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Purple Haze

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Everything posted by Purple Haze

  1. Purple Haze

    Hip Hop

    Really, all I listen to is rap. I listen to a little R&B , but only if it has a catchy beat. But there's somethin that I'm noticing about rap artists is that everone wants to form a group. That's all good but there's 2 things about it. 1) One(or more)member shines over the others- This really happens in groups of 3 or more. Take G-Unit, 50 gets all the publicity while Young Buck and Lloyd Banks just sit in the backlight. Da band is another exapmle. Ness, Babs, and Chopper( Young City) get almost all the time in the studio while Fred, Sara and Dylan aren't in as much. I have the Cd and Babas, Ness and Chopper are on almost every song and Fred and Sara on on a few and Dylan who is on like 5 tracks. 5 out of 18 now he didn't get any time. D-12 even has a song about it with Eminem sayin he's the lead siger of the band. 2) One hit wonders- Young Gunz are really a prime example of this. "Cant Stop won't Stop" and the remix with Chingy was played all the time. Now i go and get the cd and it is pure garbage. Not worth buying really .Only about 6 good song on it and the rest garbage. Youngbloodz did the exact thing with "Damn". The cd is ******** and has absolutly(sp) no good songs on it beside that.
  2. I have Gothika on DVD and it isn't that bad. I mean it wasn't scary but the story was ok. The whole time I when she was thinking about "not alone" and she figured it out I thought it was the guy that was councelling Halle Berry. But it was really the sheriff. Halle really didn't show any type of emotion that the character should've had. But overall it was a pretty good movie. I would give it a 7/f 0
  3. XIII Is a good FPS for GC. It costs about 30 bucks ( In Toys-R-Usand Gamestop) and is rated M. I give the game a 8 cause the graphics are smooth and the story is good. Teh only bad thing is that there needs to be more multiplayer games but it still has about 5 good ones.
  4. Can someone make me a Bloody Roar 4 banenr with Nagi in her beast form and Xion in his beast form. and can you put Nagi on the right side and Xion on the left. then put the ghost form of the unborn in the middle,and put the words " Now I can destroy Gaia!!" somewhere. andd for the Avi just a pic of Nagi or Xion. Hope I'm not asking for too much.... - Alastor
  5. There is a certain order in breeding the monkeys. The first monkey is in the room where you foght Lady Yunalesca in FFX. ( past the room where Cid is and past the room with all the chests). You'll know its the right monkey because it will have hearts over it's head. The Names on the left are the monkeys you have to pick up nad the ones on the right are their matches Birch Sequioa Spring Autumn Dusky Dawne Rosemary Thyme Terran Skye Minni Max Summer Winter Peke Valli Canis Felina Arroh Quivrr Golde Sylva Luna Sol
  6. Im not organized at all. COme into my romm you'll find piles of clothes and shoes evetywhere. My video games MIGHT be put in a certain place so I can get to them but most of the time under a pile of clothes. My CD's just thrown eveywhre maybe 2-3 CDs in one case. And when I pull one out is super scratched up so it doesn't work ( Good thing i got a CD burner). Ad the worst part about it is that I have to share with my brother who is even worse than I am. I try to keep some school papers organized but they eventually get lost.
  7. It still comes on the disney channel where I live twice a day! But the show is really old. My brother watches it a lot but I really don't like it. They all just seemed so fake. to me it felt like they werent even real people.
  8. I got FFX-2 and its a great game. And for the people who say its short. Well it is if you don't try to get 100%. The whole game is really based around missions so if you don't do the and go straight to the "hotspots" then you will beat the game in a shot amout of time. But I'm in Chapter 3 and I've been playin for like a month and have like 46% complete. I actually like the AYB battle system better than FFX's hit wait for a minute, then get hit and repeat the process. It just makes the game more fun. And for future FF I just hope they take out all the love stuff. I mean its kind getting old. They used it in a lot of FF's and need to think of something new. That was the main problem ( to me) with FFX. It just seem so soft and quiet because of the awkaward love between Yuna and Tidus.
  9. I beat MK64 so many times because my file kept on getting erased. But it was really easy and I got all the golds in like a hour to a hour and a half. But Diddy Kong racing was so much more fun. I played that with my friends for hours.
  10. To recruit people you have to go up to them and press square or circle I think. Then you have to pay them they wages then they are on your team. You find most of the people in Luca. Some good players are Wakka and rRn but Its been a while since I played so I don't know where they are.
  11. My point is why spend 12 years for nothin. I mean you only need basic addition and subtraction, adding and multiplication skill to be able to count your money. And thats the only thing i find useful to count. Who needs science anyway? English after the 7th-8th grade you basically know how to talk good enough so why the extra 4-5 years. And I know I not the only person who is tired of getting up at 6 A.M to go to a stupid high school that I don't even care about. EDIT: The whole point is that I DON'T CARE!!! I hate school and everything about it. And I don't care about messing up when I type because everyone does.
