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Everything posted by Foredaddy

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1] Salad... and green tea ice cream... lucky me... - .-[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Ice cream the assasin(sp?) of the obese. Damn you girth. :devil:
  2. what do I think? why do you care what I think? Do I think? where am I? What? oh.... THAT IS AWESOME! BOOYAH!:devil:
  3. His floatation trick is a big sham. Its so easy to do. If you notice whenever he has people watch they are always behind him to the left or to the right. With that angle you cant see the toes. All you do is raise up on the toes lifting the other foo and heel of the foot your using the toes on. Its quite simple and ingenious. :devil:
  4. *windmills into the conversation* Oh hey guys how it goi...... Oh its you. Hello N-man. My worthy adversary. I didn't know you were in town. *goes down into a head spin* :devil: how you doin'? :devil:
  5. Well I have to say I can't wait til Goku goes SSJ3. I saw it in the Japanese version and was quite impressed, but I just gotta see it again. :devil:
  6. I know that feeling. Man it sucks being invisible. Although its not without its high points if ya know what I mean. ;) Booyah :devil:
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zidane11 [/i] [B] Hey, you never know, one might have walked past you yesterday. [/B][/QUOTE] Maybe. :devil: We need to be logical here.:p
  8. Foredaddy


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Armadillomon [/i] [B] However, I generally listen to all kinds of music except for rap, punk, heavy metal, and "twangy" country. [/B][/QUOTE] I dont know. I think that this statement is one of the most hypocritical things Ive heard in a long time. Whats left classical and rock? You listen to em all man! WOOO! :devil:
  9. Foredaddy


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B] Eh... I refuse to get into an arguement about his lyrics. [/B][/QUOTE] Come on you love the senselessness and you know it.:rolleyes: Second of all how the heck is he racist at all. Give an example of him being racist. Come on Im waiting. hmmm.... nothing oh yeah. [B]IYA![/B]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]id like to come out and thank all of you for the support of my comments. and id like to tell all the ladies... theres still time to change your ways and wise up. [/B][/QUOTE] Im a long time reader first time Caller and I have to say I would like to have your baby gokents..... wait nevermind. :devil:
  11. very well said. You are officially my hero of the day Gokents. :devil:
  12. To my dismay I haven't played any of the DBZ games, but I know for sure there are better games out there. Come on. Lets be serious. Metal Gear Solid is one the best games ever. As in gameplay, storyline, characters, and for its time Graphics. I love to play MGS. And Im sure there are plenty more such as Stuart Little 2 or Bio Freaks or even Novastorm. State the facts bud. :devil:
  13. Im cool. REALLY! Come on believe me. Oh whatever. Im going into hiding again. :devil:
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by (<AA>) [/i] [B] But without the Internet... life would be [I]really[/I] boring [/B][/QUOTE] Thats where you are wrong. There is [I]WAY[/I] more to life than the internet. You know the outside isnt evil. And there are strip joints, those are fun too. You should just try living without the internet. I got my broadband taken away from me two years ago, and I was really mad at the time, but I tell ya it was the best thing to ever happen to me. I dont spend as much time inside, I have more friends, and I have some really fun hobbies. I tell ya life without the internet is somewhat a good thing. Like a double edged sword. She is demonic mistress and she only want is your soul....... um yeah. :devil:
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Ask the Amish, they do it on a daily basis. [/B][/QUOTE] Its true. I am in fact 1/6 Amish. I live without the basic Technologies 1/6th out of the year. Its tough but I manage. Its really hard without the PS2, I damn near killed myself. :devil:
  16. Foredaddy


    "Without me" is a good song, but it has really turned into "The Real Slim Shady". And about The Eminem Show, I think it is his most layed back LP yet. Even with the nurder and stuff. Do you remember the song "Kim". Holy whacktacular lyrics Foredaddy, youre F@%&in' right! :devil:
  17. Foredaddy


    Pop is for girls and girly men. Thats why I like it. Wait no I don't. S&@%! Way to open your mouth! Why don't you shut up! NO YOU! [B]IYA![/B] We are now interrupted by a Skitzo fight. Sorry for the inconvenience.:devil:
  18. Ill tell ya I like DBZ a lot, but personally all the real early stuff is wicked boring compared to the end of the frieza saga then skip the garlic jr saga then start with the androids. The frieza saga did have its high points though. Anything when the super Saiyans were around kicked arse. As for the movies "Tree of might" is not one of my favorites. :devil: [B]DBZ WOOOO![/B]
  19. Somebody may have said this, but hey if you dont do drugs then why worry. If you do drugs then too bad. Its your fault. Nobody elses. So Im glad they are doing it. I give it a Foredaddy stamp of approval and you can take that to the bank. :devil:
  20. Foredaddy


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by bananagirl [/i] [B]i cant stand eminem i cant stand rap in general i mean come on give someone words( not to mention disgusting, disgraceful words) and tell them to talk fast and presto rap [/B][/QUOTE] Words are just that. Words. He does have the right to say what he wants without it leading to someone getting hurt. So what he thinks homosexuals are disgusting or he hates his mom and wishes she would die. Sometimes I have those fellings too when I get really angry and Im not racist, sexist or a homophobe. True what he says is a bit too far but hey the songs are that more entertaining. This kind of controversy is what made him so famous in the first place. If you dont like him you still know who he is and you listen to see what he says next. Just like Howard Stern. I love beetlejuice. :devil: PS: and when comes to him rapping, he is one of the best. My friend listens to a lot of rap and has a lot of non-eminem affiliated rappers as favs, but he says (and I agree) his lyrics go far beyond hoes, blunts and 40's.
  21. Foredaddy


    I listen to him alot. If Im not playing him the guys in the next are bumpin it through the wall. There is not much escaping him. My favorite song is "My Dad's gone crazy". I learned all the words and my mouth almost fell off. My favorite LP is probably the Marshall MAthers LP. And my favorite video is "Guilty Conscience". That video is the shiz. :devil:
  22. I guess you should finish the DBZ section first. because for the people that are really just starting to get into it might want to know whats up and they go and are like "Im gonna find what happens in those eps" ad then they go and theyre like "Hey! Man where are te rest of the eps?" and then they get into the DBGT stuff and are all confused so they decide to rob a liquor store to help subside their mental anguish. :worried: The real reason to finish DBZ is cause I said so :p
  23. Well why dont you go drivin or something! Booyah! Get out of here asfast as you can! RUN! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! *ahem* Sorry I thought this was the horror thread. um... Happy Birthday: [I]from your friends at[/I] [B]Foreddady Inc.[/B]:devil:
  24. Foredaddy

    War Movies

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B]Ugly: Thin Red Line [/B][/QUOTE] The thin red line was pretty good. It wasn't ugly, but it wasnt great. Now Pearl Habor was UGly with a capital UG. What a bore fest and then the battle wasnt even that good. Boo to Pearl Harbor. :devil:
  25. My life long dream is to be happy. And in the process try to make a few other people happy along the way too.:box: :devil:
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