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Purple Haze

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Everything posted by Purple Haze

  1. You could easily go and get the cops, or call a child abuse agency. OR you could take matters into your own hands an fight back. But calling teh cops would probably be the better choice. Has she ever tried talking to her mom about the problem? But unless she tells someone it will continue to go on and maybe get worse.
  2. Name: Anthony "Ant" Wright Age:21 Eye color: Brown Hair color: Dark brown, looks black Gender: male Personality: Changes demepding on teh environment he's and and who he's with. Willing to take on any challenge thrown at him. Appearance: low cut haircut with a white headband. Blue Orlando magic jersey ( #1 T-Mac),and the matching blue shorts and white airforce ones ([img]http://www.crispykicks.com/AF1/AF125.jpg[/img] Gang: DSV Car Make: Acura Car Model: 2003 Acura RSX Horsepower: 545HP Modificatons: NOS, Orange underglow kit, 800 watt speakers, 1600 watt amp, hydrolics. Pic:[img]http://his-hers.com/fuac89001br.jpg[/img]
  3. Good Game, but it's too short. I beat it in 3 days. [SPOILER]After you beat Dr.Octopus the game is over. But they have you win 50,000 hero points to completer the next chapter and after that theres nothin left but the awards to get.[/SPOILER]
  4. Can someone please resize this to the right size for OB please. I'm using it on another site and they allow bigger sizes. It's attached And can someon make me a avi with Hitomi please. -Alastor
  5. NES: I don't have one. Oh wait Duck Hut. I absolutly hated that. SNES: Dr. Mario was the worst game ever on SNES. It was one big Tetris rip off. All they didi was change the blocks to pills. It had horrible music too. SEGA GENESIS: My absolute favorite game system. Only one game comes to mind. Vectorman or Vectroman somethin liek that. That game ws just plain stupid. You got a little grren guy made up of balls falling down a screen. Whopeee. PS: Well theres many games that hate for PS1 but I'n just gonna name the worst. Ball Breaker was the most absolute stupidedst game ever. Yourr person is like a robot and you roll ona ball in a huge arena trying to kill off everyone else. The controls sucked, the graphichs and glitches give you headaches. N64: Uhmm lets see Fighters Destiny had to the worst N64 game. Weak characters, people litereally made from blocks, loose story and very sluggish controls made doing moves very hard. You get hit in the midlle of trying to do one. PS2: Cy Girls. I just rented this 2 days ago and I'd have to say this game isn't even the 6 buck rental fee. The story is ok, the graphics ae great but gameplay just messes everything up. You can play as a ninja or a woman with a gun. They both have very limited moves and they get stale after like 3 mintes. The ninja has the worst camera angle I have ever seen in my life. And trying to adjust the camera makes it even harder to see. The level require to go back in forth a hundred times and it just gets boring before you finish the first level. I would't advise anyone get this game iven if it is offered for free.
  6. OOC: Sorry for not postin.. just havent had the time. I'm kinda lost even though I've read these post a few times. Lamar stood up and started at the pokemon in disbelief as he thought to himeself. [i] "This pokemon must be powerful. I should try to catch it then I would be unstoppable. But the question is how would I catch it. It's probably way too fast for my pokemon to hit and by since it can talk the pokemon is probably psychic."[/i] But the whole time he thiught this Aurora and Hope both were reading his mind. lamar looked over at them and they both gave him a evil look. [i] Guess I shouldn't try to catch him afterall."[/i] Lamar said as he watched Hope and teh pokemon talk to each other.
  7. "Looks like I'm not needed." Lamar said as he walked over to a rock and sat down on it. He pulled out his cd player and his rap book and started to write some raps. Then Hitmonchan tapped him on his shoulder and made some punching signs like he wanted to box. " So you want to box huh?" Lamar said as he grabbed his book bag and pulled out some black boxhing gloves with his name stitched on the front. " Ok.. lets go!" Lamarsaid as he swung a punch at Hitmonchan. Hitmonchan swayed out the way and returned a two piece combo straigh to the face. His lip started to bleed but he wiped it off and kept on going. " Ok.. you got me!!" Lamamr started to move around and swaying in and out. Then he started to swing punches straight at hitmonchan's face and lower body. Hitmonchan ducked and doged some but got hit by others. Then they started going at it blow for blow, hit for hit. " This is no time for playing with your pokemon" David shouted " I don't got nothin better to do!!' Lamar souted back as he got hit in the face by a punch. Hitmonchan did and 5 hit combo which ended in a uppercut to the stomach, then and hit to the chest. Lamar kneeled to the ground. " Ok....Ok you win!!" Lamar said holding his chest and laughing at the same time. He got up and walked back over to the rock, took off his gloves and laid down on the rock. " Now I wait...." Lamar said as he closed his eyes and started to go to sleep.
