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Everything posted by lil_hell4t

  1. my lifes story -went to school,got bored,did some werk (or did i!?!?)played some soccer,did some athletics 100m sprinting (woohoo!!!),got home..came onto the otkauboardz that is all
  2. lil_hell4t

    Otaku War

    makes his own lil army,i tihnk ill go solo name:satan army name=the all mighty midgets rank: all mighty midget king of course weapons:rocket launcher,master sword and a small troop of kirbies[B](>")>[/B] transport tihngy: hover board and capsule hover car
  3. *whacks him self hard in the head* well duh lil hell!!!!!! i thought when the topic said "killer mail" i had *e-mail* in my trail of thoughts thus i was confused at how anyone would email a disease or anthrax etc. now i get it,im pretty sure that they could send anthraz etc thru the mail...its a scarey thought
  4. hahah,i found this out when i was reading a manga scan caption...*sighs* the names these people come up with
  5. is that so...considering i havent seen any of this ill just smile and nod..:) :( :)
  6. one question tho,how would spores go throuhg a computer!?!?!?!....i mean,emails travel in seconds they are very fast but how owuld you put a spore into memory!!?!?.. ok ive just confuddled myself again
  7. [QUOTE][B]Anthrax itself takes alot of time and money to make into a bio weapon..... so i wouldnt worry.... the only time anthrax was mass produced was in russia when they were communist, as soon as the iron curtain fell and the people around the world could see in russia (when it became a democracy) they found they had a 65,000 scientist team producing bio chemical weapons, and nuclear weapons. in the gulf war also, it was found some of the warheads that were being fired from the enemy had anthrax in them.... but it takes alot of time and money to make them.... and a few thousand scientists.... thats one of the reasons the USSR fell, because the ppl rebelled because the peoples money was being taken to mass produce nuclear, and bio nuclear weapons. and also it was being taken to help the other communist countries that were fighting the USA... (vietnam war, korean war) [/B][/QUOTE] d@mn some people are smart!
  8. *hears crickets*,i dont tihnk many people are into this,but hey aybe theyre just late.me personally dont want to sign up but by the way ,nice job on the daily otakus!!!,quality reading lol:D
  9. sometimes i day dream,and get yelled at by the teacher....its either about me and rach (my g/f) or either some crazy story thats related to dbz some how that ive imagined
  10. to be honest i really do hate it,but my dad watches it,we usually eat the same time its on so we eat infront of the tv(wooohooo) so i am kinda forced to watch it,survivor 3 is just starting
  11. whoa,just one quisetion,how on earth would a disease get inputted thru a computer,im confuddled,but yeah, i wish it would all end aswell
  12. since i dont know what those other two are ill go for dbz/gt
  13. dittos deathknight,and btw'welcome to the boardz
  14. i have never seen any of the episodes but this is what i know (plz correct if rong) brolly is a very strong saiya-jin who can from a line of saiya-jins that escaped from the planet vegeta before it blew to hell(i think) and that had become extremly strong and brolly wuz their leader or sumthin,it takes all of the z fighters to take him down!!! ,very powerfull and cool(im sure thats not entirely correct)
  15. darn,my friend last yr took my 200 dollar watch and said,you wont get it backif you dont go out with this chick,so i went out with her and he gave it back to me..and it were broken!!!!!....i havent talked to him since,i whacked him in the stomach and the back of the head and ran off....hey! it was a good watch
  16. *munches the cookie* closes the hatch *MWAHAHAHAH YOULLE NEVER FIND OUT WHERE YOU ARE NOW DEATHKNIGHT!!* deathknight opens the hatch again and says hi lil hell lil hell - *doh* munches on the cookie
  17. RUN ,MY KIRBY ...PIROMUNKIE FIRE your SPIRIT BOMB AT HIM..OR HE'LL KILL US ALL hold him off with your ultra fire ball attack now!!! [COLOR=darkred][B]..^^[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]//[/B][/COLOR][B](>")>[/B][COLOR=red][B][SIZE=11] ~@ ~@ ~@[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][SIZE=5][B][/B][/SIZE] NOW ULTRA KA-ME-HA-ME-HA HIM NOW!!... [COLOR=darkred][B]..^^[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]//[/B][/COLOR][B](>")>[/B][B][COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=4](@>======
  18. watches the cookie with intense eyes,gobbles it down as soon as he catches it...gets up and crawls around the ground.. lil hell- ahh found it opens up the secret hatch and says "hey deathknight,you can get out thru here!!"
  19. im just starting to watch card captors its pretty cool, i like the animation,whos this lee dude,the one with the robes and sword?...he makes a fool of sakura alot
  20. ,well i guees thats kinda better,at least people dont call you "rowan tree" or "rowan bush" etc.
  21. [QUOTE][B]I like Brolli-san.... He's one of my favorite characters...[/B][/QUOTE] *ditto*
  22. mesa have a stupid name sadly,but nonetheless i might aswell tell everone it..my names rowan im named after a bush of somesort (my dads a real gardening fanatic)
  23. aaah!!!...rolls in and sits in a corner,right at home.....munches on his half eaten cookie that he never finished in the otha padded room
  24. the giant frozen fireball rolls towards dbzmans kirby and squashes it [COLOR=darkred][B]..^^[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]//[/B][/COLOR][B](>")>[/B] [SIZE=10][B][COLOR=royalblue]_@[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] .....[B][/B] [B]mwahahahahaha[/B]
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