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Michael Jackson IS and ALWAYS will be an easy target. He has a mental disorder, he hangs around with children all day, and he's a rich white-black guy. Rich people are easy targets when their entire life is made public. Do I think that Michael Jackson did it? Yeah, I don't think it was sexual, but something happened. I don't think Michael Jackson intended to do anything wrong though. I think his intentions were only good.
But we know for a fact that the saiyans COULD NOT last simply because they were a warrior cast. I can't think of the other technological species off of my head that they overran them and were lost. It's by this reason that they made a covenant with Frieza. They became an integral part of Frieza's organization. If you think of it in terms of the Roman Empire, they were the legion. Other races would have fit somewhere into the plan including the upkeep of Planet Vegeta.
I can't and never say I hate all preps. A prep is a hard working youth who wears a certain type of clothing and does well in school. Many of them annoy me.
There is only one problem, the video drivers. Theoretically if the PS2 used 100% of its video capability, its video quality would be better. Both use DirectX, but Microsoft, for some reason or another have chosen to use an older version of it. The other problem is the processor. Although Microsoft has a better processor right now once the PS3 is released it will have a much better processor. Microsoft will not want to be an equal to Playstation in terms of system power, as they showed with the X-Box, they want to be mega powerful by comparison.
Okay, for the person saying that they don't need X-Box 2 since X-Box is doing well. How well will X-Box be doing when PS3 comes out? The answer is simple, piss poorly. Microsoft has to keep with the competition and make sure they can stay on top, or at least in the race.
Aye, it's a hole in Dragonball Z. They do this with many things, hair colors, and skin tones specfically.
The Matrix Revolutions (Possible Spoilers/Image Heavy)
IQ2 replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Noosphere
Okay, so Smith was a recent development, but what is Neo? Neo was only Agent Smith's equal in the first film until he became "The One." Then Smith began to multiply and become powerful. As Neo took domination over the real world, Smith took domination over the cyber world. Neo was just as much a "malfunction" as Smith was, since it was not expected for him to do the things he did. You'll find throughout the films that there is rarely an instance where Neo proves to be ultimately stronger than Agent Smith, and vice versa. Each in their many combats appear as equals. I don't like how a lot of people compare Neo to Jesus Christ. I'm not Christian, but there is a vast difference between the two. First off, Jesus was a healer, Neo wasn't. Neo was a freedom fighter. If anything he would be more like Barbarous. If the film maker REALLY wanted Neo to be presented as a Christ-figure they would have had that ending scene with him tied up in the machine with him in an upward stance showing his head down and his arms extended outward... but they didn't. This particular film may have some "Christ-like" elements, but it is in no way a reflection of Christ. Smith as an anti-Christ is just stupid as well. An anti-Christ is a person who believes in Christ but does things completely against Christianity. Smith did not believe in "The One" in any way. He thought of it as some stupid myth. He saw "human choice" as irrational, and so he was incapable of being the "bacteria against Jesus." He did hate mankind's nature, but that's not an anti-Christ, that's just hate. In terms of Smith being some kind of biblical figure he would be closest to Harod, who was willing to do what ever it took to get power. Neo may have represented some of Jesus' morals, but not all of them. Neo is more of a Platonist than a Jesus-figure (although similar they are different). Smith was also not like Harod entirely and was more of a Machiavellian than a Hardod-figure. -
DB: Goku finding Roshi a fat chick DBZ:Vegeta and Nappa at Arlia DBGT:Buu and Ubuu fusing
{{SPOILER}} I do believe Goku learns to fly when he is at Korin's Tower, simply because he can do it when he fights the Red Ribbon Army. Roshi surrenders to Tien for one reason, Tien out smarts him. Tien shows Roshi that he has mastered all of the techniques that Roshi teaches in his school. Since he knows all of Roshi's tricks, and has some of his own, he leads Roshi to believe he cannot win. Roshi simply steps out of the ring and admits defeat since he really had nothing to hit Tien with.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinmaru [/i] [B]Really, this kind of thinking is what's contributing to people's negative thoughts about politics and the American government in particular.[/b][/quote] I think you are wrong here. I think this is what is RIGHT about American thinking on government. For the last 10 years the Canadian Reform party preached about a thing called "Democratic Deficiency." To understand this you have to define democracy. Democracy is a government-type at which people elect leaders to represent their opinions. STOP! Here's where it comes in, are these leaders really representing the opinions of the people, or what they think is best for the nation? The United States in particular was hit bad after Bush went to war even after and hundreds of war protests in America and so few war support rallies (the only war support rally wasn't in support of the war but in support of the troops who were sent by Bush's dumb decision). So theoretically, since you voted for Bush he is supposed to be representing your opinion... but is he? Probably not. I'll bet few of the Senators or Congressman are either. This "Democratic deficiency" begs to question what is the point in voting? You are voting for someone that you think will represent you best. Now what if you think there is no candidate alive that will represent you well? What is the real point in voting where it is a bi-party system. In Canada we have multiple parties which have potential (Liberal, PC, Reform, and Bloq). All have their own independent causes. What America needs to develop is a realistic third option. In Canada we're going through a unique situation in terms of political parties. A union is forming between two very opposite parties (PC and Reform) to make one party. They're not really going to have common lines of ideas but will work on having as many open votes (all members get a vote in the decisions) as possible. This will cause more people's opinions to come into consideration. If the US was serious about maintaining their democratic model they should restructure themselves to something similar. [quote]Many people here don't vote because they assume that their vote doesn't matter...but what they don't realize is that they can do so much more than vote. People can get their ideas out to other people and inform the masses. What once was one vote can become many if you can convince enough people to agree with you.[/quote] That's a job for the politicians, isn't it? But you still admit that one vote really doesn't matter. If you voice your own opinion, it doesn't matter. Even if you form your own faction, what is the purpose? The logical thing to do, since you have your own political beliefs would be to form your own party, or go indy. [quote]However, a lot of people simply say "Screw politics, it's all a waste of time," sit on their ***** and do nothing at all. It's unfortunate, but it's true. I'm not saying you have to be some crazy radical who does nothing but preach politics and make insane speeches but a little more participation in politics can go a long way.[/quote] One of our freedoms is to make that decision for ourselves though. It is a person's right to vote or not vote. Sure it leads to that "Democratic Deficiency", but if politicians really worried about voters, they would give them feasable options. Anyway, I'm a registered Canadian voter. I elected the current Liberal Prime Minister, the recent PC party in Newfoundland, and the recent PC party in Nova Scotia. These parties looked back and said "we gotta give them options" while the Liberals had their "serve the old" policy. The PC party now dominates the East, and the Reform party dominates the West. In the next election if these two parties can muster enough East and West votes they can destroy the Liberal's forts in Quebec and Ontario and have the first government where the ruling opinions are outside the province.