  8. There is a really simple trick to winning this fight. First have Tidus cast Haste/Hastega on the party. Then have Yuna cast protect. And Shell if you want to. Then cast reflect on Seymour. Now have the party attack the Mortiochris. Keep attacking it with a strong attacker( Auron, Wakka, Tidus, Maybe Kimhari ,depends). It only has 4000 Hp but everytime you kill it, it takes away drains some life from Seymour. Thats where reflect comes in. The move Mortiochris continues to drain Seymour life and when it starts to get low it will use Cura. Then reflect will reflect the cura spell to someone on your party.
  9. Lamar and Mina got up after hearing the ice glacier break apart. " You hear theat loud rumble??" Lamar asked " Yea.. but what was it" Mina replied. " I don't know but, lets go find the others" Lamar said getting up and stared to walk off with Hitmonchan right behind him. " Wait up!!" Mina screamed as she jumped up and went after them. They walked through the tunnels until they saw David, Jack, Shinobi and Hope. " Whats going on here??' Lamar asked Nothing that needs the help of a celebrity." David replied " I don't got time for yo smart *** coments!" Lamar snapped back " Shut up both of you!!" Mina yelled. Then she turned to David what happened and what was that big noise. " Aurora was knocked in the head by someone here on this mountain. But we don't know who. The noise was a Ice Glacer that slamemd into a helicopter." " So where's Nate then??" Lamar asked " He was supposed to go and ind you guys but I don't know where he is now." " And who are these two??" Mina asked " I'm Shinobi, Nate's adoptive father" Shnobi replied " And I'm Hope, Aurora's mother. " You da Shinobi I heard about!" Lamar said out loud . " Wha..." Shinobi looked puzzled. " I'll tell you later" Lamar replied " Isn't that Nate coming right now" Mina said pointing a Nate running to the group.
  10. Name: Dwane Harris Age:17 Sex: Mal3e Height: 5"11 Weight: 160 lbs. Hair Color: Dark brown down to his shoulder in cornrolls. Eye Color: Brown Fighting Style: Boxing mixed with some street fighting skills. School:Gedo High School Clothes: Baggy blue jeans with a white T-shirt and black Air Force Ones. Position:Student Bio: Dwane came to Japan with his mother when they moved from the US. He was so bad hat no other High School would accept him except Gedo which has nothing but badass gangstas and outcasts. He learned to box at a young aage because his father was a prize fighter.
