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Everything posted by Purple Haze
At my school theres fight pretty often. but most of teh people who figth dont get suspended. just ISS ( In School Suspension) which is kinda fun. But we dont have a dress code, teh teachers aren't that strict. Teh main thing you can get in trouble for is being late.
RPG o.O [R16+ Contains sexual content and course language]
Purple Haze replied to Annie's topic in Theater
Back at the club everyon heard teh echo of the gunshots.. At fist some started to run,but when they stopped people went back to what they were doing and talking. " You know those gunshots sounded like they came from the direction Tex and Cassandra went." JP said to Mike worried. " I hoep she's alright" Mike said. " Im going to see." JP replied. " You comin?" He asked. " Why not. I don't got nothin better to do." Mike replied. " Let's go then!" Jp said jumping on his board and started skate. " It'll take forever to get there, lets take the car." Miek said running towards the car. " It will be faster" JP said as he got to the car door. They both got in and drove off towards the abandoned mall. -
RPG o.O [R16+ Contains sexual content and course language]
Purple Haze replied to Annie's topic in Theater
Mike sat and watched as Tex and Cassandra drove off, Then he looked at Shay skating. He got up and walked back into teh club. he wenat and sat the the bar. " Can I get a order of fries" Mike said. " Yea comin right up" answered the bartender. Mike waited about 5 minutes and his fries were ready. he paid her and got up. he walked outside to teh hlfpipe and watched everyone sakte. Then JP walked up to him. " Wanna give it a try " He said holding out a board. " So I can bust my ass out infront of all these people? Hell naw." Mike replied. " They won't laugh... too much" Jp said laughing. " Yea... So you and Tex back together?" He asked. " Yea.. I guess it was ment to be. But I think she's hiding something from me" JP said suspicously. " What?" Mike asked " That guy that she just went to race. Before she talked to him she didn't have teh cut under her neck. Then after she came back she had a cut" JP explained. " Well just trust her" Mike replied. " Guess so huh" JP said as the two of them watched the skaters. -
Ive gotta say the second last boss in Devil May Cry 2. he is really storong and hes combined with all the bosses you had to fight in the game. plus one from teh first.
RPG o.O [R16+ Contains sexual content and course language]
Purple Haze replied to Annie's topic in Theater
[spoiler]Mike stopped kising her nad dragged her over to his car, he opend the door and he and Shay got in. Mike locked the door " Now we're all alone" Mike said Then he took off his shirt and Shay started to unbotton his jeans.MKiek unbottoned her shirt and took off her bra. he started to suck ner nipples. Then she pulled his head away and started to kiss him again. Mike pulled off his jeans and Shay took off her skirt and her thong. Then they started to fuck. Mike stuck his dick in her pussy and started to move back and forth. sahy started to moan. " uuuuuuuhhhhhooooooooohhhhhhhhh" Shay moaned. " harder, harder. Mike started to go faster and harder. Shay wrapped her legs around him. He started to go even harder and faster, then he pushed her legs up in the air and started again. She was extremely wet now. " Stick it in my ass" She moaned. Shay bent over and mike stuck his dick in. Shay was screamg and maoning now. " Miiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkkkkkeeeee" she screamed. About 3 minutes later Mike nutted in Shay's ass. Then she rolled over and they started to kiss again.[/spoiler] -
RPG o.O [R16+ Contains sexual content and course language]
Purple Haze replied to Annie's topic in Theater
Shay looked into Mikes eyes and he did teh same. Then Shay moved her head closer to Mikes and they locked lips. It lasted for about a minute and then they stopped. " You a great kisser." Shay said blushing a little " Yoo too" he said They took a few sips of their drinks and a started talking again. OOC: I know its really shor but its the only thing I could think of in this situation. just let me know if you want any changes. -
RPG o.O [R16+ Contains sexual content and course language]
Purple Haze replied to Annie's topic in Theater
" The same as always" He replied " Which is" Shay asked " Chillin, husltin, fuckin, smokin..." he replied " Ok" " I seen how you beat the hell out Staci's friend' Mike said as he took a sip of his coke. " Yea... I wanted to fight anyway nad she gave me what I wanted so I beat the hell out her." She replied to him " You wanna dance ?" Mike asked " Sure why not" She replied as the two of them got up. -
RPG o.O [R16+ Contains sexual content and course language]
Purple Haze replied to Annie's topic in Theater
Mike walked over to Cassandra and started to talk to her. " You beat the hell out her.." " I know.. she won't shit to me" Cassandra replied. " You, Shay, and Tex... you beat the hell out of any bitch that steps. Yall are like Charlies Angels." Mike said " I know you dont have to tell me" " Xavier was kinda upset when he came home" Mike said " Oh... It mus be becase I said i wasn't his type" Cassandra replied slowly " Guess so, but he'll get over it quick" Mike repled as he walked to the bar and got a Vanilla Coke -
I had liek 3 neospets accounts, but I dont remmeber the screennames for any of them. And besides I had weak pets too. I only did it when I was VERY VERY bored.
