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Everything posted by Purple Haze
Derell stood and watch as the Team Magma member sent out a Feraligatr. Derell: You think thank thing will stop me?? Member: we'll see.. ( smirking) Derell threw a pokeball out and out came a Zangoose. The two pokemon stared and tehn charged for eachother with a tackle. They both wee knocked back a bit. Derell: Crush Claw now!! Zangoose ran towards Feraligatr again and did a crush claw attack. Feraligatr hnd no time to move and got hit full force bit it. Derell: Now Finish it with a thunderbolt!! Zangoose started to glow yellow teh it raised its claw into the air and a bust of lightning hit DFeraligatr. It was kinoked out, and the Magma member returned it. Member: No more I tell ya, No more!!! ( running away) Derell: good job Zangoose!! ( petting its head nad returning it to it's pokeball.)
1) Fabolous: More Street Dreams Pt.2: the mixtape All you gotta do is listen to the lyrics and you'll get hooked. The metaphors he uses are sick. The'll leave you wonder where does he get this from. I suggest everyone MUST pick this album up. All the songs are tight. 2) G-Unit: Beg for Mercy. I mean all the songs are tight exept 1 or 2. And who don't like 50 Cent he was sweet by himself but wit Lloyd Banks,and Young Buck an unbeatble trio. Two of teh sweetest songs on teh alnum are " poppin' them thangs" and "my buddy". 3) 50 Cent: Get Rich or Die tryin The most hyped album of the year. Not much more to say other than it went platinum within a month of its release and is just tight. There's one funny track on here about Ja Rule called "Backdown". It has 1 or 2 crap songs but thats about it. 4) Chingy: Jackpot Chingy is one of my favorite rappers, although his albums have some pretty good songs, it's not the best for a debut. Songsthat you should recognize right off da back are " Holidae In", and " Right Thurr". It has about 10 other good songs and the others are kinda wak. Another thing is his voice. It sound childish and country at the same time and it gets annoying after a while.l Since this is just a debut hopefully his next will be better.
Derrell and Dragonite continued to fly over the ocean. After about a hour and a half of flying they reached Lillycove city and saw the facility and the other trainers waiting. " They must be waiting for me... Come Dragonite let's go" Dragonite took off towards the facility. When they were about 70 feet away from the facility Derrell told Dragonite to slow down. It landed with a small thud. " Sorry I'm late... I just live so far away" Derrell said " It's ok... but who are you" Luke asked. " Oh.. My name is Derrell. " he said smiling. " Everyone is here now, right Rorohiko?" Luke asked.
Hope turned and looked to Shinobi Darious then walked over to Hope Darious: Nice to meet ya (extending his hand) Hope: Nice to meet you too.. ( the two of them shook hands) Hope then walked away and Shinobi walked up next to him. Shinobi: You lucky I ain't Seion and Hope won't Timeka. Darious: I don'y know either of them and why not? Shinobi: Because Seion wouldn't think you were shakin Timeka's hand to be nice. He would have thoght somethin else and snapped. Darious: Oh..... I see
" Not funny." Lance replied "I agree." Darious rearked. " Well lets get back to battling." Lance replied " There's no need. We both can see that are pokemon are a equal match. So I'll join the group and I won't try to catch Latias and Latios. For now that is......" Darious said. " Yea I guess you're right.." he said. " Now to go after them., but where's Cay???" Lance asked.
Darious returned all his pokemon exept Dragonite. The wave was about 60 feeet away and the wave was abut 50 feet high. " Dragonite I know you're still kinda weak from the but you gotta make it over!" Darios said. Dragonite nodded and started to flap it's wings. " Lance hop on, Cahrizard would never make it tryin to get past." " Thanks" Lance replied as he jumped ono Dragonite. Dragonite then flew up into the air about 60 feet and barley got over the wave and the waev came crashing down. " That was close" Lance remarked. " Yea... but where's Shinobi....well every man for himself was what he said so lets see if he made it" Darious said laughing. Lance and Darious watched to see if they saw Shinobi's body.
Derrell was flying on his Dragonite. He still had a long way to go until he reched the facility in Lillycove City because they were still in Kanto. "Dragonite could ya speed up?? The speed you're going at we'll be there at 9 p.m." Derell said to Dragonite. Dragonite let out a small cry and sped up. They were swirving and dodging trees, and finally they came to teh ocean. "Well this is it.. All we gotta do is cross it." he said. " Dragonited nodded and sped off out over the ocean.