  11. I saw KILL BILL VOL 1. today and I was kinda disapointed. [SPOILER]First the Bride is just tkaen to superhuman levels. I mean come on A real person can't take out an gamg of 60-70 peopel no matter how skilled you are. The sword might have been strong but that alone isn't enough to take out all them people. And teh fight with Gogo was really takin it to super levels. The bride was hit with a steel ball with spikes directly in the chest. Not once but twice. No way she could have lived, it would have crushed her chest. Second it was just too predictible. I mean you already knew that Uma was going to kill Luicy lui( forgot the name of the character she played). ANd I knew that she was going to beat all of her henchmen aswell. It seems all th epeopel that she killed you knew that she was going to win.[/SPOILER] But even with those two things I still amd going to see Vol 2. and just to see how the story ends. [SPOILER]Maybe the Bride will die. In teh nexy Volumes I hope it gets more into the story than into the superhuman abilities of one woman.[/SPOILER]
  12. Lamar and Mina traveled deep into the tunnel. They stopped when they reached a body of water. " Now where?" Mina asked " Under the water, where else are we to go" " Don't you think we should wait for the others." Mina asked " Why? Are you scared?" Lamar replied " But what if somethin happens? Then what?" " Nothin will happen and I won't let nothin happen to you, so come on? I don't wanna go alone." Lamar replied " Ok.. Ok.." Lamar took off his shirt and shoes and jumped in" " The water is freezing" " Well there isn't much sunlight doewn here so what do you expect" She repiled as she jumped in. They swam under the water for a bit and played around. Then two long blue and white serpent-like pokemon swam up on them. " What are those??" Lamar asked " Who know but we gotta catch them." " Yea.. but I don't got no water pokemon." Lamar replied " Me either!!" " Ok." Lamar threw a pokeball in the air and a Flygon came out. "Flygon use your twister!!" Flygon dived underwater and started to spin round and round and created a huge twisteer. It sucked the up the pokemon aswell as Lamar and Mina. The tow of them were thrown back on shore and the pokemon were thrown back into the water. " Kadabra go!" Mina shouted as she threw a pokeball into the air and a Kadabra came out. The two pokemon now had their heads above the water ready to attack. " Kadabra use your Psybeam attack!!" " Flygon use dragon claw!!" Kadabra used a psybeam abd the pokemon were confused. They started to hit eacj otehr with Ice Beams, and bites.Flygon flew thhrough tehm once then again and the pokemon were dazed. "Now's our chance!! Lure Ball go!!" Lamar shouted " Ultra Ball go!!" They threw the balls and they soared through the air and hit the pokemon. The balls shook twice and they were caught. " That was close" Lamar said " And you said nothin would happen." Mina repled. " Well atleast we didlt get eaten." Lamar replied " So what do you want to call them?" Mina asked " How bout Aradon??" " Ya it's fine with me. Now let's rest for a minute I'm super tired." Mina replied " Yea me too"Lamar said as he fell back and laid his head to as he tried to catch his breath. ~~~~~~~~ OOC: SorryBalinese if I took over. I just didn't wan't to leave the battle undone. But if you want any changes just let me know and I'll delete and let you do it.
  13. Lamar wondered around teh tunnel until he found someone. He watched Mina as she caught a new pokemon. He then walked over to her. " What is that??"Lamar said with a puzzzled look on his face. " It's a Hanako. I just caught it a minute ago. " I know, I saw you catch it." " You caught any new pokemon??" Mina asked " Yea" He said reaching in his bag and he pulled out 2 baby martars and one of the adults. " What are those??" " It's a Martar. They're a fire and ice type and theyre really strong." " The babies are so cute don't you think?" " Yea..... You want one? I have 3?" " Yea sure" Mna said as Lamar handed her one of the Martars. " I see many people here don't like you" " Yea.. but it don't get to me. David is a little stuck up... you know the next word because he works for the " UNO" but hes just a wannabe cop. Nate I don't got nothin against him, but I know he can't beat me in rappin. You just gotta live past the hatas and keep on goin." " Yea.. I guess." Mina replied " Well I'm goin to look for more pokemon, you wanna come." Lamar asked " Sure, lets go" Mina said as the two of them walked off
  14. OOC: When did Lamar and Jon go off together because Lamar when off by himself to catch pokemon. And it says that Jon ignored his own advice and went off alone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lamar released one of the Martars and it hopped around and rubbed it's head against his leg. " Lets see how much you weigh". Lamr reaches into his small bookbag and puls out a scale. He puts Martar on it. " 10 pounds. Not bad" He said putting the scale away. " Now for your height." Lamar pullled out a tape measeure and measured martar. " 2'4." You're kinda small but itf you have an evolution then maybe it'll be bigger. Now to test you in a battle." Lamar aid to the pokemon. Then he reached on his belt and grabbed a pokeball and threw it out. A huge Flygon came out. " Hey buddy" Lamar said rubbing it's head. " Now get out there and try hard and do what you want. Martar use your Fire wave attack!!" Martar opened its mouth and a wave of heat and flames flew everywhere. But flygon was in the ari. Flygon then tried to attack witha wing attack but Martar was too quick and jumped on its back and started to use his flaming bite attack. " Use Sunny Day, then give it a Fire Blast!!"Lamar shouted. 'Martar started to foucus it's energy. Then it shot a fire blast that had blue flames. Flygon was struggling tring to get Martar off it's back but it was held on tight. The blast hit flygon full force and it fell out of the sky. Flygon ws burned badly. Martar continued to use Fire Blast and it burned a hole through and wall of rock, then it use and small blast of ice to cool off Flygon. " Youre part ice too!!" Lamar shouted. Martar just sat there and nodded it's head. " Well I'm puttng your info in the poekdex." Pokemom: Martar Weight: 10 lbs. Height: 2 feet 4 inches Type: Fire/Ice Info: This pokemon is part ice part fire, and is very quick and agile. When fully heated up it can shoot blue flames at temperatures of 2000 degrees farenheight(sp). " There all recorded.. Now where'd the rest of the group go??" Lamar looked around puzzled.
