane abilities,etc. I'm not gonna spen 0 bucks on it but my brother loved the first one so he preordered PM2, so I'll get my chance to play it. It looks like it will be a fun Saturday game that you can play all day and not get tired.
  9. I've gotten Fable off my list and rented SRS. It sucks but back to the point, I've been awaiting the arrival od DOA Ultimate. Now that it will bon on Xbox Live I can kick some *** acroos the world. The graphics are crisp as in all DOA games and they have some new levels to fight in too. Plus you get the Japanes version of DOA that was released on sega saturn. I've also been interested in Resident Evil 4 mainly because they're adding the 3d backrounds. I've stayed away from the other RE games but this one caught my eye. It doesn't come out until next year so I have time to decide if I should get it or not.
  10. I don't like anything about the GTA series. They are starting to get very stale and they get boring quickly. All the games are exactly the same except for the cities, characters, cars and weapons. They add the ability to go into buildings in Vice City but there was really no use because none of them hadany real value excpet that you got missions from there. Now there adding bikes and getting haircuts.It the same recycled garbage every game. GTA3 should have been the end of the series,but they ket it going and now it is going to get so stale. I'm not dishin out $50 for basically the same game.
  11. the PStwo comes out on the 14th of this monthI'm gonna get the PStwo either this week or next depending on my interim grades. I'm gonna trade in my old PS2 at Gamestop. It's worth $85. If my grades are straght my grandma will give me the rest of the money. I like the slimness of the new one and the fact the they took out the slide out tray. That made it impossible to clean the laser. People should be able to clean the PS now without voiding the warranty by taking it apart.
  12. [QUOTE=Dark Serena][size=1][color=purple] [b](!!BIG SPOILER!!)[/b] [spoiler]And speaking of, I was so irritated and disappointed when towards the end Zelos completely betrayed the party and kidnapped Colette for Mithos! [/spoiler] He was my favorite character, lol, second only to Sheena. T.T [/color][/size][/QUOTE] [spoiler]It doesn't have to happen that way. It only happens if you decide to get Kratos at Flanior when three people knock at your hotel door just answer any of them except the last one. The last one is Kratos.When you leave the next day Lloyd asks ZZelos if he can be trusted and he answer right away. If you answerd the last knock he will stutterbbefore answering. And Zelos won't betray you and something else happens.. But im not telling.[/spoiler]
  13. As of right now Fable is number one on my list. So many different ways to build your character, good side, evil side.Grwing up from a litle kide to a full grown adult. The fact of having people scared that yyou will kill them when they see you.Beating up a billie or help him pick on the kid. Or even beat both of them up. So many different choices you can make. I also wanna get SRS(Strreet Racing Syndicate) but I've paid for my Fable in full so all I have to do is go pick it up when it comes out. But I should have the money for it in about another 2 weeks. On my christmas list I got 4 main games. Dead or Alive: Ultimate, Midnight Club 3: DUB edition, Need For Speed Underground 2 and Tony Hawk underground 2. Devil may Cry 3 was on here but the release date was pushed to early 2005.
  14. Fight Night 2004 - One of the greatest games ever. You can actually controll your punches with the analog stick not just some crappy button mashing. Mastering the control system takes a few hours but, after that you start beatin the computer in 3 rounds or less. The facial expression when your boxer gets hit is very realistic. Your face bruises and yor eyes get blak and swell shut. Your lips bleed and so does your lip or nose when your get hit. The only unrealist thig is the knockdowns. They look so fake. Your boxer shake abot 5000 time before he hits the gound and another 2000 after he hits the ground, so it looks like they're always having seizures. Definently Game of teh Year in my book. Until Fable that is...........
  15. Trying to beat the tanks on Ninja Gaiden. I can't cet them past half lif before they blow me up. I barley have any life elixiers so i get my *** kicked every time. I almost broke my X-box controlle before I fliped teh power on the game. Another is Trying to beat Abyssion on Tales of Symphonia. He is just too hard. 120,000 HP and his basic attacks do like 800 damage. I don't even want to talk about his magic attacks. I get him down to about 50,000 and then BOOM. He kills me with his Meteor storm attack and I have no more life bottles. It takes about 30 minutes to get him down that far so I just quit after trying once.
  16. I've only beaten up to Mutation and need to get some money for Outbreak. The games are pretty good but they do get boring after a while. I mainly use Kite(of course) Elk, and Gardenia. I don't really have a favorite monster but I like the design of Skeith. Ity would really be great if it was really online instead of simulated.
  17. My Favorite Chaacter is Kirby. Most peole don't like him because he is so light and gets knocked off easily. He'safun character to play as because he can change his moves and appearance. I made up a little trick when someone gets knover over the edge, get close and when they try to come back hittem with wind Cutter and it forces them down and they can't move. Auto Kill!! My favorite level is Hyrule temple because me and my friends don't play regular free for all we play Super sudden death. the temple has a lot of free space so you can run. But I use Samus sometimes and blast them with missles or her charge blast from long range and it comes from surprise.
  18. Dante looked around to see his group. He saw a over confident redhead who thinks he can beat anyone, a quiet woman with a attitude, a samurai with a long sword, and a kid with a key. [i]"I'm supposed to work with this!! They all have high "I'm the best" attitudes except the little kid with a key."[/i] Dante thought to himself as he and Seig walked through the forest quietly. Then Dante comes up with a game. " Hey Seig!!" hey yelled and Seigh turned his head in annoyance. "You think you're such a hardass....lets have a little competition !" Dante exclaimed " OK.. bring it!" " See who can kill the most animals in 5 minutes." Dante said with a smirk on his face. "You're on!!" "On the count of 3. 1..........2.........3 GO!!!!!" Dante yelled as the two of them took of on their killing spree.
