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Everything posted by Foredaddy

  1. This is about 6 or 7 seven years too late... Anybody who was a fan has probably grown out of it and moved on by now (cough cough me cough cough). Which sucks.
  2. I forgot that I started this thread... 3 years ago. I finally got my copy of MGS4, but I haven't gotten to play it yet. I bought a 42" plasma thats been giving me some trouble, so I might get a chance to really dig in until after this holiday weekend. I've been staring at the game case drooling. I need me some of that Old Snake action. That sounded gross...
  3. Foredaddy


    This was definitely one of Pixar's best. [B][U]PROS[/U][/B] -It had a great epic story -The characters were wonderful -Good message -Looked fantastic -Neat effects -It had that unique sense of adventure as if you were there yourself. You don't get to see too many films like this anymore. [U][B]CON(S)[/B][/U] -Pushed the environmental message down your throat a bit. Although they did it in such a way that was super exaggerated and fun (So its tough to take too many points away for that). Also, the short before the film, Presto, was really good too. Good character acting and Alec the rabbit looked like a mini-version of bugs bunny and the trix rabbit rolled into one. Too funny. Good stuff. What did you guys think of it?
  4. I was pretty willing to accept all of the "craziness" that Crystal Skull had to offer (Its hard not to after seeing Nazis get their faces melt off with the power of Christ). Overall the movie was good for me. Probably shouldn't have been made, but I'm glad it was. Nostalgia heaven.
  5. [quote name='Charles']I remember you! I remember back when you were called ZF Foredaddy, I think. You were easily one of the funniest guys on the boards. Man, that goes back to my Great White Frying Pan Man days. [/quote] GWFPM! Dude I remember you too! Good to see you're still around man. I was ZF Foredaddy for a while back in the day. I forgot about that. ZF's were the best clan ever. And by best I mean me and another kid started it. but yeah... Awesome to hear from ya man!
  6. Foredaddy