  12. I hate school too. I don't see why we need it. It's just a waste of 12 years of your short life. Who cares about learning how to read and write? and you don't have to go to school for that you can stay at home and someone will teach ya.
  13. Id have to say Kingdom Hearts ore the .hack series. Those were great systems beacuse you don't have to wait for the monster to attack you then you hit him. It doesn't feel as boring and battle seem to go by quicker.
  14. The worst taste ever would have to Robitussin cough syrup. It is horrible and I' had just about all the flavors and they taste the same. Trying to swallow is one thing but gettting the taste out is even worse. It takes like a hour for the taste to get out of my mouth even after eating and brushing my teeth.
  15. Dragonite got to the surface of the water pulled Darious on its back. Then it swam for a little whiel until Darious woke up. " I' must have blacked out for a while, but who saved me??" He asked Dragonite. Dragonite screeched and splashed around. " It was you wasn't it" Darious said as he petted Dragonite, the he gave it a hyper potion to heal damage. Then he looked up and seen David's Charizard approaching the two legendary pokemon. " Don't tell me he's trying to knock one of them out... He's gonna get the hell beat out of him. And he doesn't even see Zapdos coming. Dagonite fly up there quick!!!" Darious shouted. Dragonnit rose out of the water and took of at a incedible speed towards the David.
  16. " Dragonite pull up" Daroius shouted as they continued to fall down to the water with Zapdos still shooting t lightining bolts. Then Zapdos noticed Moltres and Articuno and started to fly towards them but their trouble over because they were about to hit water at full speed. " Draaaaaaagonite" Darious yell but Dragonite hit the water and they two of them went about 70 feet under the water. The cold water nocked Dragonite back concious (sp) and it looked around. It saw Darious sinking. Dragonite grabbed Darious and started to swim back to the surface.
  17. When I had on mine didn't work at all. I tried it on numerous games that just skipped but after I used Game Doctor they didn't work at all.
  18. OOC: well keep yours IC: " Whateva you say..." Daroius said as Daroginte rushed off. Then Zapdos came flying straigt ahead at them. " Dragonite watch out." Darious shouted as Dragonite swooped under it. " That was close. Now we need to find help...." he said to Dragonite. Then he got a idea " [i] If we fly back to Hope we can get her to tell Shinobi to come and I know David is probably chasing after him.[/i]". "Dragonite fly back towards were Hope is." He shouted. Then Zapdos shout out a bolt of lighting and it hit Dragonite. Dragonite didn't know it was coming and started to fall down.
  19. Darious walked around a bit and then thought. " [i]Why should I just sit here and wait... Im going to Lightning Island to collect the tresure.[/i]" " " Lance, Hope I'm going to Lightining Island. I'll be back later.' Darous said as he released his Dragonit and jumped on. " But you can't do anything with it. Only Ash can" Lance replied. " Well I'll just make his job easier then." Darous said as he commanded Dragonite to fly off towards Lightning Island.
  20. Have you went to the training camp?? They teach you how to intercept the ball manually instead of getting the computer to do it. Once you master that you can take the ball back right after they get it.
  21. Tails and Sonic were running through a loop when their game was cut off. " Looks like its over for us..." Tails replied. " For a little bit. He probably just doin his homework." Sonic repiled. Then they saw Amy Rose comig down the hill. " Sonic!! Tails!! There's some huy in a red shirt and overalls needing you towo. He said something about briing 2D gaming back." She told them. " Well Tails what are we waiing for... Let's go!!!" Sonic took off at lightning speed." " Soniiiiic wait up!!" Tails cried as he flew after him.
  22. Weird tastes... I liek to take toast an dload it up with jelly, then put globs of applesauce on it and add cinimmon. Its bum. Sometimes I like to put ketchup on nachos with cheese. I made that up when we didn't have no salsa so I said " Lrts try ketchup" So i tried it and i liked it.
  23. For sports I reccomend getitin ESPN Basketball or ESPN Forrtball. They're both great games and ESPN basketball is better than NBA Live 2004 so it like the #1 pick. For Action/adventure you could always get Chaos Legion which is nothin but action nonstop. But some others are Rachet and Clank, Rachtet and Clank going commando, FFX& FFX-2. For other there are alot of good choices. Soul Calibur 2 has to be the number 1 fighting game of the year, you coud also try Spyhunter 2 which I've heard is really good.
  24. Darious looked up and saw Latios and Latias, then he saw another trainer and a Salamence. " Yo look!!" Darious shouted as he pointed up to the legends. " Come on!! We can't let them get away." Lance replied. ' Well then what are we waiting for??" Darious said as he gave Dragonite a hyper potion and jumped on and took off. " Wait up!!" lance shouted as he released Charizard and flew off after the legendary pokemon leaving Shinobi and the rest of teh group.
  25. [COLOR=teal]Name:[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange] Miles"tails" Prower[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Initialtial Game:[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Sonic[/COLOR] the hedgehog 2 Discription: See attachment Bio: Tails is Sonic's best friend and sidekicks. He was born with two tails which he flies with like a helicopter. he always helps Sonic stop Dr. Robotnic/Eggman's plans and is a great mechanic.[COLOR=teal]gergsa[/COLOR]
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