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Everything posted by Purple Haze
Damon: ok.. lets train The two of them walked and battle pokemon for about 2 hours. they came back to the pokemon center and healed the went back out. Damon: Think we should summmon the dragons now?? Xion: lets try again. The both held up the orbs. The two dragon pokemon were seen flying towards them. Damon: get ready..
Damon: what could i usew to get through that.. hmm... I know ill make it cold. Flygon Ice beam!!! Flygon's mouth started to glow blue and get icecicles hanging from it. Then a blast of ice flew straigh at th pokemon. Its shot the bast for about 10 seconds then stopped. Dervion was completely fozen. Damon thought it would work. Ultraball go!!!! Damon threw the ultra ball. I t hook once, twice, 3 times, by this time Damon was worried it would pop back out. th it shook a fouth and final time. Damon: phew.. good thing it didn't pop back out.
Xion: I caught 2 new pokemon. Damon: Cool! I need to find more myself ill be back later. Damon walked out of the pokemon center and walked around a bit. He was looking down at the ground and a pokemon jump up infront of him. Damon: what the!!! Flygon go! Damon threw a pokeball and Flygon popped out. Dervion: ROONN! the pokemon growled. Damon: flygon give it a dreagon claw the dragon breath. Flygon flew at the Dervion then out of nowhre its claws came out and slashed againts Drvions face. Then flygon flew up high and used dragon brath. A blast of orange flames and gases and hit Dervion: it was stunned ofr a second but not KO'ed. Damon : Take down Flygon charged to attack with take dow. but Dervion didi a hardedn attack and became hard as steel. Flygon slammed full force into in and was stunned. Damon: what.. how did it do that???
When are we gonna start???
When is this gonna start
Name: Xander age:17 Appearance: brown skin,cornrolls, blue jeans, red eyes, vlack sleeve-less jersey and black shoes. Bio: Xander is Squalls bother. When Sora beat ansem the fisr time he was 13. Squall trained him to become a great fighter to help Sora beat Ansem again. Now that sora has ben captured Xander is off to help kairi find him Weapon: 2 twin gunblade swords. side: good
Xion: theyre pretty mad... run foooorr it!!!!! The two of them started to run whil the pokemon were shooting blasts of energy at them. They were dodging thim until a blast hit a weak spot in the goung causing a avalance. Damon: a avalance.. now what????? Xion: uhh... jum pn a flying pokemon.. Damon: flygon go.
Damon: well im tired from walking all day. Im going to sleep good night. * he walks over to a couch and lays down* Xion: lets find somethin to eat.. Genim: theres a snack machine over there. * pointing* Xion: thanks.. * he walks over and gets something and comes back* I need to give nurse joy my pokemon so they will be freshly healed o I can battle the dragon tommorow.
Damon: Xion beat his father.. Max: I under estimated you.. come on ill show you where you nad you friend can stay for the night. Xion: thanks... Max lead the group to a pokemon center. Genim: we're stayin in a pokemon center... Damon: its better than outside. Xion: well thanks dad. well be by the gym tommorow so everyon who wants to battle you can. max; ill be ready for them
Mewtwo didi a barrier but ti wasnt stong enough to stop the hyper beam. It hit mewtwo at 90% leaving him very weak.. Dragonair: use you slizzard freeze it. Dragonair charged up a blast of ice and shot it at Mewtwo. It could move so it got hit by the blast. it was frozen solid. Xion: dang.. mewtwo return....
Max: well let him prove it.. Xion: I will Seion: a 3 on 3 pokemon match.. Genim: he looks tough... Damon: im sure Xion can beat him Xion: come on dad lets go!!!
edited it.. mput a border around it and took off the animation..
This is my second banner ever made because my first was too big to put on OB. So what do ya think
Xion: now we're at the mountain.. Seion: now what... Jake: we climb up fool!! Seion: oh.. Damon look at Genim. He could tell she was mad. He walked over to her Damon: I see youre mad Genim: that dumb Pichu... Jake calle dit on me.. Damon: dont wory about it.. you can get him back.. when hes asleep. Use a water pokemon.. Genim: ya.. I could. * smiling* Damon: come one. We're about to start climbing. the two of them walk ove tto the group. Xion; everyone we need to have partners.. For saftey nad incase we ge separated you wont be alone. Partners will be Me and Linda, Timeka and Seion, jake and Sam, and Genim and Damon. Genim: I guess were partners. Damon: yep.. gotta stick together. Xion: now lets get moving and climb the mounttain.. we got a hour before it gets dark so lets move. Everyone got ready to climb the mountain.