    Spider-man 3

    Yeah they're still filming. A couple friends of mine just got to spend an evening on the set down in New York. I guess it was pretty cool. They got their pictures taken with Topher Grace and Sam Raimi then got to watch some filming. I'm hella jealous.
  7. I actually just started coming back here a few days ago. I'm sure nobody really remembers good 'ol Foredaddy, but whatever. I remember Transtic very well. You were always very sassy back in the day. I'm sure you probably haven't changed your ways too much. :D Pretty much everyone Transtic Nerve mentioned I remember (Ginny was my favorite). Those were the days. Geez it has been a long time. I think I was 16 when I first came here. Now I'm 21 and its so weird to think about how fast time moves along. To be honest I'm not a huge anime fan at all. I was pretty big into DBZ then, but that was about it. But anime wasn't the reason that I always came back. This place was always full of fun and interesting people that I could relate to on other levels. That's why this place is great and thats why I'll always stop by on occasion to say hi, even if nobody remembers little ol me.
  8. Well lets see: - My friend Don peed in a beer bottle and drank it - My friend Isaiah hit himself in the head with a frying pan - I hit my friend Isaiah in the head with a frying pan.... and a shovel, and a cooking tin, and a frozen dead goose - I punched Isaiah in the face for 5 bucks and broke his tooth - Don's brother bit the head off a goldfish - My friend Rob got shot in the chest with 20 paintballs from 20 ft away on his bare chest and stomach - Isaiah tried breaking a bottle over my head while he was dressed up as Boba Fett - Isaiah jumped off a roof dressed up as Michael Myers - Me, Don, and Isaiah tried to drink a gallon of milk each as fast as we could. Puking ensued. Lots of puking. - I got hit in the buttocks while my own belt by a stripper at a bachelor party. There was a bruise across the crack for like 2 weeks. - My friend Josh ran out in front of traffic naked for no reason Oh my god the list goes on... but Im lazy. So maybe more later. maybe.
  9. First dates can be tricky, so keep it simple my man. You can't go wrong with some dinner and a movie or something even simpler. I personally like the afternoon date. It gives you more opportunity to do a wider range of stuff to do in case things dont go according to plan. Plus if things dont go good with your lady friend you can always go out with your friends afterwards. So thats a bonus. I hope thats kinda what you were looking for. :animeswea
  10. [QUOTE=Final Remix]I've got the same laptop, same problem. I hate toshiba. Simple fix, Go into your "toshiba power management utility" and go into the 'details'->"Power Save mode" tab, and drop Processor Speed to the lowest setting available. this'll fix most problems, and you won't notice a difference in computer speed. go figure. I keep my laptop propped up, as well. I have a grid-shelf it's sitting on for airflow, and an inverted Keyboard Wrist-rest the back of the laptop to raise it even more.[/QUOTE] Wow... I can't believe it was that easy. Thanks a lot man. I really appreciate it!
  11. I have a toshiba satellite laptop. For some reason it likes to shut off when it gets too hot. I just assumed it was a safety feature for the computer. Although lately the shut off has been happening more and more to now if I even run a virus scan it shuts off. The laptop is only a little over a year old. Do any of you guys know what might be going on? Any help would be greatly appreciated. :D
  12. Thats not bad. Maybe something with a quote from the movie. Heres a few: "We are the all singing, all dancing crap of the world" "On a long enough timeline, everyones survival rate drops to zero." "In Project Mayhem, only death do we have a name." Sorry if I seem picky :(
  13. I really dig Fight Club. I was wondering if anybody could come up with a very sleek and cool Fight Club banner for my sig. Id appreciate it big time. :D
  14. -I met Henry Rollins this past winter at my college. He was there doing his "Spoken Word" thing and it was hella funny. Afterwards my friends and I waited in line and got an autopgraph and picture with him. A couple of my friends got in a long conversation with him about some punk band and a book they wrote. They told Henry that they couldn't get a hold of a copy. Then Henry said "Ok. Im gonna rock your worlds." and gave them his e-mail address and told them to e-mail him there addresses and he would send them a copy for free. It was hella awesome! -This September Im hoping to meet Bruce Campbell. He's having a book signing near where I live so Im gonna check that out and hopefully meet the Master of Boomstick.
  15. -Yeah the "nowhere to hide" theme has got me pretty intrigued about the new MGS. Maybe Snake will have to be Rambo-like. Like going through ammo like it ain't no thang. I don't know if I'd like that as much though. -Also, Im not too pumped about the return of lame *** Raiden. I was pretty mad after MGS2 and only getting to play as Solid Snake for such a small portion of the game, but so weren't most fans of Solid Snake. Thats why Im pretty damn happy for the return of Solid Snake as the main character.
  16. Well big news in my world these days.... Theres gonna be a Metal Solid 4 and its gonna be for the PS3. Now I loved Snake Eater. One of the best Metal Gears so far and I just cant wait to even get a wiff of the new one coming out. All I know about it so far is that it is being directed by Hideo Kojima and the main character is gonna be Solid Snake. Just by that news alone I'm satisfied. Are you guys hella pumped or are you sick of this franchise? Check out this link for a teaser video put together by Hideo Kojima. [URL=http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/adventure/metalgearsolid4/media.html]CLICK ME FOO! IM THE LINK![/URL]
  17. New Futurama episodes would be fantastic! If its true I can't wait! Fav. Quotes: "That was so terrible I think you gave me cancer!" - Calcutron "Uh..uh... Gotta go! Fight Club." - The Professor
  18. I wanna see it. Sounds like its gonna be pretty good. Plus Jason Lee is the man so hey i gotta see it. :devil:
  19. The only fight I ever got into was when I was like 10. I fought this 14 year old kid. He knocked the snot out of me. I still know the guy today. He's a pretty cool guy now that I out weigh him by 125 pounds and Im about a foot taller than him. hehe. Being big is fun. :devil:
  20. workin is for chumps and people with money:devil:
  21. I know how you feel Final. I know how you feel. Blasphimus pigs.
  22. Well Goku had already some more training and was way stronger than when he had fought Cell. So when it came time to fight Cell and Frieza they went down with ease. As for a spoiler.....hahaha NO WAY! You'll just have to find out for yourself sucka.
  23. um....yeah....Its good....I guess. 5/10 Spend some time on it. The text could be better and the graphics could definately use some improvement.:devil:
  24. Well I guess I could list a million movies on a entertainment level so Im gonna name ten movies cause I rule: 10: Jay and Silent Bob Strike back 9: Jackass: The Movie 8: Batman 7: Jurassic Park 6: LOTR: Fellowship 5: Forrest Gump 4: LOTR: 2 towers 3: Fight Club 2: The Matrix 1: American Beauty Im sure Ive missed some obvious movies. So I will edit accordingly. :devil:
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