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Everything posted by Eugi
[color=gray][i]None of these things surprise me. STP...the dude has been charged for drugs more times than my friends neighbours (who [b]are[/b] basically drugs). A drugged lead singer isnt a thing a [b]healthy[/b] band would want, becuse we have heard the stories of rock stars dying of drug overuse. So whatever, they thought about it or soemthing and broke up. Eminem is an idiot, period. He always makes excuses for the people to kiss his *** again but he never wins over the smarter people. He always makes excuses. One day: "I raped haily? no, thats not true, my dog raped her" the other: "i swear to god i was not the kid that slept with michael jackson, michael jackson slept with me!" again: "I really, REALLY didnt think nasty thoughts about Elton Jhon man...it was my wife! i swear, i got proof! *hands the authorities a cd he made in flash*" Thats eminem to me. So nothing surprises me. Sure he broke up with his african american girlfriend, but think about it M, you are a troubled little boy. STP breaking up sounds more bealivable now though...but neither of these things get to me :P[/i][/color]
[url]http://www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/Alice-In-Chains-Biography/6803A1B9C38301A24825688F000AF985[/url] Enjoy Kyo. Download "Frogs" its utterly unnerving.
[color=gray][i]Hey there. I was just wondering if anyone has actually heard of this band. They are rapcore kind of, death metal band. The lead singer is female, and she sounds like a mix of David Draiman from Disturbed and the dude from Rage against the machine (song:battle ready). I havent heard much of them in awhile anyways, and I was wondernig now that im listening to Battle ready, if anyone has heard of this band, or even likes it.[/i][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GrimmFang [/i] [B]I get Deja Vu every once in a while. I just wish I could remember what happens after I get the feeling all the time. Last night was one of the few times I actually did remember what happened. A couple of my friends were playing Mario Kart DD and they just finished one of the tracks in a cup. They were happy because they were so far ahead in points than I remembered that on the next race the computer was going to seriously whoop them and it did happen, they got eighth place. My Deja Vu comes from dreams but not sleeping I get mine from day dreaming. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=gray][i]Oh yeah, mario kart gave me extreme de ja vus. I hated it after awhile, thats the only reason why is topped playing it. Now playing the new mario kart games will give me memories of the old mario kart. i dont even know why MK had so much de ja vu.[/i][/color]
[color=gray][i]The greatest anime for me would be Kite or somthing. Maybe not, maybe Hellsing, that gave me lots of things to wish for. Hmm...I dont have a favorite anime as for I have yet to watch an extremely good one. i really loved Jin Roh though, ah, a classic. And who can forget Ghost in the shell? done by the same dude. Not bad...but i still have to watch more anime, different types[/i][/color]
I remember watching the animated cartoons that were like 3 minutes long after the mario bros real life show every sunday back in Dominican Republic. It would be cool to see a zelda movie...but noone would care. To me, Zelda lost its magic back in Majoras Mask, the game that should had been the last of the big console series. Why? because every other one sucks now, and the GB, well, it does a good job at giving us the extremely crappy gameplay so noone would play the GB version anyways. Majoras mask finished off Ocarina of time, which in my eye, was good enough for the series. Bah, i lost my taste for Zelda a long time ago.
If not Celine Dions: My heart will go on: then it should be, Nick Lachey: This I swear. I do love Sarah McLachlans:Hold On. There are many, too many.
Well, I have more deja vus than original living. OK that didnt make sense let me rephrase. I am in De Ja Vu more often than when i feel like something is coming original. I hate the feeling of De Ja Vu, noone arounds me understands it or me when I go through it. I dont know there was this period of time where everyday was a deja vu...sad.
Wow, i downloaded Bohemian rhapsod and it was TOTALLY what you guys werent talking about. I downloaded it a long time ago...blah...now i know what song it is. I knew it was from Queen. Too bad I didnt know much about them, or wasnt around at their time to really appreciate them I believe they made "we will rock you" too. Man they were rich and famous. Until, like every other perfect band out there, the lead singer died. Think about it. [b]Nirvana[/b]:[i]Kurt Cobain[/i]: shot himself [b]Alice in chains[/b]: drug overdose [b]Queen[/b]: aids Somethings are so repetitive.