I think they just need to leave him alone. I mean teh didi teh same thing to OJ Simpson and Bill Clinton. Damn these people and the press. They need to leave wlee enough alone.
RPG o.O [R16+ Contains sexual content and course language]
Purple Haze replied to Annie's topic in Theater
Mike pulled up at the club about 5 minutes after the fight. He got out the car and everyone was talking about it. Then Shay walked up to him. " You just missed a fight" Shay said excitedly. " Who.. and and who won?" Mike asked. " Tex and Staci. Tex beat the fuck out her" " For real.." Mike asked " Go see for yourself" Shay said pointing to where a large goup of people were. Mike walked over and and started moving through the crowd. Pushing peole aside he finally got to where Staci was sitting on teh ground. She was fucked up. Both eyes black, scrathes on her face, blood everywhere. And long strands of her blonde hair were on the ground Then he walked up to Staci. " You just got yo ass whopped BITCH!" Mike said then he smacked her in the face and walked off. Everyone was laughing. Mike looked around to find Tex. Then he saw her with JP. " I better let them talk." He thought as he walked in the club. -
RPG o.O [R16+ Contains sexual content and course language]
Purple Haze replied to Annie's topic in Theater
Mike was in the shower for like 15 minutes, the he got out put on boxer and lotion. Then his socks, then he went over to the closet and opened it up and looked inside. " What should I put on." He thought The he reached in a grabbed a black Sothpole velour outfit. It had a outline of a man in white on the front. He put on a white Tshirt then he put on his Jerry Rice Jersey over top of it. The he put on the matching coat and his balack and white Air Force Ones. the he put on his Raiders headband and walked downstairs. " Ma I'll be back." Miek repled as he grabbed teh car keys and opend the door. The he bmped into Xavier. " Where you goin?" Xavier asked.. " To the party... aint you comin?.." Mike replied " Maybe..." said Xavier slowly. " How did things go between you and Cassandra?" " I'm not her type.." Xavier said " Oh well.. she's not the only girl out there." Mike said. Then he walked out the door, opened the car door, and started off towards the party. -
I know everyone here has to heard about Michael Jackson getting arrested for child molesting. I mean will they ever leave him alone. First about his skin, then him hanging his child over the bannister. he might be a little weird but damn. And do you guys really thing he did somethin to that kid .
