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Everything posted by Eugi

  1. Hey there. I was watching the matrix reloaded DVD last night after I shut down my computer, and I was watching the credits to listen to the crappy songs that they put on (mainly the P.O.D one and the Linkin park one). But it wasn't the music that left me with a thread inspiration, it was the credits. My question is...if you know or suddenly find out that the credits of the movie you just watched have a song you really love to hear at that time, or anything that would catch your time while watching - would you stick till the end credits oft he movie just to watch it? I personally don't (Either I have to urinate HORRIBLY, or I have better things to do, maybe just want to enjoy the sunlight after all the darkness).
  2. I'm in...I think im a pretty good tagger, so why not.
  3. Eugi


    I think its fine with me. The people of this world fk up more often than in any record in any generation before us. And, I don't know what people are bitching about so much if back then like around the middle ages and even like in the 1800s people used to be done things to without much sense, back then it used to be strict, well, the world is repeating itself, and its good. Though the 12 year old thing sounds fkin insane, and its very stupid because, i mean, goddamn only 12 years old, give it a break. You know whats going on though? the cds are selling for less nowadays. CDs that used to be at 19 bucks are now simply 13.99 and stuff, like new cds, such as the sarah mchlachlan one. I think RIAA is responsible for this, maybe they saw they were being a bit too dramatic on this whole illegal downloading stuff and lowered the prices for some things. Like my friend said, maybe they kind of gave up about this whole thing because people still download, and they are now saying with these new prices, to "please stop the downloading, we'll lower the prices and everything just please stop downloading". Maybe not...its just a theory...I guess the RIAA is pretty dangerous for now, lets keep our heads low.
  4. I havent heard any of clay aikens songs recently because I hate him. Hmm...I liked him better than ruben though. I like Numb, havent heard it in awhile. Faint is ok not the best song in meteora though. [b]Best Linkin park Song[/b] PUSHING ME AWAY (Hybrid Theory)
  5. One hell of a movie indeed. You have to be one of the people me and my friend would agree to anyday without a second thought. Most people didnt think about these things after or while they were watching the matrix (hehe who could even think when youre watching Revolutions) which left me kind of upset. 90 percent of the people we interviewed (me and my friend) said that 1- [spoiler]Neo DID die[/spoiler] 2- the ending sucked 3- the movie had too much talk. Now I wouldnt normally kick someone for being wrong, and I didnt at those times (there are many more examples but I cant think right now). Hopefully, in a couple of years, people'd find out that they were wrong.
  6. I'm from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (SD being the capical), then I moved to Toronto Canada to live my life here. Now...does anybody care about anything BUT that?
  7. I was not however. I will buy revolutions on DVD when it comes out, and then finally kick myself and buy the animatrix and then my collection will be complete. I'm a fkin huge matrix fan, and I love the matrix, all of them because of the major discussions about how this happened and how this didnt happen between people. Even if you didnt like the matrix, you HAVE to admit it changed the actors and the viewers life forever. Keanu Reeves,who wouldnt had thought of this otherwise, is now going to go and train for kung fu because of the experience he had with the matrix, he says it was life changing. Also, to the people, see how we are all discussing about neo dying and not dying? and how smith came to be and stuff like that? see thats what a trilogy is for, the matrix trilogy has done to us what every other movie has always wanted to do, to question each other and discuss with people about truth and lies. Truly, its what keeps movies alive nowadays, its how much you really talk about it. Liked revolutions or disliked it, the ending was surely good enough to keep you talking for ages about neo dying or not, and how zion will be in the future and stuff like those. Its simple, matrix has done what every other movie has always wanted to do. Catchy name, catchy theories, characters, settings, and an overall catchy movie. Rant about the matrix all you can, and critisize it all you want, like it or dislike it, you got to agree to the fact that the matrix, in our minds and in movie history; won't die. So
  8. Now I remembered I used to be scared of Sesame Street. Oh and i know the title for that show in spanish, the one youre talking about.
  9. I watched Revolutions two days ago on saturday with a friend. I dont know, but everyone you ask around here says the ending, and sometimes even the whole movie sucked for them...I try not to smack them in the head, ofcourse, i remember its their opinion but you have to be really shallow. First of all, i dont see how the matrix is confusing to so many peopple, all yuo got to to do is listen and have theories...some may not even be answered properly or answered at all but thats not my point. The matrix Revolutions, I loved it because of the non stop action, just after [spoiler]the war in zion which was about an hour long, smith and neo fight and its fukin mind blowing[/spoiler]. The ending is so simple, we all know [spoiler]neo didnt die[/spoiler]. what I found the movie to be though was kind of misplaced...like, you dont get enough backround as to why Smith is [spoiler]so dangerous to zion and the real world[/spoiler] which for most people would be like....huh? kind of reaction. All in all thought I really like dthe movie, a fourth part would screw the whole thing up. Unless its an animated short explaining things from the ending.
  10. Usually, games that are basted on movies are just plain crap. This one seemed like it was cool, at least because of the multiplayer stuff that I just heard about right now. I always wanted to play the first 2 with a friend or someone, cause it seemed like the meele was fun and all, but never really got the chance to. Looks like my prayers are finally answered, and one of the greatest sagas of all time is coming from a book, to a movie, to a game (all three fairly succesfull which is very rare) and its second player as well. I wonder, if i was playing the two towers for countless hours, I dont know how many days I'll play Return of the king consecutively.
  11. Well for what was worth, i really loved the power rangers. Yes, I remember the time I used to be the green one. I also pretty much liked Barney, if not my favorite of all time. I dont know, I never really watched kiddy shows, I stuck to the Barts Adventures, Sailor Moon and Pokemon when I was little.
  12. I think reading the anime is actually better. I really enjoy mangas because, at most times, you can use your imagination to kind of picture the sound or feel more of whats going on in the page. The only manga i've read and owned was Ragnarok Volume 1, and through that whole manga, I couldnt keep my eyes off. It truly was a great work. Plus, if you like something pretty in the manga that youve seen, you can just simply save the page, instead of pausing the anime (if youre watching it) to live the scence. You'd always have it in the comic. Also, lets say you really like the art, you can always reffer back to the page, instead of fast forwarding painfully in an anime. Thats what I think.
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