Uhh James, Adam or Charles could ust ban your IP and you wouldn't be able to make anymore names or accounts... and I'm pretty sure they knew you had all those accounts.
" Electabuzz use your Zap Cannon!! Paralize( sp) it!!" Darious yelled. A large ball of electricity formed between Electabuzz's hands. Absol was still comig towards him at full speed. Electabuzz released the Zap Cannon right as absol hit him. They were both thrown back and neither got up. " How did you do that??? I could have sworn that Absol hit Electabuzz." Lance asked puzzled " He did.. but not full force because of the Zap Cannon.. so it was a double KO... Darious replied. " thats one and a half points each" Shinobi said. " Zangoose.. go!!" Darious said and Zaangoose ran out into teh battlefield.
" Not without a battle.. I don't care if I loose... " Darious replied. he reached for his belt and grabbed 5 more pokeballs. Out came a Nidoqueen, Umbreon, Electabuzz, Magmar, and a Zangoose, all ready for battle. " Nidoqueen take the Nidoking, Umbreon handle the Mighteyena, Magmar, you battle Charizard, Electabuzz battle the Blastoise, Zangoose and Dragonite stick close, I might need you.." Darious replied. " Lets make a deal... If you win go and catch Latios and Latias, If I win you join us and you can't catch Latios and Latias. Deal?" Lance replied. " Deal. Let's shake on it" He replied. The two of the shook hands. " Now let ths battle begin" Lance replied.
" Get out my way" Darious yelled as he Draonite tried to mve around Charizard. " Im not going anywhere until you tell me you're not going to catch them" Lance replied. " I'm not telling you anything! Now move!!" Darious yelled. " NO!!" Lance yelled back. " Well then I'll have to move you..." Daroius said smiking " He leaned down to tell Dragonite something., then a burst of ornage and red flammes shout out at Lance's charizard and hit it straight in the face. Charizard was stunned and Dragonite took off again. " Hated to have to do that but....he would't move. " darous said as they flew full speed once again at the legendary pokemon.
Need for spped underground is the best strret racing game out thre as of now. It's not Gran Turismo but it's still fun. Underground mode is best becaouse you get to unlock all the different upgrade for your car and you can use them in teh single player mode. You can win other types of cars, and some of the game characters cars. But they do use the same areas and landmarks over and over and over.. I know because I'm halfway through and seen about all the landmarks and building about 50 times each. But other than that it's a great game.
On Mario Party 4 I would loose every mini-game.. I got mad as hell and slammed the controller against the floor about 5 times.... I picked it up and teh joystick was super loose.. if I moved teh controller it moved. Another is Mario Kart Double Dash... On 150 cc tryin to do thespecial and All Cup races... I nearly broke the Gamecube... My second one that is... and i still havent beat the All Cup tour on 150cc.
Darious continued to run. As he ran he saw three other trainers on pokemon flying full speed at Latias and Latios. " They ain't gettin them before I do" he thought. He then grabbed a pokeball and returned his Zangoose, he then grabbed another and threw it out. It was his dragonite. " Dragonnite after that Charizard! We can't let them catch them" He shouted. Dragonite nodded and took off in a quick burst. They were heading straight for the Charizard. After about 3 minutes they finally caught up to one of the Charizards. Boy: Who are you....?? he asked Daroius: Darious.. and I gotta go catch Latios and Latias. So see ya. Darious said as Dragonite blew past the boy and his Charizard.
Name: Derell Jones Age: 16 Hometown: Lavender town Starter pokemon: Eevee Other pokemon: Umbreon, Zangoose, Dragonite,Houndour, Electabuzz Appearance: Derell is dark skin and has long cornrolls down to his shoulder blades. He wears a black and red T-shirt, black jeans, and black and red AF ones shoes. Personality: Derell is quick to make friends with people and likes to hit on girls a lot. He is cooperative sometimes but doesn't really like to listen to others. He likes to train his pokemon a battles all the time.
Darious walked down the path with his Zangoose. Tehy had just stopped to take rest when he felt gusts of cold air. " Zangosses did you fell that" he asked Zangoose shook its head and they continued to walk down the path when Darious looked up and saw Laios and Latias fly past " Maybe they caused the cold breeze.. I gotta try and catch them. They're sooo close." Darious said as he ran off after them with his Zangoose right beside him.