RPG o.O [R16+ Contains sexual content and course language]
Purple Haze replied to Annie's topic in Theater
Mike jumped off the ood of the car and got in. he started for home. He needed to take a shower anc chage clothes. He walked in the door and his mother was sitting on the couch " Where have you been? And I know about your 4 days suspension." His mother replied angrily. " I've been out and Im sorry Ma" Mike said trying to sound liek he was but he really wasn't. " You gotta stop this., getting suspended every wek or every other week. " Yea.. I know.. Like 50 people have told me today. He replied quickly. " Where's you brother?" His mother asked worried. " He's on his way. He shoud be here in a minute" Miek said as he went up the stairs. Mike opened the door to his room and walked in closing the door behind him. He went to a corner in his room and opened a door. There was a bathroom with a shower in it. Mike took off his clothes, threw them in the hamper and jumped in the shower. -
RPG o.O [R16+ Contains sexual content and course language]
Purple Haze replied to Annie's topic in Theater
" Yo Jeff how much you want" Mike asked " lemme get 2 dimes" Jeff replied " Aight" Mike said as he reached into is pocket and pulled out a bag of weed with smaller bags in it. He grabbed two of teh smaller sacs and handed them to Jeff. " Now where's the money" " Oh here" Jeff replied as he handed him a $50 bill. " Nice Doin business with ya. Now i need to find a bitch...." Mike replied as he walked off. Mike walked around until he saw his brother's car and knocked on the window. " What the hell are you doing here? you never come to places like this" Mike asked " Had nothin better to do." Xavier replied " You know Cassandra is here... Right?..." " Yea.. figures. But shes probably with Tex" Xavier said -
RPG o.O [R16+ Contains sexual content and course language]
Purple Haze replied to Annie's topic in Theater
" Well damn... I didn't know she was that hurt." Mke said. " Well i better go after her" Shay said as she quickly went after her. Then Mike heard someone call his name " Yo Mike " Someone yelled from out the crowd... " Yo Jeff" Mike sceamed back " You got some on you?? " Jeff said winking his eye. " Yea" Mike replied -
RPG o.O [R16+ Contains sexual content and course language]
Purple Haze replied to Annie's topic in Theater
Mike walked down the street some until he got to a red and white house. He went through the gate and went through . Knocked on the door and someone called " Who is it?' " Mike" he said. " Oh. hold on a minute" she replied. Then the door opened and a medium heigh dark skin gril opened the door. " Wassup Kieosha. I ain't seen you in a minute. Where you been at? " he asked. " School... Someplace where yo dumb ass never is." She walked up to him and hugged him the kissed him. Mike pushed away from her and started to talk. " Lemme use yo car. I need it to get int the race tonight." " Hell No.. so you can total it..and beside you dont even have a licence." She replied slowly. " Come one.. I mean I aint gonna wreck it. Im not gonan even race. Im just using it so I can make some money." He said with a smirk on his face. " Well OK. If you tell me you love me" " You know I do. Even though I hardly see you." " Ok.. here dont meess it up.. and have it back here by 3:00 am. She hands him the keys " Aight.. I will" He walked out the door and closed it and mumbled somethin out of his mouth. " I don't love hoes.... just fuck'em" he said as he laughed and walked to the driveway. Parked there was a dark purple Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII GSR. It has 377 Hp and 2 NAS tanks under the passenger seat and 3 under the back seat. A 2000 wat stero system in teh back and Spreewell rims. Clear tail lights and a double spoiler. Miek opend teh door and started up the car. He pulled out of teh driveway headed for home to chage clothes and get ready for the race. -
RPG o.O [R16+ Contains sexual content and course language]
Purple Haze replied to Annie's topic in Theater
" Mr.Blackwell I getting tired of your SHIT!! Iv'e seen you in my office 123 times in 4 years. Why can you be like your brother Do you have plans of leaving this school!! You're 17 and in the 10th grade!! Now what do you have to say for yourself?" "Nothin bitch" Mike replied. " So Im a bitch..." said the principal. " Wll you're getting 4 days suspension and probably will be going to court for the possesion for drugs. Here take this" He hands him a suspension letter. " Oh and come to school while you're susupened and I will pres charges fo trespassing" " Fuck off old man" Mike said as he walked out of the door and slamed it. Mike walked out the door and saw Xavier. " Caught again?" Xaiver asked " Yea... I got 4 days of susupension and proboably be goin to court next week. And i f I come back ill be charged with tresspassing" " Damn. Well what do you think mom wil say?" Xavier replied " I dont know and don't really give a fuck. and Have yo talked to Cassandra yet?" Mike said in a girlish voice.. " Haven't seen her" Xavier said " Knowin her she polly at home now. Well I got some business to take care of so I'll catch you lata" Mike said walking off Mike walked the opposite way of his brother. -
