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Everything posted by lil_hell4t

  1. i dont really know of any anime songs apart from "dragon dragon rock the dragon dragon ball z!!!!" soo i guees thats my favourite
  2. quikly put "bye my son"...something like that:D
  3. i agree with sia....also to sia= i recieved an email with like 9 different pics of these devil faces they saw in the clouds..quite scarey..i dont wanna post anymore tho, because of transistic and because its a pretty depresseing topic
  4. forte..wanna side with me and sia...anywayz SSJ KIRBY #1 POWER UP TO SSJ4!! AND KAMEHAMEHA THE dis-INFLATED half dead KIRBY NOW!!! [COLOR=darkred]..^^[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]//[/COLOR](>")>[COLOR=royalblue][B](@========
  5. complex!!!!...hmm..cells is sorta but he has no feelings (well you know what i mean)..so i guess ill say..hmm gohan???
  6. heheh good point lady -saiya-jin...you can see the still stuborn evilish look on his face as he does it,,probably trying not to show emotion
  7. lmao!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: ,nice gif...NOW BOOMARANG KIRBIES HIT THE DIS-INFLATED KIRBY WITH YOU BOOMARANGS!!!! (>")> --~-~+(>x.x
  8. dont go....man everyone is leaving these dayz...hope ya come back..and ya why are you leavin???
  9. killermon sure isnt around much anymore,he drops in when the chat room isnt enough
  10. aha heres that picture...its kinda weird...but i thought i better show it..:D :eek:
  11. whoa!!! dramatic kinda pictures..taken from your roof!!!!...man you must live close to the city!!! i found this picture where a man highlighted a devil form in one of the massive clouds of smoke that came frum the building..ill find it and show everyone..that is if i dont get flamed for bringing the topic up again:eek:
  12. nope sorry , dont like it that much
  13. SELF DESTRUCT MY GOLDEN ORZULLU!! [B][SIZE=4][COLOR=yellow].[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] .... .......5...4..3..2..1...BOOOOOOM!?!?!!?? )< * ) *> - peices of both our orzullus bodies..
  14. so whats the otaku like in a marrige..???...hehe...um congrats on being here for that long..:D
  15. lil_hell4t

    sparring here!

    i used too..and i guess i still do,but its pointless if your oponenant says he/shes imortal..then why even bother theylle just say.."oh im imortal you attack has no affect on me" etc.. but its stil fun if they dont do that
  16. now kirbies TARGET PRACTICE I WANT YOU 5 SSJ KIRBIES TO HIT THESE TARGETS NOW!!! [COLOR=yellow]^^^[/COLOR] (>")>[COLOR=red]-------@[/COLOR]| [COLOR=yellow]^^^[/COLOR] (>")>[COLOR=red]-------@[/COLOR]| [COLOR=yellow]^^^[/COLOR] (>")>[COLOR=red]-------@[/COLOR]| [COLOR=yellow]^^^[/COLOR] (>")>[COLOR=red]-------@[/COLOR]| [COLOR=yellow]^^^[/COLOR] (>")>[COLOR=red]-------@[/COLOR]| hit them with a FIREBALL!!! [SIZE=1][B](gotta thank sia for that good as idea FIREBALL!!)[/B][/SIZE]
  18. lil_hell4t

    sparring here!

    hmm this could get very interesting..grabs some pop corn and sits watching on the sidelines:cool: :devil:
  19. ssj kirbies KA-ME-HA-ME-HA attack piromunkies kirbies (>")>=====o----->(>**)>====
  20. i just noticed..when i read this topic i went and quickly watched my dbz tapes..trunks02 is correct he does smirk alot,but im sure chibi trunks will become different to miari trunks eventually..there is a big diference in there lifestyles
  21. heres one off the simpsons.. homer: "groan..il..never..eat..chilli..again...OOOOO CHILLI!!!" heres one i found in a mad magazine: "many a good egg,end up beaten" and also ..look at master o' beans's sigy..those are al funny as quotes i like em:smirk: :laugh: :devil:
  22. i couldnt find that gif but i found a little pic,its nothing special but still,hope this cheers you up a lil heh:D sorry if it doesnt werk tho
  23. ummm..sorry i dont think ive every seen it ,was it a picture of manjin vegeta?...to cheer you up heres a little gif of vegeta (hope it works)- and hopefully youlle find your pic..it sounds prety cool - ill find that gif give me one sec-
  24. ill say..hmm...vegeta probably because i reckon trunks is cool as
  25. and the rarity of spam back then..aah those were the dayz..,and when people got told off by the mods for saying words like hell etc.
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