1)Canon 6 MP digital camera. 2)Electric guitar or set of drums 3)Art Kit 4)Laptop Either one, or all will be good :d
We all wish you luck dude, ill tell you something my dad told me once. Its all in your head man, its not hurting you...sure it might be scaring you, but whats going on on the outside of your mind? nothing! you can prevent your way of being, and you can control your mind. I wish you luck all the way.
Kite. If you watch it you'd agree with me when i say that for a film that came out in 1998, it surprasses many of the 2003 anime movies and shows i watch today. While being more in the areas of a hentai, Kite is still very solid...and ver underrated. Its an ova of 50 minutes which is all about sex and blood and gore...but hey, if we go to the animation style and character design, you'd agree with me that this has to be the best of 1998. Just that not too many people like it. Maybe people stayed away because it had too much porn...
Its limp Bizkit please. I used to love limp bizkit, but the overuse of the word fk was getting on my nerves. I like their rythm and all, but Limp Bizkit free styles too much like a techno dj or a rapper or whatever. Maybe he wants to sound lie that, but he sounds like an idiot, at least back in the days of the hot dog flavored water and below. The song "eat you alive" is going and never went anywhere. Limp bizkit just kind of sucks now, i used to like them...but every band i used to like i had a certain amount of respect for...limp bizkit just wasnt there. I never quite respected them at all.
The thing is, everyone thinks michael jackson is weird because thats how the cmareas make him look, so the press can get money and all. They only talk about his bad sides and mistakes, something all of us have. Look, he changed his skin colour because some idiot called him UGLY right infront of his face and him, young and insulted/sad, changed his image. Im telling you, peer pressure (well not really) and stuff, people can get to others feelings. He is not weird, he likes to hang around with children, so what? I dont know much about him molesting a kid, and if he did and there is proof (because the kid could had just said it so the laws can sue him and the family can get millions), then ok he is out there, but geez if theres no proof like a video tape, or the kid showing actual marks or whatever, then leave the dude alone. If you want to talk about someone, why don't you go over and talk about R.Kelly for once...did everyone forget him? Poor mike, 40+ years old and still being bullied by people.
But Kyo, your tag is bigger than hers :S. You probably mean 500X100. Anyways, nice banner, its your first try...so i guess its good. I can teach you some goodphotoshop stuff to make your banners supper cool.
Well, lots of people going for sarah. I wonder, has anyone heard the song Fallen? my favorite mclachlan song right now, actualy ever. It used to be Building a mystery but this song just has a better artistic kind of thing...sounds more solid. Anyways, I used to like dido because she always kept it natural, like sarah as well, but I have to say things about dido right? I dont like to take sides. Anyways, I remember though in one of her videos, she had yellow teeth... ... i dont know how many artists these days have yellow teeth in their videos cept for those that obviously make a mockery out of songs. I like them both...but yes, Sarah feels great in my brain. Shes so soft and calm...i cant wait to buy afterglow. And as for dido, might as well listen to white flag one of these given days.
Talk about lots of things being open.:drunk:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by immortALdeath [/i] [B] Funny enough when I went into harder metal music they started going away, it could have been a coincidence. [/B][/QUOTE] ...It makes sense. Seeing as how much you can get lost when youre listening to metal music. You can't concentrate on anything, maybe for that period of time your brain liberated...i think. Ouch bad theories.
Yes you spelled it wrong. And, well yes, frightening dreams can get fking freaky. Thoguh im not in that lineyet, Ive had horrible dreams...nothing really utterly disturbing or scary, but Ive had my dreams. You must go see a councelor, or talk to your parents or someone who will listen to you and is just as mature, or more mature, or you think knows about these things. Try to think hard, on the last thing you did when those dreams started to come, what do you think you did, or saw. Maybe it was one of those FLASH POP ups that scare the **** out of you, maybe it was that. Maybe youve been exposed to blood, violence and lots of horror controversial horror movies/animes. I have my own little things abuot people i meet and all, i understand your dreams on how you just met new people and they die...i know what youre talking about, though that has never happened to me. I again, suggest you fight these things by counceling someone with experience. Lets say you have a taste for weapons, blades and songs that are scary/swear a lot/talk about violence (Otep music is an example...) to calm down your thoughts and feelings, just quit those, and stop watching and thinking of blood and violence...try to get away from the negative. Thats what i would do, and DID before a long time ago...though my situation was not as critical as that. Its not so bad though, trust me, you'll grow off it...like most of us do.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bishie [/i] [B][color=crimson] However, i don't think they sound alike O_o not at all really. Also the fact that Dido is british and Sarah is Canadian is a minor difference lol.. [/B][/QUOTE] Britain came to canada, acording to canadian history. Thats why, here in canada, we have like...all these british related things and names and stuff, lots to go over...i wont go over that cause thats not the point. I heard white flag...i didnt like it :S i think i should give it anohter listen. Well thanks everyone for your opinions, keep posting.
