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Everything posted by lil_hell4t

  1. *votes for metalica*,i know many people who are into that band still....i also think nervana will stay around for many years to come.
  2. ,put simply "there are many many members!"
  3. yes,ive been to all the newgrounds parodies,i like the "dragonballz outtakes" one:D
  4. i love trunks's hair full stop..specially when its in ssj/ussj form
  5. hmmm,yes americans can be like that,and guees what,the american army is naming its bombs after the people who died in the tradgedy
  6. fires a massive fire balll my ssj4 kirby....at dbzmans fused kirby now!!! [COLOR=darkred][B]..^^[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]//[/B][/COLOR][B](>")>[/B]........[SIZE=10][B][COLOR=red]~@[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][B][SIZE=4](>`.`
  7. say what?!...will2x got banned now did he,hmm im not gunna get involved im only gunna say ,jez im not up to date on the otakuboardz news am i -_-i only just found out he got banned and btw' sorry about the gf situation deathknight
  8. lil_hell4t


    awaits seph to tell him everything....trusting vegeta he probably just blasted nappa cuz nappa tried to kill him or sumthin i dont know
  9. how come the padded room party was closed :( :( ,i was enjoying that thread.....
  10. lil_hell4t


    how come?....does he just walk up to nappa and final flash him or sumthin..typical vegeta...heheh *i like his style*
  11. i couldnt be stuffed handing in this 3 week late asign ment in so i went and got a lighter and burnt the d@mn thing!
  12. hehe,its humiliating especially like when im talking to my gf and i crack a high*....shudder....owell its good she understands the whole "voice dropping" thing
  13. i want a [B]holden kingswood [/B]
  14. and the worst thing is,just as my voice starts to crack..the darn SPEECH festival is coming up.grrr....i wish my voic wud just crack an get ova with it-_-
  15. ,im only just taller than my mother,hey i only turned 13 ya know!!!...my voice is pissing me off aswell,must be hitting puberty...*cracks a high*....darn it!!!!
  16. [QUOTE][B]Oh, they probably meant you're dumb. j/k enjoy [/B][/QUOTE] uh huh,i will enjoy it,care free....not having to PAY for anything....noit having to do my own washing..ugh im not looking foward to flatting....owell,ill try enjoy it over all the homewerk and school work
  17. i went into a caht room and spoke to everyone for a while they asked me "how old are you"...i replied "13"...they laughed and said..your not 13...!! i said,yah i am,and finally they said..."you dont seem like a 13 year old to talk to,i tohught youse were a 16 yr old.. so yah...im not sure whut that was all about...im 13 and a male
  18. its only about 6:00pm here on tuesday,not too badd..i got heaps ov homewerk,but my attitude is more "meh,ill do it later"
  19. im taken,but i doubt youd wAnt me..
  20. ,theres little to know about me..im bored aswell,my lifes pretty stuffed up at the mo and my school has gone to hell....what else.....hmmm..i love to draw cartoons -end of lifes story-_-
  21. lil_hell4t


    heheh,yup transistic knows all....so what in the blue hell happens to nappa?...does he fall off a cliff and die?
  22. i do beleive if you were in the "dazting game exttreme" game then all your posts would have dissapeared from that topic,since it was delted by warlock,so thats probably why they all went...
  23. im afraid that if i hugg you youlle be afraid of me and run off..sobs...no one apreciates a hugg from me cept my gf...no wait...thats all good..*walks of happy again* oh and btw' real sorrry about not getting yourself a car...heck i have to wait another 3 years till i can drive -_-
  24. i say " if that happened the earth would soo be [B]screwed!!![/B]
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