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Purple Haze

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Everything posted by Purple Haze

  1. I remeber when i was lik 4or five i had just got a Power Wheel Corvette and i was so happy. So i guees it was a few days later my mom didint let me go and get a toy so I told her i would drive off in my car and never come back.
  2. Damon: [i] What am I doing....[/i] WAIT. Don't attack them.. If we do how will we ever be able to get close to the nest. Even get up the mountian. They are the gaurdians of the mountain. And who is going to take care of the eggs. i dont thing we can as huge as those pokemone are. and I'm a pokemon breeder and the parent pokemon size is can jsut about tell yo sthe size of the egg. Xion: guess you're right... Everyone return you pokemon before. Let them go. we will catch them later. Seion: butt we can ctch them now.. Damon: we migth have strong pokemon but i doubt we can catch them.. maybe one of them at a time but ot both of them. We dont stand a chance. Xion: And if we odn we wont ever get up the mountain. Everyone returned their pokemon. Xion: mewtwo teleport us to a cave. well be safe here for alittle while. Atleast long enough to get the dragons off us. mewtwo: as you wish. They all teleported off.
  3. Real Name: Dante Callsign: da Ghost New Appearance: brown skin, Cornrolls down to his shoulders, white Sean Jean velours suit, white t shirt, white Air Force Ones. Personality: Loud and outspoken,Dante will alwyas say whats on his mind nomatter what. He can be playful at sometimes but, he is usually Serious. Bio: When Dante was 10 years old he watched his brother get killed by the Yagi gang member. At his brothers funeral he swore that he would avenge him. By the age of 12 Dante had been put out of school 150 times for fighting, smoking, and other things. He was a drug dealer for a long time. One of the best in the city. He was know for his good weed, and crack. Then one day a man who didint have enoug for the drugs wanted to buy some but dante would'nt sell them to him. So that night the man did a drive-by shooting killing his mother and little brother. he was devastated. From that day on he only wore white to let people know he living to avenge the souls of his lost ones even if he was to die in the process. So he gaine the nickname "Ghost" Weapons: 2 semi-automatic 9 mm.
  4. Damon: Im ok with it. Im used to climbing mountains anyway. They all walked about 4 miles then they were all tired. Xion: lets take like a 30 minute break. Just to rest up. besides we still got another 8 miles to the mountain. Damon layed down on the grass and looked up into the sky... Then a shadow came over the grassland. Above them were 2 huge dragon pokemon about 10 feet each. They were flying west towards Dragon Mountain. Seion: did you guys see that? Linda: yea.. they were huge Xion: those were the two dragon pokemon we came to catch. I think that they are male and female. Damon: so there might be eggs. Xion: maybe so. Seion: that means that everyone might be able to get one. Xion: maybe.. haven't been to the nest.
  5. I'd have to say Rorouni Keshin. There's alot more blood and suff than on the CN. They should atleats show them on adult swim the unedited ones. I mean it sucks. They take as much of the violence and "bad" words as they think out as mch as possible without actuall taking out the all the action.
  6. Everyone sat at the table and ate. Seion: so Damon where you from? Damon: Viriadian city.. Im a pokemon breeder as well as a trainer. Xion: cool.. Linda: wasnt there another girl that came.. Timeka: yea but shes been i nher room the whole time. Damon quickly at and got up. Damon: well it kinda late. butter be getting som sleep for the morning since we'll be heading out on our trip. Seion: me too. Catch you later.. Timeka: wait up Seion! * chasing after him* Xion; well Linda. guess we should be heading to sleep. Everone now was in the room and getting ready to go to sleep.
  7. Sometimes when I'm out my and theres a pole that goes betwen us he tells me tostay on the same side and dont "split the pole". Its all dumb to me.
  8. I dont have the game but a I play it at a frinds houe but im really good with Taki ( on gamecube version. I just like her combos although her secream is a little annoying. And ive thought about entering a tourney but, my mom wont take me that far just to play a video game.
  9. Rounde here where I live theyve thought about doing it but they never really did it. im actually kinda glad because I hate dressing up.
  10. I mean when thsi talkeng behind the back stuff USUALLY happens more with girls than boys. When a group of guys get together and one leaves its ok because they really have nothing personal like to talk about. But its way different with girls. Girls all they do is run, run their mouths to each other and tell all of their business and such. then soon as they leave the other one starts talking to someone elss and it keeps on going and going. And usually its starts fight. Its like on big FAKE chain of friends.