Thanks for the Banner Shinobi. Ill upload it in a few. and your banners are coming along nice
Torchic is cool but you have to keep it aTorchic to learn the best fire type moves. I know because Ive tried it both ways. But otrher than hat its evolutios are pretty strong and i dont think that there has ever been a fighting/fire type pokemon so its unique.
I used to watch Power Rangers all the time. I couldnt get enough. I had all the toys, all the movies, sheets, pillows, anything you could about power ranger that came out I had, Too bad most of that stuff got broken and thrown away.
Damon: 4 more hours.. lets speed up the process.. itll cut the time in half.. Damon grabbed his pokeball and releasd his absol.. he jumped on its back and started off.. Damon: see you there Seion: cool idea. Howcome I didint think of that.. Eveeryone pulld out their fast riunning pokemon and started off.. 2 hours later~~~~~~~~~ Xion: were here everyone return your pokemon. Seion: lets ride our flying pokemon up.. Damon: We cant. tha dragons would see the pokemon ad we'd be caught. So we just have to climb.. Just thena small pokemon popped out from behind the rocks.. Avior: Avior... Damon: what is that thing... Xion: a new pokemon... never seen it Damon: absol.. use your Fury swipes.. The pokemon jst stood there while Absol didi fury swipes. It didint even hurt it. The pokemon smacked absol back.. Damon: Shadow Ball Absol charged up a shadow ball and hit Avior. It was knocked back into a rock and was stunned for a second. Damon: now.. Ultraball go it shook 3 times and the pokemon was caught. Damon: that was kinda hard. Return Absol. * a red beam of light flashed and sucked up the pokemon. Xion: now let keep moving.. were bound to find more pokemon
The perfect game would be like make a Street Racing game that actually allow you to interact with other people and like bet on for real money. It would be online and theres like a little account thing that you have when you set up and you choose to put how much money you want in it. When you want to put in more money theres a little card that comes with the game. It gives you a phone number and a ID number that you give when you call in. You put in the number say how much cash you want to put and there. You bet actual real money not fake that you can use to hook up your own cars and if you want you can make up your own brand of cars and open up a dealership or a garage. But the whole thing costs no more than 25 bucks to get started. And you you cant bet more than what you have in your account. Licenced Cars: Mitsubishi,Toyota,Nissan,Isuzu,Honda,Hyundai,BMW, Mercedes Benz, Audi, Acura, Suzuki,Ford, Chevrolet, Opal, Cadillac, Lotus,snd many more.. ( too many to think of) Hook up: Engines, transmissions, Carboarators, Mufflers, Tires, Rims, Lights, Body, Windows, Shocks, Hydrolics, Paint color, Body Kit, Stero System, etc... Garage and Dealerships: Design you own cars Sell them at your own price Sell your accessories
Actually sometimes it is in japaneese. Or atleast one time me and my brother heard it in japanese on one episode.
None could introduce better than the games themselves. Beause almost all cartoons, movies, and comics based on games turn out o just plain suck. Example: Final Fantasy the Spirits Within. It had very little to do with the final fantasy games. No summons, or Aeons it was a whole different thing.
Seion: well we still got another 4 miles and the Mountain to climb. Xion: yea so were not even close to being finished. Its now 2p.m. so we've made good time frome walking form 6a.m. thats 8 miles 8 hours. By 6 we should be at Dragon mountain. we can climb for a bit longer then set up camp. Damon: well we better start moving. The group started to walk again. They walked for about another hour and had walked about a mile. Linda: can we stop.. Im tired Xion: aint stoppin.. we gotta stay on the schedule.
The Matrix Revolutions (Possible Spoilers/Image Heavy)
Purple Haze replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Noosphere
I liked the first Matrix but reloaded just sucked. it was just way too much talking and not enough action. $7.50 for that lame, boring movie.. the same with X2 but thats a whole different story. -
The trailer dont really matter to me becuse I jst came to see the movie. But when i get to the movie Im usually a little late and I come in and the little regal cinemas crt is flyin up and dow the hills of pulling into the station so.. I usually miss them
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dark kitsune [/i] btw - do you think the rpg will be an unlockable feature? something you only get after completing the game in collosium mode? [/QUOTE] I hope not because in pokemon Stadium 1 I hated to have to beat mewtwo to get the Dodrio gameboy and to get the Gym badges for the second time.