[b]1)[/b][i]Matrix Revolutions[/i]: If there was a movie that i would say had non stop action, and was finally an ending I could say was freaking amazing, has to be the matrix Revolutions. I won't go into why i loved it. [b]2)[/b][i]Titanic[/i]: This movie won my heart. EVERYTHING gave me chills, and till this day. The song "my heart will go on" has to be the greatest soundtrack song since...hmm...i dont know. That was the first soundtrack song that I actually said fitted the movie. It is a winner, no matter what anyone else says. [b]3)[/b][i]Matrix Reloaded[/i]: I love this movie. Too much, but not as much as the above. Reloaded was perfect in everyway except for the fact that it was kind of dull and it was missing pieces...but the overall feel of the movie, and to know how much work they put into it is awesome. Nowadays, even movies that are not B movies, I call them B movies....because they suck and no work was put into them. Well, Reloaded is too good to not be 3rd. [b]4)[/b][i]The Matrix[/i]: Simply awesome. I watched this movie a billion times and never got tired...but nowadays, i just do get tired. Its a good movie, not as good as the above. It was boring though, like in the beggining and all. It was the stepping stone to one of the best, if not the best series of all time. Also one of the most controversial. [b]5)[/b][i]Spiderman 2002[/i]: This movie gave me chills and made me piss for hours. The movie is awesome, if not my favorite at the time I watched it in. Very good movie, I rooted for an comic hero for the first time. Tobey McGuire or something like that, was born to act in spiderman. Good movie to kick off my top 5. [b]6)[/b][i]Jurassic park 2[/i]: The first suspense, horror movie that i loved to watch. I watched this movie ooover and oooover and oooover until I couldnt no more (i basically knew the whole script). Not only did jurassic park win my votes and cought my eye at the time it came out...it still is one of my favorite movies of all time...its such a solid sequel. [b]7)[/b][i]LOTR : Two Towers[/i]: I remember i had to sit at the very front, nearly seizured, for 3 hours. Yes i almost died watching that movie, but after sleeping it off (in the movie theatre) the last hour or so...i guess it calmed down. The movie was too long, that made it bad. The movie was solid, that made it good. [b]8)[/b][i]Neon Genesis Evangelion : The end of evangelion[/i]: Blah, a good movie, not the best...I guess it fits my top ten. It was a ****** ending though, they kind of tried too hard to win over peoples minds about evas and stuff...kind of childish in a way. The movie was good, not the best. [b]9)[/b][i]Voices of a distant star[/i]: A masterpiece...too short. This movie was too good, but it was a bit short...seriously. But you know, i love this movie, and i love feeling the dvd case. So, it belongs here. [b]10)[/b][i]Blue Streak[/i]: Haha, if this movie was an epic it would had been 7 or something. This movie, i still laugh my *** off when i watch it, i dont know its too good i guess. My mom loves it, and thats a nother good factor of a movie. Martin Lawrences best movie in my eye.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Stephanie Ayler [/i] [B] "I better see some bloopers.":shifty: [/B][/QUOTE] Haha, sorry I forgot to quote that, went to sleep right away. Yeah, the whole point of some credits is to see how the actors and actress screwed up during the movie :D that is the brst. I think thats the point on most credits are the bloopers.:wigout:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]I don't get it... If there is a song I really love, or something to catch my attention that I want to see... Of course I would stay. WHy not? If there was nothing else to do, I'd stay there. I don't really see a question here. lol. If there is something I want to see or hear, I'll wait behind. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, some people do think like that, that thye would stay behind and all, but if youre hanging around with your friends, you dont want to lose them or whatever, and you dont want them to have fun while youre sitting there watching the credits...and who knows, you might be the only one in there.
Hey there. I was told by a friend of mine awhile ago that Sarah McLachlan and Dido have nearly the same voices. Just that their song style is different. So, that little line over there inspired this beautiful thread. I was wondering, which one would you pick, Sarah McLachlan, or Dido? I preffer Sarah in EVERY way. Post ahead if you have anything to say.