  19. "So what yoou wanna put in first'?" Ant asked "Transmission, mine went strait to hell after the last race." " Who you race with?" "Trix..." Nate replied with a smirk on his face. " Lemme guess...... you hooked back up with her." Ant said as he got under got under the escudo. " Yea." Nate replied " Pass me a monkey wrench" Nate bent down and handed him a wrench. Ant was under the Escudo for about 15 minutes. He unscrewed the transmission from the base of the ca, then he got from under the Escudo and went to a small crane. He grabbed the chain and hook the was attached to it and dragged it over to the transmission, and attached it. Ant walked back over to the crande and pulled a lever and it started. Ant pulled another lever and it pulled the transmission in the air. He pulled a third lever aad it moved the chain to the left,then he shut the crane off. " I took out the old one. You put the new one in." Ant said as he wiped the grease off his hands with a towel.
  20. Ant walked over to where Nate and Asim were. He stood there eating chips silently watching Nate act drunk. " You get the parts?" Nate asked. " Yea, they in the back of the trunk." Ant said walking back towards his car. He presed button and the trunk opened. There was a transmission, engine, and a fuel shaft. " Lets take'em in the garage." Nate said as he walked over to the garage door and opened it. " OK." Ant replied as he pressed a button and the car started. he got in and pulled into the garage. he pressed the button again and the car cut off. He opened the trunk and waited for Nate.
  21. OOC: Nate let me in the RPG. HE didn't let me in at first because he hadn't heard from me in a while because I was on a trip for a few days and hadn't been able to get to a computer. Just lettin everyone know. IC: Ant was just pulling back into town. He had went to New York to pick up some parts for his car and the Escudo. He pulled his dark orange Acura RSX into his driveway and turned it off. Got it and went inside his house. His sister Raine was siting on teh couch. ' How was New York?" Rain asked " Boring. All the racers up there suck. The 2 good things up there is the easy cash and cheap parts." Ant walked into the kitchen and grabbed a huge bag of Spicer Nacho Doritos and a two liter Pepsi, then walked out the door. " Where you goin?" Raine snapped. "To the garage. Got some parts for the Escudo." Ant said as he slammed the door shut. Ant walked to his car started it and pulled out the driveway. He put in his Lloyd Banks "The Hunger for More "cd and turned it to "Work Magic". Ant turned the bas all the way up and the volume and took off towards the garage. When he got there he didn't see Nate's car but he saw Shelly and Laura, then he got out the car. " You seen Nate around?" He asked. Then he saw Nate pull in the garage. "Neva mind." Ant said as he watched Nate and Asim. He reached in his car and grabbed his doritos and started eating them.
  22. Name: Dante Age: around 25 Game: Devil May Cry1,2& and the upcoming 3 Side: SONY Apperance: [img]http://www.sgcollect.net/images/reviews/DevilMayCry/Dante/Dante_09.jpg[/img] Human Form [img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/news/01/28/dmc2_screen001.jpg[/img] Demon Form Weapons: Two automatic handguns he made himself named " Ivory & Ebony" a long sword broad sword, and 3 magical crests with the power of fire, lightning, or ice wich determine what element the sword will attack with. Bio: Son of Sparta the demon who opposed the forces of hell, Dante is a "demon hunter" . He lost his mother and sister to Mundus (the ultimate evil ruler who turned his brother into Neo Angelo) when he was smaller. He now owns a business known as Devil May Cry. A business that specializes in the destruction of demons and other related things. He is half demon He has defeated all the creatures from and has saved the world twice. He has learned to control his demonic powers and can transform at will. The demon part gives him special powers as well as increased
  23. Name: Trevon Sands Code Name: Sonicboom Age:16 Gender:Male Appearance: brown skin with cornrools down to the end of his neck. he wears a White Tshirt and some baggy blue jeans and black Air Force ones. Mutation/powers: the ability to create sound waves, conrtoll sound waves and sonic booms. By scraming or making any vibrations. Originally from: Philidelphia , PA Affiliation: The brotherhood of mutants Known Family : Patrice Sands ( mother) Personality: Trevon usually is a loud mouth and never stops talking. He doenst think that much so he is quick to get himslef into trouble. If there's anything about breaking the law Trevon will be right there doing it. He likes to talk to girls and isnt really shy. He isn't afraid to speak whats is on his mind. He has no real enemies not even the X-men. He just doesnt like living by rules. Trevon has lots of mood swings. He can be angry one second and joking he next. He is unpredictible and people almost never know what he will do next becuse of his mood swings. But he usually does what his mind tells him to do and nothing else. No one is his boss he is his own and everyone that knows him knows that. Bio: Trevon discovered his powers when he was first born, when he came out crying it shook the walls of the hospitatal and changing pitches almost destroying the place. When his mother got out of the hospital they moved to Philadelphia. He grew up there all his life. He was the leader of a gang of mutants in the area that always caused trouble.They would go into malls and stal and if they cops tried to do anything about it they would use ther powers to get away.They caused so much trouble that the state of Pennslyvania said that if they couldn't learn to control their power that they would all have to be killed. Trevon's mother sent him to the Xavier Institiue to get help but he went with the brotherhood insted becase of all the rules in the Institue. He wants to go to the Institute for help to make his mother happy but he doest want to be unhappy himself. He still has plans to go to the Institue just not at the moment.
  24. I'd have to say Halo for me because i like more action. Although I think Halo is overated it is a good FPS game to play with a bunch of friends. MP is also a good game, but there just too much exploring and not enough shooting except for the bosses. But MP2 and Halo 2 are bothing coming out this year and I'm getting both. who know maybe they added nmore action this time around.
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