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Everything posted by lil_hell4t

  1. bwahahahahah, nice gif,were did u find it frum?:D
  2. so basically we didnt help tha dude who started the thread at all,awell carry on tha disucssion (
  3. ok this is getting way to complicated for me,ill just say that u cant trust t.v. but some ov it could stil be true:eek: :flaming: :devil: :D
  4. lil_hell4t


    heheh, dbaf may be fake (it probably is) but tha sites cool anywayz,nice pics they have:p
  5. whoa..um ..ok if thats your opinion ,and were not really saying that people can make big *** powerbeams or anything,but im gunna keep silent to stay outta troulbe:devil:
  6. man, a zelda anime series,sounds cool if only id seeen it :p
  7. truelly! ,well i guess u learn sumthin new everyday,china/japan must b interesting places to live :eek: :devil: :D
  8. i really wanna nominate 2 people ,but i guess u can choose which one ov em goes on through..they are, voodookanaka and treble:devil:
  9. whoa!!!! look at all em posts, im only just struggling past 30 posts,heheh :devil: :cool: :p :( :D
  10. man, if whut u r saying really happened ,id sure want to watch this monk dude fight another guy,mayb akira saw a similar kind of person and deisnged dbz frum it....just a thought:devil: :D :cool:
  11. if only those vids were here...ill bet they take about..... 6 months just to arive here....sad ol newzealand....is kaoishin that satan lookin dude,( im no expert on tha buu saga)
  12. i stand by gohan,notice how there isnt a gokou ssj4 options..so id put my money on ssj1 gohan:p :flaming: :devil:
  13. heh..i mite aswell join..can i still or is it too late?:( if not im in:D :devil: :flaming: :cross:
  14. this is just downright rong...here in new zealand..where i live, since the cell saga ended it has gone rite back to the start where radditz comes in, it would be much better if they just repeated the trunks saga or sumthin instead ov going right bak to tha start.. has this happened in any other countrys?....is any1 else anoyed at this?:mad: :flaming: :devil: :eek:
  15. i think that all the new consoles like the ps2 and gamecube are making n64 look kinda disapoiting ,but that doesnt mean it is a disapointment...many goood games on it :p :cool: :devil:
  16. ugh.. i get it all tha time... i had a freind who at tha start ov tha year hated dbz..then he started watching it and begun to like it..but i get that teasing stuff sum times.....:flaming: :flaming:
  17. id call my character......eiother..satan:devil: .. or bob....bob would look like gohan does (when hes grown up) but with purple hair...and bagggy clothes...and satan ..well whut does he usually look like....:devil: :devil: :flaming: btw..(dont think im that evil):angel: [url]http://www.angelfire.com/anime3/lil_hell4t1/supasatan.jpg[/url] thats whut satan wud look like..(heheh i drew that)
  18. whoa....thats great!!!! how long did it take u 2 rite that masta peice?...good stuff:p :cool:
  19. i dont own an n64 my self but have played one manytimes with a freind.:sleep: :sleep: ..ahem anywayz..n64 itself may b a dissapointment..but smash bros sure isnt..that game rox :p :cool: :devil:
  20. ...i dont think he really became ssj2:eek: but does anybody remeber ussj.....maybe he was just reaching that stage,if he really could go ssj...who knows?:sleep: :flaming: :devil: :wigout:
  21. cells all good to me cuz he got gohan to ssj2 ..hmm well thats my opinion:devil:
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