  15. Lamar walked down a path in the tunnel with Hitmonchan. They got to a wall and stopped. " A wall blocks the way. No problem. Hitmonchan Mach Punch and break the wall!" He commanded Himonchan charged up for a second and a powerful punch hit the wall with so much force it shattetred on impact. The two of the walked through. They saw 2 black and red rabbit looking pokemon.Then 3 baby pokemon came from behind them. Lamar walked towards them and the 2 adults shot up and flames surrounded their bodies. " Whoa snap!! Hitmonchan Ice punch both of them!!" Hitmonchand swong and a fist of ice connected to one of the pokemon.Iit was frozen solid on first hit. Then he swung at the other but it hopped out of the way and and swing its ears around and a wave of flames flew everywhere. Hitmonchan had been burned. "Hang in there Hitmonchan. Use your Dynamicpunch!!" Hitmonchan's fists startd to golow a bright light then a it swung it's fists at a lightning speed. It knocked the pokemon into a stone wall and it craked. The pokemon fell down and was motionless. " Marrrrrtarr" the pokemon cried. " So your names Martar... Well Fast Ball go. Lamar threw two fastballs and the pokemon were caught on first shake. " Well that's two to add to the collection, but wha about the babies" He said to hitmonchan. Then he walked over to the nest and picked them up. He gave 1 to hitmonchan to carry and he kept two. Then he started walking back to the group
  16. " That's nice you caught a new pokemon, and it's an evolved form of Charizard so it must be strong." Lamar replied " I can't wait to use it!!" Jack yelled. Then Lamar's cell phone rang. " Hello! who is this?" He asked " It's yo sister... Timeka!" A woman replied " Oh.. wassup." Lamar replied. " Nothin. Your group wanted me to call you because you didn't answer you cell phone" " Oh I turned it off. So how Seion and the kids?" Lamar asked " [i]Seion...Timeka.., I know the names but not the faces[/i]" Aurora thought to herself. " They're fine, but where are you??" Timeka asked " On some mountain with a bunch of kids and other people. A girl name Auroa nad her brother Nate are in charge" " I know a girl named Aurora..." She replied. " Well I goota go so call yor group when you get the chance " She repled and hung up the phone. " Well are we going into the tunel or what?" Lamar said walking towards it.
  17. Lamar and Nate both got up and started after the group. " Yo kid!!" Nate turned his head and looked back . " We'll finish this later!" Lamar said smiling. " My name ain't kid, it's Nate!" " Yea... whateva" Lamar said waving a motion for Hitmonchan to follow. As he walked he pullede out his cd player and put the headphones on. Then, grabbed a notepad from out his pocket and started to write on it. Then Ruko walked up to him. " What are you doing?" He asked. " Writin' raps. Our new CD is supposed to come out in 2 months and I ain't finished writin," Lamar replied. " Then what are the headphones for?" " They the beats to the we rappin to. I gotta have the beat in order to get the right rhythm." Lamar said putting the headphones back on and continued to write and walk up the path with Hitmonchan at his side.
  18. I got mine from the Lighting sword Dante find in Devil May Cry. Not relly much though I used it because I hadf just finished playin DMC and couldn't think of anything else.
