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Everything posted by lil_hell4t

  1. thats another 21 year old who likes anime!!!!...i think its cool that older people are still into cartoons and anime....and yah..sorry about your parents having a hisy at you..my parents sometimes say "why dont you do anything other than to do with dbz!!?!?!"..its soo anoying..i say "its my life let me live it the way i want"
  2. im back warlock if your here lets fite...*sits in a corner silently waiting for warlock while eating a cookie*
  3. now my kirbies zap the frozen bus kirbies!! [B](>')[/B][COLOR=yellow][B]~~/\/\/\/\/\/\/\[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=skyblue][B][(>X.x
  4. baah!!!....hmm...i cant right now cos i am about to go out to a friends so i wont be a ble to fite for a while..so ill challenge you when i getz bak...*runs off* [SIZE=1]oh and btw' ill be back in about...hmmm4 hours or so..[/SIZE]
  5. lil_hell4t

    sparring here!

    HOME RUN GO GO GO GO GO !!!!!...this could get interesting also...sits down and munches a donut
  6. zaps warlock with a little lazer and runs off..
  7. i tihnk you know most of them.... i cant think of any others..so maybe those are the only fusions..im sure transistic nerve will know heheh:D :cool:
  8. fire red ki balls now!!! [COLOR=red][B]@~ @~ @~ @~[/B][/COLOR][B]
  9. why dont you side wif us....anywayz., kirbies practice double ka-me-ha-me-ha!!! KA-ME-HA-ME-HA!!!! [COLOR=royalblue][B](((())))>>>====@)[/B][/COLOR][B]
  10. jeez....you guys havent even read my topic ...it says i "havent"...seen any pics of gohan ssj3 or ssj4 and i dont even beleive in db af...i was just wondering if he ever does go ssj3 and thanx for the help,now i know he doesnt
  11. joins in with sia...go my ssj4 kirbies...kamehameha buus army with sias army!! [COLOR=darkred]..^^[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]//[/COLOR](>")>[COLOR=royalblue](@====[COLOR=royalblue](@====[COLOR=royalblue](@====
  12. SSJ4 KIBY..go whack tha potera fused kirby NOW!! [COLOR=darkred]..^^[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]//[/COLOR](>')^ [COLOR=yellow]( >X.x )>[/COLOR] whack!!!..thats for being a fusing show of..j/k...hehe nice gif btw':D
  13. happy [SIZE=1]early [/SIZE] birthday..darn ive only got about 3 more years till i can drive..man. i sure hoope they dont make the driving age higher here or ill b majorly p!issed off
  14. dude, harsh...find out who did it and smash tha hell outta them..j/k...violence aint tha way,all ill say is sorry dude
  15. im from ,....england ..but ive lived in n.z. for more than half of my life...and i like n.z. better than england to be honest...but sometimes i tihnk im frum another planet!!
  16. tv: dbz movie: ooh...er..havent seeen many anime movies,ill say digimon cuz thats about the only anime movie ive seen
  17. now that you think about it,it was a miricale so many people where late for werk.and that had missed planes...one of my friends has this friend who has a relative over there,he was due to go on the plane that first flew into the trade center...he missed the plane by 4 minutes...,and the story you shared ds is very touching and true....i guees it shows how the human race reacts to a crisis
  18. so basically his fighting carrer ends after the buu saga???
  19. ok im counting on you..(all you dbz experts out there) i was wondering, after gohan gets his "mystic " ability..and ssj2..does he ever go ssj3/ssj4/golden orzullu (
  20. and in mystik form doesnt he have a different aura or sumthin,like ...fire or sometihng..im not sure...becuase i have never seen the buu saga-_-
  21. i bet miari trunks feels unloved..cuz in his time his father died...long before he could remeber ,and he ocmes back and doesnt even get a hugg or anything...hmmm poor trunks...im sure all those chicks out there would gladly give him a hugg..am i rite...heheh oh and thanx for reading my siggy l.s.j.:D
  22. [QUOTE][B]I found this one a long time ago, it's adorable...check it out.....k..LM....and everyone else too.k[/B][/QUOTE] lmao:D :laugh: ..love it...ive seen other pics where he looks all chibi like that too....there cool as..and btw' nice favourite pic..
  23. KIRBIES ZAP THE DEAD INFLATED KIRBY WITH YOUR "ZAP ATTACK" (>')[COLOR=yellow][B]~\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\(((([/B][/COLOR][B][/B][COLOR=yellow]))))[/COLOR]
  24. they may have been computer edited good point,but owell i still found them kinda interesting...:D
  25. whoa freaky you two live right next to each otha!!!!?!?... i never even knew ,thats pretty cool:cool: [SIZE=1][B] or are you two just joking???[/B][/SIZE]
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