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Everything posted by lil_hell4t

  1. this is to all of you,even if you have finished school,have u had a teacher that swears all tha time(even infront of you)? then gives you deetention when u swear infront of them..grrr it pisses me off:mad: :flaming:
  2. cold weather..YEAH i LOVE it....especially when i get to go snowboarding ,i love america when im there in tha winter,snow snow and more SNOW!!:P,but wait i alwayz like america,shame i havent bin ova there 4 a year or so :eek: :D :devil:
  3. i selcted underpants,im not sure if boxers comply as them ,but owell
  4. if it wuz ment to be there ,then why?...im waiting for transistic to tell us all,,heheh:eek: :p :D
  5. there may be a simple explaination to this but when gohan and cell where in that massive energy fight,(right before gohan kills cell) ,when it showed gohan going balistic and putting all his power into the beam which killed cell,he was standing on the ground,then after it showed the beam going off the planet out into space gohan was hovering in the air ,was it a blooper or was he just oding that to make sure his beam went into the sky instead of going into earth?,anyone know?:( :confused: :devil:
  6. ok i try to dodge hentai,no affence to anyone who likes it but i dont exaclty fancy it
  7. none ov the female characters are very perverted but roshi and oolong are
  8. okie dokie then ,altron gundam can u answer tha quistion i asked this dude?
  9. good point..ouchie* i cringe just thinking ov it,imagine belly floppin frum a bridge:mad: :eek: :devil:
  10. master roshi and mr satan =mr rotan
  11. rats...if only i had tha money too buy tha gameboy-advance:(
  12. whut the hell wuz that guy doing jumping off a bridge with out any rope or anything!?!?!?!?:eek: :eek:
  13. i am definatly looking foward to it ,but h2ere in nz itll take ages to reach here :(:( :flaming:
  14. ok heres a tough q i wud like answered,[B]when gokou killed buu with spirit bomb/genki dama (
  15. heheh thanx i think,but im jumping over a deep river and its not very high..heheheh :tasty:
  16. ..well where im gunna bungee jump they use measured springy rope and im a guy so yeah heheheh,..its gunna b fun :p :cool: :D
  17. and his over used qoute : ITS A TRICK ITS A TRICK...!!!?!?!?.....*shudders violently*:mad: :flaming: :devil:
  18. heheheh yeah it looks cool as,im gunna go do it in about 2 weeeks when i go to tha snow (here in little new zealand)
  19. has anyone bungee jumped b4 ,does anyone know whut it is!?!?!?!:( :D :devil:
  20. id have to say that my most hated anime character is mr satan,i like his name but jeez he makes us all wait longer to see gokou/gohan fight cell
  21. ov course i like south park!!! its hilarious....:D :D :laugh: :devil:
  22. does anyone know whut spam stands for..i used to know but have fergotten...:confused: :confused:
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