The last movie I saw was Malibu's Most Wanted. It was funny as hell. I mean just some of the looks the he has and his action were dumb. And Anthony Anderson was playin a fake gamgsta when him and his partener were really proper. This has to be one of the funniest movies of the year I reccomend anyone to see Malibu's Most wanted I give it a 8.5/10
RPG o.O [R16+ Contains sexual content and course language]
Purple Haze replied to Annie's topic in Theater
Mike continued to run through the school now with two security gaurds chasing him. Then the principal came on teh intercom. " We are entering a code red. All students who arent in class within 2 minutes will be suspended for 2 days. All teachers lock you classroom doors." The loud footsteps of students were heard everywhere. The halls were extremely croweded and hard to move through. " They're trying to make it hard for me to run. and If I get through the crowd I'll be the only person in the halls." Mike thought . Then he bumped into a fat kid and fell on his back and hit his head. Mike had blacked out. About a minute later whne he opened his eyes people were all quiet except for the people whispering about what he had did. The gaurd put handcuffs on him and walked him to the principals office. -
RPG o.O [R16+ Contains sexual content and course language]
Purple Haze replied to Annie's topic in Theater
Michael was walking away from his brothers locker when the secruity gaurd came down the hall. "There he is!! There he is" she yelled. " we found him. I repeat we have found Michael Blackwell" "Oh SHIT" he screamed. Mike took off running with the security gaurd righ behind him. The were chasin him for the possesion of illegal drugs on school grounds. "Stop!!! Stop!!!" she yelled but Mike continued to run. " Michael Blackwell refuses to give up chase. I need some help. Were by the boy's bathroom on the first floor. Mike continued to run down the hall dodging numerous kids and and pusing them out of the way. " Get the fuck out my way" He yelled as he pushed the kids. He ran past the nurses office and and Bumped into Avanel and they both fell. " What the fuck are you doin!!??" Avanel said. " My bad gotta run." Mike helped Avanel up and continued to run. -
Ok a prep of hat we consider where I live is a person who talek weird and says " dude alot" the wear Aerocrobie and Finch, Aerpostle and Skateboarding shoes like DC. They wear snug shirts, and really slim jeans. They die their hair all different colors, listen to rock/punk. Theres many more, I could go on forever but I'm not
Sign Up o.O [R16+May contain sexual content and course language]
Purple Haze replied to Annie's topic in Theater
Name: Michael Blackwell Age:17 Grade: Sophmore ( he failed twice) Gender: male Apperance: Mike is about 5'10 and weighs about 135 lbs. He has light bron skin and cronrools down to his shoulders. He wears a white Wizards Jordan Wizards Jersey and a Wizards cap twisted in the front. Baggy blue juens and White Air Force Ones. Personality: Mike is always got people aroind him. He has the habit of getting into fights and getting suspened alot. He does very little work and thats why he has failed twice. He is disruptive in class. He has good looks and know it but doesn't brag about it. Mike has lots of girls that he uses for sex that like him. Misc: Mike smokes weed sometimes and even sell it when he needs some money. He also has a younger brother but he is in a higher grade than him. -
Damon: the next thing we must do is find the nest and get the eggs. Dont know what we'll do with them but they arent safe now. Timeka: hes right. There are other pokemon that eat those eggs. Plus it's more tha 3 hours to get to it. but first we have to fund it. Damon: well everyone take these. * he hands everyone walkir talkies* get into your groups we can cover more ground. Me and Linda will got north, Seion and Timeka south, Jake and Sam west, and Genim and Damon east. Got it?? Everyone: yea.. Xion: and if you find anything tell us. Everyone: gotcha. Everyone walekd out and started towards their area of search
Damon: we almost go them!!! Xion: i know!!! Damon: we should let them fight themselves Xion: what...???? Damon: absol use your Confuse ray. Absol stood strong then it made a flash of light from its eyes. Then the 2 pokemon started to fight each other. Xion: good idea... Now what!!!??? Damon: let them tire themselves out. Then we go in for the catch