  19. Can someone make me a banner with Lil Flip. I would liek a bdark colored backround with it if you can. And put on the right "Skrewed up Clik" and on the left put "Game Over". For the avi just a pic of his face would do. Thanks Alastor
  20. Lamar got up to go and hit David when Mina walked over to him. " Can I have a poster" She asked. " Here." Lamar said handing here the autogrphed poster. " Atleast I have one person who don't hate on me" He said walking up the hill. Then he stopped. " Yo kid!!" he called out and Nate looked back. " You think you betta than me.. Let's hear it!" " Ok then lets go" Nate said running back to him. " Ok flip a coin to see who goes first." Then he pulls out a coin. "Heads or tails?" He asked " Tails" Nate called. Then Lamar flips teh oin in th eair and It hits the ground. They both look to see what it landed on. "It land on tail, so I wanna go first!" Nate shouted " Ok one round. Let's get it started." Lamar said. Then everyone came around in a close circle to hear them battle.
  21. OOC: Sorry for not postin, haven't been home in a few days. Lamar ran off stage along with the other members of his group. They had just finihed a concert in Goldenrod City and th place was packed. Fans were everywhere yelling and cheering and they started to chase them. Lamar got backstage and a Hitmonchan stepped infront of him along with other bodygaurds and led him outside to his limo. " That took forever!! I hope the next city isn't like this." Then his cellphone rang. " Hello" He answered. " Who is this?" " Jack.. the one who called last night. Remember?" " Yea... the one about the pokemon mountain thing. You want me to go right?" " Yes but you must hurry. The others are leaving shortly. They are in party room 5 when you get to the hotel. " Ok whateva." He said hanging up his cell phone. Lamar tells the driver to go to the hotel and let him out. He walks in and goes up to the counter. " Is there a group of people he supposed to be goin to Mount Pouliko?" he asked. " No they left already. They went by chopper, a red and green chopper." She said quietly " Ok thanks he said running out and got back into teh limo. Got on the phone and told the airport to have a personal jet ready for him when he arrived. 10 minutes later he arrived at the airport and his bodygaurds had to escort him to teh plane beacuae of all the people. " Can I ever go anywhere without all the people around" He said to himself as he boaded teh plane. The plane took off and they could see the chopper in the distance. Lamar told the pilot to follow the chopper. He then turned on his Playstation 2 and put in Madden 2004 and played it until he fell asleep. " Mr. Kizzie we have landed" the pilot said Lamer and hitmon chan walked off the plane and they could see a bunch of people in a roup talking. They walked over to the group and introdued themselves. "Is this the group going to Mount Pouliko?" Lamar asked. "Ya Nate said looking up. Then he looked at Lamar for a second." Hey I know you!! You're Kizzie from Cell Block!!! Gan I get your autograph pleaseeeee?!!" Nate said running arround and jumping up and down. TYeh hitmon chan stepps infront of Lamer ready to strike Nate. " It's OK Hitmonchan. Here" Lamar says as he hands Nate an autographed poster. " Anyone else want one while I'm at it" Lamar shouts out.
  22. Name: Lamar Kizzie Age:16 Gender: Male Personality: Lamar has to be the center of attention no matter what is going on. He will take on any challeng and can't stand to loose. He doesn't think about what he says or does and usually comes off wrong at others. Lamar is nice when he wants to be and not at other times. He makes friends wih boys but tries to make friends more with girls. Description: Dark skin with conrolls down to his shoulders. Wears a black,red and white Trailblazers jersey with the shorts to match. He has on the new red, black, and white Kobe Bryant 2k4 Air Zoom Huraches, and the trailblazers fitted hat twisted a little to the side in the front. Bio: Lamar grew up in the streets of Saffron City. He lived with his mother and his 2 sisters. He and his 3 best friends, Demetrius, Marcus, and Ivan started a rap group called Cell Block. The made their first album and went platinum and have travelled all over Kanto, Johoto, and Hoenn. Now he can't even leave out of his house without bodygaurds watching his back to keep the girls from jumping all over him and the hatas from banking him. He started training pokemon when he caught his first pokemon, Hitmonchan which is one of his bodygaurds. Reason for going: To get away from all the people. Pokemon: Hitmonchan ( which wont go into its pokeball), Flygon, Blaziken, Pikachu
  23. Meagan Good from Deliver us from Eva. She looks so good and her face just looks so innocent. Beyonce- No words needed.. her body is beyond beautiful J-Lo- Another that doesn't need words.. Her body and face and just amazing.
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