  11. Well they say that DragonballZ: budokai 2 will have all-new fusions like Vegito and Gotenks but it will have som made up ones as well. the story mode is gone now and theye added and Dragon Quest or Dragon mode something like that. but it comes out December 2
  12. Kid: Im not done yet. Hitmonchan go! Damon: heh.. that puny thing.. Articuno go! The large Ice bird towered high over Hitmonchan. Kid: thunderpunch Hitmonchan swung a punch but it missed.. Kid: how am I supposed to hit it.. Damon: your problem... Articuno sky attack Articuno started to glow Hitmonchan could't do anything to stop it. the Articuno dived down head first at fullspeed and hit Hitmoncha. It was a one hit KO.. Kid: damn..im done.. I cant win.. Damon: like I thought.... Return artcuno Timeka: I didint know you could battle so good..
  13. Damon: so when are we going to start traveling. Xion: tommorow morning aroung 6 a.m. Damon: oh.. ok.. well I need to get ready so I'll be back. I need to get potions, pokeballs, and other things. Seion: we'll come. we dont got nothin better to do. although we already went there. Damon: if you want.... The three of the walked out of the hotel and down the street to the Pokemart. Damon bought what he needed and left. When he walked out a kid approached him. Kid: hey you. lets battle. Xion: me.. Kid: no.. the guy with the bag in his hand. Damon: ok.. but you wont win.. Kid: Charmelon go. Damon: Absol I chhose you Seion: he has an Absol. The two pokemon came out of their pokeballs and glared at each other Kid: charmeleon Slash. Damon: Double team Charmeleon tried to slash at Absol but it was moving too quickly Dameon: Agility Kid: Fire spin Absol was now moving arond faster than before runnng cirlcles around charmeleon. Charmeleon surounded itself in a ring of fire. Damon: Absol feint attack Absol dissapeared and reappead inside the ring with charmeleon. it hit charmeleon on one side and came back through the other. Charmeloen was weak. Damon: finish it off.. Use Crunch Charmeleon: try slash aain Absol opened its mouth wide and charmeleon swung its claws. They scractched absol on the face while he was crunching into charmeleons arm. Charmelon fainted Kid: aww.. Charmelon reteurn Damon: great job..
  14. I remember playing Donky kong Country all day. me and my brother. we wouuld just sit up and play it. He'd be Dk and Id be diddy. I dont think we ever beat the game but it was funt just playin it.
  15. Well it might not be all that bad. I thought Shrek was a kiddie move but it turned out to be funny. So yo never know.. just because it looks kiddie doent mean it not a good movie.
  16. Does anyone here know when this Zelda bundle will be released because I know gamecube is $99 now and my old one broke so I gonna get a new one. And I need to know when this is comin out so I will know if it too long to wait for it or to wait just a little bit longer to get one.
  17. Name: Xander Weapon: 2 great fairy swords except dark blue. Bio: little is know about Xander except that he is a great fighter and will try and get the soul blade and will do whatever it takes to get it. Weapon type: twin swords Appearance: Dark purple eyes, black hari, black boots, black cape, black pants, and a white shit. Spikey black hair.
  18. Damon watched the battle silently form his articuno. He landed down on the grond. returned his Articuno and started to walk. He found one of the flyers on the ground and read it. Damon: I shoud go and join the group. I dont got nothin better to do. Damon walked to the hotel. Timeka and Linda were coming down tha hall. Timeka: are you her to go to dragon mountain? Damon: yea.. Linda: well we welcome you. let us show you to your room They walked do the hallway until they reached room 24. Timeka: heres your room. you can come to the dining room when youre ready. Xion and Seion just finished battling. Damon: thank you, but I'm not hungry. Timeka: ok well let us know if you need anythin The two of the walked down the hall and Damon closed the door.
  19. Name: Damon Age:17 Apperance: brown skin, cornorlls down to his shoulders, Washington Wizards Jersey, White Air Force ones, and bagly blue Jeans. Pokemon Articuno Flareon Electabuzz Absol Flygon Scizor Personality: Talkative, playful, serious, competitive Weapons: 2 semi-automatic handguns Gilfriend: none yet
  20. Name: Damon Age:17 Apperance: brown skin, cornorlls down to his shoulders, Washington Wizards Jersey, White Air Force ones, and bagly blue Jeans. Pokemon Articuno Flareon Electabuzz Absol Flygon Scizor Personality: Talkative, playful, serious, competitive Weapons: 2 semi-automatic handguns Gilfriend: none yet
  21. I used to love the cat in the hat. i have whole lot of those books up in th eattic. But now I if i was seen at a cat in the hat movie Id never hear the end of it. nad besides I think im a way to old for his crazy rhymes.
  22. Teen Titan ist an anime. ts just a cartonn thet tries to add the anime style art and comedy. Its a pretty good show. I watch it almost every week. But if it was an anime it would be very weak.
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