The Matrix Revolutions (Possible Spoilers/Image Heavy)
IQ2 replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Noosphere
Okay, I think a lot of people are using the Jesus/Angel metaphor too often. The word "balance" was used to describe the relationship between Neo and Agent Smith. The machine created "The Oracle" in order to be an imbalance to counter The Architect's balance. One had to exist with the other in order for the world to exist, or one must be destroyed with the other, both must exist or not exist at the same time to maintain balance. Neo and Agent Smith were the same. They both existed throughout in all forms and in both worlds and when one ceased to exist, the other did. There are many theories on what actually happened. Maybe the machine balanced out the inexistance of Neo by canceling out Smith. Maybe Smith could not comprehend human choice. But in the end it came to the Oracle's discussion on what the architect wanted, balance. She pointed out a lot more clearly than she did in other movies... which made it disappointing. -
I should first say I'm not a fan of Tim Burton's work. Edward Scissorhands was alright, Planet of the Apes was okay, he made the best Batman movies, but they still weren't good. So when I heard Tim Burton was doing an animated Christmas movie I dropped dead and said, "this is going to be a nightmare." I watch it and find myself pleasantly amazed how he is able to conduct points about life through the central character. What is the point? That we're all stuck in roles and we have to fill them. We'll be "out of place" if we try to fit into someone else's role.
I liked Sven from Breath of Fire. He was a crazy monkey who originally appeared to be a theif and a womanizer but quickly developed a well placed backstory to show himself as actually once having been a great noble knight.
The game is wicked, yet limiting. It's very easy to take a guy and get cheap with him. On the other hand it has an interesting set of characters with an interesting set of different abilities.
It was originally supposed to come out a month ago, but they keep pushing the date... know that the demand will not deminish.
Actually, Microsoft purchased the domain "XBoxNext.com". That's the only real evidence that it will be called that. In their design ideas they do have it made that X-Box can be upgraded to X-Box Next, but it will not be as effecient. They also have a lighter edition of X-Box set to come out as well as ReplayTV and web searching technology.
{{SPOILER}} Goku is beaten by Roshi, leaving Chun in it. Goku at this point isn't as strong at Roshi. Here are the winners of the four tournaments: 1. Jackie Chun 2. Jackie Chun 3. Tien 4. Chi Chi To fill in some gaps, Krillin beats Bacterian to get to the quarter finals. Krillin is later defeated by Jackie Chan (who also eliminated Yamcha). Goku loses to Chan in the finals. That was the second tournament. The first tournament never sees day-light as they refer to Chun as the "returning champion." Later on, Roshi surrenders to Tien in the third tournament. [strike]I couldn't edit my post... so I'm just double posting, hope someone can merge these.[/strike] - [size=1][b]No problem. (PiroMunkie)[/size][/b]
I could never see them adding to the plot, that would go nowhere. They've established the future already with the DBGT special (about a child of one of the children called Goku) who becomes a warrior in a peaceful world. It established what happened before that, and making anything else other than a story about this guy and his friends would be dumb. But this series would end up being dumb anyway. I think people would be interested in either a story about the young Master Roshi or A saiyan story. It would be kind of like a "prequel" to it all. The basic idea is that the big fans could see how things developed since Akira was famous for leaving in gaps so we can guess ourselves.
If you are referring to "Strongest Man Alive," it is indeed a different movie.
I think the idea of a "caste" society does make sense. BUT, it is explained in the series. The "castes" were used to distinguish who were the weaker saiyans, and to what planets they would send them. Anyway, the "saiyans" are and will always be a warrior race. Dragonball GT showed a time of peace for Vegeta and showed exactly what saiyans do instinctively when there is no war. He trained most of his time, he ate, he spent his time with family. BUT, in times of war Vegeta never spent any time with anyone, so you can see the difference between a saiyan in and out of his element.
{{SPOILER}} Piccolo arrives in episode 104. It depends on which tournament you are speaking of. In one tournament, Jackie Chun (Master Roshi) gets to the finals and Goku ends up watching. If it's the second tournament, Goku defeats Tien in the finals. Piccolo Daimo arrives after most of the Red Ribbon stuff is over.