Name: Darious Summers Age: 17 Gender: Male Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Dark brown, almost black Appearance: Dark Skin with cornrolls down to his back, about 5"11, baggy black jeans, a white and green Celtics throwback Jersey, and white AF ones. Demeanor: Darious is a social person and can make friends with just about anyone hates bieing told what to do and doesnt listen to others or rules. He speaks whats on his mind no matter what and usually gets in trouble over girls. Pokemon Name: Zangoose Attacks Blizzard Slash Thunder Agility Name:Magmar Attacks: Fire blast Mega kick Flamethrower Fire Punch Name: Electabuzz Attacks Psychic thunderbolt thunder Zap Cannon Name: Nidoqueen Attacks: Earthquake Bodyslam Mega Punch Rock Throw Name: Umbreon Attacks Feint attack Shadow Ball Take down Bite Name: Dragonite Attacks: Dragonbreath Dragon Claw Fire blast Hyper Beam
This is the newest banner I made.. I dont really like it but here it is
RPG o.O [R16+ Contains sexual content and course language]
Purple Haze replied to Annie's topic in Theater
Mike and Shay sat and waited for the plan to go down. " Do you think that this is gonna work?" Shay asked. " I don't know. Just hope we don't get caught... or we goin to jail." He replied " Damn.. well this shit betta work." Shay said " Im goin to sleep. Wake me up in a few" " I will" Mike replied as Shay laid her head on his shoulder and drifted off to sleep. Mike reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his CD player. He put in " Jackpot" by Chingy and turned to " Holidae In" and listened to it to pass the time. -
Theyre all good except for the Apollo 13 and teh Sk8 4 life ones which have faded and blurry writing.
I think that DB should end with DBGT and thats al. I mean why keep on dragging it out farther and farther making it longer with no real point. I mean think about it they've used about all teh ideas they could think of throwing Gt together, and teh way people say that sucks.. teh next would probably suck even worse and Akira wouldn't be worikin on it anyway.
RPG o.O [R16+ Contains sexual content and course language]
Purple Haze replied to Annie's topic in Theater
Mike came back into teh hospital and sat back down. Then Cassandra came up to him. " Want somethin to eat?" Casssandra asked. " I'm buyin" " No.. but I want somethin to drink. I'll pay for it." Mike said getting up and walking towards the cafeteria with Cassandra. " We're about to bust Tex out of here." Cassaadra told Mike. " How? There's doctor and security everyewhere." Mike said " My Aunt Mandy is a doctor. We're going to try and get her to get Tex out." Cassandra explained. " Oh... and what if that don't work" Mike asked. " We'll use Shay's plan." She said " And that is...?" Mike asked " Set off the fire alarm and run like hell till we get out" Cassandra explained. They had reached the cafeteria and the walked up to teh cashier. " What will you be havin sir?" teh cashier asked " I just want a large Sprite Remix" Mike answered. She turned around and got a large cup. Then she filled it up with soda and handed it to him. " That all?" She replied "Yea" Mike said " $1.50 is you're total." She said " Here" Mike said giving her the money. -
The best way to improve this is to get a vaccum or a can or 2 of compressed air. Spray it in the vents and the fan to clean out the dust. Then if you have a laser lens cleaning CD use it to clean the lens. Or you could take off teh top of you PS2 and clean teh les with some alcohol ( like I did with my old S2 till i dropped it and it broke) But the error is just from dust build up
RPG o.O [R16+ Contains sexual content and course language]
Purple Haze replied to Annie's topic in Theater
Shay came back and sat beside Mike. " How is Tex" Mike asked. " She doing better. She is still a little drowsy form the sleeping gas but it will wear off." Shay said " Well thats a good thing" Mike said. " Im going outside for a bit." Mike said as he walked out teh sliding glass door. " I hate hospitals" Mike said to himslef. -
RPG o.O [R16+ Contains sexual content and course language]
Purple Haze replied to Annie's topic in Theater
Mike sped down the roads until he got to Cassndra's house. He got out the car and knocked on the door. Cassandra's sister opened the door. " Hey Mike!" sid her sister. " Nothin. .I just came to give you Cassandra's keys." he said quickly " Where is Cassandra??.." she asked worried. " She'sOK. S he's at the hospital with Tex, she just got shot. " Oh Shit!" she replied. " I know.. but I gotta go back to the hospital." Miek said as he started to walk off. " Wait.. I'll drive you there. I ll just use Cassandra's car" she said " Cool! Now I dont gotta walk back" Mike said hapily the two of them got in the car and startted off for the hospital.