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Everything posted by Foredaddy

  1. I used to play all of the time, but Ive kinda wandered away from that real fun. I still have a sweet gun. Spyder SE. :devil:
  2. um.... I went trough 6 and half pages of replies and not a single mention of Foredaddy. What has this world come to when people don't want to meet the coolest mofo this side of Texas!? Oh well. I guess there are only a few people I would like to meet: Matt(even though he doesnt want to meet me) Nerdsy Crazy White Boy (just cause he is what he says) um.... Bill....Billiford......Billy....How do you pronounce it?.... OH YEAH! Sephiroth (He was always pretty cool to me. yep.) :mrt: That does it. If your not on the list, I hope your crying! not really though :)
  3. My friend just got it. WE've already beat it. and then we beat the extra story mode. Some of the fights are hard as hell, but most are simple. Also some of the moves are a pain to pull off. Actually I wondering if anyone knows if SSJ3 is on the game? I saw a pic for the game and it had Goku level 3 and we havent found it yet.
  4. 12 days and counting. Then 34 days off. Man I love college.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]oh3. A certain someone would say he liked me [/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] I like you amibasuki. Merry Christmas:p
  6. THE WICKED CLOWNS WILL NEVER DIE!!!! hehe. The 6th jokers card, the wraith, just came out a few weeks back. Its pretty sweet. The past two years Ive gone out halloween in ICP attire with original face paint. man I wish i had a pic. Anyway me and my friend are down with ICP, Twisted, Dark Lotus, and Co. Their stuff is always funny and its different from the norm.
  7. republican by trade. republican by life.;)
  8. The food as always was great, but I liked the time off better. Its the first break Ive had since august. I got to hang wit da homies and spend time with a special person in my life. It was great, except for the part where I busted a rib sledding down a hill. Yeah that part sucked, but everything else was great.:mrt:
  9. Mr. Burns: "What are you doing in my corpse hatch!?" Chief Wiggum: "Mr. Burns your under arrest for homicide." Mr. Burns: "Did I say corpse hatch? I meant innocence tube."
  10. Well this is what you need to do. 1. Lose 20 pounds 2. Consult a Magic Mirror for advice 3. Repeat Works everytime! ;)
  11. hmmm lets see. My dad told me he wants to give me money. Thats cool and everything but Id rather have someone buy me something I want. that might not make sense, but I hate spending money on myself. Actually I fell kinda guilty when people just spend a lot of money on me in general. It sucks. Damn conscience. Its not even anything worth complaining about. SWEET JESUS!!!! AAAAAAAAAAA!!! But anywhooooo..... HERES MY LIST!!!!! MY MATERIAL LIST!(in no particular order) 1. A Tripod for my vid cam 2. Some PS2 games to keep me busy 3. A/some Good Cigar(s) 4. A Car would be nice(I have the money, but im oh so cheap) 5. Some nice clothes(Mine are all gross) MY non-material list!(These are in order) 1. I want my Mom to get better 2. I want to be loved 3. I want my dad to less grumpy 4. I want to kick the crap outta my finals(Not literally jackass:p) 5. Lower Gas Prices(Hey if I get a car Im gonna need it) Yeah so I guess this is what I want. Im more partial to the wants on the non-material side, because when it comes right down to it this stuff is exactly that, stuff. Id rather be happy.
  12. Well why did you guys vote me out? huh? Just because I sucked and didnt take it seriously. And maybe Im not the favorite or "Hip". You people are just so shallow..... OOO phooey! Who am I kidding I would have voted for me too.:mrt:
  13. I think just the fact that he wanted to hang out with you is a good sign that he likes you. Its not 100%, but its a good sign.:freak:
  14. Foredaddy

    Little Nicky

    hey that was easy.;)
  15. Foredaddy

    Little Nicky

    wow boobs! 13 year olds cant possibly take boobs! and on some guys head no less! Impossible! thats worse than sodomy! It should have an X rating! Run for the hills!! AAAA! as for the swearing, it is in lots of movies. I recall "James and the Giant Peach". The Grasshopper said "***". that word gave the movie a PG rating. (Dont know why i added that little bit but it sounded right at the time) America is a puss when it comes to this crap. Were raising a bunch of pansy children! We need to quit whining about a nipple being seen or the f-bomb being dropped. Man whats gonna happen when these kids get out into the real world where there are nipples and f-bombs all over the place!? Huh!?
  16. Well my college life has been about 99% of the time boring as a mother. You know it sucks when a trip to Walmart is exciting:devil: This place is so damn tiny.
  17. Well for whatever reason it was, it must have been bad enough to get fired. And they must have had proof. they dont just fire people on a rumor.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]Heh, and I'll come with you. I just hope they're able to squeeze everything from the book into the movie. I didn't like how they cut parts from the book, in the movie.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Dude the movie would have been like 6 hours maybe even longer if they put everything in.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Faris [/i] [B]If your asking whic hone kyle is, he's the one with the green coat, and the hat with the muffs on. He has brown gloves and he;s a Jew. "It's hard to be a Jew at Christmas..." He's adorable! [/B][/QUOTE] He has a orange coat with a green hat.
  20. Foredaddy

    Little Nicky

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by boogeta [/i] [B]I dont think so yes I know it was a comedy but I still think that should have been rated R [/B][/QUOTE] But what is your reason?
  21. Yeah Ive read most of the books with Drizzt Do'Urden in them. THe Dark Elf Trilody, Icewind Dale, and um.... well I cant remember the other ones. It has been a while, but they were great.:mrt:
  22. Vegeta has apparently turned into a huge pansy. It really doesnt suit him.:wigout:
  23. Foredaddy

    harry potter

    I havent seen it and I dont intend too, but from what I heard from my friends who did see it thought it was good.
  24. Yeah Im definately down with the material objects. Mainly cause I dont have anything else to worry about.
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